Common properties and municipalities: Institutional relations in forest environmental services pr... more Common properties and municipalities: Institutional relations in forest environmental services provision. A case study in an Alpine Region.
Please refer to published version for the most recent bibliographic citation information. If a pu... more Please refer to published version for the most recent bibliographic citation information. If a published version is known of, the repository item page linked to above, will contain details on accessing it.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of non-economic motivations such as altrui... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of non-economic motivations such as altruism and environmental concerns on social preferences and hence willingness to pay (WTP) for changes in forest management strategies in the Bialowieza Forest in Poland. We used data from a discrete choice experiment (CE) with attributes describing changes in the quality of the forest and recreation. The choice experiment technique makes it possible to disentangle the effect of the trait of altruism and environmental concern with regard to different attributes and their levels. Environmental attitudes were measured using the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) scale, whereas the trait of altruism was determined using the Self-Reported Altruism (SRA) scale. The parameterization employed in the survey was a WTP space model. Results show that both altruism and environmental concerns have significant effects on the amount people are willing to pay for changes in forest management.
Working Papers contain preliminary research results. Please consider this when citing the paper. ... more Working Papers contain preliminary research results. Please consider this when citing the paper. Please contact the authors to give comments or to obtain revised version. Any mistakes and the views expressed herein are solely those of the authors. D Di id d p pe eo op pl le e " "b bu uy y" " w wh ha at t w wa as s " "s so ol ld d" "? ? A A q qu ua al li it ta at ti iv ve e e ev va al lu ua at ti io on n a a C Co on nt ti in ng ge en nt t V Va al lu ua at ti io on n s su ur rv ve ey y i in nf fo or rm ma at ti io on n s se et t f fo or r g ga ai in ns s i in n l li if fe e e ex xp pe ec ct ta an nc cy y
This paper provides a key element for the calculation of the damage costs of air pollution, namel... more This paper provides a key element for the calculation of the damage costs of air pollution, namely the valuation of mortality, important because premature mortality makes by far the largest contribution. Whereas several studies have tried to quantify the cost of air pollution mortality by multiplying a number of deaths by the 'value of prevented fatality' (also known as 'value of statistical life'), we explain why such an approach is not correct and why one needs to evaluate the change in life expectancy due to air pollution. Therefore, an estimate for the monetary value of a life year (VOLY) is needed. The most appropriate method for determining VOLY is contingent valuation (CV). To determine VOLY for the EU, we have conducted a CV survey in 9 European countries: France,
Non-timber benefits (NTBs) are increasingly being compared with timber values in the crafting of ... more Non-timber benefits (NTBs) are increasingly being compared with timber values in the crafting of multifunctional forest policies. Since most NTBs are non-marketable goods, special valuation methods are developed for their evaluation. Due to cost and time requirements, it is neither feasible nor desirable to conduct primary valuation studies in each policy relevant case. As an alternative, the benefit transfer (BT) approach is used to transfer benefits estimated by previous studies in a similar context to the policy context of interest. We take stock of the growing literature applying BT techniques for NTBs, to answer two main questions: How have BT methods been used to date in the forest context? What are the main lessons from NTBs transfers? We found 12 studies dealing with BT between forest sites and a few others in which forest sites were among other analyzed environmental resources. The majority of them transferred recreation benefits using the BT function based either on contin...
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2012
In the analysis of stated preferences studies, it is often assumed that protesting is a discretel... more In the analysis of stated preferences studies, it is often assumed that protesting is a discretely measured item only occurring among those who are not willing to pay. However, various studies have recently shown that protest beliefs are as well held by respondents who state a positive willingness to pay (WTP). Using latent class (LC) models, we investigate the extent of heterogeneity with respect to protest beliefs among all respondents of two contingent valuation studies. The advantage of LC models is that classes of individuals are endogenously identified and no selection bias is introduced by ad hoc definitions of protesters. Further we investigate whether it is possible to identify a class of non-protesters. Finding a group of pure non-protesters could indicate how strongly stated WTP in the whole sample is affected by protest beliefs. For both samples, we find a class with strong protest beliefs but no pure non-protest class. Overall, our results suggest that LC models might not be the first choice to determine unbiased WTP measures, but they provide valuable insights into the degree of protesting expressed by different groups and corresponding determinants of group membership.
