Published articles and chapters by Bartosz Pieliński

Voluntas, 2019
In the article, we analyse the impact of changing policy environments on the development of the t... more In the article, we analyse the impact of changing policy environments on the development of the third sector in Europe. Based on the results of systematic comparative research in eight European countries and the UK), we identify commonalities and differences. In a three-step analysis, we examine policy changes, effects on the third sector and responses by third sector organizations (TSOs) in the social domain. Overall, the third sector in Europe has proven resilient. However, not only have public and private funding decreased, the process for acquiring such funding has become more demanding for TSOs, as have requirements to be accountable. There are signs of a proliferation of more market-based, hybrid organizations. Despite this general trend towards marketization, the impact of policy changes varies across Europe with TSOs being better equipped to adapt and survive in countries where collaborative ties between the state and the third sector have traditionally been strong.
Celem tego artykułu jest przeanalizowanie sankcji socjalnych, które są częścią polskiej ustawy o ... more Celem tego artykułu jest przeanalizowanie sankcji socjalnych, które są częścią polskiej ustawy o pomocy społecznej. W naszych badaniach przeanalizowaliśmy cztery wersje tejże ustawy – projekt ustawy z 1990 roku, przyjętą ustawę z tego samego roku, ustawę z 2004 roku oraz ustawę z 2017 roku. Wykorzystując gramatykę instytucjonalną stworzoną przez S.E.S. Crawford i E. Ostrom byliśmy w stanie określić trwałe cechy sankcji socjalnych, jak też te cechy, które ulegały zmianie z upływem czasu. W wyniku naszych badań okazało się, że sankcje socjalne rozwijają się ze względu na swój charakter, jak i zasięg, jak też osłabieniu ulegają ograniczenia nakładane na stosowanie owych sankcji.

This article explores the growth of the socio-economic strength of the
nonprofit sector in Poland... more This article explores the growth of the socio-economic strength of the
nonprofit sector in Poland over the past 25 years of post-communist transition and
this sector’s increasingly strong relations with government in the fields of human
service delivery and social policy formulation. Among the factors contributing to
the expanding role of the country’s nonprofit sector examined in the article are the
early post-communist welfare gap, the impact of Poland’s accession to the EU, the
new legal framework for nonprofits established during this period, the significant
decentralization of governmental authority, and the resulting expansion of gov-
ernmental support now reaching a level close to that in many Western European
countries. At the same time, the article identifies the remaining vulnerabilities that
continue to plague Polish nonprofit organizations as a consequence of its reliance on
short-term contracts, limited access to public procurement procedures, and a general
pull-back of the state from the provision of human services.

The context conditions for third sector organizations (TSOs) in Europe have significantly changed... more The context conditions for third sector organizations (TSOs) in Europe have significantly changed as a result of the global economic crisis, including decreasing levels of public funding and changing modes of relations with the state. The effect of economic recession, however, varies across Europe. This article aims to understand why this is the case. It analyses the impact of economic recession and related policy changes on third sector development in Europe. The economic effects on TSOs are thereby placed into a broader context of changing third sector policies and welfare state restructuring.
The article focuses on two research questions: (1) how has the changing policy environment affected the development of the third sector? And (2) what kind of strategies have TSOs adopted to respond to these changes? The article first investigates general trends in Europe, based on a conceptual model that focuses on economic recession and austerity policies with regard to the third sector. In a second step of analysis, the article provides five country case studies that exemplify policy changes and responses from the third sector in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, and Spain.
The article argues that three different development paths can be identified across Europe. In some countries (France and Spain), TSOs face a strong effect of economic recession. In other countries (Germany and Poland) the development of the third sector remains largely stable, albeit at different levels, whereas in the Netherlands, TSOs rather experience changes in the policy environment than a direct impact of economic decline. The article also shows that response strategies of the third sector in Europe depend on the context conditions. The article is based on the European project “Third Sector Impact” (TSI). It combines an analysis of statistical information with qualitative data from interviews with third sector representatives.
Co-production is very common phenomenon in our everyday lives. We are inclined to assist in the p... more Co-production is very common phenomenon in our everyday lives. We are inclined to assist in the production of services that are delivered to us. The work of Elinor Ostrom shows that it is reasonable to consider co-production as an important element in the production of public services. This paper aims to show what co-production is, the kind of implications co-production has for the performance of public administration, and how co-production can influence the political system as a whole. Co-production, on the one hand, could lead to minor changes in the way the welfare state functions; and, on the other hand, co-production could serve as the basis for a new, complex, polycentric political system.
