University of Warsaw
Department of Ancient History
As there are only a few sources for the study of city politics in late antique Italy, each existing account needs to be analysed exhaustively before any conclusions could be drawn. This is especially the case of a narrative of the siege... more
Over the recent decades, archaeologists have unearthed abundant evidence for the existence of a prosperous rural world in the late antique East. However, only very slowly did the historians of late antiquity become aware of this... more
The aim of this paper is to study the history of landscape in northern Asia Minor – primarily Pontus and Paphlagonia – since Late Antiquity till the end of the Middle Byzantine period (6 th-13th c. AD). Most of the conclusions presented... more
The two key questions: Dating: the only undoubtedly early medieval fortifications in Asia Minor are the imperial fortresses, e.g. Nicea, Amastris, Amorium, Amaseia, or Dereağzı in Lycia. Their chronological attribution is based on... more
This paper examines the archaeological, palynological and textual evidence for economic prosperity in the Anatolian countryside in Late Antiquity. Thanks to the separate analysis of data for coastal and inland regions, it shows that we do... more
Adam Izdebski’s chapter focuses on intermediaries who may have transferred the knowledge of how Greek philosophers and rhetoricians taught and organised school life to the communities of Syriac-speaking Christians in Persian Mesopotamia.... more
The purpose of this text is to introduce the reader to current debates on climate and history in Byzantium and the medieval Middle East (often referred to together as the Eastern Mediterranean). The first part presents recent advances in... more
Summary of the introduction: This text summarises the state of research on the East Syriac School of Nisibis and its Canons; it is followed by a Polish translation of Arthur Vööbus’ critical edition of the Canons’ Syriac version. After... more