Papers by Vital M Sidarovich
Counterfeits, Imitations, and Copies of Roman Imperial Denarii: Making and Faking Coins on Both Sides of the Limes, ed. by Arkadiusz Dymowski and Kyrylo Myzgin, WSA, 8 (Turnhout, 2024), 2025
The territory of Belarus is a peripheral zone of the distribution of cast barbarian copies of Rom... more The territory of Belarus is a peripheral zone of the distribution of cast barbarian copies of Roman imperial denarii. Their distribution in the region is associated primarily with the population of the Wielbark culture and its lively contacts with the Chernyakhiv culture, where cast copies were produced, and with the neighbouring Balt cultures on whose territory a small number of these coins is also recorded. A study of cast copies of Roman denarii using LIBS (Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) showed that their elemental composition is very diverse — from specimens made of alloys based on copper, tin, or lead to coins with a very high silver content.
Kraków Spadzista-rezultaty 55 lat badań najbardziej znanego górnopaleolitycznego stanowiska z Pol... more Kraków Spadzista-rezultaty 55 lat badań najbardziej znanego górnopaleolitycznego stanowiska z Polski, Jarosław Wilczyński Gwoździec 2-najstarsza osada kultury ceramiki wstęgowej rytej z terenu Polski-podsumowanie wyników badań interdyscyplinarnych,
Archeologia Polski, 2024
W artykule omówiono monetę rzymską z III w. – perforowany antoninian cesarza Treboniana Gallusa, ... more W artykule omówiono monetę rzymską z III w. – perforowany antoninian cesarza Treboniana Gallusa, znaleziony w 2022 r. podczas badań wykopaliskowych na cmentarzysku kultury wielbarskiej w Weklicach, w zniszczonym grobie inhumacyjnym nr 642. To czwarta moneta rzymska pozyskana na tej nekropoli, ale pierwsza o tym nominale. Antoniniany są licznie znajdowane w północnej części obszaru kultury wielbarskiej, w tym na Wysoczyźnie Elbląskiej. Ich odkrycia rejestrowane są także na innych obszarach Barbaricum, ale rzadko w grobach, gdzie dominują denary i subaeraty, w większości z otworami. Moneta z Weklic to drugi antoninian odkryty w grobie ludności tej kultury, ale pierwszy z perforacją. Prawdopodobnie używana była jako amulet lub ozdoba w postaci zawieszki.
Finds of Roman coins in northern Belarus (in Belarusian)

Wiadomości Numizmatyczne, Apr 2, 2024
The collections of the Grodno State Historical and Archaeological Museum include a hoard of denar... more The collections of the Grodno State Historical and Archaeological Museum include a hoard of denarii of the Roman Empire found near the village of Tsiapy in the Shchuchyn district of the Grodno region. The museum received 28 denarii from the Nerva-Antonine dynasty, the youngest of which dates back to 191-192. The Shchuchyn district and adjacent territories are known for the largest number of finds of Roman coins, including hoards, in the Grodno region. Numerous Roman and Eastern German imports recorded in this region allow us to hypothesize the penetration of the Goths into the right bank of the Neman River or their powerful influence on local Baltic population. ABSTRAKT: W zbiorach Grodzieńskiego Państwowego Muzeum Historyczno-Archeologicznego znajduje się skarb denarów Cesarstwa Rzymskiego, znaleziony w pobliżu wsi Ciapy w rejonie szczuczyńskim obwodu grodzieńskiego Białorusi. Do muzeum trafiło 28 denarów dynastii Antoninów, z których najmłodszy pochodzi z lat 191-192. Rejon szczuczyński oraz tereny przyległe znane są z największej na Grodzieńszczyźnie liczby znalezisk monet rzymskich, w tym skarbów. Znaleziono tu osiem depozytów gromadnych, z których tylko dwa trafiły do zbiorów muzealnych. Liczne importy rzymskie i wschodniogermańskie odnotowane w rejonie szczuczyńskim, a także na terenach sąsiednich, pozwalają postawić hipotezę o penetracji Gotów na prawobrzeżną część dorzecza Niemna lub o ich silnym wpływie na miejscową ludność bałtyjską.