Journal: Polityka Społeczna, No 1 ENG
This is the first special issue of "Polityka Społeczna" (The Polish Monthly Journal "Social Polic... more This is the first special issue of "Polityka Społeczna" (The Polish Monthly Journal "Social Policy") presenting results of current analyses and research on co-production
Artykuł poświęcony jest implikacjom, jakie dla polityki społecznej niosą trzy
główne odmiany nowe... more Artykuł poświęcony jest implikacjom, jakie dla polityki społecznej niosą trzy
główne odmiany nowego instytucjonalizmu: instytucjonalizm racjonalnego wyboru,
instytucjonalizm historyczny oraz instytucjonalizm socjologiczny. Analizie zostaje poddana
kwestia tego, jakie następstwa dla polityki społecznej mają odmienne koncepcje
instytucji tworzone w obrębie każdej z odmian nowego instytucjonalizmu. Autor
artykułu wskazuje na to, że nowy instytucjonalizm stawia przed polityką społeczną
trzy rodzaje wyzwań: funkcjonalności, przygodności i stosowności.
Artykuł poświęcony jest instytucjonalizmowi historycznemu. Przedstawiane jest
w nim to, w jaki sp... more Artykuł poświęcony jest instytucjonalizmowi historycznemu. Przedstawiane jest
w nim to, w jaki sposób w obrębie tej odmiany nowego instytucjonalizmu rozwijały
się badania nad polityką społeczną. Przeprowadzone przez autora analizy sugerują,
że instytucjonalizm historyczny silnie uwypukla polityczność polityki społecznej oraz
wskazuje na trudności, jakie polityka społeczna może mieć z wprowadzaniem intencjonalnej
zmiany społecznej.
Vincent and Elinor Ostrom devoted their entire academic careers to studying polycentric
systems. ... more Vincent and Elinor Ostrom devoted their entire academic careers to studying polycentric
systems. Their work has influenced mainly research on common-pool resources. The
purpose of this paper is to show how analysis of polycentric systems could be used in
social policy studies. It is done by outlining the new institutional framework for development.
This framework synthesizes Institutional Analysis and Development Framework
created by Elinor Ostrom with Amartya Sen’s capability approach. The application of
the new institutional framework for development is demonstrated through the analysis
of poverty.
Japan has a rapidly growing population of older people. Japanese government has been developing a... more Japan has a rapidly growing population of older people. Japanese government has been developing a two sets of policies aimed at coping with this processes — a modern pension system and the Long-term Care Insurance. The purpose of this article is to present the history of both parts of Japanese social security system and to outline challenges laying ahead of them.

The welfare state could be analysed from political or institutional perspective, because it raise... more The welfare state could be analysed from political or institutional perspective, because it raises
a question about the scope of citizen’s rights as well as a question about the limits of cooperation
between the free market and the government. This assumption is also true in the context of East
Asia. In the present literature devoted to the East Asian welfare state one can find three approaches
to this issue. The first one emphasizes the cultural and the structural dissimilarity of East Asia,
which affect the shape of social policies in each country in the region. The second one shows the
East Asian welfare states as undeveloped forms of the European models of social policy. The third
one tries to demonstrate that each of East Asian countries has its own distinct form of welfare state.
In my opinion, the source of the differences between those approaches lies in the level of analyse.
One can look at the East Asia welfare state focusing only on the instruments of social policy, which
are sometimes very similar to those developed in Europe and USA or one can analyse the cultural
16 Por. Jadwiga Staniszkis, Władza globalizacji, Wydawnictwo Naukowe SCHOLAR, Warszawa 2003.
114 Bartosz Pielinski
and the political background of social policy in East Asia, which is very different than western
experiences. If we examine the East Asian welfare state from the political perspective we find out
that the purpose for developing the whole system of social policy is to legitimise the existence of
the government. The government is obligated to create an environment in which every citizen can
independently work out his or her own welfare. Due to these facts, it is hard to draw from the institutional
perspective a sharp line between the sphere of the free market and the sphere controlled by
the state. Each of East Asian states is interested in having a discreet control over its citizen’s live
and because of it the autonomy of the market is very often illusive in East Asia. To sum up, in my
opinion there is the separate model of the welfare state in East Asia and its particularity comes
down from cultural and political specific of the region.