Procurement auctions are one of several policy tools available to incentivise the provision of ec... more Procurement auctions are one of several policy tools available to incentivise the provision of ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation. Successful biodiversity conservation often requires a landscape-scale approach and the spatial coordination of participation, for example in the creation of wildlife corridors. In this paper, we use a laboratory experiment to explore two features of procurement auctions in a forest landscape: the pricing mechanism (uniform vs. discriminatory) and availability of communication (chat) between potential sellers. We modify the experimental design developed by by introducing uncertainty (and hence heterogeneity) in the production value of forest sites as well as an automated, endogenous stopping rule. We find that discriminatory pricing yields to greater environmental benefits per government dollar spent, chiefly because it is easier to construct long corridors. Chat also facilitates such coordination but also seems to encourage collusion in sustaining high prices for the most environmentally attractive plots. These two effects offset each other, making chat neutral from the viewpoint of maximizing environmental effect per dollar spent.
The study investigates the preferences for Demand Side Management programs for electricity usage ... more The study investigates the preferences for Demand Side Management programs for electricity usage in Poland. Using stated preference data generated from a choice experiment with a large representative sample of the Polish population, we estimate willingness to accept changes in electricity consumption. We also explore the impact of social comparison of households’ energy use on the acceptance of Demand Side Management as a potential driver of preference heterogeneity with respect to electricity services. The results indicate that the majority of respondents are willing to accept new electricity contracts in exchange for financial compensation. Respondents seem to consider electricity consumption control during the peak evening hours to be the most onerous. Surprisingly, the social comparison of electricity usage had limited impact on respondents’ willingness to accept the attributes of the contracts. Including it in Demand Side Management programs requires reflection. From a policy p...
We examine how the direction of price changes affects the value people place on avoiding renewabl... more We examine how the direction of price changes affects the value people place on avoiding renewable energy externalities in Poland. Additionally, we investigate the influence of individuals' financial loss aversion and financial risk preferences on this valuation. In our study we conduct a choice experiment survey in which respondents' choices indicate the value they place on avoiding wind, solar, and biomass externalities. We combine this survey with a financial lottery choice task that elicits the respondents' risk preferences and degree of loss aversion. In the choice experiment we use both increases and decreases in electricity bills to depict the uncertain effect of new sources of energy generation on the current price level. This design allows us to investigate if obtained values are independent of the payment mechanism. In the analyzed context, our results indicate that marginal utility of money seems to be lower with a rebate on the energy bill than with a surcharge. Moreover, financial risk preferences affect people's choices in a case of a surcharge, while loss aversion for money affects them in the case of a rebate. We find that the more loss averse people are with regard to money, the more they require compensation before they accept externalities from renewable electricity production. In contrast, the more risk seeking people are in a financial domain, the less cost sensitive they are and the more willing they are to pay for proposed changes in renewable electricity generation.
The paper reports research in benefit transfer validity between Norway and two New Member States ... more The paper reports research in benefit transfer validity between Norway and two New Member States of EU-Poland and the Czech Republic. Based on the original eutrophication contingent valuation study conducted in Norway in 1994, repeated later in Norway (1997) and Germany (2000), two studies were conducted in Poland and the Czech Republic in 2005 in which we ask residents for willingness-to-pay for a hypothetical improvement of water quality in a lake which is strongly euthrophicated and therefore not usable for all recreational activities. The studies were designed in a way that would match the Norwegian original as closely as possible, with regard to site selection, scenario, payment vehicle and even the questionnaire design. The experience gained and the data collected serves to test for possibilities for future BT from Western European countries to new EU Member States as well as between two new member countries. Naive single benefit transfer yields the largest error rates. Transf...