Finds of Byzantine coins in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, 2017
В. М. Сидорович (Минск), А. О. Шевцов (Москва), Н. А. Плавинский (Минск). Находки византийских мо... more В. М. Сидорович (Минск), А. О. Шевцов (Москва), Н. А. Плавинский (Минск). Находки византийских монет на территории Республики Беларусь
The collections of the Grodno State Historical and Archaeological Museum include a hoard of denar... more The collections of the Grodno State Historical and Archaeological Museum include a hoard of denarii of the Roman Empire found near the village of Tsiapy in the Shchuchyn district of the Grodno region. The museum received 28 denarii from the Nerva-Antonine dynasty, the youngest of which dates back to 191-192. The Shchuchyn district and adjacent territories are known for the largest number of finds of Roman coins, including hoards, in the Grodno region. Numerous Roman and Eastern German imports recorded in this region allow us to hypothesize the penetration of the Goths into the right bank of the Neman River or their powerful influence on local Baltic population.
Notae Numismaticae - Zapiski Numizmatyczne
Finds of Roman gold coins of the 5th –6th centuries AD are virtually unknown from the areas occup... more Finds of Roman gold coins of the 5th –6th centuries AD are virtually unknown from the areas occupied by the Baltic tribes during the Migration Period. Recently, information has been obtained about a solidus of Valentinian III, minted in AD 440–455 in Rome, found within the range of the East Lithuanian Barrow culture, in the vicinity of the present-day village of Roŭnaje Pole (Ašmiany Raion, Hrodna Voblast’ in the Republic of Belarus). The coin probably arrived in the right-bank part of the Neman River basin from one of the areas with a large number of finds of 5th -century solidi, i.e. from the southern coast of the Baltic Sea or from the Carpathian Basin.

Notae Numismaticae – Zapiski Numizmatyczne, 2022
Finds of Roman gold coins of the 5th–6th centuries AD are virtually
unknown from the areas occupi... more Finds of Roman gold coins of the 5th–6th centuries AD are virtually
unknown from the areas occupied by the Baltic tribes during the Migration Period. Recently, information has been obtained about a solidus of Valentinian III, minted in AD 440–455 in Rome, found within the range of the East Lithuanian Barrow culture, in the vicinity of the present-day village of Roŭnaje Pole (Ašmiany Raion, Hrodna Voblast’ in the Republic of Belarus). The coin probably arrived in the rightbank part of the Neman River basin from one of the areas with a large number of finds of 5th-century solidi, i.e. from the southern coast of the Baltic Sea or from the
Carpathian Basin
Znaleziska rzymskich złotych monet z okresu V–VI w. n.e. są praktycznie
nieznane na terenach zajmowanych przez plemiona bałtyckie w okresie wędrówek ludów. Niedawno uzyskano informację o solidzie Walentyniana III, wybitym w latach 440–455 w Rzymie, znalezionym w obrębie osadnictwa kultury kurhanów wschodniolitewskich, w okolicach dzisiejszej wsi Roŭnaje Pole (rejon oszmiański, obwód grodzieński na terytorium Republiki Białorusi). Moneta dotarła prawdopodobnie do prawobrzeżnej części dorzecza Niemna z jednego z obszarów
występowania licznych znalezisk solidów z V wieku, tj. z południowego wybrzeża Bałtyku lub z Kotliny Karpackiej

The article provides information on five new locations of Roman coins from the Hrodna region of t... more The article provides information on five new locations of Roman coins from the Hrodna region of the Republic of Belarus: three hoards, as well as two collective finds that can be interpreted as parts of hoards. All of them are represented by denarii of the Roman Empire. Only in one of the deposits-from the village of Bačancythere is a hybrid barbarian imitation of the imperial denarius. Another of the hoards, found near the village of Varanki, contains, in addition to denarii, fragments of cut silver items, which dates to the beginning of the Migration Period, which makes it possible to determine the date of hiding of this complex in the 5th century. All these finds were made in the course of illegal searches and, unfortunately, only one hoard (Bačancy) almost entirely ended up in the museum collection. The rest of the deposits went to private collections, which hinders their detailed study. Along with new finds in the Hrodna region, there are from 9 to 13 hoards of antique coins. Most of them consist of denarii of the Roman Empire (sometimes along with barbarian imitations). Of the other deposits, the most interesting are the hoard of Roman Republican denarii from under the village of Luckaŭliany, a complex of bronze Alexandrian tetradrachms from under the village of Turec and a hoard (?) of perforated aurei from under the village of Ambileŭcy. Most of the hoards of Roman coins from the Hrodna region can be associated with the East Germans (Pszeworsk and Wielbark archaeological cultures), who penetrated into the Neman River basin inhabited by Baltic tribes in the first half of the 1st millennium AD. It is with the Germans that the vast majority of the hoards of Roman Imperial denarii found on the territory of Barbaricum are associated. It is also possible that some of the hoards could have been deposited by the Balts, which are under powerful East German influence.
