Papers by Małgorzata Pięta

European Journal of Psychotraumatology
ABSTRACT Background In June 2021, 40 years have passed since the first cases of HIV infection wer... more ABSTRACT Background In June 2021, 40 years have passed since the first cases of HIV infection were detected. Nonetheless, people living with HIV (PLWH) still suffer from intense HIV-related distress and trauma, which is nowadays mostly linked to the still-existing stigmatization of PLWH. Objectives The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to examine the association between HIV/AIDS stigma and psychological well-being among PLWH. We also explored whether this association varies as a function of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics as well as study publication year and stigma measurement. Method A structured literature search was performed on Web of Science, Scopus, PsyARTICLES, MedLine, ProQuest, and Google Scholar databases. The inclusion criteria were quantitative, peer-reviewed articles published in English between 1996 and 2020. Results After selection, 64 articles were accepted for further analysis (N = 25,294 participants). The random-effects pooled estimate revealed an overall negative and medium-strength association between stigma and well-being (r = −.31, 95% CI [−.35; −.26]). The participants’ age modified this effect with a stronger association for older PLWH. Other sociodemographic and clinical variables as well as publication year and stigma measurement did not explain the variation in association between stigma and well-being across studies. Conclusions The present meta-analysis and systematic review not only showed an expected negative relationship between stigma and well-being but also revealed a substantial heterogeneity between studies that suggests a strong role of context of a given study. This finding calls for more advanced theoretical and analytical models to identify protective and vulnerability factors to effectively address them in clinical practice and interventions.

Frontiers in Psychology
Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the profiles of pregnant women on perceived socia... more Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the profiles of pregnant women on perceived social support with regard to sociodemographic variables, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)-related distress issues, and body image. We compared the aforementioned relationships within the study variables between pregnant women and a control group of non-pregnant women.Method: The study sample comprised 345 women, 157 pregnant women, and 188 women in the control group. Participants filled out paper-and-pencil or online psychometric questionnaires to assess the variables analyzed in our research.Results: Latent profile analysis revealed six profiles of pregnant women based on perceived social support, which varied in terms of body image evaluation. The high-support profile differed from the profiles with the lowest scores in all support domains. Significant differences in body image between the profiles of pregnant women and the control group were noted.Conclusion: Understanding the mechanis...

Quality of Life Research
Objectives This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to synthesize, analyze, and critically ... more Objectives This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to synthesize, analyze, and critically review existing studies on the relationship between posttraumatic growth (PTG) and psychological well-being (operationalized either via positive or negative well-being indicators) among people living with HIV (PLWH). We also investigated whether this association varies as a function of socio-demographic, clinical characteristics, and study publication year. Method We conducted a structured literature search on Web of Science, Scopus, MedLine, PsyARTICLES, ProQuest, and Google Scholar. The most important inclusion criteria encompassed quantitative and peer-reviewed articles published in English. Results After selection, we accepted 27 articles for further analysis (N = 6333 participants). Eight studies used positive indicators of well-being. The other 19 studies focused on negative indicators of well-being. Meta-analysis revealed that there was a negative weak-size association between PTG...

International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology
Background/Objective: The aims of this study were to explore the heterogeneity of resources, as d... more Background/Objective: The aims of this study were to explore the heterogeneity of resources, as described by the Conservation of Resources (COR) theory, in a sample of cancer and psoriatic patients and to investigate whether heterogeneity within resources explains differences in Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) level within each of these clinical samples and in a non-clinical control group. Method: The sample consisted of 925 participants, including 190 adults with a clinical diagnosis of gastrointestinal cancer, 355 adults with a medical diagnosis of psoriasis, and 380 non-clinical (without any chronic illnesses) adults, all of whom had suffered various adverse and traumatic events. The participants completed a COR evaluation questionnaire and a posttraumatic growth inventory. Results: A latent profile analysis revealed four different classes of psoriatic patients and five classes of cancer patients, all with different resources levels. Clinical subsamples differed substantially with PTG levels compared to healthy controls. Conclusions: Our study did not find a sole pattern of PTG that fit all the individuals, even for those who experienced the same type of traumatic event. Psychological counseling, in chronic illness particularly, should focus on the heterogenetic profiles of patients with different psychosocial characteristics.

Quality of Life Research
Purpose The aim of the study was first to examine the heterogeneity of body image and resources, ... more Purpose The aim of the study was first to examine the heterogeneity of body image and resources, as described by the conservation of resources theory (COR), in a sample of psoriatic patients and explore whether heterogeneity within these variables explains the possible differences in levels of life satisfaction among the participants. Second, we aimed to investigate if life satisfaction level among the observed profiles of psoriatic patients, extracted on the basis of their body image and resources, differed from that of the healthy comparison group. Methods The sample consisted of 735 participants, including 355 adults with a medical diagnosis of psoriasis and 380 healthy adults recruited from a non-clinical general population. Participants filled the Satisfaction with Life Scale, the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire and the COR evaluation questionnaire. Results Latent profile analysis revealed four classes of psoriatic patients with different levels of resources ...

