Papers by alberto rios

Background The tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus), a member of the Lepisosteidae famil... more Abstract
Background The tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus), a member of the Lepisosteidae family, is native to regions
extending from southeastern Mexico to southern Costa Rica. This species serves as a unique bridge between
tetrapods and teleosts due to its phylogenetic position, slow evolutionary rate, dense genetic map, gene similarities
with humans, and ease of laboratory cultivation. As a taxonomic sister group to teleosts like the zebrafish (Danio
rerio), known for its high regenerative capacity, it remains unclear whether the tropical gar shares a similar ability for
Results This study aims to elucidate the caudal fin regeneration process in tropical gar through skeletal and
histological staining methods. Juvenile specimens were observed over a two-month period, during which they were
fed brine shrimp, and anesthetized with 1% eugenol for caudal fin amputation. Samples were collected at various
days post-amputation (dpa). Alcian blue and alizarin red staining were used to highlight skeletal regeneration,
particularly the formation of new cartilage, while histological staining with hematoxylin and eosin was performed to
observe tissue regeneration at the amputation site.
Conclusions The findings reveal a remarkable ability for caudal fin regeneration in juvenile tropical gar. Given the
Garfish evolutionary relationship with teleosts, this opens new avenues for research into tissue regeneration across
different groups of Actinopterygii.
Keywords Garfish, Tropical gar, Caudal fin regeneration, EvoDevo
The precise coordination of cell death and cell differentiation during the formation of developin... more The precise coordination of cell death and cell differentiation during the formation of developing digits is essential for generating properly shaped limb. Retinoic acid (RA) has a fundamental role in digit development; it promotes or inhibits the molecular expression of several critical genes. This control of gene expression establishes molecular cascades that enable both the commencement of cell death and the inhibition of cell differentiation...
During the hand plate development, the processes of cell differentiation and control of cell deat... more During the hand plate development, the processes of cell differentiation and control of cell death are relevant to ensure a correct shape of the limb. The progenitor cell pool that later will differentiate into cartilage to form the digits arises from undifferentiated into cartilage to form the digits arises from undifferentiated mesenchymal cells beneath the apical ectodermal ridge (AER). Once these cells abandon the area of influence of signals from AER and ectoderm, some cells are committed to chondrocyte lineage forming the digital rays. However, if the cells are not committed to chondrocyte lineage, they will form the prospective interdigits that in species with free digits will subsequently die...
The morphological diversity of the vertebrate limb is the result of finely tuned responses to sig... more The morphological diversity of the vertebrate limb is the result of finely tuned responses to signals that emanate from organizer centers controlling the three embryonic axes that shape the limb throughout processes such as apoptosis, differential growth and cell differentiated group of cells subjacent to the Apical Ectodermal Ridge (AER) respond to chondrogenic or proapoptotic signals...
The developing limb bud is an excellent model to analyze the molecular mechanisms that regulate t... more The developing limb bud is an excellent model to analyze the molecular mechanisms that regulate the programmed cell death or apoptosis. During the formation of the limb appear four apoptotic zones that control the morphogenesis of the limb. The most extensively studied of the apoptotic zones is the interdigital zone. Here the molecular signals that control this process belongs to the family of proteins morphogenetic of bone (BMP), these molecules bind to their receptors and transduce the signal through proteins. The pro-apoptotic activity of BMP signaling requires the interaction with other signaling molecules such as fibroblast growth factors (FGF), Wingless int-related protein (WNT) and retinoid acid. The FGF, WNT and retinoid acid modulate as well the capacity of BMPs to induce the apoptosis in the interdigits.

Chondrogenic differentiation in the limb bud follows a proximal to distal sequence in developing... more Chondrogenic differentiation in the limb bud follows a proximal to distal sequence in developing limb, resulting in cartilage elements only formed by proliferating chondrocytes. When the skeletal pattern is established the cells at specific regions of this cartilaginous primordium exit of the cell cycle, initiating joint formation, and delimiting the boundary of each individual skeletal element. Later in development, the cells in the centre of each skeletal element instead of initiating joint formation, they become pre-hyper-trophic, leading down the path to hypertrophy and eventual ossification. Although, Wnt14 is the first gene reported to have the ability to initiate joint formation, it is not known why proliferating chondrocytes become pre-joint cells or pre-hypertrophic cell during deve-lopment of appendicular skeleton. Recent evidence involves integrin signaling in the decision between two alternative fates by proliferating chondrocytes in the skeletal elements, pre-joint or pre-hypertrophic fate. In this review will summarize our hypothesis on how chondrocyte differentiation and joint formation are coordinated.

