Papers by Agnieszka Piskorska
Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, Oct 15, 2021
Internet Pragmatics, 2020
This paper deploys the tools of relevance theory to establish a common pragmatic mechanism operat... more This paper deploys the tools of relevance theory to establish a common pragmatic mechanism operating in humorous texts (stand-up comedy, jokes, sketches) themed on the omnipresence of the Internet and social media in human life. It is postulated that this mechanism resides in incongruity between shared cultural assumptions expressing high esteem for rational actions and informative communication, and private assumptions endorsed by internet application users, who find phatic communication pleasurable. It is claimed that incongruity so understood is not a central but additional pragmatic mechanism in various humorous genres, and it tends not to be resolved, as tension between these two sets of assumptions lingers on.

Pragmatics & Cognition 28 (2): 223-227, 2022
In 1986, Sperber and Wilson's Relevance: Communication and Cognition made a breakthrough in pragm... more In 1986, Sperber and Wilson's Relevance: Communication and Cognition made a breakthrough in pragmatic research, shifting the spotlight from issues pertaining to discourse production and conversational interaction to cognitive phenomena underlying human communication. In their seminal 1986 book, Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson sought to offer a comprehensive account of the inferential processes involved in utterance comprehension and how inferences are routinely made by the human mind in order to reach optimally relevant interpretations. Grounded on Gricean pragmatics, but yet reacting against it, relevance theory was soon applied to an enormous variety of linguistic phenomena, which include discourse/pragmatic markers, distinct types of adverbials and particles, and verbal mood, tense and aspect, to name but a few. It also contributed to a better understanding of the
The present volume covers a variety of topics which are at the centre of interest in pragmatic re... more The present volume covers a variety of topics which are at the centre of interest in pragmatic research: understanding and believing, reference, politeness, communication problems, stylistics, metaphor, and humour. Next to innovative theoretical proposals, there are interesting analyses and discussions.

The present volume demonstrates the multifaceted potential of Relevance Theory, which, for more t... more The present volume demonstrates the multifaceted potential of Relevance Theory, which, for more than two decades now, has been inspiring studies of the relationship between human communication and cognition. In the Mind and across Minds reflects the main strands of relevance-theoretic research, by expanding, evaluating and revising the researchers' ideas in a collection of papers by an international array of scholars. The papers explore various aspects of communication including such issues as non-literal meaning with the focus on irony and metaphor, the construction of ad hoc concepts, the conceptual-procedural meaning distinction, metarepresentation, context and politeness as well as test the applicability of Relevance Theory to the domain of translation. A set of readings on varied linguistic and sociocultural phenomena, this book will be a valuable resource for scholars and students investigating meaning in natural language and an insightful reference for those interested in...
"Res Rhetorica"
Artykuł dotyczy zastosowania przenośni w artykułach prasowych o charakterze polemicznym, w któryc... more Artykuł dotyczy zastosowania przenośni w artykułach prasowych o charakterze polemicznym, w których ten środek stylistyczny użyty jest do sparafrazowania poglądów, będących przedmiotem polemiki. Metaforyczne sformułowania prowadzą do interpretacji, w której osoba głosząca dany pogląd jawi się jako niekompetentna lub ograniczona, przez co stanowią one naruszenie „twarzy” tej osoby i wprowadzają do argumentacji element nacechowany negatywnie. W pracy przedstawiono pogląd, iż pośredni i implicytny charakter komunikatu ma kluczowe znaczenie w spełnieniu tej funkcji.
Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 2016
The paper adopts and modifies notion of perlocutionary effects and argues for recognizing the sig... more The paper adopts and modifies notion of perlocutionary effects and argues for recognizing the significance of such effects in communication. I draw a parallel between persuasion, which has received much attention in relevance theory and is believed to be intrinsically linked to comprehension, and other effects, such as amusement or taking offence. I hypothesise that the latter occur not merely as consequences of interpretations consisting in an explicature and a set of implicatures, but that they may also have some impact on the inferential path and ultimately on the outcome of the comprehension process. To support this view, I refer to selected psychological findings on the inseparability of cognition and affect in stimuli processing.
Journal of Pragmatics, 2016
Intercultural Pragmatics, 2015
Papers by Agnieszka Piskorska
TABLE OF CONTENTS / Part 1: In the orbit of politics / Robert Zybrant: "Wrocław’s opposition and counter-cultural organizations of the 1980s and their impact on the formation of the Orange Alternative" | Aneta Jabłońska: "How Witkacy turned into a woman or theatre of the absurd in communist Poland" | Michał Pranke: ">>And that was the exit!<<. 'Maciuś Wariat' by Marcin Świetlicki" | Wojciech Lewandowski: ">>Good evening London…<<. The socio-political revolution in comics, based on the example of the graphic novel 'V for Vendetta' by Alan Moore and David Lloyd"/ Part 2: Crossing musical borders / Dariusz Piechota: "Emancipation according to Madonna" | Paweł Jaskulski: "The origins of oblivion: Nirvana in the 1980s" | Adriana Brenda-Mańkowska: "The Rutles, Medusa, Spinal Tap – musical mockumentary in the 1980s" / Part 3: The past directs the future / Kamil Kościelski: "Pastiche in the shadow of parody – a certain adventure of the American horror fi lms of the 1980s" | Joanna Kostana: "Retromania of the 1980s: on the different faces of neo-noir cinema" | Agnieszka Kiejziewicz: "Dystopia, new society and machines. The 1980s as the period of emergence and development of cyberpunk cinema" | Mariusz Koryciński: "Into the cinema? Yuppie nights, innocent noirball and new classicism"
CONTRIBUTORS | Academic edition: Aneta Jabłońska, Mariusz Koryciński | Academic review: Paweł Tański | Translation: Jacek Wełniak, Agnieszka Piskorska | Copy-editing: Dan Sax, Paulina Plata | Cover project and logotype of the Time Machine Series: Stefan M. Ronisz | Picture of the sky on the cover: Paweł Gołąb | Typesetting and text makeup: Joanna Poroś-Głuchowska