Tekst ukazał się w nieznacznie zmienionej formie w książce pt. „Nowe priorytety i tendencje w pol... more Tekst ukazał się w nieznacznie zmienionej formie w książce pt. „Nowe priorytety i tendencje w polityce społecznej – wokół integracji i aktywizacji zawodowej” pod redakacją Kazimiera Wodza, Krystyny Faliszek, Arkadiusza Karwackiego i Marka Rymszy.
Papers by Bartosz Pieliński
arXiv (Cornell University), Feb 25, 2023

arXiv (Cornell University), Nov 10, 2022
The number of standardized policy documents regarding climate policy and their publication freque... more The number of standardized policy documents regarding climate policy and their publication frequency is significantly increasing. The documents are long and tedious for manual analysis, especially for policy experts, lawmakers, and citizens who lack access or domain expertise to utilize data analytics tools. Potential consequences of such a situation include reduced citizen governance and involvement in climate policies and an overall surge in analytics costs, rendering less accessibility for the public. In this work, we use a Latent Dirichlet Allocation-based pipeline for the automatic summarization and analysis of 10-years of national energy and climate plans (NECPs) for the period from 2021 to 2030, established by 27 Member States of the European Union. We focus on analyzing policy framing, the language used to describe specific issues, to detect essential nuances in the way governments frame their climate policies and achieve climate goals. The methods leverage topic modeling and clustering for the comparative analysis of policy documents across different countries. It allows for easier integration in potential user-friendly applications for the development of theories and processes of climate policy. This would further lead to better citizen governance and engagement over climate policies and public policy research.

International Journal of Cultural Policy
This paper aims to reflect on heritage diplomacy by analysing the nature of tensions in Global He... more This paper aims to reflect on heritage diplomacy by analysing the nature of tensions in Global Heritage Regimes (GHRs) built around the World Heritage Convention and the Intangible Heritage Convention. Combining regime theory with Ostroms’ typology of goods, we claim that the process of transforming the abstract idea of ‘Heritage of Humanity’ (HoH) into an outcome in the form of a heritage list needs to mobilise heritage as diplomacy and also is the result of heritage as diplomacy. At the same time, the transformation generates tension based on the experienced delusion of (1) the expectations built upon the inclusive idea of the ‘Heritage of Humanity’ (public good) and (2) the exclusive character of heritage lists (club goods). We claim that this ‘Inclusion-Exclusion Tension’ (IET) is an inherent element of global heritage regime design and as such needs to be managed through diplomatic efforts.
arXiv (Cornell University), Sep 2, 2022
This paper presents research on a prototype developed to serve the quantitative study of public p... more This paper presents research on a prototype developed to serve the quantitative study of public policy design. This sub-discipline of political science focuses on identifying actors, relations between them, and tools at their disposal in health, environmental, economic, and other policies. Our system aims to automate the process of gathering legal documents, annotating them with Institutional Grammar, and using hypergraphs to analyse interrelations between crucial entities. Our system is tested against the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage from 2003, a legal document regulating essential aspects of international relations securing cultural heritage.

ArXiv, 2021
The growing number of AI applications, also for high-stake decisions, increases the interest in E... more The growing number of AI applications, also for high-stake decisions, increases the interest in Explainable and Interpretable Machine Learning (XI-ML). This trend can be seen both in the increasing number of regulations and strategies for developing trustworthy AI and the growing number of scientific papers dedicated to this topic. To ensure the sustainable development of AI, it is essential to understand the dynamics of the impact of regulation on research papers as well as the impact of scientific discourse on AI-related policies. This paper introduces a novel framework for joint analysis of AI-related policy documents and eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) research papers. The collected documents are enriched with metadata and interconnections, using various NLP methods combined with a methodology inspired by Institutional Grammar. Based on the information extracted from collected documents, we showcase a series of analyses that help understand interactions, similarities, ...
W kręgu pojęć i zagadnień współczesnej polityki społecznej, 2016
Published articles and chapters by Bartosz Pieliński
nonprofit sector in Poland over the past 25 years of post-communist transition and
this sector’s increasingly strong relations with government in the fields of human
service delivery and social policy formulation. Among the factors contributing to
the expanding role of the country’s nonprofit sector examined in the article are the
early post-communist welfare gap, the impact of Poland’s accession to the EU, the
new legal framework for nonprofits established during this period, the significant
decentralization of governmental authority, and the resulting expansion of gov-
ernmental support now reaching a level close to that in many Western European
countries. At the same time, the article identifies the remaining vulnerabilities that
continue to plague Polish nonprofit organizations as a consequence of its reliance on
short-term contracts, limited access to public procurement procedures, and a general
pull-back of the state from the provision of human services.
