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      Indigenous StudiesNahuatlIndigenous PeoplesClassical Nahuatl
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      Indigenous StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsPhonologyPhonetics
The nahuas after the conquest: a social and cultural history of the indians of central México, sixteenth through eighteenth centuries (en adelante The nahuas), Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1992, p. 44. 4 Altepetl (singular y... more
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      Indigenous StudiesNahuatlIndigenous PeoplesHistory of Indigenous Peoples
Uno de los m atices con que se m anifesto Âla empresa colonizadora espan Ä ola en Am e  rica fue la transformacio  n global de las comunidades indõ  genas en sus aspectos econo  mico, polõ  tico, social y cultural. La primera fase de... more
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      NahuatlNahuatl LanguageNahuatl philologyCultura Nahuatl
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      Language revitalizationNahuatlIndigenous Language RevitalizationNahuatl Language
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous Peoples
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      EducationIndigenous StudiesSociolinguisticsCritical Pedagogy
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      Language revitalizationNahuatlIndigenous Language Revitalization
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      Indigenous StudiesNahuatlIndigenous PeoplesClassical Nahuatl
A monolingual dictionary of Modern Huastecan Nahuatl.
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      NahuatlNahuatl LanguageNahuatl philologyMonolingual Dictionaries
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      NahuatlHistory of Indigenous PeoplesNahuatl StudiesCultura Nahuatl
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      NahuatlHistory of Indigenous Peoples
This paper discusses major historical, cultural, linguistic, social and institutional factors contributing to the shift and endangerment of the Nahuatl language in Mexico. As a practical proposal, we discuss our strategy for its... more
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      Indigenous StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsLinguistics
This paper is based on extensive team research focusing on the reconstruction of the history of contact-induced change in Nahuatl from the first encounter with Spanish until the present day, taking into account both peripheral and central... more
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      Contact LinguisticsSpanishColonial AmericaNahuatl
Dialogue with Europe, Dialogue with the Past is a critical, annotated anthology of indigenous-authored texts, including the Nahua, Quechua, and Spanish originals, through which native peoples conveyed their own perspectives on different... more
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      EthnohistoryNahuatlMicrohistoryMesoamerican Ethnohistory
Artykuł omawia konfesyjny aspekt ingerencji jezuickiej komisji cenzorów pod przewodnictwem Stanisława Grodzickiego TJ w tekst tłumaczenia Psałterza przez Jakuba Wujka TJ. Dokładnie opisane są zmiany w obrębie leksyki nazywającej grupy... more
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      Bible TranslationJesuit historyCensorship (History)Psalters
A deeply rooted literary conviction is that Jakub Wujek was the author of paratext of his translation of the New Testament (1593), Psalter (1594) and the entire Bible (1599). The latest research points at the problem raised as early as in... more
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesJesuit historyIntercultural dialogue
The paper analyzes the teachings on idolatry and authorized cult images contained in exegetic comments in Jakub Wujek's translation of the Bible. The starting point here is the controversial thesis presented in the title of the paper.... more
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      Renaissance StudiesReformation StudiesIconoclasmBible Translation
Zgodnie z warunkiem zgody generała Towarzystwa Jezusowego i papieża Grzegorza XIII na polski przekład Biblii, tłumaczenie Jakuba Wujka (zm. 1597) było weryfikowane przez komisję cenzorów zarówno podczas prac, jak i po śmierci tłumacza. W... more
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The study challenges the statement that Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski’s Eklezjastes (Ecclesiastes), a poetic translation of Ecclesiastes, is effectuated from Jakub Wujek’s translation of the Bible. The author of the paper suggests that... more
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      Book of QohelethKultura StaropolskaStanisław Herakliusz LubomirskiLiteratura Staropolska