Papers by Filip Pierzchalski
Studia Politologiczne , 2024
Celem artykułu jest wyjaśnienie wojny na tle upowszechniania gospodarki towarowej w warunkach glo... more Celem artykułu jest wyjaśnienie wojny na tle upowszechniania gospodarki towarowej w warunkach globalnego kapitalizmu, gdzie przy użyciu kapitalistycznej ekspansji i politycznej promocji idei wojny-szczególnie militaryzmu-dochodzi do zdobywania rynków zbytu dla sektora zbrojeniowego. Sektora, w którym technologia wojskowa traktowana jest jako innowacyjny i rentowny towar. Autor omówi także, w jaki sposób państwa kapitalistyczne używają pozaekonomicznych metod działania w celu wypracowania wartości dodatkowej w obrębie własnych gospodarek. Oznacza to sytuację polityczną, w której działania wojenne-w tym stosowanie przemocy fizycznej i walki zbrojnej podczas konfliktów-są obszarem poszukiwania zysku, który jest wypracowywany pod egidą emocjonalno-moralizatorskich sztafaży.

Society Register, 2022
Contemporary leadership practices in politics are full of emotions, which, on the one hand, may b... more Contemporary leadership practices in politics are full of emotions, which, on the one hand, may be a manifestation of various types of expressions or moods in the individual and collective dimension, and on the other hand, are an important source of political mobilization or an instrument enhancing effectiveness in the election competition. In this article inducing and politicizing savagery among followersdefined as an emotional social engineering strategy for articulating given goals and interests-will be treated as a populist manifestation and an expression of planned radicalization of political competition. The aim of the article is a meta theoretical reflection on the instrumentalisation of wildness in the leadership of the right-wing populist-Donald Trump. A practical rationale for discussing collective savagery in politics will be the attack on the Capitol in Washington on January 6, 2021. This event will serve as an example to explain the political exteriorization of the confrontational Trump followers, thanks to which the right-wing populist leader not only articulated his own goals, shaped public self-presentation or theatrical political presence, but also redefined and challenged the existing rules and principles of democratic political culture.

Mirosław Karwat, Filip Pierzchalski, Marcin Tobiasz (eds.), Constituents of Political Theory. Selected Articles of the Warsaw School of Political Theory , 2021
The goal of this article was to present the research subject of political science as a fuzzy set... more The goal of this article was to present the research subject of political science as a fuzzy set of cognitive elements, which is a blurred area of theoretical political research with a margin of indeterminacy. It is an area, where interdisciplinary merging of knowledge and experience from various formalized scientific disciplines occurs. Moreover, it is also a theoretical-research space that, in fact, breaks the positivist demarcation line in favor of contextual, inter-area, multi-level, syndromatic, etc. analyses. In this sense, the author analyzes in detail such issues as: scientific arguments against demarcation, specifics of the research subject of political science, subject errors made in political science, and
syndromaticity of the political science research subject.
Keywords: fuzzy sets theory, demarcation, conventionalism in science, syndromaticity, the research subject of political science

Mirosław Karwat, Filip Pierzchalski, Marcin Tobiasz (eds.), Constituents of Political Theory. Selected Articles of the Warsaw School of Political Theory , 2021
The goal of this article was to present the complexity and multifacetedness that occurs in the r... more The goal of this article was to present the complexity and multifacetedness that occurs in the relationship between a researcher/political scientist and a research/cognitive object; the author particularly emphasizes the extrospective and introspective dimensions
of political analyses. In this case, addressing the objective analytical and research disagreement which exists in political science became the starting point. On this basis, the author describes the issue of faultless disagreement in detail. He interprets the issue as an actual starting point in the intersubjective community of political scientists. Faultless
disagreement is synonymous with, among other things, ambiguity and definition fuzziness in a given knowledge domain, such as research pluralism, including epistemic relativism; multitude of theoretical approaches, or in conceptual differentiation. Besides, the author describes some theoretical justifications of the phenomenon of analytical and research divergence that became a necessary condition to make the thesis about faultless disagreement reliable. Moreover, he presents the theoretical and methodological effects of such correct disagreement in the context of advanced political research.
Keywords: faultless disagreement, theoretical-research pluralism, epistemic relativism, explanatory models, the researcher’s multiparadigmality in the political science’s domain