рымскія дэнарыі, скарбы, перыяд рымскіх уплываў, вельбарская культура
Восьмы выпуск «Acta Archaeologica Albaruthenica» складзены з матэрыялаў міжнароднай навуковай кан... more Восьмы выпуск «Acta Archaeologica Albaruthenica» складзены з матэрыялаў міжнароднай навуковай канферэнцыі «Насельніцтва Беларусі і сумежных рэгіёнаў у сярэдзіне-другой палове І тыс. н.э.», якая праходзіла 16-18 лістапада 2011 г. у Нацыянальным гістарычным музеі Рэспублікі Беларусь і была прысвечана юбілею Валянціны Сяргееўны Вяргей. Зборнік разлічаны на археолагаў, гісторыкаў, музейных супрацоўнікаў, краязнаўцаў і ўсіх, хто цікавіцца археалогіяй і гісторыяй Беларусі.
УДК 902/904(476)(082) ББК 63.4 (4Беи)я43
LABOR OMNIA VINCIT Праца заўсёды перамагае: Матэрыяльная культура ў гістарычным кантэксце Праблемы вывучэння і захавання, 2022
Among the ancient coins found in the Hrodna region, a relatively small but very important group a... more Among the ancient coins found in the Hrodna region, a relatively small but very important group are
copper denominations, which were minted in the Roman Empire in the II–IV centuries. These are not only coins
of the imperial mintage, but also coins of the eastern provinces of the Empire, including a unique hoard of
Alexandrian tetradrachms from the Kareličy district.
The penetration of Roman copper coins into the Belarusian part of the Neman river basin is associated,
first of all, with the migration of the West Baltic population to this region, which used these coins mainly as raw
materials for bronze foundry production.

LABOR OMNIA VINCIT Праца заўсёды перамагае: Матэрыяльная культура ў гістарычным кантэксце Праблемы вывучэння і захавання, 2022
Ten hoards from the territory of the Hrodna region are kept in the Coin Cabinet of the Belarusian... more Ten hoards from the territory of the Hrodna region are kept in the Coin Cabinet of the Belarusian State
University. The oldest are Roman imperial denarii from the Alekšycy hoard, the main part of which is kept in the
museum of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. The largest in terms of the number of coins (838
Prague groats, Lithuanian half-groats and denarii) is the Halšany hoard. Three hoards (Novaja Spuša, Voŭpa-1
and Voŭpa-2) consist of 17th century solidi, and 4 more hoards belong to the period of the Russian Empire: a
hoard of Russian silver of the 2nd half of the 18th century (“Hrodna”), the remains of a hoard with coins of the
Duchy of Warsaw and the Kingdom of Poland (Mscibava-1) and two small hoards of coins of the Russian
Empire (Zelva and Mscibava-2), probably hidden during the First World War. Finally, the latest is the
Darošavičy hoard, hidden in 1944 and comprising coins of the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich.

Экспедыцыя працягласцю ў жыццё : зборнік навуковых артыкулаў памяці Аляксандра Плавінскага / уклад. і навук. рэд.: М. А. Плавінскі, В. М. Сідаровіч. – Мiнск : Колорград, 2021
Two gold-plated coins are kept in the collection of the Numismatic Cabinet of the Belarusian Stat... more Two gold-plated coins are kept in the collection of the Numismatic Cabinet of the Belarusian State
University: an imitation of Probus’ aureus (found in the Brest region), and an imitation of semissis(?) of
Valentinian I (the location of the find is unknown). Laser elemental microanalysis showed that the coating
of both coins is absolutely dominated by gold (with a small admixture of copper and silver). At the same
time, the chemical composition of the core of the studied coins differs. In imitation of aureus, the main
component of the core is copper, which is traditional for plated coins. But in the core of the imitation of
semissis is dominated by lead, which at the current stage of study of such coins looks very unusual.
