Papers by Pablo Cabanelas
Revista Universitaria Europea, 2016
El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar los principios básicos para que las redes favorez... more El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar los principios básicos para que las redes favorezcan el desarrollo económico local. El enfoque constructivista y las herramientas para la investigación -documental, aplicada y cualitativa- facilitaron la obtención de evidencia sobre redes en diferentes regiones de Europa y América Latina, concentrando con ello los resultados de varios proyectos. Dichos resultados son analizados con el fin de avanzar más allá de la descripción de las redes, determinando y explicando los principios que favorecen el desarrollo económico local en función de las mismas.

Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2019
Purpose – Multimarket competition is an area of competitive dynamics focused on studying situatio... more Purpose – Multimarket competition is an area of competitive dynamics focused on studying situations where firms compete against each other simultaneously in more than one market. The intensity of competition depends on the aggressiveness and the market contingencies, influencing the competitive strategies. Particularly, the purpose of this paper is to explore the influence of multimarket competition and market contingencies on innovation. Design/methodology/approach – An exploratory qualitative approach using the Grounded Theory is applied with conceptual purposes. The data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews and additional observations with senior strategies and decision-makers. The paper follows an extensive narrative to understand decision-taking processes on competitive strategy with the support of analytical software. The paper was performed in the automotive components industry making seats in two different countries to acknowledge the influence of market contingencies. Findings – The results suggest that multimarket competition does not reduce the level of aggressiveness, but it offers a background that favors opportunities for companies and new business in circumstances of crisis associated to innovation. Depending on the market contingencies, strategies can foster a higher technological innovation, in those cases of high development in the industry, or diversification, when the development is lower. Originality/value – This paper contributes to enrich multimarket competition theory with the study of innovation strategies in different market conditions, a topic not much explored in multimarket literature. Additionally, it suggests implications for managers attending to different market contingencies.
Reis Revista Espanola De Investigaciones Sociologicas, 2014
Las políticas públicas de ciencia están apostando por la investigación cooperativa como motor de ... more Las políticas públicas de ciencia están apostando por la investigación cooperativa como motor de desarrollo regional. A partir de la teoría de redes, el presente trabajo estudia la relación entre gobernanza y rendimiento en redes compuestas por grupos de investigación. El análisis, que incluye 11 redes de investigación de diferentes disciplinas integradas por 83 grupos de investigación, demuestra que la gobernanza de la red influye en su rendimiento. Específicamente, las redes con rendimiento están caracterizadas por relaciones basadas en lazos fuertes, la disponibilidad de estructuras formalizadas, y grupos con elevado poder pero baja centralidad. Estos hallazgos sugieren la necesidad de trabajar en la consolidación de las redes y en la definición de órganos rectores que velen por el correcto funcionamiento colectivo.

La competitividad y los factores determinantes en la globalización,, 2014
El objetivo de este capítulo es señalar que las actividades industriales, en las que el conocimie... more El objetivo de este capítulo es señalar que las actividades industriales, en las que el conocimiento externo juega un rol fundamental, disponen de grandes oportunidades para articular nuevos modelos de negocio a través de redes ampliadas. Mediante el método mixto y con base en el realismo crítico se presentan resultados sobre una investigación aplicada: la red industrial ampliada Lignum Facile. Los resultados permitieron la identificación de los factores que otorgan viabilidad a las redes industriales ampliadas, tales como: la necesidad de valores y de un pensamiento constructivista, la integración de agentes de diferentes ámbitos, el desarrollo de procesos de organización del conocimiento en red y la estrategia para la implementación de la red. Estos mismos factores contribuyen a un incremento significativo del rendimiento innovador y el acceso al mercado a través de un nuevo canal.
Reis, Oct 15, 2014
Public policy is clearly committed to supporting research as a driving force in regional developm... more Public policy is clearly committed to supporting research as a driving force in regional development. However, few studies have yet to analyze the relationship between governance and performance of research group networks. An analysis of 11 multidisciplinary research networks containing 83 research groups revealed that governance does in fact influence network performance. Specifically, high-performance networks are characterized by relationships having strong ties, formalized structures and powerful groups with low centrality. These findings suggest the need to improve network consolidation and to better define decision-making bodies in order to ensure proper collective operation.
This paper attempts to study in depth the governance factors that influence performance in resear... more This paper attempts to study in depth the governance factors that influence performance in research networks promoted by regional policy-makers. Analysis of an original dataset, made up of 11 public research networks in Galicia (Spain), demonstrates that governance factors and performance are positively related. Strong ties-those with frequent and varied cooperative interactions-tend to prevail over weak ties, and networks with clearly defined structures and roles are also especially resilient. Companion-based trust has a significant and positive influence on performance. The implications suggest that when policy-makers decide to promote research networks, they should not only assess technical capabilities, but also governance issues.
Papers in Regional Science, 2014
ABSTRACT The paper analyses changes experienced by Spain as a European peripheral region in the a... more ABSTRACT The paper analyses changes experienced by Spain as a European peripheral region in the automobile global value chain (GVC). Our attention is focused on both spatial concentration of value-added and high-skill activities, and generation of technology in the components industry. The analysis of plants set up (investments) and relocated (divestments) by multinationals (MNEs) between 2001 and 2010 shows that Spain is no longer a place for labour-intensive activities and standardized processes using simple technologies in comparison with other peripheral regions. However, the continuing majority presence of foreign-owned companies is limiting decision power for generating and transferring technology, concentrating it mainly in the areas in which Spanish MNEs are specialized.