Politeja No. 5(68), 2020
The aim of this paper is to discuss the emotional plane in the context of the formation of leader... more The aim of this paper is to discuss the emotional plane in the context of the formation of leadership asymmetry, especially the instrumental use of grudge and resentment by a leader in the process of political leadership. The starting point to explaining the instrumentalisation of the affective sphere in politics, interpreted as a source of political leadership, will be the critical argumentation in relation to the assumptions of the theory of rational choice about the stability and predictability of political process. This article attempts a critical look at the rationality
of leadership practices in politics, where it is emphasized that the individual and collective structures – including collective identities – of beliefs on which the leadership process is formed, consolidated and based, are not permanent, but increasingly dependent on irrational manipulative strategies. Hence, this paper will analyse the mechanism of creating or reactivating negative emotions by the leader in a given cultural and structural environment as the reasons for the emergence and legitimacy of supra-individual resentment or the functioning of class
resentment, which translates into the escalation of hostility in a stratified society, as well as into followers’ receptivity; more broadly – into the form and shape of effective political leadership.
"Studia politologiczne" vol. 46 , 2017
Autor niniejszego artykułu miał na celu omówienie mechanizmu metaforyzacji w kontekście prowadzen... more Autor niniejszego artykułu miał na celu omówienie mechanizmu metaforyzacji w kontekście prowadzenia naukowych analiz politologicznych. W tym rozumieniu, stosowanie przenośni zostało wyjaśnione na planie procesu analityczno-badawczego,
który jest ilustracją wielopoziomowej interakcji między podmiotem a przedmiotem poznania (badania). Dodatkowo, chcąc w pełni zrealizować zadanie badawcze, autor poddał szczegółowej analizie takie zagadnienia, jak: metafora a poznanie naukowe; metafora jako narzędzie heurystyczne; irradiacja oraz aproksymacja semantyczna;
prezentacjonizm vs reprezentacjonizm w naukowym poznaniu rzeczywistości. Na końcu opisano reprezentacjonistyczny charakter metaforyzacji na gruncie nauki o polityce.
Athenaeum Polskie Studia Politologiczne
Teoria Polityki
Th e aim of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon of creative imagination as source the creatio... more Th e aim of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon of creative imagination as source the creation theory and scientifi c theorizing in political science. In this understanding, the author made three-views of key topics methodological refl ection, which are synonymous the mechanism of the scientifi c theorizing in political science. Th e three-views proceed as follows: human imagination → indirectness of scientifi c cognition → creative theorizing.

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Politologica 22 (2019) , 2019
The aim of this paper is to conduct meta-analysis. The author will focus on explaining the multi-... more The aim of this paper is to conduct meta-analysis. The author will focus on explaining the multi-dimentional mechanism of aesthetisation of politics. In this understanding, the starting point for scientific explanation of the phenomenon of aesthetisation in public sphere is the mechanism of internalization, expression and sharing aesthetic values for individual and collective political actors. Therefore, aesthetic values in political practices will be defined as crucial factor of political change and meaningful element of shaping social structure. In this matter the article undertakes the following issues: the notion of aesthetic experience; aestethis values and their political functions of public sphere; the mechanism of politicization of aesthetic values.
Keywords: aesthetisation, aesthetic experience, politization, aesthetic values
"Teoria Polityki" nr 4 , 2020
The aim of this paper is a critical reflection on the solipsist approach, which problematizes som... more The aim of this paper is a critical reflection on the solipsist approach, which problematizes some detailed considerations within interpretationism. In this sense, solipsism, defined as a research perspective in political science, is a position in which in an uncompromisingly consistent, even “total” way, it refers to subjective and subject-factors and/or determinants of scientific cognition and research of political reality. In the article, the polemic in relation to solipsism will mean the presentation of the aporia’s of solipsism based on externalistic positions related to the arguments proposed by Hilary Putnam and Fred Dretske.
Key words: methodological solipsism, externalism, interpretation, inconsistencies of solipsism
"Teoria Polityki" nr 1, 2017
The aim of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon of creative imagination as source the creation... more The aim of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon of creative imagination as source the creation theory and scientific theorizing in political science. In this understanding, the author made three-views of key topics methodological reflection, which are synonymous the mechanism of the scientific theorizing in political science. The three-views proceed as follows: human imagination → indirectness of scientific ccognition → creative theorizing.

