Piotr Tosiek
Educational Background
2017 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Faculty of Political Science, habilitation in Social Sciences in the field ‘Political Science’, subfield ‘European Studies’, thesis title (English translation): The Governmental Administration of a Member State in Preparatory Bodies of the Council of the European Union. A Political Scientific Perspective
2006 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Faculty of Political Science, PhD in Political Science, thesis title (English translation): Comitology Decision-Making in the European Community
2002 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Faculty of Law and Administration, M.A. in Law, thesis title (English translation): The European Parliament in the Institutional System of the European Union
1999 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Faculty of Political Science, M.A. in Political Science (Specialisation: International Relations), thesis title (English translation): Inter-Party Relations in the European Parliament
Professional Experience
From 2018 University of Warsaw, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, Institute of European Studies, Department of European Union Law and Institutions, Assistant Professor
2012-2018 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Political Science, Department of Human Rights, Assistant Professor
2012-2015 Voluntary Advisor of the Chairman of the European Union Committee of Sejm (Polish Parliament’s lower chamber)
2010-2012 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Political Science, Department of Political Theory and Methodology of Political Science, Assistant Professor
From 2010 European Commission – Representation in Poland, Team Europe Expert Group Member
2010-2011 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Political Science, Co-ordinator of External Programmes
2009-2010 Higher School of Social and Technical Sciences, Radom, Co-operator
2009-2010 Melchior Wankowicz Inter-School Institute of Journalism and Social Sciences, Lublin, Co-operator
2008-2010 National School of Public Administration, Warsaw, Co-operator
2008-2010 Law and Politics of the European Union – scientific group of the Office of the Committee for European Integration and Institute of European Integration Research of Adam Mickiewicz University
2008-2009 High School of Economy and Innovation, Lublin, Co-operator
2007-2014 State Higher School of Vocational Education PWSZ in Zamosc, Lecturer
2006-2010 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Political Science, Department of International Relations, Assistant Professor
From 2006 Foundation of Development of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Co-operator
2004 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Political Science, Co-ordinator of Bologna Process and ECTS
2003-2004 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Political Science, Co-ordinator of International Programmes
2003-2008 High School of Enterprise and Administration, Lublin, Standing Co-operator
2002-2004 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Political Science, Socrates/Erasmus Programme Co-ordinator
2002-2014 NSZZ “Solidarnosc” (trade union), member of Executive Committee in Maria Curie-Sklodowska University
2001-2007 Business High School, Radom, Standing Co-operator, Lecturer
2001-2004 Law and Politics of the European Union – Scientific Group of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Poland, UMCS Co-ordinator
1999-2005 Regional Centre of European Information (Europe Direct Point) in Lublin – Co-operator
1999-2006 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Political Science, Department of International Relations, Assistant
2017 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Faculty of Political Science, habilitation in Social Sciences in the field ‘Political Science’, subfield ‘European Studies’, thesis title (English translation): The Governmental Administration of a Member State in Preparatory Bodies of the Council of the European Union. A Political Scientific Perspective
2006 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Faculty of Political Science, PhD in Political Science, thesis title (English translation): Comitology Decision-Making in the European Community
2002 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Faculty of Law and Administration, M.A. in Law, thesis title (English translation): The European Parliament in the Institutional System of the European Union
1999 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Faculty of Political Science, M.A. in Political Science (Specialisation: International Relations), thesis title (English translation): Inter-Party Relations in the European Parliament
Professional Experience
From 2018 University of Warsaw, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, Institute of European Studies, Department of European Union Law and Institutions, Assistant Professor