У зборы Нумізматычнага кабінета БДУ захоўваюцца дзве плакіраваныя золатам манеты: імітацыя
аўрэўса Проба (знойдзеная ў Брэсцкім раёне), а таксама імітацыя семіса (?) Валенцініяна І (месца
знаходкі невядомае). Лазэрны элементны мікрааналіз паказаў, што ў складзе пакрыцця абедзвюх манет абсалютна пераважае золата (з невялікім дамешкам медзі і срэбра). У той жа час хімічны склад
ядра даследаваных манет адрозніваецца. У імітацыі аўрэўса асноўным складнікам ядра з’яўляецца
медзь, што традыцыйна для плакіраваных манет. Але ў ядры імітацыі семіса пераважае свінец, што
на цяперашнім этапе даследаванасці падобных манет выглядае вельмі незвычайным.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the treasure from the collection of the National Histor... more The article is devoted to the analysis of the treasure from the collection of the National Historical
Museum of the Republic of Belarus, which was found in the village of Karalev Stan, Minsk district in 1978. The
authors clarified the attribution and prepared statistics of this interesting and attractive complex, the hoarding
of which they date back to the last years of the XVII century - the beginning of the XVIII century. Today it is
known that in the 1990s the “treasure hunters” found another part of this hoard, not revealed in the initial survey.
The number of coins found is unknown, but we can talk about dozens, among which were definitely thalers. The
coins have not been studied and have been distributed in private collections, making it impossible for scientists to
perform a full analysis of this complex
The hoard of Garoshki is one of the largest coin deposits of the XVII century in Belarus. It cons... more The hoard of Garoshki is one of the largest coin deposits of the XVII century in Belarus. It consists
mainly of poltoraks of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and dreipцlkers of the Swedish Baltic States and Prussia.
Quite a significant part of the treasure consists of shillings, the later of which are dated 1650-1660 yrs. Denominations
larger than one and a half of groat are represented in a relatively insignificant amount. This suggests that the
treasure belonged to a merchant, and its “hiding” is due to the war between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and
the Russian Empire. The scientific research of the hoard of Garoshki will be continued. Particularly interesting and
promising is the detailed analysis of poltoraks and dreipцlkers, which will make it possible to supplement the knowledge
of these coins and clarify their typology
The article covers the analysis of the coins from the hoard found in the field between Stavishcha... more The article covers the analysis of the coins from the hoard found in the field between Stavishcha village and the Liasnaya river. The coin part of the hoard consists of Roman silver coins of the 1st–2nd centuries AD. The youngest denarii are those of the 1st half – the mid 190s AD. And they serve for conditional dating of the complex. The conditional character of dating lies in the fact that in this case the later coins indicate terminus post quem only, i.e. the date after which the complex was deposited. The more trustworthy chronological indicator could have been the non-numismatic component of the hoard, but it is unfortunately unknown where it is at the moment.
тезисы докладов и сообщений Двадцать первой Всероссийской нумизматической конференции (Тверь, 24–29 мая 2021 г.). , 2021
Из более чем 20 кладов денариев Римской Империи с территории Беларуси три депозита содержат вещев... more Из более чем 20 кладов денариев Римской Империи с территории Беларуси три депозита содержат вещевую часть, которая позволяет датировать комплексы 4-5 веками

The article examines data on new finds of the coins of Roman Republic in western Belarus. A hoard... more The article examines data on new finds of the coins of Roman Republic in western Belarus. A hoard found in the vicinity of the village of Luckaŭliany occupies a special place among them. It contained 11 Roman Republican denarii and a Numidian denarius. These data suggest that the distribution of silver coins of the 2nd to the 1st centuries BC in this part of Barbaricum was associated with the expansion of the Przeworsk culture, the bearers of which were quite familiar with Roman silver coins. At the same time, most of the finds under consideration should not be associated with the Przeworsk culture itself, but with population of neighboring cultures that had intensive contacts with the latter.
Niniejszy artykuł analizuje dane dotyczące nowych znalezisk monet Repu- bliki Rzymskiej w zachodniej Białorusi. Szczególne miejsce pośród nich zajmuje skarb znaleziony w sąsiedztwie wsi Luckaŭliany. Zawierał on 11 rzymskich repu- blikańskich denarów i jeden denar numidyjski. Dane te wskazują, że dystrybucja srebrnych monet z II–I w. p.n.e. w tej części Barbaricum wiązała się z ekspansją kultury przeworskiej, której ludność była dobrze zaznajomiona z rzymskim srebr- nym pieniądzem. Jednocześnie większość omawianych znalezisk nie powinna być łączona bezpośrednio z kulturą przeworską, ale z ludnością sąsiednich kultur, którą z „przeworczykami” łączyły intensywne kontakty.