Procurement auctions are one of several policy tools available to incentivise the provision of ec... more Procurement auctions are one of several policy tools available to incentivise the provision of ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation. Successful biodiversity conservation often requires a landscape-scale approach and the spatial coordination of participation, for example in the creation of wildlife corridors. In this paper, we use a laboratory experiment to explore two features of procurement auctions in a forest landscape—the pricing mechanism (uniform vs. discriminatory) and availability of communication (chat) between potential sellers. We modify the experimental design developed by Reeson et al. (2011) by introducing uncertainty (and hence heterogeneity) in the production value of forest sites as well as an automated, endogenous stopping rule. We find that discriminatory pricing yields to greater environmental benefits per government dollar spent, chiefly due to better coordination between owners of adjacent plots. Chat also facilitates such coordination but also seem...
In this paper we test the efficiency of family resource allocation in three-generation households... more In this paper we test the efficiency of family resource allocation in three-generation households. Understanding how the so-called “squeezed middle” generation allocates resources towards the children and grandparents in the household will be increasingly important as populations age, and more elderly people become dependent upon their relations for financial support. Despite a large literature on household resource allocation in two-generation households (parents and children), to the best of our knowledge ours is the first study that includes the third generation. We present a theoretical model and conduct a discrete choice experiment in the context of reductions in the lifetime risk of developing coronary artery disease to verify the efficient resource allocation hypothesis. The data is obtained from a large sample of the Polish population. The sample consists of the middle generation members of three-generation households and hence WTP represents household value from the perspec...
... Scasny, Vojtěch Máca and Jan Urban, Charles University Prague Marie-Eve Stoeckel, EdF Ania Ba... more ... Scasny, Vojtěch Máca and Jan Urban, Charles University Prague Marie-Eve Stoeckel, EdF Ania Bartczak and Olimpia Markiewicz, University ... CV) questionnaire that has been applied in 9 countries: France, Spain, UK, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Hungary ...
ABSTRACT Podczas, gdy wykorzystanie metod wyceny dóbr nierynkowych jest dość powszechne w Europie... more ABSTRACT Podczas, gdy wykorzystanie metod wyceny dóbr nierynkowych jest dość powszechne w Europie Zachodniej i USA, to w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej prace takie są na razie w fazie początkowej. W niniejszej pracy przedstawione zostało wykorzystanie metody wyceny warunkowej (CVM) i modelu użyteczności losowej (RUM) w celu oszacowania korzyści z poprawy jakości wody kranowej i powierzchniowej w Polsce. Badanie to przeprowadzono metodą „face-to-face” w domach respondentów w 2007 roku. Przeankietowano 813 osób stanowiących reprezentatywną próbę dla dorosłej ludności zamieszkałej w miastach. Wyniki wskazują, że poprawa jakości wody jest wysoko wyceniana na 21 zł i 14 zł miesięcznie na gospodarstwo domowe, odpowiednio za wodę kranową i powierzchniową.
Poland’s energy strategy prioritizes long-term energy security, energy efficiency, reducing green... more Poland’s energy strategy prioritizes long-term energy security, energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The country’s progress toward sustainable development requires in-depth analyses of possible solutions. In our study we investigate consumers’ preferences for Demand Side Management programs for electricity usage in Poland. We apply a discrete Choice Experiment framework for various electricity contracts implying the external control of electricity usage. The main objective of the study is to investigate the value of potential disutility of Polish households from the energy management. Additionally, we elaborate on the effect of social comparison between households’ electricity use on the acceptance of new electricity contracts. The results suggest that people require substantial compensations to accept the external control of electricity in extreme cases and in weekdays during certain hours. Turning to the social comparison, we were expecting that people with a high...