2012-2018 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Political Science, Department of Human Rights, Assistant Professor
2012-2015 Voluntary Advisor of the Chairman of the European Union Committee of Sejm (Polish Parliament’s lower chamber)
2010-2012 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Political Science, Department of Political Theory and Methodology of Political Science, Assistant Professor
From 2010 European Commission – Representation in Poland, Team Europe Expert Group Member
2010-2011 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Political Science, Co-ordinator of External Programmes
2009-2010 Higher School of Social and Technical Sciences, Radom, Co-operator
2009-2010 Melchior Wankowicz Inter-School Institute of Journalism and Social Sciences, Lublin, Co-operator
2008-2010 National School of Public Administration, Warsaw, Co-operator
2008-2010 Law and Politics of the European Union – scientific group of the Office of the Committee for European Integration and Institute of European Integration Research of Adam Mickiewicz University
2008-2009 High School of Economy and Innovation, Lublin, Co-operator
2007-2014 State Higher School of Vocational Education PWSZ in Zamosc, Lecturer
2006-2010 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Political Science, Department of International Relations, Assistant Professor
From 2006 Foundation of Development of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Co-operator
2004 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Political Science, Co-ordinator of Bologna Process and ECTS
2003-2004 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Political Science, Co-ordinator of International Programmes
2003-2008 High School of Enterprise and Administration, Lublin, Standing Co-operator
2002-2004 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Political Science, Socrates/Erasmus Programme Co-ordinator
2002-2014 NSZZ “Solidarnosc” (trade union), member of Executive Committee in Maria Curie-Sklodowska University
2001-2007 Business High School, Radom, Standing Co-operator, Lecturer
2001-2004 Law and Politics of the European Union – Scientific Group of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Poland, UMCS Co-ordinator
1999-2005 Regional Centre of European Information (Europe Direct Point) in Lublin – Co-operator
1999-2006 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Political Science, Department of International Relations, Assistant
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Articles by Piotr Tosiek
integration: deliberative intergovernmental fusion. The concept derives from a merging of
liberal intergovernmentalism, fusion theory and deliberative supranationalism. The main idea is
based on the view that no existing theoretical concept is able to explain the essence of integration
processes in the European Union. This paper presents the principal assumptions of the three theories
(treated as starting-point approaches), the main features of the European Union in crisis, as
well as basic elements of the new approach. The concept proposed should be useful not only in
a crisis situation, but also offer instruments for the analysis of European integration in the
post-crisis period.
on EU institutional reform, the extraction of basic elements of Polish concept of “intergovernmental
democracy” as well as the critical analysis of two operationalized components of
this concept. The main thought is based on the view that the current European debate on EU
reform is not reflected in the “intergovernmental democracy” concept based on misperception
and ideological approach. Theoretical background of the article is intergovernmentalism that
evaluates integration processes from the perspective of member state. Requests of the state as
abstractly understood should be reflected in the construction of EU institutional system, while
the precondition of the existence of the appropriate system is state’s carrying out activities
adapted to political reality.
Barbara CURYŁO, Integracja w dezintegracji i dezintegracja w integracji:
determinanty mechanizmów integracyjnych w Unii Europejskiej ...............
Piotr TOSIEK, Polska wizja „rekonstytucji” Unii Europejskiej: nowy model
integracji zróżnicowanej? ......................................................
Jan GRZYMSKI, Granice Europy w wyobrażeniach i praktykach Europejskiej Polityki Sąsiedztwa i Partnerstwa Wschodniego ................................
Sławomir NIEDŹWIECKI, Unia Europejska w świecie: soft power, hard power, czy może smart power? ..........................................................
Aleksandra SZCZERBA-ZAWADA, Wartości czy interesy? Przyczynek do rozważań o istocie procesów integracji w ramach Unii Europejskiej ............
Agnieszka VETULANI-CĘGIEL, Nowe procedury konsultacji Komisji Euro-pejskiej jako czynnik niwelujący deficyt demokracji w UE .....................
