Conference Presentations by Agnieszka Kaldonek-Crnjakovic

Proceedings of 17th Mate Demarin Days: Education - The Future Of Civilization, 2018
2015.-2017.godine provedeno je istraživanje na ukupno 363 hrvatska učitelja i nastavnika englesko... more 2015.-2017.godine provedeno je istraživanje na ukupno 363 hrvatska učitelja i nastavnika engleskoga i njemačkoga kao stranoga jezika kako bi se utvrdilo na koji način stječu kompetencije za poučavanje učenika s disleksijom i smatraju li stečeno znanje dovoljnim za poučavanje takvih učenika. U radu su prikazani rezultati analize prvog dijela podataka, a naknadna statistička analiza preostalih prikupljenih podataka pružit će uvid u cjelovitu sliku o kompetencijama učitelja i nastavnika za poučavanje učenika s disleksijom. Analiza je pokazala kako je manje od jedne četvrtine svega ispitanika tijekom studija slušalo kolegije na kojima je bilo govora o disleksiji, a više od pola ih je u sklopu individualnog profesionalnog usavršavanja sudjelovalo na seminarima i radionicama s temom disleksije. Skoro svi ispitanici izrazili su želju za dodatnim usavršavanjem u području poučavanja učenika s disleksijom i smatraju kako stečenom diplomom na visokom učilištu nisu stekli dovoljno kompetencija za poučavanje istih. Zanimljivo je da se internet pokazao kao vodeći izvor informacija o disleksiji, dok se stručna literatura našla na drugom mjestu. Nalazi istraživanja u skladu su s nalazima istraživanja provedenima posljednjih 15 godina na hrvatskim učiteljima i nastavnicima te ukazuju na nedovoljnu obučenost za poučavanje učenika s disleksijom i ostalim teškoćama u učenju kao i na potrebu za obogaćivanjem programa obveznog individualnog usavršavanja.

The study included 15 teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL teachers) in all phases of c... more The study included 15 teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL teachers) in all phases of compulsory education in Croatia. The aim of our research was to identify the knowledge and practice of EFL teachers in regard to teaching pupils with dyslexia, as well as their needs in this regard with the view of a future vocational training. The data were collected through class observation and a one-to-one semi-structured interview. The results have shown that EFL teachers in Croatia are familiar with specific learning difficulties, use some approaches which are recommended in teaching a foreign language to pupils with dyslexia, and are aware of some accommodations they can offer to their dyslexic pupils. Yet, their knowledge about how dyslexia affects foreign language acquisition and what teaching methods are recommended is incomplete and thus may affect their in-class practice. As a result, inconsistency occurs and individual learning needs of pupils with dyslexia are met only to a certain extent, which further may affect these pupils’ progress and attainment in the subject. The findings have also showed that EFL teachers wish more specific information regarding teaching a foreign language to dyslexic pupils, which is a call for a bespoke vocational training.
Papers by Agnieszka Kaldonek-Crnjakovic
English Language Teaching Theory, Research and Pedagogy, 2022

The study included 15 teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL teachers) in all phases of c... more The study included 15 teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL teachers) in all phases of compulsory education in Croatia. The aim of our research was to identify the knowledge and practice of EFL teachers in regard to teaching pupils with dyslexia, as well as their needs in this regard with the view of a future vocational training. The data were collected through class observation and a one-to-one semi-structured interview. The results have shown that EFL teachers in Croatia are familiar with specific learning difficulties, use some approaches which are recommended in teaching a foreign language to pupils with dyslexia, and are aware of some accommodations they can offer to their dyslexic pupils. Yet, their knowledge about how dyslexia affects foreign language acquisition and what teaching methods are recommended is incomplete and thus may affect their in-class practice. As a result, inconsistency occurs and individual learning needs of pupils with dyslexia are met only to a certain extent, which further may affect these pupils’ progress and attainment in the subject. The findings have also showed that EFL teachers wish more specific information regarding teaching a foreign language to dyslexic pupils, which is a call for a bespoke vocational training.

Govor, 2020
Teaching foreign languages to students with specific learning difficulties or differences (SpLDs)... more Teaching foreign languages to students with specific learning difficulties or differences (SpLDs) is challenging because these students have highly individualised learning needs, which stem from the complexity and comorbidity of these difficulties. To respond appropriately, teachers need to consider a range of approaches and classroom accommodations to ensure effective foreign language learning. Dyslexia, as the most commonly occurring SpLD, has received a lot of attention in the current literature, but less attention has been given to the challenges presented by Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), especially for developing skills in a foreign language. This paper outlines potential approaches, including Multisensory Structured Learning, and accommodations that can be applied in teaching a foreign language to students with ADHD in a classroom setting. The focus was given to English as a foreign language.

Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 2020
This single-case study discusses literacy skills and self-efficacy development in English as an a... more This single-case study discusses literacy skills and self-efficacy development in English as an additional language learner with dyslexia, whose first language was Mandarin. The participant attended 12 one-to-one intervention sessions, during which he was taught basic reading and writing skills and strategies using the multisensory, structured and explicit approach. The sessions were video-recorded and used specific learning objectives and carefully planned word reading and spelling tasks. The data collected were both quantitative and qualitative, including, among others, pre-and post-tests, multiple assessments of retrieval of the words learnt during the intervention, and self-evaluation of the performance in word reading and spelling tasks and in future similar tasks. Both standardised and non-standardised tests were used. Findings suggest a positive effect of the intervention on both literacy skill development and self-efficacy beliefs; however, differences were observed in self-evaluation and specific skill development. Pedagogical implications of the findings are discussed.

Govor, Dec 28, 2018
In recent years Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs) in the context of learning and teaching a ... more In recent years Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs) in the context of learning and teaching a foreign or second language, or an Additional Language (AL), have been widely discussed. The main focus has been given to dyslexia (e.g., Kormos, 2017; Kormos & Smith, 2012; Łodej, 2016; Nijakowska, 2010) due to its frequent occurrence and evident manifestations in literacy development. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been discussed only to some extent and mainly in the comorbidity with dyslexia. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to discuss potential cognitive effects ADHD may have on the development of specific language skills in AL with a clear distinction between inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity to direct potential research in the field and to inform AL instruction. This paper also provides substantial information about ADHD in the light of the recent change in its definition and classification.

Journal of Language and Education, 2021
How students with dyslexia are positioned by their language teachers and what roles teachers assu... more How students with dyslexia are positioned by their language teachers and what roles teachers assume when working with this group of students have rarely been investigated. In this study, using positioning theory as a theoretical framework and collecting data by means of an in-depth semi-structured interview and lesson observations, which were subsequently coded, we enquired about the positioning of 10 in-service Croatian primary and secondary school teachers. We wanted to know how teacher participants positioned students with dyslexia and how they positioned themselves towards this group of students. The analysis revealed that participants expressed positive attitudes, whereas their positioning was diverse. Participants positioned themselves as caring teachers and teachers of all learners. By recognising various learner needs, they created an inclusive learning environment by adapting teaching approaches and providing accommodations. However, this caring resulted in emotion labour, ...

Journal of Language & Education , 2021
How students with dyslexia are positioned by their language teachers and what roles teachers assu... more How students with dyslexia are positioned by their language teachers and what roles teachers assume when working with this group of students have rarely been investigated. In this study, using positioning theory as a theoretical framework and collecting data by means of an indepth semi-structured interview and lesson observations, which were subsequently coded, we enquired about the positioning of 10 in-service Croatian primary and secondary school teachers. We wanted to know how teacher participants positioned students with dyslexia and how they positioned themselves towards this group of students. The analysis revealed that participants expressed positive attitudes, whereas their positioning was diverse. Participants positioned themselves as caring teachers and teachers of all learners. By recognising various learner needs, they created an inclusive learning environment by adapting teaching approaches and providing accommodations. However, this caring resulted in emotion labour, with both emotional costs and rewards. These results imply that teaching students with dyslexia may be challenging, and we hope that discussing teacher positioning in this context can help educators better understand teacher agency when working with students with SpLDs.

Govor=Speech, 2021
Teaching foreign languages to students with specific learning difficulties or differences (SpLDs)... more Teaching foreign languages to students with specific learning difficulties or differences (SpLDs) is challenging because these students have highly individualised learning needs, which stem from the complexity and comorbidity of these difficulties. To respond appropriately, teachers need to consider a range of approaches and classroom accommodations to ensure effective foreign language learning. Dyslexia, as the most commonly occurring SpLD, has received a lot of attention in the current literature, but less attention has been given to the challenges presented by Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), especially for developing skills in a foreign language. This paper outlines potential approaches, including Multisensory Structured Learning, and accommodations that can be applied in teaching a foreign language to students with ADHD in a classroom setting. The focus was given to English as a foreign language. A. Kałdonek-Crnjaković: Teaching an FL to students with ADHD 205-222 206

Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 2020
This single-case study discusses literacy skills and self-efficacy development in English as an a... more This single-case study discusses literacy skills and self-efficacy development in English as an additional language learner with dyslexia, whose first language was Mandarin. The participant attended 12 one-to-one intervention sessions, during which he was taught basic reading and writing skills and strategies using the multisensory, structured and explicit approach. The sessions were video-recorded and used specific learning objectives and carefully planned word reading and spelling tasks. The data collected were both quantitative and qualitative, including, among others, pre-and post-tests, multiple assessments of retrieval of the words learnt during the intervention, and self-evaluation of the performance in word reading and spelling tasks and in future similar tasks. Both standardised and non-standardised tests were used. Findings suggest a positive effect of the intervention on both literacy skill development and self-efficacy beliefs; however, differences were observed in self-evaluation and specific skill development. Pedagogical implications of the findings are discussed.