The article focuses on two research questions: (1) how has the changing policy environment affected the development of the third sector? And (2) what kind of strategies have TSOs adopted to respond to these changes? The article first investigates general trends in Europe, based on a conceptual model that focuses on economic recession and austerity policies with regard to the third sector. In a second step of analysis, the article provides five country case studies that exemplify policy changes and responses from the third sector in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, and Spain.
The article argues that three different development paths can be identified across Europe. In some countries (France and Spain), TSOs face a strong effect of economic recession. In other countries (Germany and Poland) the development of the third sector remains largely stable, albeit at different levels, whereas in the Netherlands, TSOs rather experience changes in the policy environment than a direct impact of economic decline. The article also shows that response strategies of the third sector in Europe depend on the context conditions. The article is based on the European project “Third Sector Impact” (TSI). It combines an analysis of statistical information with qualitative data from interviews with third sector representatives.
Journal: Polityka Społeczna, No 1 ENG
główne odmiany nowego instytucjonalizmu: instytucjonalizm racjonalnego wyboru,
instytucjonalizm historyczny oraz instytucjonalizm socjologiczny. Analizie zostaje poddana
kwestia tego, jakie następstwa dla polityki społecznej mają odmienne koncepcje
instytucji tworzone w obrębie każdej z odmian nowego instytucjonalizmu. Autor
artykułu wskazuje na to, że nowy instytucjonalizm stawia przed polityką społeczną
trzy rodzaje wyzwań: funkcjonalności, przygodności i stosowności.
w nim to, w jaki sposób w obrębie tej odmiany nowego instytucjonalizmu rozwijały
się badania nad polityką społeczną. Przeprowadzone przez autora analizy sugerują,
że instytucjonalizm historyczny silnie uwypukla polityczność polityki społecznej oraz
wskazuje na trudności, jakie polityka społeczna może mieć z wprowadzaniem intencjonalnej
zmiany społecznej.
systems. Their work has influenced mainly research on common-pool resources. The
purpose of this paper is to show how analysis of polycentric systems could be used in
social policy studies. It is done by outlining the new institutional framework for development.
This framework synthesizes Institutional Analysis and Development Framework
created by Elinor Ostrom with Amartya Sen’s capability approach. The application of
the new institutional framework for development is demonstrated through the analysis
of poverty.
a question about the scope of citizen’s rights as well as a question about the limits of cooperation
between the free market and the government. This assumption is also true in the context of East
Asia. In the present literature devoted to the East Asian welfare state one can find three approaches
to this issue. The first one emphasizes the cultural and the structural dissimilarity of East Asia,
which affect the shape of social policies in each country in the region. The second one shows the
East Asian welfare states as undeveloped forms of the European models of social policy. The third
one tries to demonstrate that each of East Asian countries has its own distinct form of welfare state.
In my opinion, the source of the differences between those approaches lies in the level of analyse.
One can look at the East Asia welfare state focusing only on the instruments of social policy, which
are sometimes very similar to those developed in Europe and USA or one can analyse the cultural
16 Por. Jadwiga Staniszkis, Władza globalizacji, Wydawnictwo Naukowe SCHOLAR, Warszawa 2003.
114 Bartosz Pielinski
and the political background of social policy in East Asia, which is very different than western
experiences. If we examine the East Asian welfare state from the political perspective we find out
that the purpose for developing the whole system of social policy is to legitimise the existence of
the government. The government is obligated to create an environment in which every citizen can
independently work out his or her own welfare. Due to these facts, it is hard to draw from the institutional
perspective a sharp line between the sphere of the free market and the sphere controlled by
the state. Each of East Asian states is interested in having a discreet control over its citizen’s live
and because of it the autonomy of the market is very often illusive in East Asia. To sum up, in my
opinion there is the separate model of the welfare state in East Asia and its particularity comes
down from cultural and political specific of the region.
