Papers by Karolina Kuligowska

This paper explores the transformative potential offered by chatbot technology across industries,... more This paper explores the transformative potential offered by chatbot technology across industries, with a focus on its impact, challenges, and future directions. The study employs qualitative analysis of chatbot use cases, current applications, and advancements in natural language processing. Results indicate that chatbots are effective in automating repetitive tasks, providing personalized interactions, and improving accessibility to services. However, challenges such as limited natural language understanding, multilingual capabilities, and data dependence remain unsolved. Emerging solutions, including explainable artificial intelligence, context-aware designs, and integration with large language models, promise to address inherent limitations of chatbots, and enhance chatbot reliability and scalability to support innovation, revolutionize numerous industries, and finally become indispensable comprehensive tools in the digital economy.

Edukacja a społeczeństwo – interdyscyplinarna analiza wybranych zagadnień, 2022
Pomimo niezaprzeczalnie pozytywnej roli Internetu w przekształcaniu świata w globalną wioskę, int... more Pomimo niezaprzeczalnie pozytywnej roli Internetu w przekształcaniu świata w globalną wioskę, internet jest także kanałem, poprzez który każdego dnia ludzkość zalewana jest informacjami, w tym także tymi nieprawdziwymi. Zmanipulowane treści dezinformacyjne wykorzystują mechanizmy uprzedzeń poznawczych, wzorców behawioralnych lub emocjonalnych oraz nawyki użytkowników, dlatego są tak trudne do rozróżnienia od faktów. Celem niniejszego rozdziału jest analiza tych kwestii zarówno z perspektywy bezpieczeństwa poznawczego, jak i dziedziny Text Mining, wskazująca na potrzebę interdyscyplinarnego podejścia do przeciwdziałania dezinformacji. Wiedza o metodach Text Mining jest nadal mało znana szerokiemu gronu odbiorców, tak samo jak rodząca się dopiero dziedzina bezpieczeństwa poznawczego. Rezultat mariażu tych dziedzin w kontekście przeciwdziałania dezinformacji może przyczynić się do przejścia z technik defensywnych i naprawczych do ofensywnych i prewencyjnych.

Procedia Computer Science, Dec 31, 2023
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems are quickly becoming a crucial element in supporting h... more Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems are quickly becoming a crucial element in supporting healthcare providers, improving the flow of information among medical teams, and enhancing the patient's experience. However, to be fully supportive, these ASR systems must meet certain requirements dictated by market realities: high accuracy of speech recognition and low rate of errors, the possibility of additional training the model, and the possibility of on-premise system installation. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to perform a comparative analysis of leading ASR systems available on the Polish market for the needs of conducting medical interviews. We selected three systems, Google ASR, Microsoft ASR, and Techmo ASR, and we compared their performance on a prepared data set of medical-related expressions spoken in Polish. The results of our analysis indicated that there are minor discrepancies in the accuracy of speech recognition between all three evaluated ASR systems, whereas only two ASR systems met the raised requirements, in both cases partially. Still, they all exhibited specific problems in recognising word endings or word boundaries. We were able to categorise such problems into: Misrecognitions, Quality Problems, and Word Boundaries, varying in their level of influence on the further speech recognition process. Our research findings are expected to provide valuable insights to a wide range of stakeholders facilitating the development of tailored speech recognition solutions that meet the specific needs of medical sector.

Ekonomia / Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2007
Inteligentni agenci, rozległa rodzina aplikacji komputerowych, pozwala zautomatyzować pewną ilość... more Inteligentni agenci, rozległa rodzina aplikacji komputerowych, pozwala zautomatyzować pewną ilość realizowanych zadań, począwszy od prostego makra w Excelu bądź Wordzie, aż po kompleksowe systemy sztucznej inteligencji zdolne do uczenia się w trakcie eksploatacji, wykrywania problemów i do formułowania adekwatnych doń rozwiązań. Elektroniczni agenci są oprogramowaniem wykonującym konkretne zadania i posiadającym niezbędną wiedzę do ich wykonania. Są to narzędzia autonomiczne i inteligentne, potrafią współdziałać ze swym środowiskiem, a także komunikować się z innymi agentami. Od momentu rozpowszechnienia się Internetu na skalę światową, wirtualni asystenci przenikają do codzienności, odgrywając coraz większą rolę w aplikacjach elektronicznego handlu. Znajdują wiele istotnych zastosowań w biznesie: zarządzają informacjami oraz przetwarzają je, zarządzają procesami biznesowymi, a także uczestniczą w handlu elektronicznym. Udzielają użytkownikowi informacji poprzez swobodną konwersację oraz działają jako helpdesk dostępny o każdej porze dnia i nocy; nieznużenie odpowiadają na powtarzające się pytania, ucząc się przy tym -im więcej są używani, tym bardziej stają się efektywni. Właśnie w taki styl pracy najlepiej wpasowywuje się twór oparty na sztucznej inteligencji.
Prace i Materiały Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2011
International Journal of Operations Management, 2021
The advancements in new technologies during the last decades and the change in the nature of work... more The advancements in new technologies during the last decades and the change in the nature of work, which has become more dependent on knowledge and creativity, have reshaped the world of work and led to the decline of classical employment relation. Creative city system understood as the practice of working individually and independently but in the presence of others in a shared environment, became a solution in managing development of urban areas, when more and more people tend to work from remote locations the aim of this paper is to present a concept of creative city system, to examine the current state of coworking spaces, and to discuss the role of managing its further development.

Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2018
Speech is one of the easiest ways allowing communication between people and machines. Speech reco... more Speech is one of the easiest ways allowing communication between people and machines. Speech recognition technology makes everyday life easier: it is widely used in mobile phones, computers, tablets, cars, etc. However, the quality of automatic speech recognition is affected by many factors, therefore, so much effort is put into improving the performance of speech recognition systems. The aim of this paper is to present the current state of development of speech recognition systems and to examine their drawbacks and limitations. The paper discusses the current classification, construction and functioning of speech recognition systems, which gives an insight into the speech-to-text software implemented so far. The analysis of disadvantages and limitations of speech recognition systems has allowed identifying the weak points of these systems. Problems that are to be solved in the near future indicate the direction of further development of speech recognition systems.

This paper provides a novel insight into e-marketing research, focusing on text mining methods th... more This paper provides a novel insight into e-marketing research, focusing on text mining methods that companies employ in order to identify websites in which they could post information about their products, or use for advertisement and product placement purposes. The paper focuses on the food industry and therefore we analyse cooking recipe texts available on one of the many Internet sites with recipes. Our analysis consists of clusterization processes, classification models and concept linking associations. Each of these techniques contributes to the selection of marketing tools applied to analysis of websites. Clustering allows to identify groups of recipes that use specific ingredients produced by specific companies. Classification assigns newly added recipes to a suitable category, which afterwards may be used to prepare advertising materials appropriate for selected category. Concept linking helps to discover associations between products and cooking accessories.

Professionals Center for Business Research, 2015
The aim of this paper is to explore commercial applications of chatbots, as well as to propose se... more The aim of this paper is to explore commercial applications of chatbots, as well as to propose several measurement metrics to evaluate performance, usability and overall quality of an embodied conversational agent. On the basis of these metrics we examine existing Polish-speaking commercial chatbots that a) work in the B2C sector, b) reach the widest possible range of users, and c) are presumably the most advanced commercial deployments of their creators. We analyse various aspects of functioning of each embodied conversational agent: visual look, form of implementation on the website, speech synthesis unit, built-in knowledge base (with general and specialized information), presentation of knowledge and additional functionalities, conversational abilities and context sensitiveness, personality traits, personalization options, emergency responses in unexpected situations, possibility of rating chatbot and the website by the user. Our study reveals the current condition of Polish market of commercial virtual assistants and emphasizes the importance of a multidimensional evaluation of any commercial chatbot deployment.

Introduction Research lead in artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction and ebusiness r... more Introduction Research lead in artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction and ebusiness resulted in the creation of virtual assistants intelligent humanoid interfaces functioning within e-commerce environment. Unlike traditional programs, virtual assistants are supposed to be autonomous, proactive and adaptive. These advantages make them particularly useful in e-commerce environment, where they establish and maintain Internet-based customer relations and carry out e-business processes. Virtual assistants currently experience a renaissance and have a wide range of applications. They perform their functions in various areas, but mostly they act as virtual representatives of their employers, kind of a showcase with humanoid face. Their possible applications are extensive: from being customer service consultants responding to any inquiries regarding companies’ products and services, through advising and supporting sales processes in electronic stores, surveying customers and mai...

Procedia Computer Science, 2021
Advances in neural networks contributed to the fast development of Natural Language Processing sy... more Advances in neural networks contributed to the fast development of Natural Language Processing systems. As a result, Question Answering systems have evolved and can classify and answer questions in an intuitive yet communicative way. However, the lack of large volumes of labeled data prevents large-scale training and development of Question Answering systems, confirming the need for further research. This paper aims to handle this real-world problem of lack of labeled datasets by applying a pseudolabeling technique relying on a neural network transformer model DistilBERT. In order to evaluate our contribution, we examined the performance of a text classification transformer model that was fine-tuned on the data subject to prior pseudolabeling. Research has shown the usefulness of the applied pseudo-labeling technique on a neural network text classification transformer model DistilBERT. The results of our analysis indicated that the model with additional pseudo-labeled data achieved the best results among other compared neural network architectures. Based on that result, Question Answering systems may be directly improved by enriching their training steps with additional data acquired cost-effectively.

