Realidades heterogéneas. Reflexiones en torno a la literatura, lengua, historia y cultura ibéricas e iberoamericanas. Homenaje a la Profesora Grażyna Grudzińska, ed. Karolina Kumor, Edyta Waluch-de la Torre, 2012
Jan Hempel (1877-1937), eminente articulista, filósofo, marxista e partidário do cooperativismo, ... more Jan Hempel (1877-1937), eminente articulista, filósofo, marxista e partidário do cooperativismo, nasceu numa família de nobres, mas dedicou toda a sua vida às pessoas menos privilegiadas. Após concluir uma escola de artesanato em 1895, tornou-se serralheiro, e posteriormente técnico agrícola e agrimensor. Trabalhou na construção de uma estrada de ferro na Manchúria, para em seguida –através do Ceilão e da Itália– viajar ao Brasil, onde deu aulas a filhos de imigrantes poloneses e foi redator do jornal Polak w Brazylii (O Polonês no Brasil). Foi um declarado anticlerical, partidário da cultura e do progresso. As suas convicções –críticas diante do cristianismo e repletas de entusiasmo pela liberdade ilimitada– foram expressas na obra Kazania polskie (Sermões poloneses), publicada em Curitiba em 1907.
Jan Hempel (1877-1937), a prominent publisher, philosopher, marxist and supporter of cooperativism, was born in a noble family, but dedicated his whole life to the underprivileged classes. After graduating in a school of crafts, he worked as a locksmith and, afterwards, as an agricultural technician and land surveyor.
He also worked in the construction of a railway in Manchuria. Later – through Ceylon and Italy – he travelled to Brazil, where he taught the children of the Polish immigrants and was the editor of Polak w
Brazylii (The Pole in Brazil). He had anticlerical attitudes and backed culture and progress. His convictions – critical in face of Christianity and full of enthusiasm for unrestrained freedom – were expressed in his work Kazania polskie (Polish Sermons), published in Curitiba in 1907.
Papers by Jerzy Mazurek
fighting Warsaw (as part of Operation Tempest). While stationed in Siekierno, the detachment’s commanding officer Kazimierz Olchowik “Zawisza” issued an order to execute a large group of Jews (30–58 people) living in the nearby forest after their escape from a labor camp in Skarżysko-Kamienna. After World War II most participants of the murders were tried and punished. No punishment, however, was imposed on the detachment’s commanding officer Kazimierz Olchowik, nor the sergeant, who went by the alias of “Bolrok” – the two men chiefly responsible for the murder in the Siekierno forests."
camponeses donos de minifúndios ou sem terra, trabalhadores rurais, artesãos do interior, etc. Na nova realidade, os emigrantes poloneses foram capazes de aclimatizar-se, ao mesmo tempo
em que a promoção social generalizada era acompanhada pela assimilação e pela aculturação. Sem romper os laços com o seu país de origem, eles assumiram igualmente elementos da cultura
do país em que se estabeleceram. Graças a isso, tornaram-se um elemento importante nas relações políticas, econômicas e culturais entre o Brasil e a Polônia.
Jan Hempel (1877-1937), a prominent publisher, philosopher, marxist and supporter of cooperativism, was born in a noble family, but dedicated his whole life to the underprivileged classes. After graduating in a school of crafts, he worked as a locksmith and, afterwards, as an agricultural technician and land surveyor.
He also worked in the construction of a railway in Manchuria. Later – through Ceylon and Italy – he travelled to Brazil, where he taught the children of the Polish immigrants and was the editor of Polak w
Brazylii (The Pole in Brazil). He had anticlerical attitudes and backed culture and progress. His convictions – critical in face of Christianity and full of enthusiasm for unrestrained freedom – were expressed in his work Kazania polskie (Polish Sermons), published in Curitiba in 1907.
deja mucho que desear. Existen pocas publicaciones que cumplan los criterios científicos modernos. Y hablamos de un tema que vale la pena popularizar. Cabe mencionar que los primeros polacos que
llegaron a tierras argentinas eran veteranos de las Guerras Napoleónicas; en América Latina tomaron parte en las luchas por la libertad. Soldados polacos se batían también en la Guerra del Paraguay, y más tarde participaban en el proceso de la integración territorial del país. Los insurgentes del Levantamiento de Enero (1863-1864), quienes terminaron por instalarse en Argentina, fundaron en 1890 la Sociedad Polaca en Buenos Aires, la primera organización de la comunidad polaca en Argentina. Al mismo tiempo, al lado de la emigración política, se inició también la emigración campesina y obrera, sin embargo, este tema constituye un capítulo aparte en la historia de la presencia polaca en Argentina.
