Papers by Krzysztof J. Kaleta
Reflexivity analysis for the systematic literature review of the causes and conditions of the constitutional crisis in Poland, 2024

Państwo i Prawo, z. 5, 2024
Artykuł dotyczy przyszłości sądownictwa konstytucyjnego po kryzysie konstytucyjnym w Polsce. Auto... more Artykuł dotyczy przyszłości sądownictwa konstytucyjnego po kryzysie konstytucyjnym w Polsce. Autor wskazuje na proces podwójnej delegitymizacji Trybunału Konstytucyjnego w ostatnich latach: prawnej oraz społecznej. Zdaniem Autora punktem wyjścia w debacie nad przyszłością Trybunału Konstytucyjnego powinno być zrozumienie doświadczenia kryzysu konstytucyjnego. Nie tylko jego bezpośrednich, politycznych przyczyn, ale także strukturalnych uwarunkowań tkwiących w dotychczasowej praktyce konstytucyjnej. Autor argumentuje, że obecne regulacje konstytucyjne, powielające kelsenowski model sądownictwa konstytucyjnego, są zbyt wąskie by uczynić zadość postulatom uczynienia sądu konstytucyjnego instytucją refleksyjnego konstytucjonalizmu zorientowanego na ochronę praw i wolności człowieka w demokratycznym społeczeństwie. Dlatego odrodzenie sądownictwa konstytucyjnego wymaga zmiany konstytucyjnych podstaw działania Trybunału Konstytucyjnego w kierunku pogłębienia jego społecznej legitymizacji.

Wyjaśnienia polskiego kryzysu konstytucyjnego. Raport z systematycznej analizy piśmiennictwa. , 2024
Przedmiotem raportu jest analiza formułowanych w piśmiennictwie naukowym wyjaśnień polskiego kryz... more Przedmiotem raportu jest analiza formułowanych w piśmiennictwie naukowym wyjaśnień polskiego kryzysu konstytucyjnego po 2015 r. Raport przedstawia systematyczną prezentację oraz krytyczną ocenę formułowanych w literaturze poglądów na temat przyczyn i uwarunkowań kryzysu. W badaniu posłużono się metodą systematycznego przeglądu literatury (systematic literature review) umożliwiającej przegląd literatury badawczej przy użyciu systematycznych, jasno wyartykułowanych i możliwych do weryfikacji metod. Wyniki badania stanowią przyczynek do refleksji zarówno nad specyfiką dyskursu konstytucyjnego prowadzonego wokół problematyki kryzysu praworządności w Polsce, jak i stanem praktyki konstytucyjnej, która ukształtowała się w Polsce po 1989 r. Raport stanowi element badań realizowanych w ramach projektu „Konstytucjonalizm refleksyjny jako odpowiedź na kryzys współczesnego konstytucjonalizmu (PRACTIS: Power, Reflexivity And ConsTitutional crisIS)” finansowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki (2021/43/B/HS5/00414).

Państwo i Prawo, z. 3, 2023
The author considers the role of symbols, narratives and myths in the
functioning of the social ... more The author considers the role of symbols, narratives and myths in the
functioning of the social imaginaries on the judicial review in modern constitutionalism – on the canvas of S. Kubas’ book entitled “Guard on the Outskirts of the Constitution. Deconstruction of the founding myth of judicial review in United States of America”. The author points out that – apart from the political and legal context of Marbury v. Madison ruling – it is worth examining the universal values of the mentioned case. In the author’s opinion, the circumstances under which the ruling was issued, as well as the subsequent reception of the Marbury v. Madison, are an interesting study of the dispute over the question of who has the right to speak on behalf of the sovereign people by interpreting the provisions of the constitution. The history of the mentioned case is also a contribution
to considerations on the nature and complexity of constitutional crises and the role of the judiciary and legal doctrine in shaping the legal imaginary
P. Radziewicz (red.), Zagadnienia konstytucyjnego prawa intertemporalnego, 2022
W rozdziale pierwszym („Aksjologiczne podstawy konstytucyjnego prawa intertemporalnego”) Krzyszto... more W rozdziale pierwszym („Aksjologiczne podstawy konstytucyjnego prawa intertemporalnego”) Krzysztof Kaleta przedstawił aksjologiczne uwarunkowania zmiany konstytucji oraz ściśle związaną z tym problematykę formalnych i materialnych granic jej zmiany, z uwzględnieniem pozycji ustrojowej władzy konstytuującej i ukonstytuowanej. Rozważania te można przypisać do ogólnej teorii i filozofii prawa.

