Papers by Stanisław Jerzy Szilke
Journal of Archaeological Science, 2021
Abstract Radiological examination of an ancient mummy said to have been found in royal tombs in T... more Abstract Radiological examination of an ancient mummy said to have been found in royal tombs in Thebes, Upper Egypt, has proved it is the body of a pregnant woman. She came from the elite of Theban community and was carefully mummified, wrapped in fabrics, and equipped with a rich set of amulets. Closer examination has revealed that the woman died between 20 and 30 years of age together with the fetus in age between the 26th and 30th week of the pregnancy. This find is the only known case of an embalmed pregnant individual. This mummy provides new possibilities for pregnancy studies in ancient times, which can be compared with and related to current cases. Furthermore, this specimen sheds a light on an unresearched aspect of ancient Egyptian burial customs and interpretations of pregnancy in the context of ancient Egyptian religion.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 2021
Abstract Radiological examination of an ancient mummy said to have been found in royal tombs in T... more Abstract Radiological examination of an ancient mummy said to have been found in royal tombs in Thebes, Upper Egypt, has proved it is the body of a pregnant woman. She came from the elite of Theban community and was carefully mummified, wrapped in fabrics, and equipped with a rich set of amulets. Closer examination has revealed that the woman died between 20 and 30 years of age together with the fetus in age between the 26th and 30th week of the pregnancy. This find is the only known case of an embalmed pregnant individual. This mummy provides new possibilities for pregnancy studies in ancient times, which can be compared with and related to current cases. Furthermore, this specimen sheds a light on an unresearched aspect of ancient Egyptian burial customs and interpretations of pregnancy in the context of ancient Egyptian religion.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 2022
Prof. Sahar N. Saleem (2021) in a discussion with Ejsmond et al., “Pregnant Mummy” (2021), provid... more Prof. Sahar N. Saleem (2021) in a discussion with Ejsmond et al., “Pregnant Mummy” (2021), provides several points undermining the interpretation of the feature within the pelvic cavity of the 1st century BCE mummy as a fetus. The discussion and feedback present an opportunity to provide more evidence of the discovery made by the Warsaw Mummy Project. The current paper extends clarifications and provides further evidence proving that there is a fetus inside the pelvic cavity of the mummy.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 2022
Prof. Sahar N. Saleem (2021) in a discussion with Ejsmond et al., “Pregnant Mummy” (2021), provid... more Prof. Sahar N. Saleem (2021) in a discussion with Ejsmond et al., “Pregnant Mummy” (2021), provides several points undermining the interpretation of the feature within the pelvic cavity of the 1st century BCE mummy as a fetus. The discussion and feedback present an opportunity to provide more evidence of the discovery made by the Warsaw Mummy Project. The current paper extends clarifications and provides further evidence proving that there is a fetus inside the pelvic cavity of the mummy.
Tematem niniejszego opracowania są królewskie pałace Amenhotepa III, jednego z największych władc... more Tematem niniejszego opracowania są królewskie pałace Amenhotepa III, jednego z największych władców XVIII dynastii. Założenia te wzniesione zostały na jego polecenie w Tebach, na zachodnim brzegu Nilu. Stanowisko znane pod współczesną nazwą Malgata badane było na przestrzeni ponad stu lat przez wiele misji archeologicznych. Niniejsza praca zawiera zestawienie opublikowanych wyników badań i interpretacje poszczególnych założeń. W pracy opisana została historia wykopalisk, topografia stanowiska, architektura oraz dekoracje pałaców. Ponadto w celach porównawczych zaprezentowane zostały w zarysie także inne znane królewskie pałace z tego okresu. Na tej podstawie autor przedstawia własne interpretacje niektórych założeń znajdujących się w Malgacie.
Tematem niniejszego opracowania są kaplice mastab, pochodzących ze schyłku V oraz z VI dynastii, ... more Tematem niniejszego opracowania są kaplice mastab, pochodzących ze schyłku V oraz z VI dynastii, znajdujące się w sąsiedztwie piramidy faraona Unisa w Sakkarze, ich architektura oraz dekoracje. W pracy zaprezentowane zostały ponadto: historia odkryć mastab w sąsiedztwie okręgu grobowego Unisa oraz wygląd i rozwój kaplic w mastabach do końca VI dynastii.
Journal Papers & Conference Proceedings on Egypt by Stanisław Jerzy Szilke
Journal of Archaeological Science 137, 2022
Prof. Sahar N. Saleem (2021) in a discussion with Ejsmond et al., “Pregnant Mummy” (2021), provid... more Prof. Sahar N. Saleem (2021) in a discussion with Ejsmond et al., “Pregnant Mummy” (2021), provides several points undermining the interpretation of the feature within the pelvic cavity of the 1st century BCE mummy as a fetus. The discussion and feedback present an opportunity to provide more evidence of the discovery made by the Warsaw Mummy Project. The current paper extends clarifications and provides further evidence proving that there is a fetus inside the pelvic cavity of the mummy.
