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Journal created:
on 27 June 2007 (#13256451)
on 9 August 2017
UW Madison Graduate Students
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Welcome to uw_grads! An offshoot of uw_madison, this is a place for graduate students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison schools to share information, meet new people, seek guidance, commiserate and procrastinate. Students looking to apply to one of the departments at UW Madison are also welcome.

Feel free to:

...Announce a grad student event on campus, or post announcements for job listings or funding opportunities.

...Discuss the politics, policies, news, trends, and events at the University of Wisconsin.

...Ask questions about graduate classes, professors, departments, prelims, conferences, publications, health insurance, housing or room-mates, or red tape.

...Share the trials and tribulations of graduate life with a community of helpful and supportive individuals that you actually may meet someday, or may already know, in a community we're all a part of.

...Ask for help with suggestions for research, resources, data analysis, software, methods, putting together a C.V. or a website, or coursework.

Please refrain from:

...Posting announcements or "classified" ads that aren't grad-specific. madisonwi, uw_madison, and the Madison Craigslist are appropriate places for that. If you're specifically looking for another grad student room-mate, however, feel free to post here.

...Naming individuals in public complaint posts. Feel free to discuss professors, or departments, but please make these friends-only. Remember to be respectful and tasteful, even when you're frustrated or angry.

...Using this forum to engage in anything that could be construed as Academic Misconduct as defined by the UW Graduate School.

While there are other communities for generic graduate concerns (e.g. gradstudents, academics_anon), don't feel that you have to restrict posts to UW-specific topics. One of the goals for this community is to get local graduate students together, so feel free to share anything relevant about your graduate experience.

Now, get back to work!
