Articles by Petra Brouwer

Halfway through the nineteenth century, three pioneering architectural publications came out almo... more Halfway through the nineteenth century, three pioneering architectural publications came out almost simultaneously: James Fergusson, The Illustrated Handbook of Architecture (1855); Wilhelm Lübke, Geschichte der Architektur (1855); and Franz Kugler, Geschichte der Baukunst (1856–78). These surveys were the first that aimed at narrating a world history of architecture. While today the canonical images and histories in architectural surveys are regarded as clichés that confirm dominant values and established practices, this essay argues that at the time of its invention it was a critical and dynamic genre. Conscious of the pioneering nature of their books, Fergusson, Lübke, and Kugler accounted extensively for their aims and methods. All too soon, however, the genre of the architectural history survey text became a victim of its own success. The critical nature of the survey’s origin was put to an end by its spectacular succession of reeditions in the subsequent decades.
b ull e tin kn o b 2015 • 1 55 gentiende eeuw (2011) en onderzoek naar de architectuurcanon, dat ... more b ull e tin kn o b 2015 • 1 55 gentiende eeuw (2011) en onderzoek naar de architectuurcanon, dat ze najaar 2014 deed in het kader van een beurs aan het Getty Research Institute (lA).
On the importance of ornament in nineteenth century architecture as a means of architectural comm... more On the importance of ornament in nineteenth century architecture as a means of architectural communication
On the usefulness of anachronisms. They articulate what is regarded as admitted truth in a certai... more On the usefulness of anachronisms. They articulate what is regarded as admitted truth in a certain period of time.
A souvenir from Cardiff. On history, the general public and observation in the nineteenth century... more A souvenir from Cardiff. On history, the general public and observation in the nineteenth century.
In this article I apply John Ruskin's and Jonathan Crary's theories on vision on 1) the architecture of Cardiff Castle and 2) the touristic consumption of the landscape, as recorded in a popular travel guide.
Essay in book by Petra Brouwer
This article explores the possibilities of bringing the practice of Copy Paste back out into the ... more This article explores the possibilities of bringing the practice of Copy Paste back out into the open: Why should it be doomed to work its power illicitly? What if Copy Paste once again became an openly applied, legitimate method of creating contemporary architecture? What would the advantages be and what would it entail?
Entry on Dutch 19th century architecture and the architectural debate on the representation of na... more Entry on Dutch 19th century architecture and the architectural debate on the representation of national identity.
Entry on James Fergusson's Handbook for the Catalogue of the Exhibition 'Weltgeschichten der Arch... more Entry on James Fergusson's Handbook for the Catalogue of the Exhibition 'Weltgeschichten der Architektur' in the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich. December 15, 2016 - February 28, 2017.
Books by Petra Brouwer
My thesis, titled The laws of architecture. Dutch architectural handbooks in the 19th century, de... more My thesis, titled The laws of architecture. Dutch architectural handbooks in the 19th century, describes how the understanding of civil architecture in the Netherlands changed during the course of the nineteenth century. A system of rules and practical instructions founded on geometry and traditional practice made way for an ideal body of knowledge consisting of scientific and historical laws.
Reviews by Petra Brouwer
Review on Mieke Dings study of holiday parks in the Netherlands, 1920-present
Articles by Petra Brouwer
In this article I apply John Ruskin's and Jonathan Crary's theories on vision on 1) the architecture of Cardiff Castle and 2) the touristic consumption of the landscape, as recorded in a popular travel guide.
Essay in book by Petra Brouwer
Books by Petra Brouwer
Reviews by Petra Brouwer
In this article I apply John Ruskin's and Jonathan Crary's theories on vision on 1) the architecture of Cardiff Castle and 2) the touristic consumption of the landscape, as recorded in a popular travel guide.
With Sarah Allaback, Christopher-Drew Amstrong, Dirk Baalman, Barry Bergdoll, Alex Bremner, Martin Bressani, Petra Brouwer, Matteo Burioni, Ute Engel, Javier Gíron, Anne Hultzsch, Mari Hvattum, Kathleen James-Chakraborty, Mark Jarzombek, Henrik Karge, Matthew Mullane, Stefan Muthesius, Klaus Jan Philipp, David Theodore, Dell Upton
with Sarah Allaback, Christopher Drew Armstrong, Dirk Baalman, Andrew Ballantyne, Martin Bressani, Petra Brouwer, Caroline van Eck, Richard Etlin, Mari Hvattum, Henrik Karge, Stefan Muthesius, Dirk Vande Vijver. Moderator: Lex Bosman