Państwo i Prawo , 2022
The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the genesis and
evolution of supra-constitution... more The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the genesis and
evolution of supra-constitutional norms in French constitutionalism.
A critical analysis of the status of supra-constitutional norms is crucial
to understanding the axiological foundations of contemporary European constitutionalism, in particular in the context of complex relations
between the constitution as a legal act and constitutionalism as a political concept based on democratic character of the constituent power. The analysis demonstrates that the operational value of the concept of supra-constitutional norms in the assessment of the legality of constitution-amending process is questionable. At the same time there is a significant potential of the aforementioned concept for assessment of the legitimacy of activities of the constituent power. The author points out that the efforts of distinguished French scholars of public law to conceptualize supra-constitutional norms were aimed at capturing the transcendent element in positive law. The concept of supra-constitutionality remains closely connected with republican and democratic values, such as dignity, equality, pluralism, solidarity, as well as the people’s sovereignty and the idea of separation of powers. It is therefore a significant element of the constitutional discourse on the legitimacy of the process of making or amending a constitution and defining the axiological foundations of law.

Radca Prawny. Zeszyty Naukowe, 2021
Closed capitals of the empire of law. The importance of openness of judicial proceedings for soci... more Closed capitals of the empire of law. The importance of openness of judicial proceedings for social legitimacy of judicial authority
The article focuses on the openness of judicial proceedings, in particular the openness of the trial, considered as an important element of the constitutional right to a trial, the requirement of procedural fairness and the condition for maintaining the social legitimacy of the judiciary. The immediate context for the considerations is determined by the changes introduced by the Act of May 28, 2021 amending the Act – the Polish Code of Civil Procedure and certain other acts, making it possible to limit the openness of court proceedings in relation to the occurrence of an epidemiological emergency. The author draws the attention to transformations in the constitutional position and ways of perceiving the legitimacy of courts in modern constitutional democracies. The increasing role of courts in settling major political disputes, resolving social conflicts, controlling governmental authorities and enabling citizens to hold representatives of the authorities accountable for their decisions renders participation in judicial proceedings one of the fundamental democratic activities
nowadays. The author also indicates that the trial (as a fundamental form of communication between judges and citizens and a special phase of proceedings allowing the court to deeply examine the facts of the case and to learn the prevailing understanding among citizens of the values and principles on which the legal order is based) is a key measure to achieve the principles of procedural justice during the course of specific proceedings and to establish trust in the third power before the public. Openness of judicial proceedings, especially the trial, is a condition for the courts to maintain a reflexive attitude in the
process of ruling and thus to deepen the social legitimacy of the
judiciary based on trust.

