Papers by Ilona von Stein
IP. Vakblad voor informatieprofessionals, Mar 11, 2021
Wil je de betrouwbaarheid van jouw digitale archief aantonen? Met het behalen van certificering v... more Wil je de betrouwbaarheid van jouw digitale archief aantonen? Met het behalen van certificering voor jouw digitaal archief maak je inzichtelijk dat de duurzaamheid en betrouwbaarheid van het archief gewaarborgd is. Op de Wegwijzer Certificering voor digitale archieven vind je hulp voor instellingen met een digitaal archief, die aan de slag willen gaan of al bezig zijn met certificering van digitale archieven. NDE-dienstenmanager Ilona von Stein (DANS) vertelt je graag meer over de vernieuwde Wegwijzer en beantwoordt al jullie vragen.
This document contains the full text of the CoreTrustSeal Trustworthy Data Repositories Requireme... more This document contains the full text of the CoreTrustSeal Trustworthy Data Repositories Requirements for 2020–2022 ( with introductory paragraphs on Background & General Guidance. In addition to the CoreTrustSeal Requirements, which remain stable for the period 2020–2022, this document provides the Extended Guidance for CoreTrustSeal reviewers and applicants. The Extended Guidance text may be updated during the period 2020–2022 subject to approval by the CoreTrustSeal Board. The document also contains a reference to the Glossary of Terms. The document is intended to maximize consistency of reviews across the wide range of CoreTrustSeal applicants. The primary audience is reviewers, but it is also useful for applicants when preparing an application self-assessment.
This document designs a coordinated set of actions for communicating FAIRsFAIR efficiently and to... more This document designs a coordinated set of actions for communicating FAIRsFAIR efficiently and to ensure coverage of stakeholders and adequate visibility of the project across Europe, sustaining the engagement figures and achieving the required levels of collaboration with INFRAEOSC-related initiatives.
Building on current best practice, notably the EOSCpilot policy recommendations and the EC Expert... more Building on current best practice, notably the EOSCpilot policy recommendations and the EC Expert Group report on FAIR data, the EOSC-hub deliverable report D2.8 recommends 22 practical steps bridging general policy recommendations and future technical implementation of data sharing within the EOSC-hub service ecosystem. With this deliverable, we have translated those recommendations into practical Why-, What-, and How-reference cards that aid data and service providers in that EOSC-hub service ecosystem with the implementation of data sharing policies.

This workshop was organised as part of Task 4.3 activities concerning certification support for d... more This workshop was organised as part of Task 4.3 activities concerning certification support for digital repositories and it is the fourth output in the FAIRsFAIR Certification Support Programme. FAIRsFAIR provides support and capacity building, including materials, training and advice for repository managers to improve their knowledge of activities related to the preparations for CoreTrustSeal self-assessments. The objectives of the workshop were to: Consider long-term preservation planning and its benefits to repositories. Discuss the broader view on preservation planning in relation to CoreTrustSeal requirements. Share best practices of achieving long-term preservation planning. The workshop participants were the representatives of the ten repositories that have been selected for the Certification Support Programme, a part of the FAIRsFAIR work package 4 (FAIR Certification). In the presentation slides, you will find two examples of preservation plans (DANS, the Netherlands and th...
Het duurzaam toegankelijk houden van digitale collecties vraagt veel van erfgoed instellingen. He... more Het duurzaam toegankelijk houden van digitale collecties vraagt veel van erfgoed instellingen. Het Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed heeft drie tools ontwikkeld die een helpende hand kunnen bieden: de Wegwijzer Duurzaamheidsbeleid de Wegwijzer Voorkeursformaten en de Wegwijzer Certificering Ontwikkeld binnen het NDE, beheerd door respectievelijk de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, elf samenwerkende Regionale Historische Centra en DANS. In dit artikel vertellen de drie beheerders over deze hulpmiddelen.
De Wegwijzer Certificering is ontwikkeld binnen het Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed (NDE) en nu klaar vo... more De Wegwijzer Certificering is ontwikkeld binnen het Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed (NDE) en nu klaar voor gebruik door erfgoedinstellingen. Met een online lancering op 25 maart 2021 heeft Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) het beheer van de wegwijzer onder zijn hoede genomen. Deze workshop Wegwijzer Certificering neemt je aan de hand van praktijkcases mee in de gloednieuwe wegwijzer. We leggen uit wat certificering is, wat het betekent voor de betrouwbaarheid van je digitale archief en laten zien wat er nodig is bij het opzetten en uitvoeren van een CoreTrustSeal certificeringstraject. Ook laten we zien hoe je de hulpmiddelen uit de wegwijzer voor je eigen instelling kunt gebruiken.
This presentation was held on Thursday, June 11th, 2020, in the framework of the FAIRsFAIR Certif... more This presentation was held on Thursday, June 11th, 2020, in the framework of the FAIRsFAIR Certification Support Initiative. This initiative supports ten selected repositories throughout Europe in obtaining their CoreTrustSeal certification. The purpose of this presentation, attended by representatives of the selected repositories, was to help them finalise their draft CoreTrustSeal self-assessments. For more information on this support initiative, please see this article on the FAIRsFAIR website.
This deliverable conveys data sharing policy recommendations to the EOSC-hub data and service pro... more This deliverable conveys data sharing policy recommendations to the EOSC-hub data and service providers. It strongly builds on EOSC-hub D2.8 (First Data policy recommendations) by translating these first policy recommendations into four reference cards that together form the Service Provider's Guide to Data Sharing Policies. D2.9 sets out to contribute to the developing field of data sharing policies in the EOSC.

