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Este traballo ten como obxectivo analizar se os informes de auditoría de contas anuais se redactan de acordo coas Normas Técnicas de Auditoría (NTA) sobre informes, para o cal se estuda se o formato e o contido dos informes é acorde á... more
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      Audit QualityAuditing standardsAudit Opinion
Este trabajo fue financiado a través de los Proyectos FONDECYT 3180291, CONICYT + PIA/ Concurso apoyo a centros científicos y tecnológicos de excelencia con financiamiento basal AFB170001 y FONDEF #ID16I10119. Estudio sobre la capacidad... more
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    • Humanities
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
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    • Humanities
CON la entrada en vigor para el próximo año de la Ley 16/2007, de 4 de julio, de reforma y adaptación de la legislación mercantil en materia contable para su armonización internacional con base a la normativa de la Unión Europea, los... more
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    • Humanities
Esta investigación pretende analizar en qué medida existe una correspondencia entre la formación académica recibida por el alumnado y las exigencias del mercado laboral desde el punto de vista competencial, con especial atención a la... more
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      MathematicsHumanitiesCreativityJob placement
Resumo: O informe de auditoría de contas anuais debe seguir o formato e a terminoloxía específica recollida nas Normas técnicas de auditoría (NTA) para cumprir o seu fin, o que implica a expresión dunha opinión profesional sobre o contido... more
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      BusinessGeographyAudit ReportInforme de Auditoria
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Este traballo ten como obxectivo analizar se os informes de auditoría de contas anuais se redactan de acordo coas Normas Técnicas de Auditoría (NTA) sobre informes, para o cal se estuda se o formato e o contido dos informes é acorde á... more
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      EngineeringAudit QualityAuditing standardsAudit Opinion
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Grupo de investigación: COAFIN pertencente a ECOBAS, código AGRUP2015/08. Resumo: Dende hai décadas fálase da crise financeira que sofren os sistemas de pensións, o cal derivou na necesidade de instaurar mecanismos de estabilización e... more
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    • Welfare Economics
Resumo: O informe de auditoría de contas anuais debe seguir o formato e a terminoloxía específica recollida nas Normas técnicas de auditoría (NTA) para cumprir o seu fin, o que implica a expresión dunha opinión profesional sobre o contido... more
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      BusinessAudit ReportInforme de Auditoria
Teamwork skills are considered essential for personal, academic and professional achievement, so universities are increasingly integrating them into their syllabuses. However, little is known about how some specific features of students... more
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      PsychologyInterpersonal CommunicationMedicine
Creative tourism is a novel segment of the tourism market that may turn into a great opportunity for small cities to attract visitors. Thus, it can be a possible economic and social driver for local development. Despite its potentiality,... more
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There is a clear link between creativity levels, entrepreneurship and employability that implies the need for higher education students to acquire creative skills and abilities. For this reason, this study aims to analyse creativity... more
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      EntrepreneurshipPsychologyCreativity studiesCreativity
Purpose This study aims to delve deep into the differences observed in leadership acquisition and development between men and women and analyse the impact of certain extra-curricular activities demonstrated to influence leadership... more
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      PsychologyEducational LeadershipWomen LeadershipEducational management and leadership
This paper analyzes whether the Financial Fair Play (FFP) regulations set by Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) have influenced the auditing fees charged to football clubs. In addition, it explores the determinants of audit... more
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      BusinessAudit Quality
Audit report lag is considered to be an indicator of audit punctuality and efficiency, while the existence of factors that may determine this lag has been signalled in previous studies. The objective of this study is to identify the... more
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    • Business
The main objective of this study is to analyse the impact of auditor gender on audit fees, with a view to establishing whether there are any differences in audit price depending on the gender of the auditor. Motivation: The existence of a... more
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    • Gender Studies
The objective of this paper is to analyse whether auditors comply with the standards currently in force when writing audit reports in Spain. We try to obtain evidence for the relationship of the errors contained in the report with the... more
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      BusinessAudit Quality
The current world financial crisis is causing real difficulties in the operation of firms and has generated renewed interest in audit reports. This study aims to analyse the impact of the financial crisis on the audit reports issued by... more
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    • Business