Journal of Archaeological Science , 2021
Radiological examination of an ancient mummy said to have been found in royal tombs in Thebes, Up... more Radiological examination of an ancient mummy said to have been found in royal tombs in Thebes, Upper Egypt, has proved it is the body of a pregnant woman. She came from the elite of Theban community and was carefully mummified, wrapped in fabrics, and equipped with a rich set of amulets. Closer examination has revealed that the woman died between 20 and 30 years of age together with the fetus in age between the 26th and 30th week of the pregnancy. This find is the only known case of an embalmed pregnant individual. This mummy provides new possibilities for pregnancy studies in ancient times, which can be compared with and related to current cases. Furthermore, this specimen sheds a light on an unresearched aspect of ancient Egyptian burial customs and interpretations of pregnancy in the context of ancient Egyptian religion.
On Egypt in Polish by Stanisław Jerzy Szilke
Archeologia Żywa 3/21, 2021
Conference Presentations by Stanisław Jerzy Szilke

The Warsaw Mummy Project was launched in December 2015 to conduct a comprehensive and multidiscip... more The Warsaw Mummy Project was launched in December 2015 to conduct a comprehensive and multidisciplinary investigation of mummies at the National Museum in Warsaw. The project includes noninvasive examinations, such as computed tomography and X-rays. The first step was to check whether the mummies were authentic and reveal what was under their bandages. This brought unexpected discoveries to light in a mummy that was previously thought to be a fake (200334 MNW). CT scans helped answer questions about the sex, biological age, and possible causes of death of the individuals. In one case (236805/3 MNW, the so-called Mysterious Lady), a mummy previously thought to be male turned out to be a pregnant woman. Furthermore, CT and X-ray images present an opportunity to find traces of diseases that occurred in ancient times (e.g., metabolic disorders). In addition to presenting the current state of research on the aforementioned individuals, the paper will also introduce the mummies of Panepy (147801/2 MNW) and two children (Vr.St. 184 and 142474/5 MNW), along with numerous mummy parts preserved at the museum. This highlights some methodological issues. Moreover, the project extends beyond medical analyses. As an innovation, a hologram of a mummy o ers a new way of displaying radiological images, while CT scans are used to produce facial approximations of the deceased. Such e igies help to raise awareness regarding embalmed human remains and can be used to show that these are not only museum specimens but they once were living individuals, whose stories we can tell from their remains.

13th International Congress of Egyptologists , 2023
The Warsaw Mummy Project was launched in December 2015 to conduct a comprehensive and multidiscip... more The Warsaw Mummy Project was launched in December 2015 to conduct a comprehensive and multidisciplinary investigation of mummies at the National Museum in Warsaw. The project includes non-invasive examinations, i.a. computed tomography, and X-rays. The first step was to check whether the mummies were authentic and reveal what was under their bandages. This brought unexpected finds to light in a mummy that was previously thought to be a fake (200334 MNW). CT scans helped to answer questions about sex, biological age, and possible causes of death of the individuals. In one case (236805/3 MNW, the so-called Mysterious Lady), a mummy previously thought to be male turned out to be a pregnant woman. Furthermore, CT and X-ray images present an opportunity to find traces of diseases that occurred in ancient times (e.g., metabolic disorders). One of the most important finds in this respect are pathological changes in the skull of the Mysterious Lady that indicate cancer. Beyond presenting the state of the current research of the aforementioned individuals the paper will also present the mummies of Panepy (147801/2 MNW) and two children (Vr.St. 184 and 142474/5 MNW), together with numerous mummy parts preserved at the museum, which brought attention to some methodological issues. Moreover, the project goes beyond medical analyses. The CT scans are used to produce facial approximations of the deceased, which help to raise sensibility regarding embalmed human remains. As an innovation, a hologram of a mummy presents a new way of displaying radiological images.
Reports by Stanisław Jerzy Szilke
Research Report, 2024
Analizie antropologicznej zostały podane szczątki ciałopalne pochodzące z 78 grobów ciałopalnych ... more Analizie antropologicznej zostały podane szczątki ciałopalne pochodzące z 78 grobów ciałopalnych zwierających szczątki ludzkie, w których były kości należące do min 81 osób.
Papers by Stanisław Jerzy Szilke
Journal Papers & Conference Proceedings on Egypt by Stanisław Jerzy Szilke
On Egypt in Polish by Stanisław Jerzy Szilke
Conference Presentations by Stanisław Jerzy Szilke
Reports by Stanisław Jerzy Szilke