The paper analyses how value co-creation processes can influence the generation of dynamic capabi... more The paper analyses how value co-creation processes can influence the generation of dynamic capabilities and the retention of industrial customers. The authors explore its influence with the support of Social Exchange Theory, Resource-Based View and Service-Dominant Logic. The methodology applied was qualitative research, based on 29 semi-structured in depth interviews with owners, managing directors, and technical managers with previous experience in co-creation processes. The research was performed in four different European countries and is focused on the mobile crane industry. The findings confirm that co-creation processes promote the generation of dynamic capabilities linked to adaptation, knowledge, innovation and relationship management. In addition, the closer contact with customers and the availability of their expertise favour the development of solutions that better meet their needs, bridging the cognitive gap which often exists between partners. Regarding customer retention, the results show that there is a correlation between the co-creation processes and the customers’ predisposition to buy and cross selling. Although value co-creation is a topical subject, research in industrial marketing literature analysing the effects of co-creation processes has been scarce up to now. This paper aims to contribute to the debate by analysing how the co-creation of value can influence the generation of dynamic capabilities in companies and how it affects the retention of industrial customers. Through an eclectic approach, based on social exchange theory and the resource-based view as well as service-dominant logic, the researchers can address the dual challenge associated with the main research question: on the one hand encouraging cooperation and on the other managing relations to seek mutual benefit.
Public policy is clearly committed to supporting research as a driving force in regional developm... more Public policy is clearly committed to supporting research as a driving force in regional development. However, few studies have yet to analyze the relationship between governance and performance of research group networks. An analysis of 11 multidisciplinary research networks containing 83 research groups revealed that governance does in fact influence network performance. Specifically, high-performance networks are characterized by relationships having strong ties, formalized structures and powerful groups with low centrality. These findings suggest the need to improve network consolidation and to better define decision-making bodies in order to ensure proper collective operation.

