Digital archaeology by Piotr Zakrzewski
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports Volume 36, 2021
The presented paper discusses the use of Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) in the process ... more The presented paper discusses the use of Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) in the process of digitalisation of stamps on Greek amphorae. The 2019 season of Polish excavations at ancient Tanais, Russia yielded twenty eight stamps. Authors of this paper documented each stamp by means of traditional photographic documentation, drawing, stamp rubbing and two RTI models. The aim of this paper is to discuss the possible applications of RTI technology with respect to documentation of stamps, as well as its use in the field of epigraphic analysis and information transfer.
Archaeological Prospection, 2020
This article presents a case study of the remains of Kharaib al‐Dasht (Kuwait), a Late Islamic fi... more This article presents a case study of the remains of Kharaib al‐Dasht (Kuwait), a Late Islamic fishing village. Collaboration between archaeologists from Kuwait and Poland of the Kuwaiti–Polish Archaeological Mission led to a long‐term research project of this archaeological site. In this contribution we are presenting the results of a geographic information system (GIS)‐structured survey. Different archaeological and geographical methods used in this work, including orthorectification and georeferencing of historical aerial photographs, enabled us to conduct a more in‐depth analysis. The multi‐layer GIS study resulted in a comprehensive recognition of the archaeological landscape of the site, and also helped us to determine the sources of changes and possible threats to the heritage of Failaka Island.
A. Pieńkowska, D. Szeląg & I. Zych (eds.), Stories told around the fountain. Papers offered to Piotr Bieliński on His 70th Birthday, 2019
Fast and precise archaeological fieldwork relies on the use of advanced documentation methods. Ne... more Fast and precise archaeological fieldwork relies on the use of advanced documentation methods. Needless to say, the application of sophisticated tools and modern technologies for archaeological purposes is becoming nowadays a common practice. Working as a surveyor and documentalist for the Kuwaiti-Polish Archaeological Mission, the author was charged with developing and implementing new technologies and documentation techniques to improve significantly the process of collecting and interpreting archaeological data. To that end, a multidisciplinary approach was used, combining geodetic and photogrammetric methodology, and equipment. This paper describes the methods, presenting their capabilities and limitations, and possible ways of application.
Novae by Piotr Zakrzewski
Traian and the Danubian Provinces. The political, economic and religious life in the Danubian Provinces, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces Zagreb, 15th – 17th November 2017, 2021
This paper concerns the fortification system of the legionary fortress at Novae. The presented ne... more This paper concerns the fortification system of the legionary fortress at Novae. The presented new information related to defence structures, chronology and building sequence were acquired by documentation and observations made during the post-excavation project and by careful re-evaluation of previous archaeological researches. Important aspect of our work was the application of advanced documentation methods.
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 29/2, 2021
This paper presents the results of archaeological work carried out between 2005-2016, within the ... more This paper presents the results of archaeological work carried out between 2005-2016, within the framework of a postexcavation project, "Per lineam munitionum", on the fortification system of the Roman legionary fortress and the late Roman and early Byzantine town of Novae. The research concentrated generally on completing and recording old trenches, as well as recording remains of the original building substance, stratigraphy and other archaeological remains using modern technologies and precise geodetic equipment. The archaeological data and stratigraphical observations were compared with the numismatic findings in an effort to improve the final interpretation and the reconstruction of the main construction phases.
Archeologia, 2016
The present interim report covers three years (2013-15) of various archaeological activities in N... more The present interim report covers three years (2013-15) of various archaeological activities in Novae and its surroundings, including not only three systematic summer excavation campaigns (defences of the legionary fortress) and two spring prospection campaigns (2013-14; extramural settlements-vicus at Ostrite Mogili and canabae including the mithraeum) but also emergency excavations associated with earthworks preceding the opening of an archaeological park in the central part of the site (2013) and with repairing the broken modern water supply pipe Vardim-Svištov in the rear part of the fortress (2014).

Journal of Roman Archaeology (JRA), Oct 5, 2020
Since 1960, archaeological research in the area of the legionary base at Novae (fig. 1) has yield... more Since 1960, archaeological research in the area of the legionary base at Novae (fig. 1) has yielded many traces of its defensive system.1 Although the results were published regularly in field reports,2 information on the fortifications remained inadequate due to the methodologies and measuring equipment used in those days. Even with the new discoveries made in the 1980s and 1990s, most notably the earth-and-timber defences, many crucial issues including the chronology and construction sequence remained unresolved.3 Therefore in 2005 a review of the early excavations began within the framework of a postexcavation project, “Per lineam munitionum”. It involved recording all visible architectural and archaeological remains from previous seasons of fieldwork through the cleaning and deepening of old trenches. If the original stratigraphy was found to be too disturbed, soundings were extended. Advanced methods such as geodesy, photogrammetry and 3D modelling significantly improved the interpretation. In several years of topographic survey almost all of the early trenches were located, the general plan updated and corrected,4 and a detailed digital terrain model (DTM) produced (fig. 2).