Sądownictwo konstytucyjne. Teoria i praktyka, 2020
The article concerns the relation between constituent power and constitu tional review. The Autho... more The article concerns the relation between constituent power and constitu tional review. The Author emphasises that this kind of relation determines different models of constitutionalism. He analyses the status of constituent power and constitutional review from the perspective of the so-called legal constitutionalism and political constitutionalism. He also addresses the challenges of populist constitutionalism. Special emphasis is put on the issues of understanding and expressing the constitutional identity within particular models of constitutionalism. The Author argues that the future of constitutionalism depends on the question, whether it is possible to formulate a new model of relations between constituent power and constituted power. The key element of this process is to restore the meaning of constitutional politics as a special reflection on constitutional identity of community led with the active participation of citizens. It will require formulating of reflexive – immune to threats related to populism – institutions of direct civic participation in constitu tional politics, but also rethinking the relations between the sovereign and the constitutional court. The latter should not only speak on behalf of the sovereign, but rather act as a guardian of the pluralistic people’s identity expressed within a permanent dialogue between the citizens and the con stituted power

Państwo i Prawo , 2020
The article concerns the issue of direct participation of citizens in
the process of making and a... more The article concerns the issue of direct participation of citizens in
the process of making and amending the constitution. The author explains that the debate concerning the issue of citizens’ constitutional participation has been dominated ‒ on the one hand ‒ by the so-called legal constitutionalism and ‒ on the other hand ‒ by constitutional populism. Both of these tendencies increase the distance between the citizens and the constitution. Therefore, the challenge is to create a mechanism of institutional balance which would be immune to threats related to populism, while enabling deepening the legitimacy of liberal-democratic systems. In the author’s opinion, this challenge is addressed by reflexive constitutionalism, which perceives constitutionalism as a permanent reflection on the identity of a constitutional democratic community. According to the author, the objective of effective inclusion of the citizens in constitutional politics requires creating a model which would guarantee inclusive, pluralistic and deliberative character of the legislative process that would engage citizens, experts, and professional politicians in equal measure. In this context, the author analyses two cases of constitutional reforms (of Iceland in 2010-2013 and of Ireland in 2012-2014), which involved innovative methods of inclusion of the citizens in the process of constitutional change.

Państwo i Prawo, 2018
Artykuł dotyczy ograniczeń władzy ustrojodawczej w procesie zmiany konstytucji. Autor zwraca uwag... more Artykuł dotyczy ograniczeń władzy ustrojodawczej w procesie zmiany konstytucji. Autor zwraca uwagę, że uznawana w kontynentalnej kulturze prawnej za cechę definicyjną konstytucji, sztywność formalna tego aktu nie wyczerpuje dziś zagadnienia granic działania władzy ustrojodawczej. Formułowane w dyskursie konstytucyjnym argumenty na rzecz ograniczenia swobody ustrojodawcy mogą znajdować aksjologiczne uzasadnienie zarówno w idei demokracji (przez odwołanie się do natury i funkcji władzy konstytuującej), jak i zasadzie konstytucjonalizmu (za sprawą poszukiwań wewnętrznej hierarchii norm konstytucyjnych lub przez odwołanie się do norm ponadkonstytucyjnych wyrażających istotę rządów prawa). Autor podnosi także, że z perspektywy nauki prawa, rozróżnienie pierwotnego i wtórnego ustrojodawcy ma walor porządkujący, pozwala bowiem wyróżnić odrębne dyskursy toczące się wokół różnych form zmiany konstytucji. Działalność prawodawcza ustrojodawcy wtórnego, dokonującego zmiany w systemie, podlega ocenie zarówno z perspektywy legalizmu, jak i legitymizacji. Prowadzony wokół tych zagadnień dyskurs stanowi typowy dyskurs prawniczy skoncentrowany wokół prawa obowiązującego, a argumenty odnoszące się do szeroko rozumianego uprawomocnienia zmiany mają charakter pomocniczy. Problem legitymizacji ustrojodawcy pierwotnego, działającego w warunkach zmiany systemu, stanowi tymczasem domenę ogólnego dyskursu argumentacyjnego. Zagadnienie to wymyka się w swym całokształcie nauce prawa, bowiem argumenty natury prawnej tracą swą dominującą pozycję, stają się elementem dyskursu praktycznego, w którym pojawia się szerokie spektrum argumentów wywodzonych z różnych porządków normatywnych, posiadających odmienną doniosłość w obrębie konkretnej kultury prawnej i politycznej.
Limitations of constituent power in constitutional democracy
The article concerns limitations of constituent power within the process of change to the constitution. The author points out that formal rigidity – which is acknowledged to be a feature defining the written constitution – does not exhaust the issue of the limits of constituent power. The axiological arguments expressed in the constitutional discourse to limit the constituent power may be derived both from the idea of democracy (by referring to the nature and function of constituent power) and from the principle of constitutionalism (by searching for internal hierarchy of constitutional norms or by referring to supra-constitutional principles that express the substance of the rule of law). According to the author, dichotomy between primary and secondary constituent power adopted in legal science allows to distinguish discourses concerning two different forms of change to the constitution. Legislative activity of secondary constituent power that makes changes within legal system is a subject of double evaluation – from legality and legitimacy perspective. The discourse concerning the mentioned issues is a typical legal discourse focused on binding law. But the issue of legitimacy of primary constituent power that makes change of legal system is a domain of general argumentative discourse within which juridical arguments lose their dominant position in favour of broad spectrum of arguments of moral, political and praxeological nature.