Psychiatria Polska
Aim. Trauma disclosure is one of the key concepts of the social-interpersonal model of posttrauma... more Aim. Trauma disclosure is one of the key concepts of the social-interpersonal model of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This study aimed to present the Polish adaptation of the Disclosure of Trauma Questionnaire (DTQ). Method. The study was conducted among 120 participants (51 females and 69 males) aged 18-58 years (M = 34.52; SD = 9.95). The reliability of the DTQ was measured using Cronbach's alpha coefficients and intraclass correlation coefficients. The validity of the DTQ compared to the scores acquired with the PTSD Diagnostic Scale for DSM-5 (PDS-5), the Impact of Event Scale (IES), the Social Acknowledgment Questionnaire (SAQ), and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis and correlation analysis. Results. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.87 for reluctance to talk subscale, 0.74 for urge to talk subscale, 0.85 for emotional reactions subscale, and 0.85 for the total DTQ questionnaire score. The intraclass correlation coefficients were high: 0.83 for reluctance to talk, 0.71 for urge to talk, 0.77 for emotional reactions, and 0.76 for the total DTQ questionnaire score. The factorial structure of the DTQ was confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis. The DTQ subscale scores correlated positively with the severity of PTSD symptoms and depressive symptoms, as well as the lack of social acknowledgement, as expected. Conclusions. The observed empirical results confirmed the satisfactory psychometric properties of the DTQ. This inventory may be useful for a broader understanding of how trauma disclosure is related to the social context of dealing with traumatic events.

Psychology, Health & Medicine
ABSTRACT Arthritis is a highly debilitating group of chronic diseases that affects both physical ... more ABSTRACT Arthritis is a highly debilitating group of chronic diseases that affects both physical and psychosocial functioning. The aim of this study was to examine the associations between body image, subjective pain intensity and level of resources described by Conservation of Resources (COR) theory among arthritis patients. In particular, the moderating role of the participants’ gender was explored via multiple linear regression analysis. 200 arthritis patients were recruited, including 141 females and 59 males. Body image was evaluated using the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire, subjective pain intensity was measured via the Numerical Rating Scale and level of resources was assessed using the COR evaluation questionnaire. A negative relationship was confirmed between the level of satisfaction with body image and pain intensity among participants. A positive relationship was found between body-image subscales and level of COR resources. These relationships were moderated by the participants’ gender, i.e. only among males a positive association between body image and pain and, respectively, body image and resources was found. Enhancing body awareness is an essential part of psychological counselling for patients with arthritis and our study added to the literature by showing how body image may be related to pain and resources in this patient group.

The aim of our study is to examine the association between knowledge about the World War II (WWII... more The aim of our study is to examine the association between knowledge about the World War II (WWII)-related traumatic experiences of their ancestors and subjective well-being (SWB) of young adults, i.e., descendants of Polish survivors of WWII. Specifically, we focus on the life satisfaction and the mental, physical, and psychosocial well-being of our participants in relation to their knowledge about WWII trauma in their family histories. Method The sample comprised 500 Polish young adults recruited from a nonclinical general population. Participants first filled out a questionnaire assessing their knowledge about traumatic events that their ancestors could have experienced during WWII (see grandparents/mothers, great-grandparents/mothers). After that, subjects were given inventories to assess their SWB, i.e., the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28). Results Latent profile analysis was applied to extract profiles of participants differing with regard to the scope of knowledge about WWII-related traumatic experiences among ancestors. Specifically, six profiles were observed, and a general lack of knowledge about this kind of trauma in the family was characteristic of the sample. We also found differences in SWB across profiles of participants, with worse SWB in the profiles with the highest lack of knowledge about WWII-related traumatic experiences in the family. Conclusion Our study adds to the literature on intergenerational trauma by applying a person-centred perspective, a methodological approach almost invisible in research on that topic. In

Psi: Otwarte Czasopismo Studenckie Wydziału Psychologii UW, 2018
W literaturze podkreślane jest znaczenie adolescencji jako procesu, który koresponduje ze zjawisk... more W literaturze podkreślane jest znaczenie adolescencji jako procesu, który koresponduje ze zjawiskami zachodzącymi u dziecka w pierwszej fazie życia. Na podstawie prac z obszaru teorii przywiązania, teorii separacji – indywiduacji Margaret Mahler oraz teorii dotyczących relacji psychika – ciało zaprojektowano badanie, którego celem było zmierzenie związku między postrzeganiem rodziców a występowaniem u adolescentów problemów afektywnych i somatycznych. Przeprowadzono badanie o charakterze eksploracyjnym, w którym uczestniczyły 103 uczennice liceum ogólnokształcącego. W badaniu wykorzystano następujące narzędzia: Kwestionariusz Dzieciństwa (KBF), Symptom Checklist–27–plus oraz ankietę, zawierającą pytania dotyczące doświadczania przewlekłych chorób somatycznych oraz podobieństwa do rodziców. Uzyskano pozytywne korelacje między skalą odwrócenia ról ze strony matki Kwestionariusza Dzieciństwa a depresją (p<0,01) oraz objawami bólowymi (p<0,01). Otrzymano ujemne korelacje między skalą miłości ze strony ojca a objawami bólowymi i wegetatywnymi (p<0,01). Wyniki na skalach podobieństwa do rodziców także korelowały ze wskaźnikami KBF.
Papers by Małgorzata Pięta