Teaching (courses, seminars) by Iria Souto
Programas de Egiptología, Universidad de Alcalá, 2021
La Universidad de Alcalá (UAH) presenta cuatro programas de Egiptología en el marco de los Estudi... more La Universidad de Alcalá (UAH) presenta cuatro programas de Egiptología en el marco de los Estudios Propios de la universidad: Formación en Egiptología (I), Formación en Egiptología (II), Formación Superior en Egiptología y Master en Egiptología. Esta oferta era el año académico 2021-2022 confirma la determinación de nuestra área de estudios de Orientalística por consolidar esta línea formativa, docente y también de investigación en nuestra institución.
El programa de Formación Superior en Egiptología es una iniciativa de la Escuela de Posgrado de l... more El programa de Formación Superior en Egiptología es una iniciativa de la Escuela de Posgrado de la UAH para ofrecer un ámbito de estudio, introducción y profundización en el estudio del antiguo Egipto. Incluye 30 créditos ECTS, 2 asignaturas obligatorias, 4 optativas (a elegir de 9) y un trabajo de investigación a entregar al final del curso. El objetivo principal es iniciar a los estudiantes en el estudio de las fuentes primarias y en el conocimiento de los recursos y herramientas fundamentales en Egiptología. Es online y se ofrece en español, aunque esperamos contar con investigadores invitados que ofrezcan charlas en inglés.
Papers by Iria Souto
by Raúl Sánchez Casado, Antonio J. Morales, Mohamed Osman, Kei Yamamoto, Eman H.Zidan, Sebastian Falk, Dina Serova, ernesto echeverria valiente, Sofía Illana López, Patricia Mora Riudavets, and Iria Souto This report presents the archaeological, epigraphic, conservation and site management activities ... more This report presents the archaeological, epigraphic, conservation and site management activities carried out by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project – a project under the auspices of the Freie Universität Berlin Mission to Deir el-Bahari – in the first two seasons (2015–2016). The two initial seasons have provided abundant material
for the researchers to investigate the origin, history, and role of the early Middle Kingdom necropolis in the northern hills of Deir el-Bahari, its tombs and elite officials buried there, and shall shed light on the history, society, and religion of the period initiated by Mentuhotep II at Thebes at the end of the Eleventh Dynasty.
Antesteria: debates de Historia Antigua, 2018
Antesteria: debates de Historia Antigua, 2018

This Doctoral Dissertation contains a diachronic and comparative study of the different archaeolo... more This Doctoral Dissertation contains a diachronic and comparative study of the different archaeological structures and objects in domestic contexts related to the so-called personal religion for specific archaeological sites among which, Tell el Amarna and Deir el-Medina constitute key examples. Through comparative descriptions and analyses, several indicators such as the location, association, iconography, use and function of artefacts and structures are studied. The main aim of this study is to determine whether through the diachronic and comparative analysis for pre-Amarna, Amarna and post-Amarna stages, a continuum in the religious practices (and the archaeological record) can be traced or if, on the contrary, the Amarna period implied a neat division and alterations in private personal religious actions. Similarly, this research embraces other problems, subject to current debate, associated with the study of religious practices in domestic contexts since the early New Kingdom un...
Deir el-Medina is an archaeological site located on the West Bank of Thebes (current Luxor). It w... more Deir el-Medina is an archaeological site located on the West Bank of Thebes (current Luxor). It was inhabited by a community of workmen who built the tombs of the Valley of the Kings (Toivari-Viitala 2011). This workmen's village provides a wide range of sources for the study of daily life (McDowell 1999; Meskell 2002), economy, politics and personal beliefs (Weiss 2015) during the New Kingdom (from the reign of Thutmose I until that of Ramesses XI).
Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur, 2016
This report presents the archaeological, epigraphic, conservation and site management activities ... more This report presents the archaeological, epigraphic, conservation and site management activities carried out by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project – a project under the auspices of the Freie Universität Berlin Mission to Deir el-Bahari – in the first two seasons (2015–2016). The two initial seasons have provided abundant material for the researchers to investigate the origin, history, and role of the early Middle Kingdom necropolis in the northern hills of Deir el-Bahari, its tombs and elite officials buried there, and shall shed light on the history, society, and religion of the period initiated by Mentuhotep II at Thebes at the end of the Eleventh Dynasty.
Water in ancient Egypt played an important role in the two ambits of religious practices, both th... more Water in ancient Egypt played an important role in the two ambits of religious practices, both the official and the domestic. Religion and magic were closely related with regards to the use of water as a purifying and healing element but also as a nourishing offering. The main aim of this paper is to present a wider insight into the importance of water in religious rituals within ancient Egypt during the New Kingdom—early and late New Kingdom included, 18 th Dynasty— and Ramesside period—19 th and 20 th dynasties— but also in magic and medicine.
En el reinado de Akhenaton se experimentaron los cambios politico-religiosos de mayor calado de l... more En el reinado de Akhenaton se experimentaron los cambios politico-religiosos de mayor calado de la antiguedad egipcia, si bien, hubo una serie de precedentes que es necesario analizar. En este estudio se incluira un estado de la cuestion en primera instancia, en el cual se someteran a revision las diferentes corrientes de pensamiento. Seguidamente, se analizaran los antecedentes y el contexto de la ruptura que supuso la fase amarnica del reinado de Amenofi s IV (futuro Akhenaton). A continuacion, se tratara esta ruptura religiosa y sus posibles causas. En tercer lugar, el trabajo recogera los factores del declive del culto a Aton, asi como la restauracion del poder del clero de Amon. Finalmente, se concluira presentando las consecuencias que tuvo este periodo en la sociedad.
Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua, 2020
Reseña del libro de Amaia Goñi Zabalegui, Género y sociedad en el Egipto romano. Una mirada desde... more Reseña del libro de Amaia Goñi Zabalegui, Género y sociedad en el Egipto romano. Una mirada desde las cartas de mujeres (=Deméter 10), Oviedo, Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo–Ediciones Trabe S.L., 2018, 360 pp. [ISBN: 978-84-16343-77-5].
Discurso, espacio y poder en las religions antiguas, 2021
Teaching (courses, seminars) by Iria Souto
Papers by Iria Souto
for the researchers to investigate the origin, history, and role of the early Middle Kingdom necropolis in the northern hills of Deir el-Bahari, its tombs and elite officials buried there, and shall shed light on the history, society, and religion of the period initiated by Mentuhotep II at Thebes at the end of the Eleventh Dynasty.
for the researchers to investigate the origin, history, and role of the early Middle Kingdom necropolis in the northern hills of Deir el-Bahari, its tombs and elite officials buried there, and shall shed light on the history, society, and religion of the period initiated by Mentuhotep II at Thebes at the end of the Eleventh Dynasty.