This workshop was provided within Task 4.3 concerning certification support for digital repositor... more This workshop was provided within Task 4.3 concerning certification support for digital repositories. Through this certification support workshop, which is the third output in the FAIRsFAIR Certification Support Programme. FAIRsFAIR provides support and capacity building including materials, training and advice for repository managers to improve their knowledge of activities related to the preparations for CoreTrustSeal self-assessments. Participants to this workshop were representatives of the ten repositories that have been selected for the Certification Support initiative, part of FAIRsFAIR Work Package 4 on FAIR Certification. Prior to this workshop, FAIRsFAIR has conducted a survery among the ten repositories. With the survey, we identified common issues that arose during the CoreTrustSeal self-assessment progress. In the presentation, you see the visual ranking of the issues that were most prevalent among repository representatives. During this workshop, we chose to address is...
Supporting repositories towards becoming more trustworthy and FAIR-enabling is at the heart of th... more Supporting repositories towards becoming more trustworthy and FAIR-enabling is at the heart of the FAIRsFAIR project. This paper introduces the in-depth support programme created by FAIRsFAIR and shares the successes, common challenges and lessons learned. It details the support and guidance provided for repository managers as well as for CoreTrustSeal Reviewers. This work also provides recommendations for developing a support programme towards repository certification.
Providing practical solutions for implementing FAIR principles throughout the lifecycle of resear... more Providing practical solutions for implementing FAIR principles throughout the lifecycle of research data is one of the main goals of the FAIRsFAIR project. This report provides an update of the FAIR assessment metrics developed by the task 4.5 team and describes in detail two practical tools for assessing the FAIRness of research data during data acquisition, and for data already archived in a trusted data repository. The tools are named FAIR-Aware, and F-UJI. The report also presents a badging scheme for visualising and sharing the FAIR level of individual datasets.
FAIRsFAIR is supporting 10 European repositories on their journey towards becoming more FAIR-enab... more FAIRsFAIR is supporting 10 European repositories on their journey towards becoming more FAIR-enabling and trustworthy. This includes helping them make and keep their data FAIR and preparing them for the CoreTrustSeal certification as trustworthy repositories.<br> In return, the repositories share their invaluable knowledge on how trustworthy repository practices best enable FAIR data. Their observations and common issues in the certification process help create better guidance and support material for the wider repository community, developing recommendations for integrating FAIR into the CoreTrustSeal requirements.

This draft working paper has been prepared by members of the SSHOC, EOSC Nordic and FAIRsFAIR pro... more This draft working paper has been prepared by members of the SSHOC, EOSC Nordic and FAIRsFAIR projects working on related topics. It seeks to present some key concepts and expand on them to specify the standards and assessments required for an interoperable ecosystem of FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) data preserved for the long term in generalist and specialist FAIR-enabling trustworthy digital repositories (TDR) for a defined designated community of users. It seeks to provide context and define these concepts for audiences familiar with research data and technical data management systems, but with less direct experience of digital preservation and trustworthy digital repositories. This is intended to help clarify which organisations are potential candidates to receive CoreTrustSeal TDR status and to identify and support the types of organisations that may not be candidates but also play a vital role in the data ecosystem.

Aligning the CoreTrustSeal Requirements with an assessment of repositories' ability to enable... more Aligning the CoreTrustSeal Requirements with an assessment of repositories' ability to enable FAIR data is an important part of delivering an EOSC. Trustworthy Digital Repositories (TDR) which enable FAIR data are a dependency for many components of modern, open, distributed research. This paper sets the work within the wider context of data infrastructures, describes the co-dependencies between (meta) data objects and their repository environment, and presents the developing mapping between requirements and principles. The evolving capability/maturity approach is explained and the design of a governed assessment and certification process is defined. This work will iterate alongside the wide range of ongoing data infrastructure initiatives to support a range of stakeholders on their journey towards trustworthy repository services that enable FAIR data. Extensive engagement and feedback are planned to allow us to reach this goal. Feedback is welcomed either directly to the author...
The assessment of FAIRness of individual datasets as well as the wider context of data infrastruc... more The assessment of FAIRness of individual datasets as well as the wider context of data infrastructures such as data repositories and other services is at the heart of the FAIRsFAIR project. We offer general feedback to the paper and we have also provided some more detailed comments against the text
This workshop was provided within Task 4.3 concerning certification support for digital repositor... more This workshop was provided within Task 4.3 concerning certification support for digital repositories. Through this first certification support workshop, FAIRsFAIR provides support and capacity building including materials, training and advice for repository managers to improve their knowledge of activities related to the preparations for CoreTrustSeal self-assessments. Participants to this workshop were representatives of the ten repositories that have been selected for the Certification Support initiative, part of FAIRsFAIR Work Package 4 on FAIR Certification.

Aligning the CoreTrustSeal Requirements with an assessment of repositories' ability to enable... more Aligning the CoreTrustSeal Requirements with an assessment of repositories' ability to enable FAIR data is an important part of delivering an EOSC. Trustworthy Digital Repositories which enable FAIR data are a dependency for many components of modern, open, distributed research. This paper sets the work within the wider context of data infrastructures, describes the co-dependencies between (meta) data objects and their repository environment, and presents the developing mapping between requirements and principles. The evolving capability/maturity approach is explained and the design of a governed assessment and certification process is defined. This work will iterate alongside the wide range of ongoing data infrastructure initiatives to support a range of stakeholders on their journey towards trustworthy repository services that enable FAIR data. Extensive engagement and feedback are planned to allow us to reach this goal.
Papers by Ilona von Stein