The article presents a methodology for the formation and functioning of industrial networks that ... more The article presents a methodology for the formation and functioning of industrial networks that favors the development of dynamic capabilities with regard to the creation, integration, transfer and absorption of knowledge. This methodology has been put into practice in a case study: Lignum Facile. The presence of some misalignments between our initial proposal and its implementation helped us reshape and emphasize particular processes and flows associated to the methodology. Beyond the typical localization and agglomeration advantages, the analysis suggests that the success in the formation and functioning of industrial networks is mainly related to their potential to formulate immaterial relationships capable of stimulating learning processes, the dissemination of technological knowledge and innovative activities. Particularly, we found that the inclusion of border agents – intermediaries between the market and industry such as architects, engineers or designers – is fundamental to develop innovations at the intersection of different scientific and technological disciplines.
Total Quality Management & …, 2011
The paper identifies which intangible management features distinguish highprofitability firms. Ba... more The paper identifies which intangible management features distinguish highprofitability firms. Based on the resource-based theory of the firm, we argue that high-profitability firms focus on the management of intangible resources linked to human, structural, and relational factors. We test two groups of 246 and 250 companies, in two different periods. Results confirm that high-profitability firms are strongly focused on their management of intangibles, and especially on factors that tend to strengthen employees productivity, innovation activities, and business relationships.
This paper explores the impact of the implementation of modular platforms, to replace the standar... more This paper explores the impact of the implementation of modular platforms, to replace the standard platforms used to date, on the strategic outputs of automobile manufacturing networks. Analysis of the production network of manufacturers in Europe shows that the use of modular architecture improves the coordination of manufacturing networks by increasing manufacturing mobility and thriftiness ability.
RECIBIDO: 28 de noviembre de 2013 / ACEPTADO: 30 de julio de 2014
The paper analyses the drivers of international production relocation using a model built on intr... more The paper analyses the drivers of international production relocation using a model built on intra-corporate factors. The results of an empirical research on an original and thorough data base for the Spanish automobile parts sector over the period 2001-2008 show the impact of corporate restructuring strategies on flexibility for transferring resources overseas. In particular, the larger the number of alternative plants in other countries, the greater the operational flexibility and, therefore, the more likely relocation will be. Second, lean supply requirements and technological complexity in the product or process at production plant level are both serious barriers to mobility. Finally, our results confirm that sunk costs are irrelevant in comparison with corporate factors. JEL Codes: F2, F23, L2, L23
Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2014
Las políticas públicas de ciencia están apostando por la investigación cooperativa como motor de ... more Las políticas públicas de ciencia están apostando por la investigación cooperativa como motor de desarrollo regional. A partir de la teoría de redes, el presente trabajo estudia la relación entre gobernanza y rendimiento en redes compuestas por grupos de investigación. El análisis, que incluye 11 redes de investigación de diferentes disciplinas integradas por 83 grupos de investigación, demuestra que la gobernanza de la red influye en su rendimiento. Específicamente, las redes con rendimiento están caracterizadas por relaciones basadas en lazos fuertes, la disponibilidad de estructuras formalizadas, y grupos con elevado poder pero baja centralidad. Estos hallazgos sugieren la necesidad de trabajar en la consolidación de las redes y en la definición de órganos rectores que velen por el correcto funcionamiento colectivo.

La fuerte presión competitiva a la que está sometido el sector del automóvil le está llevando a b... more La fuerte presión competitiva a la que está sometido el sector del automóvil le está llevando a buscar soluciones que mejoren radicalmente su eficiencia. En esta línea, el artículo explora las consecuencias que tendrá la implantación de las plataformas modulares en la organización de la producción del sector. El análisis de los tres principales fabricantes de automóviles en Europa, Volkswagen, PSA Peugeot-Citröen y Renault-Nissan, pone de manifiesto que la utilización de esta arquitectura modular supondrá una mayor flexibilidad para su red de producción, mayores economías de escala y la intensificación de la rivalidad interna entre sus plantas en la asignación de cuotas de producción. Finalmente, esta nueva organización favorece la eliminación de parte de la sobrecapacidad instalada e implica nuevos retos para los directores de las plantas de producción ante la posible racionalización de capacidades productivas en Europa.
Resumen: La gestión de las relaciones con los clientes es un tema que ha despertado un extraordin... more Resumen: La gestión de las relaciones con los clientes es un tema que ha despertado un extraordinario interés dentro del ámbito empresarial. En concreto, el presente artículo investiga las prácticas de gestión de clientes desarrolladas por aquellas organizaciones que poseen como característica diferencial su capacidad de generar rentabilidad y que caracterizamos como empresas de alto rendimiento. Los resultados obtenidos son reveladores de la apuesta estratégica que realizan las empresas de alto rendimiento por la gestión de clientes. Palabras clave: Gestión de las relaciones con los clientes (CRM) / Marketing relacional / Organización del conocimiento del cliente / Empresas de alto rendimiento.
Revista de estudios …, 2009
... Verhoef, 2003). Esta corriente de actuación, está basada en investigaciones (Niraj et al., 20... more ... Verhoef, 2003). Esta corriente de actuación, está basada en investigaciones (Niraj et al., 2001; Reinartz et al., 2005) que sugieren que una mejor compresión del valor del cliente llevará a cambios en su gestión. La gestión ...
ABSTRACT The special characteristics of industrial markets favour customer involvement in product... more ABSTRACT The special characteristics of industrial markets favour customer involvement in product development. Besides the influence in the development process, its participation fosters opportunities for managers in terms of innovation, value co-creation and customer retention. Based on the social exchange theory and resource-based view, the present research discusses a theoretical model that can promote dynamic capabilities and increase customer retention through value co-creation. The special characteristics of industrial markets favour customer involvement in product development. Besides the direct influence in the development process, participation increases the opportunities open to managers in terms of value co-creation and customer retention.
Papers by Pablo Cabanelas