Filozofia Publiczna i Edukacja Demokratyczna , 2018
The article discusses the nature and role of constituent power in contemporary constitutional dem... more The article discusses the nature and role of constituent power in contemporary constitutional democracies. It presents the genesis of the concept of constituent power (phrased by Joseph Emmanuel Sieyès within the distinction between «pouvoir constituant» and «pouvoir constitué»), different approaches to this concept framed in the XXth century legal science by such thinkers as H. Kelsen and C. Schmitt, and finally the contemporary interpretations of this concept. The author indicates and analyses two major issues relevant to the nature and role of constituent power in the contemporary constitutional democracy. Firstly, he examines the thesis that the democratic constituent power's activity remains normatively unde-termined. The search for internal normativity that might charac-terise constituent power in democracy determines such practical constitutional issues as discretion of the legislator within the process of making or amending the constitution. Secondly, the author points out that analysis of the role of «pouvoir constituant» in contemporary constitutionalism should not be limited to analysis of the " constitutional moment " only; the significance of constituent power should not be seen just in the framework of the one-off act of making the constitution. Constituent power should remain an active participant of constitutional discourse which induces a search for new principles ensuring balance between constituent and constituted power in constitutional democracies.
T. Stawecki, J. Winczorek (red.), Wykładnia konstytucji. Inspiracje, teorie, argumenty, 2015

This paper discusses the issue of legitimacy of constitutional review in a constitutional democra... more This paper discusses the issue of legitimacy of constitutional review in a constitutional democracy. The author deliberates the role of a constitutional court in three models of democracy: procedural democracy (founded on the majority rule and primacy of public autonomy), substantive democracy (based on protection of substantial values related to private autonomy) and deliberative democracy (accentuating close interaction between public and private autonomy, as well as the role of discourse in determining the meaning of constitutional principles). According to this author, substantive theories of democracy - which presume a strong position of the constitutional court – are usually underpinned by a certain form of moral realism within the meaning of fundamental rights and constitutional values. Procedural and deliberative concepts are closer to a constructivist approach. Proponents of procedural theories prefer informal (non-legalistic) reasoning conducted within the representative bodies in the matter of fundamental rights. At the same time, the explicit affirmation of the majority rule expressed within procedural theories stems from the assumption that consensus is impossible in axiological disputes– which is an assumption contrary to the one expressed by proponents of deliberative theories. The latter are distinguished by the assumption that formulating a democratic will is not based either on the majority rule or on conformity with a priori principles, but on complex social interactions aimed at transforming preferences through discourse.
![Research paper thumbnail of Sądownictwo konstytucyjne a refleksyjny konstytucjonalizm (przeszłość - teraźniejszość - przyszłość) [w:] S. Biernat (red.), Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w pierwszych dekadach XXI wieku wobec wyzwań politycznych, gospodarczych, technologicznych i społecznych, Warszawa 2013](
Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w pierwszych dekadach XXI wieku wobec wyzwań politycznych, ... more Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w pierwszych dekadach XXI wieku wobec wyzwań politycznych, gospodarczych, technologicznych i społecznych Redaktor naukowy Stanisław Biernat Warszawa 2013 Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w pierwszych dekadach XXI wieku wobec wyzwań politycznych, gospodarczych, technologicznych i społecznych Redaktor naukowy Stanisław Biernat Warszawa 2013 27 KrzySztof j. Kaleta sądownictwo konstytucyjne a refleksyjny konstytucjonalizm (przeszłośćteraźniejszośćprzyszłość) 1. Przy okazji 15. rocznicy obowiązywania Konstytucji RP nie sposób nie przypomnieć książki J. Zakrzewskiej o znamiennym tytule "Spór o Konstytucję". Znajdujemy w niej interesujące przywołanie ilustracji pochodzącej z "jednego z bestsellerów rewolucji francuskiej" pióra Jean Marie Collot-d'Herbois. Na wspomnianej rycinie sędziwy ojciec Gerard wykłada chłopcom zasady konstytucji. W tle widać zasłuchanych chłopów, kobiety z dziećmi i postać podnoszącą rękę w pytającym geście. Pod ryciną widnieją zaś słowa: "O jak dobra jest francuska konstytucja, która zapewnia szczęście nam i naszym dzieciom" 1 .