Papers by Vital M Sidarovich
unknown from the areas occupied by the Baltic tribes during the Migration Period. Recently, information has been obtained about a solidus of Valentinian III, minted in AD 440–455 in Rome, found within the range of the East Lithuanian Barrow culture, in the vicinity of the present-day village of Roŭnaje Pole (Ašmiany Raion, Hrodna Voblast’ in the Republic of Belarus). The coin probably arrived in the rightbank part of the Neman River basin from one of the areas with a large number of finds of 5th-century solidi, i.e. from the southern coast of the Baltic Sea or from the
Carpathian Basin
Znaleziska rzymskich złotych monet z okresu V–VI w. n.e. są praktycznie
nieznane na terenach zajmowanych przez plemiona bałtyckie w okresie wędrówek ludów. Niedawno uzyskano informację o solidzie Walentyniana III, wybitym w latach 440–455 w Rzymie, znalezionym w obrębie osadnictwa kultury kurhanów wschodniolitewskich, w okolicach dzisiejszej wsi Roŭnaje Pole (rejon oszmiański, obwód grodzieński na terytorium Republiki Białorusi). Moneta dotarła prawdopodobnie do prawobrzeżnej części dorzecza Niemna z jednego z obszarów
występowania licznych znalezisk solidów z V wieku, tj. z południowego wybrzeża Bałtyku lub z Kotliny Karpackiej
УДК 902/904(476)(082) ББК 63.4 (4Беи)я43
copper denominations, which were minted in the Roman Empire in the II–IV centuries. These are not only coins
of the imperial mintage, but also coins of the eastern provinces of the Empire, including a unique hoard of
Alexandrian tetradrachms from the Kareličy district.
The penetration of Roman copper coins into the Belarusian part of the Neman river basin is associated,
first of all, with the migration of the West Baltic population to this region, which used these coins mainly as raw
materials for bronze foundry production.
University. The oldest are Roman imperial denarii from the Alekšycy hoard, the main part of which is kept in the
museum of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. The largest in terms of the number of coins (838
Prague groats, Lithuanian half-groats and denarii) is the Halšany hoard. Three hoards (Novaja Spuša, Voŭpa-1
and Voŭpa-2) consist of 17th century solidi, and 4 more hoards belong to the period of the Russian Empire: a
hoard of Russian silver of the 2nd half of the 18th century (“Hrodna”), the remains of a hoard with coins of the
Duchy of Warsaw and the Kingdom of Poland (Mscibava-1) and two small hoards of coins of the Russian
Empire (Zelva and Mscibava-2), probably hidden during the First World War. Finally, the latest is the
Darošavičy hoard, hidden in 1944 and comprising coins of the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich.
University: an imitation of Probus’ aureus (found in the Brest region), and an imitation of semissis(?) of
Valentinian I (the location of the find is unknown). Laser elemental microanalysis showed that the coating
of both coins is absolutely dominated by gold (with a small admixture of copper and silver). At the same
time, the chemical composition of the core of the studied coins differs. In imitation of aureus, the main
component of the core is copper, which is traditional for plated coins. But in the core of the imitation of
semissis is dominated by lead, which at the current stage of study of such coins looks very unusual.
У зборы Нумізматычнага кабінета БДУ захоўваюцца дзве плакіраваныя золатам манеты: імітацыя
аўрэўса Проба (знойдзеная ў Брэсцкім раёне), а таксама імітацыя семіса (?) Валенцініяна І (месца
знаходкі невядомае). Лазэрны элементны мікрааналіз паказаў, што ў складзе пакрыцця абедзвюх манет абсалютна пераважае золата (з невялікім дамешкам медзі і срэбра). У той жа час хімічны склад
ядра даследаваных манет адрозніваецца. У імітацыі аўрэўса асноўным складнікам ядра з’яўляецца
медзь, што традыцыйна для плакіраваных манет. Але ў ядры імітацыі семіса пераважае свінец, што
на цяперашнім этапе даследаванасці падобных манет выглядае вельмі незвычайным.