José Jaime PELÁEZ BERBELL, Rafael de Labra i polityka edukacyjna epoki restauracji Bourbonów [Rafael de Labra y la política educativa de la Restauración]
Kamil ŁAWNICZAK, Recenzja książki: Aleksandra Spalińska (2017), Idea Nowego Średniowiecza w procesach (dez)integracji europejskiej, Warszawa, 218 stron
Marcin SOKOŁOWSKI, Recenzja książki: Karolina Kawczyńska (2014),
Dezintegracja Jugosławii. Most w Mostarze – symbol dialogu i wojny kultur, Poznań, 143 strony ..............................................................
Book chapters by Piotr Tosiek
integration: deliberative intergovernmental fusion. The concept derives from a merging of
liberal intergovernmentalism, fusion theory and deliberative supranationalism. The main idea is
based on the view that no existing theoretical concept is able to explain the essence of integration
processes in the European Union. This paper presents the principal assumptions of the three theories
(treated as starting-point approaches), the main features of the European Union in crisis, as
well as basic elements of the new approach. The concept proposed should be useful not only in
a crisis situation, but also offer instruments for the analysis of European integration in the
post-crisis period.
on EU institutional reform, the extraction of basic elements of Polish concept of “intergovernmental
democracy” as well as the critical analysis of two operationalized components of
this concept. The main thought is based on the view that the current European debate on EU
reform is not reflected in the “intergovernmental democracy” concept based on misperception
and ideological approach. Theoretical background of the article is intergovernmentalism that
evaluates integration processes from the perspective of member state. Requests of the state as
abstractly understood should be reflected in the construction of EU institutional system, while
the precondition of the existence of the appropriate system is state’s carrying out activities
adapted to political reality.
Barbara CURYŁO, Integracja w dezintegracji i dezintegracja w integracji:
determinanty mechanizmów integracyjnych w Unii Europejskiej ...............
Piotr TOSIEK, Polska wizja „rekonstytucji” Unii Europejskiej: nowy model
integracji zróżnicowanej? ......................................................
Jan GRZYMSKI, Granice Europy w wyobrażeniach i praktykach Europejskiej Polityki Sąsiedztwa i Partnerstwa Wschodniego ................................
Sławomir NIEDŹWIECKI, Unia Europejska w świecie: soft power, hard power, czy może smart power? ..........................................................
Aleksandra SZCZERBA-ZAWADA, Wartości czy interesy? Przyczynek do rozważań o istocie procesów integracji w ramach Unii Europejskiej ............
Agnieszka VETULANI-CĘGIEL, Nowe procedury konsultacji Komisji Euro-pejskiej jako czynnik niwelujący deficyt demokracji w UE .....................
José Jaime PELÁEZ BERBELL, Rafael de Labra i polityka edukacyjna epoki restauracji Bourbonów [Rafael de Labra y la política educativa de la Restauración]
Kamil ŁAWNICZAK, Recenzja książki: Aleksandra Spalińska (2017), Idea Nowego Średniowiecza w procesach (dez)integracji europejskiej, Warszawa, 218 stron
Marcin SOKOŁOWSKI, Recenzja książki: Karolina Kawczyńska (2014),
Dezintegracja Jugosławii. Most w Mostarze – symbol dialogu i wojny kultur, Poznań, 143 strony ..............................................................
Główną hipotezą artykułu jest przypuszczenie, że zaprezentowana przez Krzysztofa Szczerskiego wizja „rekonstytucji” Unii Europejskiej jest hybrydową koncepcją integracji zróżnicowanej. Analiza geopolitycznego, instytucjonalnego, ekonomicznego i aksjologicznego wymiaru „rekonstytucji” pozwala stwierdzić, że wizja ta łączy w sobie elementy koncepcji „Europy wielu prędkości”, „Europy kręgów koncentrycznych” oraz „Europy à la carte”. Wyniki analizy dowodzą, że wizja ta opiera się na błędnym oglądzie rzeczywistości, będąc koncepcją niespójną i zakorzenioną w szczególnym podejściu ideologicznym. Z punktu widzenia interesów Polski jest ona zatem na obecnym etapie integracji europejskiej dysfunkcjonalna.