Papers by Krzysztof J. Kaleta
functioning of the social imaginaries on the judicial review in modern constitutionalism – on the canvas of S. Kubas’ book entitled “Guard on the Outskirts of the Constitution. Deconstruction of the founding myth of judicial review in United States of America”. The author points out that – apart from the political and legal context of Marbury v. Madison ruling – it is worth examining the universal values of the mentioned case. In the author’s opinion, the circumstances under which the ruling was issued, as well as the subsequent reception of the Marbury v. Madison, are an interesting study of the dispute over the question of who has the right to speak on behalf of the sovereign people by interpreting the provisions of the constitution. The history of the mentioned case is also a contribution
to considerations on the nature and complexity of constitutional crises and the role of the judiciary and legal doctrine in shaping the legal imaginary
evolution of supra-constitutional norms in French constitutionalism.
A critical analysis of the status of supra-constitutional norms is crucial
to understanding the axiological foundations of contemporary European constitutionalism, in particular in the context of complex relations
between the constitution as a legal act and constitutionalism as a political concept based on democratic character of the constituent power. The analysis demonstrates that the operational value of the concept of supra-constitutional norms in the assessment of the legality of constitution-amending process is questionable. At the same time there is a significant potential of the aforementioned concept for assessment of the legitimacy of activities of the constituent power. The author points out that the efforts of distinguished French scholars of public law to conceptualize supra-constitutional norms were aimed at capturing the transcendent element in positive law. The concept of supra-constitutionality remains closely connected with republican and democratic values, such as dignity, equality, pluralism, solidarity, as well as the people’s sovereignty and the idea of separation of powers. It is therefore a significant element of the constitutional discourse on the legitimacy of the process of making or amending a constitution and defining the axiological foundations of law.
The article focuses on the openness of judicial proceedings, in particular the openness of the trial, considered as an important element of the constitutional right to a trial, the requirement of procedural fairness and the condition for maintaining the social legitimacy of the judiciary. The immediate context for the considerations is determined by the changes introduced by the Act of May 28, 2021 amending the Act – the Polish Code of Civil Procedure and certain other acts, making it possible to limit the openness of court proceedings in relation to the occurrence of an epidemiological emergency. The author draws the attention to transformations in the constitutional position and ways of perceiving the legitimacy of courts in modern constitutional democracies. The increasing role of courts in settling major political disputes, resolving social conflicts, controlling governmental authorities and enabling citizens to hold representatives of the authorities accountable for their decisions renders participation in judicial proceedings one of the fundamental democratic activities
nowadays. The author also indicates that the trial (as a fundamental form of communication between judges and citizens and a special phase of proceedings allowing the court to deeply examine the facts of the case and to learn the prevailing understanding among citizens of the values and principles on which the legal order is based) is a key measure to achieve the principles of procedural justice during the course of specific proceedings and to establish trust in the third power before the public. Openness of judicial proceedings, especially the trial, is a condition for the courts to maintain a reflexive attitude in the
process of ruling and thus to deepen the social legitimacy of the
judiciary based on trust.