C. S. Sommer/S. Matešić (Hrsg.), LIMES XXIII. Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies Ingolstadt 2015. Akten des 23. Internationalen Limeskongress in Ingolstadt 2015. Beiträge zum Welterbe Limes Sonderband 4 (Mainz 2018), 2018
Als Teil des Projekts Per lineam munitionum konzentrierten sich die Arbeiten der Polnischen Archä... more Als Teil des Projekts Per lineam munitionum konzentrierten sich die Arbeiten der Polnischen Archäologischen Expedition der Universität Warschau im Verlauf der letzten Jahre auf die nördliche, südliche und östliche Befestigungslinie des Legionslagers, einschließlich der Tore im Norden (porta praetoria) und Osten (porta principalis dextra). Die Kernidee ist eine erneute Untersuchung der Fortifikationselemente, die aus verschiedenen Gründen bisher nicht dokumentiert worden waren. Bei unseren Arbeiten wurden moderne Technologien und präzise geodätische Geräte verwendet. Die neuesten Entdeckungen und die Reevaluierung der früheren Arbeiten erbrachten neue Interpretationen und einen Wissenszuwachs bezüglich der Entwicklung der Tore des Legionslagers Novae.
This paper aims to gather all available data about the early and late Roman gates of the legionar... more This paper aims to gather all available data about the early and late Roman gates of the legionary fortress at Novae, which have been obtained during the excavations conducted from 1960 up till now. The inquiry included archaeological reports from the 1960s and 1970s and various contributions concerning this topic, as well as multiple fi eld observations made by the author during his work as a member of the University of Warsaw Archaeological Expedition, acting as site assistant and trench supervisor. Recent discoveries and evidence-based systematic evaluation of architectural components of the gates of Novae allow us to start a new discussion about their specifi c layout in the context of other Roman military installations.
The present interim report covers three years (2013 – 15) of various archaeological activities in... more The present interim report covers three years (2013 – 15) of various archaeological activities in Novae and its surroundings, including not only three systematic summer excavation campaigns (defences of the legionary fortress) and two spring prospection campaigns (2013–14: extramural settlements – vicus at Ostrite Mogili and canabae including the mithraeum) but also emergency excavations associated with earthworks preceding the opening of an archaeological park in the central part of the site (2013) and with repairing the broken modern water supply pipe Vardim – Svištov in the rear part of the fortress (2014).
Co-authors: L.A. Kovalevskaja, A. Tomas, P. Zakrzewski, T. Dziurdzik, E. Jęczmienowski
Papers by Piotr Zakrzewski
The mosaic pavements in the House of Leukaktios in Ptolemais (Cyrenaica, Libya), newly discovered... more The mosaic pavements in the House of Leukaktios in Ptolemais (Cyrenaica, Libya), newly discovered - by a Polish team from the University of Warsaw under the direction of T. Mikocki (1954-2007), have shed new light on the decoration of dining rooms in Ptolemais during the Roman period. It seems that in the principal triclinium of this house klinai were arranged in the Greek manner (according to E. Morvillez) and the second room, identified as an andron/triclinium, might have occasionally had klinai placed inside it. The authors propose to compare these
mosaics with pavement mosaics discovered in two others houses in Ptolemais: two in the Palazzo delle Colonne and three in the Roman Villa, both these structures having been excavated and published by Pesce and Kraeling in the 20th century.
Conference Presentations by Piotr Zakrzewski
Annual Conference of Institute of Archaeology University of Warsaw, 5-7 December 2012
Digital archaeology by Piotr Zakrzewski
Novae by Piotr Zakrzewski
Papers by Piotr Zakrzewski
mosaics with pavement mosaics discovered in two others houses in Ptolemais: two in the Palazzo delle Colonne and three in the Roman Villa, both these structures having been excavated and published by Pesce and Kraeling in the 20th century.
Conference Presentations by Piotr Zakrzewski
mosaics with pavement mosaics discovered in two others houses in Ptolemais: two in the Palazzo delle Colonne and three in the Roman Villa, both these structures having been excavated and published by Pesce and Kraeling in the 20th century.