Papers by Bartosz Pieliński
nonprofit sector in Poland over the past 25 years of post-communist transition and
this sector’s increasingly strong relations with government in the fields of human
service delivery and social policy formulation. Among the factors contributing to
the expanding role of the country’s nonprofit sector examined in the article are the
early post-communist welfare gap, the impact of Poland’s accession to the EU, the
new legal framework for nonprofits established during this period, the significant
decentralization of governmental authority, and the resulting expansion of gov-
ernmental support now reaching a level close to that in many Western European
countries. At the same time, the article identifies the remaining vulnerabilities that
continue to plague Polish nonprofit organizations as a consequence of its reliance on
short-term contracts, limited access to public procurement procedures, and a general
pull-back of the state from the provision of human services.
The article focuses on two research questions: (1) how has the changing policy environment affected the development of the third sector? And (2) what kind of strategies have TSOs adopted to respond to these changes? The article first investigates general trends in Europe, based on a conceptual model that focuses on economic recession and austerity policies with regard to the third sector. In a second step of analysis, the article provides five country case studies that exemplify policy changes and responses from the third sector in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, and Spain.
The article argues that three different development paths can be identified across Europe. In some countries (France and Spain), TSOs face a strong effect of economic recession. In other countries (Germany and Poland) the development of the third sector remains largely stable, albeit at different levels, whereas in the Netherlands, TSOs rather experience changes in the policy environment than a direct impact of economic decline. The article also shows that response strategies of the third sector in Europe depend on the context conditions. The article is based on the European project “Third Sector Impact” (TSI). It combines an analysis of statistical information with qualitative data from interviews with third sector representatives.
Journal: Polityka Społeczna, No 1 ENG
główne odmiany nowego instytucjonalizmu: instytucjonalizm racjonalnego wyboru,
instytucjonalizm historyczny oraz instytucjonalizm socjologiczny. Analizie zostaje poddana
kwestia tego, jakie następstwa dla polityki społecznej mają odmienne koncepcje
instytucji tworzone w obrębie każdej z odmian nowego instytucjonalizmu. Autor
artykułu wskazuje na to, że nowy instytucjonalizm stawia przed polityką społeczną
trzy rodzaje wyzwań: funkcjonalności, przygodności i stosowności.
w nim to, w jaki sposób w obrębie tej odmiany nowego instytucjonalizmu rozwijały
się badania nad polityką społeczną. Przeprowadzone przez autora analizy sugerują,
że instytucjonalizm historyczny silnie uwypukla polityczność polityki społecznej oraz
wskazuje na trudności, jakie polityka społeczna może mieć z wprowadzaniem intencjonalnej
zmiany społecznej.
systems. Their work has influenced mainly research on common-pool resources. The
purpose of this paper is to show how analysis of polycentric systems could be used in
social policy studies. It is done by outlining the new institutional framework for development.
This framework synthesizes Institutional Analysis and Development Framework
created by Elinor Ostrom with Amartya Sen’s capability approach. The application of
the new institutional framework for development is demonstrated through the analysis
of poverty.
a question about the scope of citizen’s rights as well as a question about the limits of cooperation
between the free market and the government. This assumption is also true in the context of East
Asia. In the present literature devoted to the East Asian welfare state one can find three approaches
to this issue. The first one emphasizes the cultural and the structural dissimilarity of East Asia,
which affect the shape of social policies in each country in the region. The second one shows the
East Asian welfare states as undeveloped forms of the European models of social policy. The third
one tries to demonstrate that each of East Asian countries has its own distinct form of welfare state.
In my opinion, the source of the differences between those approaches lies in the level of analyse.
One can look at the East Asia welfare state focusing only on the instruments of social policy, which
are sometimes very similar to those developed in Europe and USA or one can analyse the cultural
16 Por. Jadwiga Staniszkis, Władza globalizacji, Wydawnictwo Naukowe SCHOLAR, Warszawa 2003.
114 Bartosz Pielinski
and the political background of social policy in East Asia, which is very different than western
experiences. If we examine the East Asian welfare state from the political perspective we find out
that the purpose for developing the whole system of social policy is to legitimise the existence of
the government. The government is obligated to create an environment in which every citizen can
independently work out his or her own welfare. Due to these facts, it is hard to draw from the institutional
perspective a sharp line between the sphere of the free market and the sphere controlled by
the state. Each of East Asian states is interested in having a discreet control over its citizen’s live
and because of it the autonomy of the market is very often illusive in East Asia. To sum up, in my
opinion there is the separate model of the welfare state in East Asia and its particularity comes
down from cultural and political specific of the region.
z recenzji prof. dr hab. Ewy Leś