the process of making and amending the constitution. The author explains that the debate concerning the issue of citizens’ constitutional participation has been dominated ‒ on the one hand ‒ by the so-called legal constitutionalism and ‒ on the other hand ‒ by constitutional populism. Both of these tendencies increase the distance between the citizens and the constitution. Therefore, the challenge is to create a mechanism of institutional balance which would be immune to threats related to populism, while enabling deepening the legitimacy of liberal-democratic systems. In the author’s opinion, this challenge is addressed by reflexive constitutionalism, which perceives constitutionalism as a permanent reflection on the identity of a constitutional democratic community. According to the author, the objective of effective inclusion of the citizens in constitutional politics requires creating a model which would guarantee inclusive, pluralistic and deliberative character of the legislative process that would engage citizens, experts, and professional politicians in equal measure. In this context, the author analyses two cases of constitutional reforms (of Iceland in 2010-2013 and of Ireland in 2012-2014), which involved innovative methods of inclusion of the citizens in the process of constitutional change.
Limitations of constituent power in constitutional democracy
The article concerns limitations of constituent power within the process of change to the constitution. The author points out that formal rigidity – which is acknowledged to be a feature defining the written constitution – does not exhaust the issue of the limits of constituent power. The axiological arguments expressed in the constitutional discourse to limit the constituent power may be derived both from the idea of democracy (by referring to the nature and function of constituent power) and from the principle of constitutionalism (by searching for internal hierarchy of constitutional norms or by referring to supra-constitutional principles that express the substance of the rule of law). According to the author, dichotomy between primary and secondary constituent power adopted in legal science allows to distinguish discourses concerning two different forms of change to the constitution. Legislative activity of secondary constituent power that makes changes within legal system is a subject of double evaluation – from legality and legitimacy perspective. The discourse concerning the mentioned issues is a typical legal discourse focused on binding law. But the issue of legitimacy of primary constituent power that makes change of legal system is a domain of general argumentative discourse within which juridical arguments lose their dominant position in favour of broad spectrum of arguments of moral, political and praxeological nature.
functioning of the social imaginaries on the judicial review in modern constitutionalism – on the canvas of S. Kubas’ book entitled “Guard on the Outskirts of the Constitution. Deconstruction of the founding myth of judicial review in United States of America”. The author points out that – apart from the political and legal context of Marbury v. Madison ruling – it is worth examining the universal values of the mentioned case. In the author’s opinion, the circumstances under which the ruling was issued, as well as the subsequent reception of the Marbury v. Madison, are an interesting study of the dispute over the question of who has the right to speak on behalf of the sovereign people by interpreting the provisions of the constitution. The history of the mentioned case is also a contribution
to considerations on the nature and complexity of constitutional crises and the role of the judiciary and legal doctrine in shaping the legal imaginary
evolution of supra-constitutional norms in French constitutionalism.
A critical analysis of the status of supra-constitutional norms is crucial
to understanding the axiological foundations of contemporary European constitutionalism, in particular in the context of complex relations
between the constitution as a legal act and constitutionalism as a political concept based on democratic character of the constituent power. The analysis demonstrates that the operational value of the concept of supra-constitutional norms in the assessment of the legality of constitution-amending process is questionable. At the same time there is a significant potential of the aforementioned concept for assessment of the legitimacy of activities of the constituent power. The author points out that the efforts of distinguished French scholars of public law to conceptualize supra-constitutional norms were aimed at capturing the transcendent element in positive law. The concept of supra-constitutionality remains closely connected with republican and democratic values, such as dignity, equality, pluralism, solidarity, as well as the people’s sovereignty and the idea of separation of powers. It is therefore a significant element of the constitutional discourse on the legitimacy of the process of making or amending a constitution and defining the axiological foundations of law.
