University of Victoria
Abstract Smoking control policies are legitimate if they effectively reduce the smoking rate of the population. It is argued that if a smoking control policy prevents youths from smoking, it will reduce the smoking rate of the population... more
I estimate models of endogenous social interactions in body weight at the county and state levels. The results show that dispersion in body weight across time and space in the US is not clearly excessive, and that much of this variation... more
Abstract This paper discusses estimation of causal effects of non-randomly assigned binary treatments on binary outcomes. The approach is full information maximum likelihood estimation of endogenously switching nonlinear regressions with... more
Résumé Introduction: Depuis quelques décennies, deux tendances marquées s' observent au Canada comme ailleurs: une hausse de la prévalence de l'exces de poids et de l'obésité chez les enfants, et une proportion ala hausse des femmes (dont... more
Abstract This paper presents both conventional panel data estimates and estimates of the deep parameters of a dynamical theoretical model of response to the HIV+/AIDS epidemic. Given beliefs over current and future probabilities of... more
Abstract: We examine the extent to which food prices and restaurant outlet density are associated with adolescent fruit and vegetable consumption, body mass index (BMI), and the probability of overweight.
Abstract Introduction: Over recent decades, two prominent trends have been observed in Canada and elsewhere: increasing prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity, and increasing participation of women (including mothers) in the paid... more
Why do obesity rates differ across the United States and Canada, for which groups do they differ, and what do these differences suggest for policy and for research? In this paper, we use cross-sectional data on middle-aged adults in the... more
We present a simple microeconomic behavioral model showing that decreases in the price of energy-dense foods increase body weight if the price of obtaining a calorie from dense food is lower than that of less dense food. Estimates of the... more
Abstract. A key concern in policy debates over youth smoking is whether preventing children from smoking will stop them from smoking as adults or merely defer initiation into smoking. This paper estimates determinants of smoking status in... more
Abstract This paper estimates a simultaneous model of moderate and problem drinking, smoking, and wages using a random sample of employed Canadian men. The results indicate that sample selection into alcohol and tobacco use is not... more
Background: Environmental factors such as the availability of local-area food stores may be important contributors to the increasing rate of obesity among US adolescents.
Abstract In an effort to increase understanding of the “alcohol/income puzzle”—the finding that drinking appears to lead to higher income—this paper presents maximum simulated likelihood estimates of a system of limited dependent... more
A dynamic model of risky behavior in the midst of an epidemic is discussed. The key result is that pessimistic expectations over the future of the epidemic induce more current risky behavior.
We show the estimable rational addiction model tends to yield spurious evidence in favor of the rational addiction hypothesis when aggregate data are used. Direct application of the canonical model yields results seemingly indicative that... more
There is a religious trap haunting the contemporary world, raising a barrier to economic growth and innovation. The trap impacts two types of nation-states. One group consists of those plagued by tribal rivalries, ripped asunder by... more