Common properties and municipalities: Institutional relations in forest environmental services pr... more Common properties and municipalities: Institutional relations in forest environmental services provision. A case study in an Alpine Region.
Please refer to published version for the most recent bibliographic citation information. If a pu... more Please refer to published version for the most recent bibliographic citation information. If a published version is known of, the repository item page linked to above, will contain details on accessing it.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of non-economic motivations such as altrui... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of non-economic motivations such as altruism and environmental concerns on social preferences and hence willingness to pay (WTP) for changes in forest management strategies in the Bialowieza Forest in Poland. We used data from a discrete choice experiment (CE) with attributes describing changes in the quality of the forest and recreation. The choice experiment technique makes it possible to disentangle the effect of the trait of altruism and environmental concern with regard to different attributes and their levels. Environmental attitudes were measured using the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) scale, whereas the trait of altruism was determined using the Self-Reported Altruism (SRA) scale. The parameterization employed in the survey was a WTP space model. Results show that both altruism and environmental concerns have significant effects on the amount people are willing to pay for changes in forest management.
Working Papers contain preliminary research results. Please consider this when citing the paper. ... more Working Papers contain preliminary research results. Please consider this when citing the paper. Please contact the authors to give comments or to obtain revised version. Any mistakes and the views expressed herein are solely those of the authors. D Di id d p pe eo op pl le e " "b bu uy y" " w wh ha at t w wa as s " "s so ol ld d" "? ? A A q qu ua al li it ta at ti iv ve e e ev va al lu ua at ti io on n a a C Co on nt ti in ng ge en nt t V Va al lu ua at ti io on n s su ur rv ve ey y i in nf fo or rm ma at ti io on n s se et t f fo or r g ga ai in ns s i in n l li if fe e e ex xp pe ec ct ta an nc cy y
This paper provides a key element for the calculation of the damage costs of air pollution, namel... more This paper provides a key element for the calculation of the damage costs of air pollution, namely the valuation of mortality, important because premature mortality makes by far the largest contribution. Whereas several studies have tried to quantify the cost of air pollution mortality by multiplying a number of deaths by the 'value of prevented fatality' (also known as 'value of statistical life'), we explain why such an approach is not correct and why one needs to evaluate the change in life expectancy due to air pollution. Therefore, an estimate for the monetary value of a life year (VOLY) is needed. The most appropriate method for determining VOLY is contingent valuation (CV). To determine VOLY for the EU, we have conducted a CV survey in 9 European countries: France,
Non-timber benefits (NTBs) are increasingly being compared with timber values in the crafting of ... more Non-timber benefits (NTBs) are increasingly being compared with timber values in the crafting of multifunctional forest policies. Since most NTBs are non-marketable goods, special valuation methods are developed for their evaluation. Due to cost and time requirements, it is neither feasible nor desirable to conduct primary valuation studies in each policy relevant case. As an alternative, the benefit transfer (BT) approach is used to transfer benefits estimated by previous studies in a similar context to the policy context of interest. We take stock of the growing literature applying BT techniques for NTBs, to answer two main questions: How have BT methods been used to date in the forest context? What are the main lessons from NTBs transfers? We found 12 studies dealing with BT between forest sites and a few others in which forest sites were among other analyzed environmental resources. The majority of them transferred recreation benefits using the BT function based either on contin...
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2012
In the analysis of stated preferences studies, it is often assumed that protesting is a discretel... more In the analysis of stated preferences studies, it is often assumed that protesting is a discretely measured item only occurring among those who are not willing to pay. However, various studies have recently shown that protest beliefs are as well held by respondents who state a positive willingness to pay (WTP). Using latent class (LC) models, we investigate the extent of heterogeneity with respect to protest beliefs among all respondents of two contingent valuation studies. The advantage of LC models is that classes of individuals are endogenously identified and no selection bias is introduced by ad hoc definitions of protesters. Further we investigate whether it is possible to identify a class of non-protesters. Finding a group of pure non-protesters could indicate how strongly stated WTP in the whole sample is affected by protest beliefs. For both samples, we find a class with strong protest beliefs but no pure non-protest class. Overall, our results suggest that LC models might not be the first choice to determine unbiased WTP measures, but they provide valuable insights into the degree of protesting expressed by different groups and corresponding determinants of group membership.