The article focuses on the openness of judicial proceedings, in particular the openness of the trial, considered as an important element of the constitutional right to a trial, the requirement of procedural fairness and the condition for maintaining the social legitimacy of the judiciary. The immediate context for the considerations is determined by the changes introduced by the Act of May 28, 2021 amending the Act – the Polish Code of Civil Procedure and certain other acts, making it possible to limit the openness of court proceedings in relation to the occurrence of an epidemiological emergency. The author draws the attention to transformations in the constitutional position and ways of perceiving the legitimacy of courts in modern constitutional democracies. The increasing role of courts in settling major political disputes, resolving social conflicts, controlling governmental authorities and enabling citizens to hold representatives of the authorities accountable for their decisions renders participation in judicial proceedings one of the fundamental democratic activities
nowadays. The author also indicates that the trial (as a fundamental form of communication between judges and citizens and a special phase of proceedings allowing the court to deeply examine the facts of the case and to learn the prevailing understanding among citizens of the values and principles on which the legal order is based) is a key measure to achieve the principles of procedural justice during the course of specific proceedings and to establish trust in the third power before the public. Openness of judicial proceedings, especially the trial, is a condition for the courts to maintain a reflexive attitude in the
process of ruling and thus to deepen the social legitimacy of the
judiciary based on trust.
the process of making and amending the constitution. The author explains that the debate concerning the issue of citizens’ constitutional participation has been dominated ‒ on the one hand ‒ by the so-called legal constitutionalism and ‒ on the other hand ‒ by constitutional populism. Both of these tendencies increase the distance between the citizens and the constitution. Therefore, the challenge is to create a mechanism of institutional balance which would be immune to threats related to populism, while enabling deepening the legitimacy of liberal-democratic systems. In the author’s opinion, this challenge is addressed by reflexive constitutionalism, which perceives constitutionalism as a permanent reflection on the identity of a constitutional democratic community. According to the author, the objective of effective inclusion of the citizens in constitutional politics requires creating a model which would guarantee inclusive, pluralistic and deliberative character of the legislative process that would engage citizens, experts, and professional politicians in equal measure. In this context, the author analyses two cases of constitutional reforms (of Iceland in 2010-2013 and of Ireland in 2012-2014), which involved innovative methods of inclusion of the citizens in the process of constitutional change.
Limitations of constituent power in constitutional democracy
The article concerns limitations of constituent power within the process of change to the constitution. The author points out that formal rigidity – which is acknowledged to be a feature defining the written constitution – does not exhaust the issue of the limits of constituent power. The axiological arguments expressed in the constitutional discourse to limit the constituent power may be derived both from the idea of democracy (by referring to the nature and function of constituent power) and from the principle of constitutionalism (by searching for internal hierarchy of constitutional norms or by referring to supra-constitutional principles that express the substance of the rule of law). According to the author, dichotomy between primary and secondary constituent power adopted in legal science allows to distinguish discourses concerning two different forms of change to the constitution. Legislative activity of secondary constituent power that makes changes within legal system is a subject of double evaluation – from legality and legitimacy perspective. The discourse concerning the mentioned issues is a typical legal discourse focused on binding law. But the issue of legitimacy of primary constituent power that makes change of legal system is a domain of general argumentative discourse within which juridical arguments lose their dominant position in favour of broad spectrum of arguments of moral, political and praxeological nature.
The theoretical part presents the concept of dilemmas on grounds of metaethics and the perspectives for its application in a professional legal context. The former encompasses situations of conflict of duties or obligations, in which the choice of one conduct necessarily prevents a different conduct, and therefore leads to an unacceptable outcome. Hence, the situation of dilemma always involves an issue of moral responsibility and the problem of “dirty hands”. How such situations are present in legal practice and how to deal with them is the main concern of this part. The considerations are divided into three levels of reflection – deontological, axiological, and moral responsibility.
The practical part of the book contains an overview of 150 dilemmas that can be useful in legal ethics or other legal courses. The dilemmas are divided into chapters covering the following branches of law: criminal law, civil and commercial law, family and custody law, labour and social security law, and constitutional law. Every dilemma presents a description of the facts, a reconstruction of dilemma, its standard solution and some critical remarks from a meta-ethical perspective. The dilemmas cover situations regularly met in everyday practice, as well as examples of more exceptional challenges in connection with constitutional crises that have occurred in Poland in recent years.
Monografia ma walor nie tylko informacyjny, przejawiający się w opisie biegu zdarzeń składających się na poszczególne procesy zmiany ustrojowej. Podejmuje także uniwersalne problemy związane z napięciem między legalnością a legitymizacją ustroju w warunkach doniosłej zmiany politycznej lub społecznej.