Adam Szymanski
Associate professor (dr hab.) in the Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw; in 2004-2011 also analyst in the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM); in 2012-2013 TÜBITAK research fellow at the Koç University in Istanbul. Expert in the enlargement of the European Union, political system and foreign policy of Turkey - first of all relations with the EU. Author of a number of publications: books (Obywatelstwo Unii Europejskiej, co-author, Warsaw 2004; Wielkie Zgromadzenie Narodowe Turcji, Warsaw 2005; System konstytucyjny Turcji, Warsaw 2006; Między islamem a kemalizmem. Problem demokracji w Turcji, Warsaw 2008; Turcja i Europa - Wyzwania i szanse; Turkey and Europe. Challenges and Chances, Warsaw 2011,2012 ed.; Rozszerzanie Unii Europejskiej - współczesne uwarunkowania i perspektywy kontynuacji procesu/European Union Enlargement. Contemporary Determinants and Prospects for the Continuation of the Process, Warsaw 2012; Zmiana polityki rozszerzania Unii Europejskiej - ujęcie instytucjonalne, Warsaw 2014), articles in domestic and foreign periodicals as well as analyses and expert opinions - on the
European integration, political systems of selected states as well as international relations.
European integration, political systems of selected states as well as international relations.
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Papers by Adam Szymanski