La muerte celular programada o apoptosis es uno de los fenómenos más estudiados. A partir de las ... more La muerte celular programada o apoptosis es uno de los fenómenos más estudiados. A partir de las investigaciones hechas por John F. R. Kerr en 1972, se determinó que esta muerte celular presenta ciertas características, por ejemplo, la reducción del tamaño celular, la membrana celular se pliega, la cromatina se condensa, el núcleo se fragmenta y se forma cuerpos apoptóticos que en su mayoría son englobados por mácrofagos. La activación de la apoptosis puede ocurrir mediante dos vías, una intrínseca y otra extrínseca: la primera involucra la liberación del citocromo c de la mitocondria al medio intracelular activando a una serie de caspasas, mientras que la extrínseca implica la activación de las caspasas por un receptor transmembranal que inicia el proceso de muerte celular, ambas convergen en la activación de caspasas específicas.
Existen otros tipos de muerte celular, por ejemplo la autofagia y la citoplasmática, también llamada no lisosomal. Los estudios demuestran que la maquinaria molecular de la apoptosis se ha conservado desde el gusano C. elegans hasta el humano. El destino que toman las células de morirse es algo normal en el desarrollo embrionario, ya que es un mecanismo para eliminar aquellas defectuosas; controlar la cantidad y para esculpir tejidos como la formación de las manos. Recientemente se han descrito una serie de moléculas que participan en la muerte interdigital para dar forma a los dedos, entre ellas se encuentran las proteínas morfogenéticas del hueso (BMPs), el ácido retinoico y el factor de crecimiento fibroblástico (FGF). La regulación entre éstas últimas señales activan o inhiben el proceso de apoptosis en el interdígito
Books by alberto rios
Limb Development (Book chapter).
Conference Presentations by alberto rios
Native of Xochimilco and Chalco lakes, it lies on the cites list of endangered species, and it ha... more Native of Xochimilco and Chalco lakes, it lies on the cites list of endangered species, and it has survived mostly in captivity. The axolotl is amazing healing and regenerative abilities...
"Polypterus senegalus" can be regarded as a precursor of tetrapods such as the human being. There... more "Polypterus senegalus" can be regarded as a precursor of tetrapods such as the human being. Therefore, we can suggest that the way in which their limbs regenerate and differentiate could have preserved...
Papers by alberto rios
Background The tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus), a member of the Lepisosteidae family, is native to regions
extending from southeastern Mexico to southern Costa Rica. This species serves as a unique bridge between
tetrapods and teleosts due to its phylogenetic position, slow evolutionary rate, dense genetic map, gene similarities
with humans, and ease of laboratory cultivation. As a taxonomic sister group to teleosts like the zebrafish (Danio
rerio), known for its high regenerative capacity, it remains unclear whether the tropical gar shares a similar ability for
Results This study aims to elucidate the caudal fin regeneration process in tropical gar through skeletal and
histological staining methods. Juvenile specimens were observed over a two-month period, during which they were
fed brine shrimp, and anesthetized with 1% eugenol for caudal fin amputation. Samples were collected at various
days post-amputation (dpa). Alcian blue and alizarin red staining were used to highlight skeletal regeneration,
particularly the formation of new cartilage, while histological staining with hematoxylin and eosin was performed to
observe tissue regeneration at the amputation site.
Conclusions The findings reveal a remarkable ability for caudal fin regeneration in juvenile tropical gar. Given the
Garfish evolutionary relationship with teleosts, this opens new avenues for research into tissue regeneration across
different groups of Actinopterygii.
Keywords Garfish, Tropical gar, Caudal fin regeneration, EvoDevo
Existen otros tipos de muerte celular, por ejemplo la autofagia y la citoplasmática, también llamada no lisosomal. Los estudios demuestran que la maquinaria molecular de la apoptosis se ha conservado desde el gusano C. elegans hasta el humano. El destino que toman las células de morirse es algo normal en el desarrollo embrionario, ya que es un mecanismo para eliminar aquellas defectuosas; controlar la cantidad y para esculpir tejidos como la formación de las manos. Recientemente se han descrito una serie de moléculas que participan en la muerte interdigital para dar forma a los dedos, entre ellas se encuentran las proteínas morfogenéticas del hueso (BMPs), el ácido retinoico y el factor de crecimiento fibroblástico (FGF). La regulación entre éstas últimas señales activan o inhiben el proceso de apoptosis en el interdígito
Books by alberto rios
Conference Presentations by alberto rios
Background The tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus), a member of the Lepisosteidae family, is native to regions
extending from southeastern Mexico to southern Costa Rica. This species serves as a unique bridge between
tetrapods and teleosts due to its phylogenetic position, slow evolutionary rate, dense genetic map, gene similarities
with humans, and ease of laboratory cultivation. As a taxonomic sister group to teleosts like the zebrafish (Danio
rerio), known for its high regenerative capacity, it remains unclear whether the tropical gar shares a similar ability for
Results This study aims to elucidate the caudal fin regeneration process in tropical gar through skeletal and
histological staining methods. Juvenile specimens were observed over a two-month period, during which they were
fed brine shrimp, and anesthetized with 1% eugenol for caudal fin amputation. Samples were collected at various
days post-amputation (dpa). Alcian blue and alizarin red staining were used to highlight skeletal regeneration,
particularly the formation of new cartilage, while histological staining with hematoxylin and eosin was performed to
observe tissue regeneration at the amputation site.
Conclusions The findings reveal a remarkable ability for caudal fin regeneration in juvenile tropical gar. Given the
Garfish evolutionary relationship with teleosts, this opens new avenues for research into tissue regeneration across
different groups of Actinopterygii.
Keywords Garfish, Tropical gar, Caudal fin regeneration, EvoDevo
Existen otros tipos de muerte celular, por ejemplo la autofagia y la citoplasmática, también llamada no lisosomal. Los estudios demuestran que la maquinaria molecular de la apoptosis se ha conservado desde el gusano C. elegans hasta el humano. El destino que toman las células de morirse es algo normal en el desarrollo embrionario, ya que es un mecanismo para eliminar aquellas defectuosas; controlar la cantidad y para esculpir tejidos como la formación de las manos. Recientemente se han descrito una serie de moléculas que participan en la muerte interdigital para dar forma a los dedos, entre ellas se encuentran las proteínas morfogenéticas del hueso (BMPs), el ácido retinoico y el factor de crecimiento fibroblástico (FGF). La regulación entre éstas últimas señales activan o inhiben el proceso de apoptosis en el interdígito