Authoritarian Populism in The 21st Century. Critical Reconstruction, 2017
The aim of this paper is to analyze various forms and expressions of authoritarian populist pract... more The aim of this paper is to analyze various forms and expressions of authoritarian populist practices – especially those based on the aesthetics of kitsch – to legitimize Law and Justice (Prawo iSprawiedliwość, PiS henceforth) party in the Polish society. In this understanding, the starting point for scientifi c explanation of the phenomenon of kitsch in the political activ-ity of this party is the mechanism of aestheticisation in politics. Only on that basis has the cat-egory of competition for recognition been explained, especially the authoritarian struggle of PiS for political “visibility”. Additionally, the phenomenon of the aesthetics of kitch has been presented synthetically together with legitimizing strategies developed by PiS based on kitsch, through which the competition between the parties has been conducted.
Transformacje rzeczywistości , 2013
Books by Filip Pierzchalski
In modern political science, the phenomenon of political leadership is described and explained u... more In modern political science, the phenomenon of political leadership is described and explained using diverse theoretical models, different analytical perspectives, or diffrent research scales. Keepin in mind this theoretical and research pluralism, the author suggest applying an orginal integral explanatory strategy, which defines the relational leadership asymmetry between the leader and followers in terms of dialectical subject-object relationship (co-determination); that is to say, in terms of a dynamic and complex political process in which the interdependencies and mutual influences of the leader and followers fall under analysis.
Peter Lang, 2021
The book gathers articles authored by several members of the Warsaw School of Political Theory. T... more The book gathers articles authored by several members of the Warsaw School of Political Theory. The publication reveals the School's "teoria polityki" (political theory), which is an attempt to establish an explanatory theory, a system of statements explaining the determinants, mechanisms, regularities of political life and political action. It is a search for the essential distinctive features of political phenomena, their specificity in comparison with the social phenomena that are formally non-political, an attempt to define the limits of the political sphere of social life.