The state of investigations about the beginnings of the Polish presence in Argentina and especially about their contribution to the construction of the independent state leaves a lot to be desired. The publications that meet modern scientific criteria are scarce. Though the topic is worth popularizing. The first Poles that came to the Argentinian soil were veterans of Napoleonic Wars. In Latin America they took part in the struggles for liberty. The Polish soldiers also fought in the War of Paraguay and later they participated in the process of the country’s integration. The insurgents of The January Uprising (1863-1864), who finally settled down in Argentina, in 1890 founded the Polish Society in Buenos Aires, the first organization of the Polish community in this country. At the same time, together with the Polish immgration, there began the one of peasants and workers. This topic, however, constitutes a separate chapter of the history of the Polish presence in Argentina.
alcance, sino también a la calidad. Los cambios atañen por ejemplo a la actitud hacia los medios o su papel social. La actividad en este campo se convirtió en una suerte de actividad económica, y los medios se convirtieron en mercancía. El autor se abstiene de la evaluación de este proceso complicado, ya que unos cambios ventajosos desde el punto de vista de los propietarios de los
medios en cuestión no siempre resultaban igual de bene ciosos para el público. El proceso más alarmante –a causa de su extensión y de sus efectos sociales– es la comercialización del mensaje
trasmitido por los medios.
The aim of this article consists in presenting some of the phenomena which have occurred in the sector of the Polish mass media since the year of 1990. The changes that took place in the market were part of a profound social, political and economic transformation and had numerous consequences. The social communication was subject to change not only in terms of its
extent, but also the quality. The changes concern, among others, the attitude towards the mass media and their social role. The activity in this area was converted into an economic activity,
and the mass media were transformed into merchandise. The author refrains from judging this complex system, since some of the processes might well have bene ted the owners, but not necessarily
the public. The most alarming process, due to its wide impact and its social effects, is the commercialization of the message transmitted by the media.
Books by Jerzy Mazurek
fighting Warsaw (as part of Operation Tempest). While stationed in Siekierno, the detachment’s commanding officer Kazimierz Olchowik “Zawisza” issued an order to execute a large group of Jews (30–58 people) living in the nearby forest after their escape from a labor camp in Skarżysko-Kamienna. After World War II most participants of the murders were tried and punished. No punishment, however, was imposed on the detachment’s commanding officer Kazimierz Olchowik, nor the sergeant, who went by the alias of “Bolrok” – the two men chiefly responsible for the murder in the Siekierno forests."
camponeses donos de minifúndios ou sem terra, trabalhadores rurais, artesãos do interior, etc. Na nova realidade, os emigrantes poloneses foram capazes de aclimatizar-se, ao mesmo tempo
em que a promoção social generalizada era acompanhada pela assimilação e pela aculturação. Sem romper os laços com o seu país de origem, eles assumiram igualmente elementos da cultura
do país em que se estabeleceram. Graças a isso, tornaram-se um elemento importante nas relações políticas, econômicas e culturais entre o Brasil e a Polônia.
Jan Hempel (1877-1937), a prominent publisher, philosopher, marxist and supporter of cooperativism, was born in a noble family, but dedicated his whole life to the underprivileged classes. After graduating in a school of crafts, he worked as a locksmith and, afterwards, as an agricultural technician and land surveyor.