Procurement auctions are one of several policy tools available to incentivise the provision of ec... more Procurement auctions are one of several policy tools available to incentivise the provision of ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation. Successful biodiversity conservation often requires a landscape-scale approach and the spatial coordination of participation, for example in the creation of wildlife corridors. In this paper, we use a laboratory experiment to explore two features of procurement auctions in a forest landscape: the pricing mechanism (uniform vs. discriminatory) and availability of communication (chat) between potential sellers. We modify the experimental design developed by by introducing uncertainty (and hence heterogeneity) in the production value of forest sites as well as an automated, endogenous stopping rule. We find that discriminatory pricing yields to greater environmental benefits per government dollar spent, chiefly because it is easier to construct long corridors. Chat also facilitates such coordination but also seems to encourage collusion in sustaining high prices for the most environmentally attractive plots. These two effects offset each other, making chat neutral from the viewpoint of maximizing environmental effect per dollar spent.
The study investigates the preferences for Demand Side Management programs for electricity usage ... more The study investigates the preferences for Demand Side Management programs for electricity usage in Poland. Using stated preference data generated from a choice experiment with a large representative sample of the Polish population, we estimate willingness to accept changes in electricity consumption. We also explore the impact of social comparison of households’ energy use on the acceptance of Demand Side Management as a potential driver of preference heterogeneity with respect to electricity services. The results indicate that the majority of respondents are willing to accept new electricity contracts in exchange for financial compensation. Respondents seem to consider electricity consumption control during the peak evening hours to be the most onerous. Surprisingly, the social comparison of electricity usage had limited impact on respondents’ willingness to accept the attributes of the contracts. Including it in Demand Side Management programs requires reflection. From a policy p...
We examine how the direction of price changes affects the value people place on avoiding renewabl... more We examine how the direction of price changes affects the value people place on avoiding renewable energy externalities in Poland. Additionally, we investigate the influence of individuals' financial loss aversion and financial risk preferences on this valuation. In our study we conduct a choice experiment survey in which respondents' choices indicate the value they place on avoiding wind, solar, and biomass externalities. We combine this survey with a financial lottery choice task that elicits the respondents' risk preferences and degree of loss aversion. In the choice experiment we use both increases and decreases in electricity bills to depict the uncertain effect of new sources of energy generation on the current price level. This design allows us to investigate if obtained values are independent of the payment mechanism. In the analyzed context, our results indicate that marginal utility of money seems to be lower with a rebate on the energy bill than with a surcharge. Moreover, financial risk preferences affect people's choices in a case of a surcharge, while loss aversion for money affects them in the case of a rebate. We find that the more loss averse people are with regard to money, the more they require compensation before they accept externalities from renewable electricity production. In contrast, the more risk seeking people are in a financial domain, the less cost sensitive they are and the more willing they are to pay for proposed changes in renewable electricity generation.
The paper reports research in benefit transfer validity between Norway and two New Member States ... more The paper reports research in benefit transfer validity between Norway and two New Member States of EU-Poland and the Czech Republic. Based on the original eutrophication contingent valuation study conducted in Norway in 1994, repeated later in Norway (1997) and Germany (2000), two studies were conducted in Poland and the Czech Republic in 2005 in which we ask residents for willingness-to-pay for a hypothetical improvement of water quality in a lake which is strongly euthrophicated and therefore not usable for all recreational activities. The studies were designed in a way that would match the Norwegian original as closely as possible, with regard to site selection, scenario, payment vehicle and even the questionnaire design. The experience gained and the data collected serves to test for possibilities for future BT from Western European countries to new EU Member States as well as between two new member countries. Naive single benefit transfer yields the largest error rates. Transf...
