Papers by Stanisław M Obirek
Globaler Katholizismus, Toleranz und die offene Gesellschaft

Global Catholicism, Tolerance and the Open Society, 2019
While there is a growing research literature on contemporary right-wing Antisemitism, Muslim Anti... more While there is a growing research literature on contemporary right-wing Antisemitism, Muslim Antisemitism, and left-wing Antisemitism, Goldhagen (A moral reckoning: The role of the catholic church in the holocaust and its unfulfilled duty of repair. Vintage Books, 2003) was right in emphasizing that with 450 Antisemitic statements in the 4 Christian Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles from the New Testament alone, it is time to reflect anew as well on Antisemitism and the Christian tradition. The chapter debates Francis Fukuyama and his essay published in Foreign Affairs in summer 2016, which highlighted that the Western ideological consensus rested on the acceptancy of globalization, migration, and the integration of religious, ethnic, and sexual minorities. If global support for liberal Catholicism among the active rank and file of global Catholicism erodes, it is yet another sign of how the democratic center of the Free World itself erodes progressively.

Global Catholicism, Tolerance and the Open Society, 2019
Bringing the Church into the Twentieth Century The purpose of the present chapter is to encourage... more Bringing the Church into the Twentieth Century The purpose of the present chapter is to encourage readers to reflect on some of this book's topics which are relevant for modern life in the global world. In my deliberations I would like to concentrate here on Antisemitism and on the possible collaboration of believers and nonbelievers. At the end of the 1950s of the twentieth century, the Catholic Church entered into a new epoch of its history, thanks to the charismatic Pope John XXIII. After more than fifteen centuries (from 413 to 1965) of confrontation with other cultures and religions, the Catholic Church started at last a new chapter of dialogue and openness. Particularly two documents, accepted by the participants of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), Nostra Aetate (Our Age) and Dignitatis humanae (On Human Dignity), were decisive in this process. In fact, both commenced a very vivid theological debate of Catholic theologians with representatives of other religions and with secular culture. Unfortunately, after a few years of spiritual and theological enthusiasm of some theologians, particularly in the Western Hemisphere and in Latin America, the so-called postconciliar Popes-Paul VI, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI-were more preoccupied with the restoration of traditional (that means post-Constantine) Catholicism than with the continuation of the Aggiornamento of Catholicism to the modern world. 1 This ambivalent message to the global Church (on the one hand, declaration of openness and dialogical attitude and on the other hand, the closing of 1 The original first use of this term, meaning "bringing up to date" occurred in a speech by Pope John XXIII on "The Ecumenical Council will reach out and embrace under the widespread wings of the Catholic Church the entire heredity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Its principal task will be concerned with the condition and modernization (in Italian: aggiornamento) of the Church after 20 centuries of life. May it be that side by side with this, God will add also, through whatever edification we may offer, but above all by merit of the omnipotence of the Most High who can draw new chosen sons from the very stones, one other result: a movement toward recomposition of the whole Mystical
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Global Catholicism, Tolerance and the Open Society, 2019
This chapter develops a new indicator of global religious tolerance, and it analyzes the performa... more This chapter develops a new indicator of global religious tolerance, and it analyzes the performance of the practicing Roman Catholics in comparison with the overall respective national performances.
Global Catholicism, Tolerance and the Open Society, 2019
Growing international sociological evidence based on rigorous analysis of World Values Survey dat... more Growing international sociological evidence based on rigorous analysis of World Values Survey data seems to suggest that more and more Roman Catholic faithful do not follow anymore the condemnation of the homosexual act as a “deadly sin,” voiced by the official, current Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church. In simple terms, the question in our chapter is primarily whether the rejection of homosexuality still enjoys the support of the rank and file of the global Catholic faithful and, secondly, whether practicing Catholics (weekly Church attenders, Dominicantes) are more tolerant than the societies surrounding them in accepting homosexuality and in accepting homosexual neighbors.
Global Catholicism, Tolerance and the Open Society, 2019
Our data are from two sets of reliable and regularly repeated global opinion surveys: the World V... more Our data are from two sets of reliable and regularly repeated global opinion surveys: the World Values Survey (WVS) and the European Social Survey (ESS). Our statistical calculations were performed by the routine and standard IBM-SPSS statistical program (IBM-SPSS XXIV) and relied on the so-called oblique rotation of the factors, underlying the correlation matrix. In each comparison, we evaluated the democratic civil society commitment of the overall population and of the practicing Roman Catholics, i.e., those Catholics who attend Sunday Mass regularly.
Global Catholicism, Tolerance and the Open Society, 2019
While the study of global Antisemitism received important new and global empirical insights from ... more While the study of global Antisemitism received important new and global empirical insights from the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) 100 study (ADL, ADL 100 Index, 2014) covering more than 100 countries, comparative studies on Antisemitism among practicing global Roman Catholics are rather lacking. But Antisemitism is around in the world again, and it does so in staggering proportions. It is thus extremely important in view of Catholicism’s still existing role in Western society to find out whether or not practicing Roman Catholics are an exemption from these trends.
Forum Philosophicum, 1997

Forum Philosophicum, 1996
<jats:p>Jezuici stanowili zawsze przedmiot licznych publikacji, ale szczególnie w ostatnim ... more <jats:p>Jezuici stanowili zawsze przedmiot licznych publikacji, ale szczególnie w ostatnim okresie literatura na ich temat wzbogaciła się o wiele cennych rozpraw naukowych. W ich świetle jawi się nowy obraz zakonu o różnorodnych odcieniach i barwach, zastępując dotychczasowy białoczarny. Dyskusjom nie ma jednak końca. "Sukcesom zakonu - pisał Janusz Tazbir - odpowiadały rosnące stosy literatury antyjezuickiej, która również w Polsce przetrwała (na przelomie XV I i XVII wieku) szczytowy okres swego rozwoju. Spór o rolę zakonu w politycznych, kulturalnych, a nawet gospodarczych dziejach Europy trwa już od przeszło czterystu lat i nic nie zapowiada jego rychłego zakończenia. Przy ocenie jezuióöw w zbyt małym chyba jednak stopniu zwracano uwagę na fakt, iż byli oni pionierami "wielkiego kompromisu'' we wszystkich niemal dziedzinach, z wyjątkiem oczywiście kompromisu z "herezją". I dzięki temu też, czysto wbrew wlasnym intencjom, stawali się prekursorami nowych rozwiązań".</jats:p>
Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, 2011
Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, 2009
Nasza Przeszłość
Rok 1772 w historii Polski to tragiczna data pierwszego rozbio ru Rok 1772 to w historii powstałe... more Rok 1772 w historii Polski to tragiczna data pierwszego rozbio ru Rok 1772 to w historii powstałego w 1540 r. zakonu jezuitów hata równie tragiczna, gdyż właśnie wtedy ukazało się brewe kasarvine papieża Klemensa XIV Dominus ac Redemptor, będącego ostat k u ogniwem trwającego dziesięciolecia procesu likwidacji Tbwarzy-sív^o^ezu^soweg rok zaskakującej decyzji carycy Katarzyny II, która nie dopuściła do ogłoszenia papieskiego dokumentu na tere nach właśnie zajętych przez Rosję i tym samym umożliwiła prz ży cie i kontynuowanie działalności ponad 200 jezuitom na terenach
Papers by Stanisław M Obirek