he Newsletter of the IATEFL Inclusive Practices & SEN Interest Group, 2020
Those who struggle to develop literacy skills should be taught using the explicit, structured, an... more Those who struggle to develop literacy skills should be taught using the explicit, structured, and multisensory approach. Its beneficial effect has been documented, especially in teaching individuals with dyslexia. However, the effect of the activation of specific senses of the multisensory approach and in teaching students with other cognitive profiles than dyslexia has not been investigated yet. This paper discussed a case of a multilingual learner with English as an additional language (EAL) and general learning difficulties who learnt to spell English-subject-related vocabulary in two different ways – using four and only two senses. Although quantitative data confirmed the beneficial effect of the first approach, the qualitative data suggest that learning to spell in an explicit and structured way with multiple practices, regardless of the number of senses involved, will lead to the improvement of spelling quality. Implications for spelling instruction in the ESL classroom are discussed.
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper, 2020
Strani jezici, 2019
This longitudinal case study (two years and seven months) that involved two learners with dyslexi... more This longitudinal case study (two years and seven months) that involved two learners with dyslexia of different ages aimed to investigate the benefit of the Multisensory Structured Learning (MSL) approach in vocabulary learning in English as a foreign language (EFL). The results showed that MSL is an approach that could improve vocabulary learning in a foreign language (FL) in learners with dyslexia of different ages. However, age is a salient factor. The results corroborate previous findings on the effect of MSL and add to the literature in the field with new findings on the impact of the age factor. The pedagogical implications of the study stress the importance of incorporating a structured, explicit, and multisensory approach into a regular classroom to help learners with dyslexia overcome their difficulties with FL learning.

Govor , 2018
In recent years Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs) in the context of learning and teaching a ... more In recent years Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs) in the context of learning and teaching a foreign or second language, or an Additional Language (AL), have been widely discussed. The main focus has been given to dyslexia (e.g., Kormos, 2017; Kormos & Smith, 2012; Łodej,
2016; Nijakowska, 2010) due to its frequent occurrence and evident manifestations in literacy development. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been discussed only to some extent and mainly in the comorbidity with dyslexia. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to
discuss potential cognitive effects ADHD may have on the development of specific language skills in AL with a clear distinction between inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity to direct potential research in the field and to inform AL instruction. This paper also provides substantial information about ADHD in light of the recent change in its definition and classification.
This paper discusses the learning experience of two
Croatian learners with dyslexia who were taug... more This paper discusses the learning experience of two
Croatian learners with dyslexia who were taught
spelling and vocabulary in English as a foreign
language (EFL) using a teaching method based on a
multisensory, structured and metacognitive approach.
The data presented were obtained in a longitudinal
case study that aimed at investigating the efficacy of
the multisensory, structured, metacognitive method in
teaching EFL to dyslexic learners in different ages.
Conference Presentations by Agnieszka Kaldonek-Crnjakovic
Papers by Agnieszka Kaldonek-Crnjakovic
2016; Nijakowska, 2010) due to its frequent occurrence and evident manifestations in literacy development. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been discussed only to some extent and mainly in the comorbidity with dyslexia. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to
discuss potential cognitive effects ADHD may have on the development of specific language skills in AL with a clear distinction between inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity to direct potential research in the field and to inform AL instruction. This paper also provides substantial information about ADHD in light of the recent change in its definition and classification.
Croatian learners with dyslexia who were taught
spelling and vocabulary in English as a foreign
language (EFL) using a teaching method based on a
multisensory, structured and metacognitive approach.
The data presented were obtained in a longitudinal
case study that aimed at investigating the efficacy of
the multisensory, structured, metacognitive method in
teaching EFL to dyslexic learners in different ages.
2016; Nijakowska, 2010) due to its frequent occurrence and evident manifestations in literacy development. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been discussed only to some extent and mainly in the comorbidity with dyslexia. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to
discuss potential cognitive effects ADHD may have on the development of specific language skills in AL with a clear distinction between inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity to direct potential research in the field and to inform AL instruction. This paper also provides substantial information about ADHD in light of the recent change in its definition and classification.
Croatian learners with dyslexia who were taught
spelling and vocabulary in English as a foreign
language (EFL) using a teaching method based on a
multisensory, structured and metacognitive approach.
The data presented were obtained in a longitudinal
case study that aimed at investigating the efficacy of
the multisensory, structured, metacognitive method in
teaching EFL to dyslexic learners in different ages.