Peter Lang Edition / Studies in Politics, Security and Society , 2017
This book depicts a new research perspective of political leadership, in which the multi-level an... more This book depicts a new research perspective of political leadership, in which the multi-level and dynamic leadership relation is explained as relations between the leader (human agency) and followers (sociological environment). In this sense, leadership comprises mutual influences between personal and structural domain. In morphogenesis, the subjective matrix of leadership keeps the division into private and public exposure, as well as individual and collective realization, which in fact means that the phenomenon of political leadership directly depends on the reality of the agent and structure. The author offers a new point of view for his primary research goal, which is a precise and systematic explication of the notion of political leadership in the morphogenetic scope.
Key words: political leadership; agency and structure; analytical dualism; political subjectivity; morphogenetic approach; micro-macro link; Margaret S. Archer
Papers by Filip Pierzchalski
syndromaticity of the political science research subject.
Keywords: fuzzy sets theory, demarcation, conventionalism in science, syndromaticity, the research subject of political science
of political analyses. In this case, addressing the objective analytical and research disagreement which exists in political science became the starting point. On this basis, the author describes the issue of faultless disagreement in detail. He interprets the issue as an actual starting point in the intersubjective community of political scientists. Faultless
disagreement is synonymous with, among other things, ambiguity and definition fuzziness in a given knowledge domain, such as research pluralism, including epistemic relativism; multitude of theoretical approaches, or in conceptual differentiation. Besides, the author describes some theoretical justifications of the phenomenon of analytical and research divergence that became a necessary condition to make the thesis about faultless disagreement reliable. Moreover, he presents the theoretical and methodological effects of such correct disagreement in the context of advanced political research.
Keywords: faultless disagreement, theoretical-research pluralism, epistemic relativism, explanatory models, the researcher’s multiparadigmality in the political science’s domain
of leadership practices in politics, where it is emphasized that the individual and collective structures – including collective identities – of beliefs on which the leadership process is formed, consolidated and based, are not permanent, but increasingly dependent on irrational manipulative strategies. Hence, this paper will analyse the mechanism of creating or reactivating negative emotions by the leader in a given cultural and structural environment as the reasons for the emergence and legitimacy of supra-individual resentment or the functioning of class
resentment, which translates into the escalation of hostility in a stratified society, as well as into followers’ receptivity; more broadly – into the form and shape of effective political leadership.
który jest ilustracją wielopoziomowej interakcji między podmiotem a przedmiotem poznania (badania). Dodatkowo, chcąc w pełni zrealizować zadanie badawcze, autor poddał szczegółowej analizie takie zagadnienia, jak: metafora a poznanie naukowe; metafora jako narzędzie heurystyczne; irradiacja oraz aproksymacja semantyczna;
prezentacjonizm vs reprezentacjonizm w naukowym poznaniu rzeczywistości. Na końcu opisano reprezentacjonistyczny charakter metaforyzacji na gruncie nauki o polityce.
Keywords: aesthetisation, aesthetic experience, politization, aesthetic values
Key words: methodological solipsism, externalism, interpretation, inconsistencies of solipsism
Books by Filip Pierzchalski
Key words: political leadership; agency and structure; analytical dualism; political subjectivity; morphogenetic approach; micro-macro link; Margaret S. Archer
syndromaticity of the political science research subject.
Keywords: fuzzy sets theory, demarcation, conventionalism in science, syndromaticity, the research subject of political science
of political analyses. In this case, addressing the objective analytical and research disagreement which exists in political science became the starting point. On this basis, the author describes the issue of faultless disagreement in detail. He interprets the issue as an actual starting point in the intersubjective community of political scientists. Faultless
disagreement is synonymous with, among other things, ambiguity and definition fuzziness in a given knowledge domain, such as research pluralism, including epistemic relativism; multitude of theoretical approaches, or in conceptual differentiation. Besides, the author describes some theoretical justifications of the phenomenon of analytical and research divergence that became a necessary condition to make the thesis about faultless disagreement reliable. Moreover, he presents the theoretical and methodological effects of such correct disagreement in the context of advanced political research.
Keywords: faultless disagreement, theoretical-research pluralism, epistemic relativism, explanatory models, the researcher’s multiparadigmality in the political science’s domain
of leadership practices in politics, where it is emphasized that the individual and collective structures – including collective identities – of beliefs on which the leadership process is formed, consolidated and based, are not permanent, but increasingly dependent on irrational manipulative strategies. Hence, this paper will analyse the mechanism of creating or reactivating negative emotions by the leader in a given cultural and structural environment as the reasons for the emergence and legitimacy of supra-individual resentment or the functioning of class
resentment, which translates into the escalation of hostility in a stratified society, as well as into followers’ receptivity; more broadly – into the form and shape of effective political leadership.
który jest ilustracją wielopoziomowej interakcji między podmiotem a przedmiotem poznania (badania). Dodatkowo, chcąc w pełni zrealizować zadanie badawcze, autor poddał szczegółowej analizie takie zagadnienia, jak: metafora a poznanie naukowe; metafora jako narzędzie heurystyczne; irradiacja oraz aproksymacja semantyczna;
prezentacjonizm vs reprezentacjonizm w naukowym poznaniu rzeczywistości. Na końcu opisano reprezentacjonistyczny charakter metaforyzacji na gruncie nauki o polityce.
Keywords: aesthetisation, aesthetic experience, politization, aesthetic values
Key words: methodological solipsism, externalism, interpretation, inconsistencies of solipsism
Key words: political leadership; agency and structure; analytical dualism; political subjectivity; morphogenetic approach; micro-macro link; Margaret S. Archer