Museum of the Republic of Belarus, which was found in the village of Karalev Stan, Minsk district in 1978. The
authors clarified the attribution and prepared statistics of this interesting and attractive complex, the hoarding
of which they date back to the last years of the XVII century - the beginning of the XVIII century. Today it is
known that in the 1990s the “treasure hunters” found another part of this hoard, not revealed in the initial survey.
The number of coins found is unknown, but we can talk about dozens, among which were definitely thalers. The
coins have not been studied and have been distributed in private collections, making it impossible for scientists to
perform a full analysis of this complex
mainly of poltoraks of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and dreipцlkers of the Swedish Baltic States and Prussia.
Quite a significant part of the treasure consists of shillings, the later of which are dated 1650-1660 yrs. Denominations
larger than one and a half of groat are represented in a relatively insignificant amount. This suggests that the
treasure belonged to a merchant, and its “hiding” is due to the war between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and
the Russian Empire. The scientific research of the hoard of Garoshki will be continued. Particularly interesting and
promising is the detailed analysis of poltoraks and dreipцlkers, which will make it possible to supplement the knowledge
of these coins and clarify their typology
Niniejszy artykuł analizuje dane dotyczące nowych znalezisk monet Repu- bliki Rzymskiej w zachodniej Białorusi. Szczególne miejsce pośród nich zajmuje skarb znaleziony w sąsiedztwie wsi Luckaŭliany. Zawierał on 11 rzymskich repu- blikańskich denarów i jeden denar numidyjski. Dane te wskazują, że dystrybucja srebrnych monet z II–I w. p.n.e. w tej części Barbaricum wiązała się z ekspansją kultury przeworskiej, której ludność była dobrze zaznajomiona z rzymskim srebr- nym pieniądzem. Jednocześnie większość omawianych znalezisk nie powinna być łączona bezpośrednio z kulturą przeworską, ale z ludnością sąsiednich kultur, którą z „przeworczykami” łączyły intensywne kontakty.
unknown from the areas occupied by the Baltic tribes during the Migration Period. Recently, information has been obtained about a solidus of Valentinian III, minted in AD 440–455 in Rome, found within the range of the East Lithuanian Barrow culture, in the vicinity of the present-day village of Roŭnaje Pole (Ašmiany Raion, Hrodna Voblast’ in the Republic of Belarus). The coin probably arrived in the rightbank part of the Neman River basin from one of the areas with a large number of finds of 5th-century solidi, i.e. from the southern coast of the Baltic Sea or from the
Carpathian Basin
Znaleziska rzymskich złotych monet z okresu V–VI w. n.e. są praktycznie
nieznane na terenach zajmowanych przez plemiona bałtyckie w okresie wędrówek ludów. Niedawno uzyskano informację o solidzie Walentyniana III, wybitym w latach 440–455 w Rzymie, znalezionym w obrębie osadnictwa kultury kurhanów wschodniolitewskich, w okolicach dzisiejszej wsi Roŭnaje Pole (rejon oszmiański, obwód grodzieński na terytorium Republiki Białorusi). Moneta dotarła prawdopodobnie do prawobrzeżnej części dorzecza Niemna z jednego z obszarów
występowania licznych znalezisk solidów z V wieku, tj. z południowego wybrzeża Bałtyku lub z Kotliny Karpackiej
УДК 902/904(476)(082) ББК 63.4 (4Беи)я43
copper denominations, which were minted in the Roman Empire in the II–IV centuries. These are not only coins
of the imperial mintage, but also coins of the eastern provinces of the Empire, including a unique hoard of
Alexandrian tetradrachms from the Kareličy district.
The penetration of Roman copper coins into the Belarusian part of the Neman river basin is associated,
first of all, with the migration of the West Baltic population to this region, which used these coins mainly as raw
materials for bronze foundry production.
University. The oldest are Roman imperial denarii from the Alekšycy hoard, the main part of which is kept in the
museum of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. The largest in terms of the number of coins (838
Prague groats, Lithuanian half-groats and denarii) is the Halšany hoard. Three hoards (Novaja Spuša, Voŭpa-1
and Voŭpa-2) consist of 17th century solidi, and 4 more hoards belong to the period of the Russian Empire: a
hoard of Russian silver of the 2nd half of the 18th century (“Hrodna”), the remains of a hoard with coins of the
Duchy of Warsaw and the Kingdom of Poland (Mscibava-1) and two small hoards of coins of the Russian
Empire (Zelva and Mscibava-2), probably hidden during the First World War. Finally, the latest is the
Darošavičy hoard, hidden in 1944 and comprising coins of the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich.