Procedia Computer Science, 2021
In order to track how cities develop and grow, multidimensional systems of urban development indi... more In order to track how cities develop and grow, multidimensional systems of urban development indicators taking into account the balance between economic, social, and environmental aspects are the best solution found so far. However, there is no unique measurement system that would be widely accepted and applied within various urban areas to verify whether a given city is developing in a sustainable way. The aim of this paper is to apply the TOPSIS algorithm on the basis of selected urban indicators, in order to evaluate the progress of a single city towards the concept of sustainable development observed over a longer period of time. A capital city of Poland, Warsaw, faces several challenges associated with development policy evaluation, thus confirming the need for this research. We meticulously selected 48 indicators from the economic, social and environmental areas as an input for TOPSIS algorithm, which allowed us to calculate a new proposed aggregated index for evaluating urban policy on the example of Warsaw. Research has shown usefulness of applied TOPSIS algorithm in assessing the long-run development of an urban area towards the concept of a sustainable city. The results of our analysis indicated that over a period of ten years, during 2008-2017, the urban policy decision-making has been balancing the socio-economic and environmental aspects and the city of Warsaw has been developed in a sustainable manner.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H, Oeconomia
Coworking-geneza zjawiska i perspektywy rozwoju Coworking-Prospects and Development Challenges Sł... more Coworking-geneza zjawiska i perspektywy rozwoju Coworking-Prospects and Development Challenges Słowa kluczowe: coworking; przestrzeń coworkingowa; społeczeństwo informacyjne; gospodarka oparta na wiedzy; innowacyjność; freelancing
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H, Oeconomia
Ekonomia Journal, 2007
From the moment internet spread on a world scale virtual assistants penetrate into everyday life,... more From the moment internet spread on a world scale virtual assistants penetrate into everyday life, they play a more and more important role in e-commerce applications. They find a lot of significant usages in business, managing and processing information, managing business ...
Informatyka Ekonomiczna = Business Informatics, 2013
The aim of this paper is to give an insight in text mining techniques in the context of unstructu... more The aim of this paper is to give an insight in text mining techniques in the context of unstructured text collections of location independent job offers. In order to extract useful information, uncover interesting patterns and features of remote work, we analyze five most popular and most visited websites containing job offers. We examine clusters of remote job offers, keywords describing those clusters, as well as linkages between strongly associated terms describing mobile work offers. It is interesting to observe the maturity of text mining tools which broadened their applications to new research topics and became suitable to explore new phenomena.

International Journal of Engineering & Technology
The present speech synthesis systems can be successfully used for a wide range of diverse purpose... more The present speech synthesis systems can be successfully used for a wide range of diverse purposes. However, there are serious and important limitations in using various synthesizers. Many of these problems can be identified and resolved. The aim of this paper is to present the current state of development of speech synthesis systems and to examine their drawbacks and limitations. The paper dis-cusses the current classification, construction and functioning of speech synthesis systems, which gives an insight into synthesizers implemented so far. The analysis of disadvantages and limitations of speech synthesis systems focuses on identification of weak points of these systems, namely: the impact of emotions and prosody, spontaneous speech in terms of naturalness and intelligibility, preprocessing and text analysis, problem of ambiguity, natural sounding, adaptation to the situation, variety of systems, sparsely spoken languages, speech synthesis for older people, and some other minor...

The aim of this paper is to explore commercial applications of chatbots, as well as to propose se... more The aim of this paper is to explore commercial applications of chatbots, as well as to propose several measurement metrics to evaluate performance, usability and overall quality of an embodied conversational agent. On the basis of these metrics we examine existing Polish-speaking commercial chatbots that a) work in the B2C sector, b) reach the widest possible range of users, and c) are presumably the most advanced commercial deployments of their creators. We analyse various aspects of functioning of each embodied conversational agent: visual look, form of implementation on the website, speech synthesis unit, built-in knowledge base (with general and specialized information), presentation of knowledge and additional functionalities, conversational abilities and context sensitiveness, personality traits, personalization options, emergency responses in unexpected situations, possibility of rating chatbot and the website by the user. Our study reveals the current condition of Polish market of commercial virtual assistants and emphasizes the importance of a multidimensional evaluation of any commercial chatbot deployment.
Papers by Karolina Kuligowska