Manuel Forcadela
Conta Oficial
member of GAELT research group
(Grupo de Análise e Estudo da Literatura e a Tradutoloxía)
writer and poet
member of GAELT research group
(Grupo de Análise e Estudo da Literatura e a Tradutoloxía)
writer and poet
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Books by Manuel Forcadela
In the first place we will make use of the already manipulated opposition between State and Nation. The state as a power to dictate laws and enforce them, a vertical and pyramidal structure. The Nation as a force, a magma of a horizontal nature, which always aspires to legitimize itself in the form of a state because there is an identity among its members that needs to move into the realm of political forms. The state as the updated representation of the class struggle. The Nation as the stage on which the class struggle takes place.
Secondly, and as another important nucleus of ideas that contrasts with the previous one, and strange as the association may seem, a set of reflections taken from literary theory and narratology around the so-called autobiographical pact. The fact that in the autobiographical genre there is no external or formal element that distinguishes it, and must therefore be the suspension of the reader's disbelief that gives rise to the genre, has led us again to the consideration of how much is social in the phenomena literary and the enormous importance that literatures have in the consolidation and maintenance of national imaginaries.
In the first place we will make use of the already manipulated opposition between State and Nation. The state as a power to dictate laws and enforce them, a vertical and pyramidal structure. The Nation as a force, a magma of a horizontal nature, which always aspires to legitimize itself in the form of a state because there is an identity among its members that needs to move into the realm of political forms. The state as the updated representation of the class struggle. The Nation as the stage on which the class struggle takes place.
Secondly, and as another important nucleus of ideas that contrasts with the previous one, and strange as the association may seem, a set of reflections taken from literary theory and narratology around the so-called autobiographical pact. The fact that in the autobiographical genre there is no external or formal element that distinguishes it, and must therefore be the suspension of the reader's disbelief that gives rise to the genre, has led us again to the consideration of how much is social in the phenomena literary and the enormous importance that literatures have in the consolidation and maintenance of national imaginaries.
Un percorrido por sete novelas galegas recentes escritas por mulleres á procura dos sinais que establecen a época, definida polo auxe da revolución feminista. Desde perspectivas moi diferentes afróntase a construción mítica dun tempo común, salientando o que nese tempo poida haber de innovación e de progreso. Sete obras que han perdurar e han seguir sendo no porvir obxecto de reflexión e comentario.