University: an imitation of Probus’ aureus (found in the Brest region), and an imitation of semissis(?) of
Valentinian I (the location of the find is unknown). Laser elemental microanalysis showed that the coating
of both coins is absolutely dominated by gold (with a small admixture of copper and silver). At the same
time, the chemical composition of the core of the studied coins differs. In imitation of aureus, the main
component of the core is copper, which is traditional for plated coins. But in the core of the imitation of
semissis is dominated by lead, which at the current stage of study of such coins looks very unusual.
У зборы Нумізматычнага кабінета БДУ захоўваюцца дзве плакіраваныя золатам манеты: імітацыя
аўрэўса Проба (знойдзеная ў Брэсцкім раёне), а таксама імітацыя семіса (?) Валенцініяна І (месца
знаходкі невядомае). Лазэрны элементны мікрааналіз паказаў, што ў складзе пакрыцця абедзвюх манет абсалютна пераважае золата (з невялікім дамешкам медзі і срэбра). У той жа час хімічны склад
ядра даследаваных манет адрозніваецца. У імітацыі аўрэўса асноўным складнікам ядра з’яўляецца
медзь, што традыцыйна для плакіраваных манет. Але ў ядры імітацыі семіса пераважае свінец, што
на цяперашнім этапе даследаванасці падобных манет выглядае вельмі незвычайным.
Museum of the Republic of Belarus, which was found in the village of Karalev Stan, Minsk district in 1978. The
authors clarified the attribution and prepared statistics of this interesting and attractive complex, the hoarding
of which they date back to the last years of the XVII century - the beginning of the XVIII century. Today it is
known that in the 1990s the “treasure hunters” found another part of this hoard, not revealed in the initial survey.
The number of coins found is unknown, but we can talk about dozens, among which were definitely thalers. The
coins have not been studied and have been distributed in private collections, making it impossible for scientists to
perform a full analysis of this complex
mainly of poltoraks of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and dreipцlkers of the Swedish Baltic States and Prussia.
Quite a significant part of the treasure consists of shillings, the later of which are dated 1650-1660 yrs. Denominations
larger than one and a half of groat are represented in a relatively insignificant amount. This suggests that the
treasure belonged to a merchant, and its “hiding” is due to the war between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and
the Russian Empire. The scientific research of the hoard of Garoshki will be continued. Particularly interesting and
promising is the detailed analysis of poltoraks and dreipцlkers, which will make it possible to supplement the knowledge
of these coins and clarify their typology
Niniejszy artykuł analizuje dane dotyczące nowych znalezisk monet Repu- bliki Rzymskiej w zachodniej Białorusi. Szczególne miejsce pośród nich zajmuje skarb znaleziony w sąsiedztwie wsi Luckaŭliany. Zawierał on 11 rzymskich repu- blikańskich denarów i jeden denar numidyjski. Dane te wskazują, że dystrybucja srebrnych monet z II–I w. p.n.e. w tej części Barbaricum wiązała się z ekspansją kultury przeworskiej, której ludność była dobrze zaznajomiona z rzymskim srebr- nym pieniądzem. Jednocześnie większość omawianych znalezisk nie powinna być łączona bezpośrednio z kulturą przeworską, ale z ludnością sąsiednich kultur, którą z „przeworczykami” łączyły intensywne kontakty.
памяці прафесара В. Н. Рабцэвіча, якія прадстаўляюць розныя
навуковыя установы Беларусі і замежных краін: Кыргызстана, Літвы,
Малдовы, Польшчы, Расіі, Чэхіі, Швецыі, Украіны. Тэматыка дакладаў – даследаванні ў галіне нумізматыкі і сумежных з ёю гістарычных дысцыплін – ахоплівае шырокі храналагічны дыяпазон – ад Антычнасці да сучаснасці.
УДК 902/904(476)(082) ББК 63.4 (4Беи)я43
Выданне разлічана на археолагаў, нумізматаў, гісторыкаў, музейных супрацоўнікаў, сту-дэнтаў, а таксама ўсіх, хто цікавіцца археалогіяй і нумізматыкай Усходняй і Цэнтральнай Еўропы.