Procurement auctions are one of several policy tools available to incentivise the provision of ec... more Procurement auctions are one of several policy tools available to incentivise the provision of ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation. Successful biodiversity conservation often requires a landscape-scale approach and the spatial coordination of participation, for example in the creation of wildlife corridors. In this paper, we use a laboratory experiment to explore two features of procurement auctions in a forest landscape—the pricing mechanism (uniform vs. discriminatory) and availability of communication (chat) between potential sellers. We modify the experimental design developed by Reeson et al. (2011) by introducing uncertainty (and hence heterogeneity) in the production value of forest sites as well as an automated, endogenous stopping rule. We find that discriminatory pricing yields to greater environmental benefits per government dollar spent, chiefly due to better coordination between owners of adjacent plots. Chat also facilitates such coordination but also seem...
In this paper we test the efficiency of family resource allocation in three-generation households... more In this paper we test the efficiency of family resource allocation in three-generation households. Understanding how the so-called “squeezed middle” generation allocates resources towards the children and grandparents in the household will be increasingly important as populations age, and more elderly people become dependent upon their relations for financial support. Despite a large literature on household resource allocation in two-generation households (parents and children), to the best of our knowledge ours is the first study that includes the third generation. We present a theoretical model and conduct a discrete choice experiment in the context of reductions in the lifetime risk of developing coronary artery disease to verify the efficient resource allocation hypothesis. The data is obtained from a large sample of the Polish population. The sample consists of the middle generation members of three-generation households and hence WTP represents household value from the perspec...
... Scasny, Vojtěch Máca and Jan Urban, Charles University Prague Marie-Eve Stoeckel, EdF Ania Ba... more ... Scasny, Vojtěch Máca and Jan Urban, Charles University Prague Marie-Eve Stoeckel, EdF Ania Bartczak and Olimpia Markiewicz, University ... CV) questionnaire that has been applied in 9 countries: France, Spain, UK, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Hungary ...
ABSTRACT Podczas, gdy wykorzystanie metod wyceny dóbr nierynkowych jest dość powszechne w Europie... more ABSTRACT Podczas, gdy wykorzystanie metod wyceny dóbr nierynkowych jest dość powszechne w Europie Zachodniej i USA, to w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej prace takie są na razie w fazie początkowej. W niniejszej pracy przedstawione zostało wykorzystanie metody wyceny warunkowej (CVM) i modelu użyteczności losowej (RUM) w celu oszacowania korzyści z poprawy jakości wody kranowej i powierzchniowej w Polsce. Badanie to przeprowadzono metodą „face-to-face” w domach respondentów w 2007 roku. Przeankietowano 813 osób stanowiących reprezentatywną próbę dla dorosłej ludności zamieszkałej w miastach. Wyniki wskazują, że poprawa jakości wody jest wysoko wyceniana na 21 zł i 14 zł miesięcznie na gospodarstwo domowe, odpowiednio za wodę kranową i powierzchniową.
Poland’s energy strategy prioritizes long-term energy security, energy efficiency, reducing green... more Poland’s energy strategy prioritizes long-term energy security, energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The country’s progress toward sustainable development requires in-depth analyses of possible solutions. In our study we investigate consumers’ preferences for Demand Side Management programs for electricity usage in Poland. We apply a discrete Choice Experiment framework for various electricity contracts implying the external control of electricity usage. The main objective of the study is to investigate the value of potential disutility of Polish households from the energy management. Additionally, we elaborate on the effect of social comparison between households’ electricity use on the acceptance of new electricity contracts. The results suggest that people require substantial compensations to accept the external control of electricity in extreme cases and in weekdays during certain hours. Turning to the social comparison, we were expecting that people with a high...
Papers by Anna Bartczak