He also worked in the construction of a railway in Manchuria. Later – through Ceylon and Italy – he travelled to Brazil, where he taught the children of the Polish immigrants and was the editor of Polak w
Brazylii (The Pole in Brazil). He had anticlerical attitudes and backed culture and progress. His convictions – critical in face of Christianity and full of enthusiasm for unrestrained freedom – were expressed in his work Kazania polskie (Polish Sermons), published in Curitiba in 1907.
deja mucho que desear. Existen pocas publicaciones que cumplan los criterios científicos modernos. Y hablamos de un tema que vale la pena popularizar. Cabe mencionar que los primeros polacos que
llegaron a tierras argentinas eran veteranos de las Guerras Napoleónicas; en América Latina tomaron parte en las luchas por la libertad. Soldados polacos se batían también en la Guerra del Paraguay, y más tarde participaban en el proceso de la integración territorial del país. Los insurgentes del Levantamiento de Enero (1863-1864), quienes terminaron por instalarse en Argentina, fundaron en 1890 la Sociedad Polaca en Buenos Aires, la primera organización de la comunidad polaca en Argentina. Al mismo tiempo, al lado de la emigración política, se inició también la emigración campesina y obrera, sin embargo, este tema constituye un capítulo aparte en la historia de la presencia polaca en Argentina.
The state of investigations about the beginnings of the Polish presence in Argentina and especially about their contribution to the construction of the independent state leaves a lot to be desired. The publications that meet modern scientific criteria are scarce. Though the topic is worth popularizing. The first Poles that came to the Argentinian soil were veterans of Napoleonic Wars. In Latin America they took part in the struggles for liberty. The Polish soldiers also fought in the War of Paraguay and later they participated in the process of the country’s integration. The insurgents of The January Uprising (1863-1864), who finally settled down in Argentina, in 1890 founded the Polish Society in Buenos Aires, the first organization of the Polish community in this country. At the same time, together with the Polish immgration, there began the one of peasants and workers. This topic, however, constitutes a separate chapter of the history of the Polish presence in Argentina.
alcance, sino también a la calidad. Los cambios atañen por ejemplo a la actitud hacia los medios o su papel social. La actividad en este campo se convirtió en una suerte de actividad económica, y los medios se convirtieron en mercancía. El autor se abstiene de la evaluación de este proceso complicado, ya que unos cambios ventajosos desde el punto de vista de los propietarios de los
medios en cuestión no siempre resultaban igual de bene ciosos para el público. El proceso más alarmante –a causa de su extensión y de sus efectos sociales– es la comercialización del mensaje
trasmitido por los medios.
The aim of this article consists in presenting some of the phenomena which have occurred in the sector of the Polish mass media since the year of 1990. The changes that took place in the market were part of a profound social, political and economic transformation and had numerous consequences. The social communication was subject to change not only in terms of its
extent, but also the quality. The changes concern, among others, the attitude towards the mass media and their social role. The activity in this area was converted into an economic activity,
and the mass media were transformed into merchandise. The author refrains from judging this complex system, since some of the processes might well have bene ted the owners, but not necessarily
the public. The most alarming process, due to its wide impact and its social effects, is the commercialization of the message transmitted by the media.
emigração têm sido as mesmas em todos esses países: a pobreza, o superpovoamento das aldeias, o insu% ciente desenvolvimento industrial. No caso da Polônia, a emigração foi ainda influenciada pela conturbada história desse país, com destaque para o imperialismo da Prússia, da Rússia e da Áustria, que, em 1795, após
três consecutivas partilhas, apagaram a Polônia, durante 123 anos, do mapa político da Europa. A reconquista da independência, em 1918, foi antecedida por uma série de levantes malsucedidos, e seus combatentes, com receio das inevitáveis represálias por parte dos invasores, optavam pela emigração. A crise econômica e o consequente agravamento do quadro social do país na segunda metade do século XIX e no início do século XX aumentaram o número de emigrantes, que decidiram procurar em outras terras melhores condições de vida. A completar este quadro, temos, por fim, as duas Guerras Mundiais, que causaram o exílio de novas gerações
de poloneses à procura de um lugar ao sol.
Ruchu Ludowego. W ramach swych studiów najpierw zajmował się chłopstwem w Polsce, wręcz w bliskich mu uczuciowo okolicach, a następnie śledził losy polskich chłopów-emigrantów w Brazylii oraz w innych krajach latynoamerykańskich.
Problematyka migrantów kazała mu się rozszerzyć w zainteresowaniach na zagadnienia działaczy polonijnych i emigracyjnej inteligencji oraz na kwestie polityki emigracyjnej/imigracyjnej. [...]