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1.0 OVERHEDEN EN DE COVID-19 ziekte • Het blijft raadselachtig en niet te begrijpen waarom de bestuurders van onze hoogstaande samenlevingen in het Westen, veel te weinig informatie verstrekken en zelfs ernstig foutieve dingen beweren,... more
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This document is a summary of the current state of affairs, of what we as the public now know about the SARS-COV-2 virus and about the disease COVID-19 it causes. In addition to features such as infectivity, it also lists actions you can... more
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We investigate salt crystallization in porous media that can lead to their disintegration. For sodium sulfate we show for the first time experimentally that when anhydrous crystals are wetted with water, there is very rapid growth of the... more
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      EngineeringKineticsMathematical SciencesPorous Media
We study the spontaneous nucleation and growth of sodium chloride crystals induced by controlled evaporation in confined geometries (microcapillaries) spanning several orders of magnitude in volume. In all experiments, the nucleation... more
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      Physical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
The study of the behavior of sessile droplets on solid substrates is not only associated with common everyday phenomena, such as the coffee stain effect, limescale deposits on our bathroom walls , but also very important in many... more
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We study the spontaneous nucleation and growth of sodium chloride crystals induced by controlled evaporation in confined geometries (microcapillaries) spanning several orders of magnitude in volume. In all experiments, the nucleation... more
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      Physical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
The drying of porous media is of major importance for civil engineering, geophysics, petrophysics, and the conservation of stone artworks and buildings. More often than not, stones contain salts that can be mobilized by water (e.g., rain)... more
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      EngineeringApplied PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Experimental procedure 2) Determination of the attractive capillary force 3) Determination of the crystal-walls contact area 4) Determination of surface charges for glass, NaCl and KCl crystals in concentrated salt solution.
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We investigate the origins of salt damage in sandstones for the two most common salts: sodium chloride and sulfate. The results show that the observed difference in damage between the two salts is directly related to the kinetics of... more
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      EngineeringCrystal GrowthKineticsCrystallization
Experiments on evaporation of aqueous sodium chloride solutions from micro capillaries demonstrate for the first time that there is a metastability limit to the solubility of NaCl. The supersaturation of the solution reached at the onset... more
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    • Nucleation
We study the spontaneous nucleation and growth of sodium chloride crystals induced by controlled evaporation in confined geometries (microcapillaries) spanning several orders of magnitude in volume. In all experiments, the nucleation... more
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      PhysicsMaterials ScienceChemistryMedicine
In the title compound, C 38 H 30 N 2 O 2 , the acenaphthylene ring is close to being planar [maximum deviation = 0.1047 (11) Å ]. The dihedral angles between the three benzene rings and the acenaphthylene system are 39.47 (3), 37.65 (3)... more
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      Materials ScienceCoffee-Ring Effect
The study of the behavior of sessile droplets on solid substrates is not only associated with common everyday phenomena, such as the coffee stain effect, limescale deposits on our bathroom walls , but also very important in many... more
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      EvaporationDropletMecanique Des Fluides
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      GeologyMaterials Science
In this study we show that the key to understanding why the same salt can cause damage in some conditions and not in others is the kinetics of recrystallisation. Salt-contaminated porous materials are known to deteriorate with... more
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      GeologyCrystallizationWeatheringEarth and Environmental Sciences
Environmental conditions are one of the most important factors that lead to the deterioration of salt contaminated stones or masonry materials. In particular, when environmental conditions such as humidity, exposure to rain or rising damp... more
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      GeologyEarth and Environmental Sciences
Salt crystallization is a major cause of damage in porous building materials. Accelerated salt weathering tests carried out in the laboratory are among the most common methods to assess the durability of material to salt decay. However,... more
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      Civil EngineeringComposite Materials and Structures
This recommendation is devoted to testing the resistance of natural stone and fired-clay brick units against salt crystallization. The procedure was developed by the RILEM TC 271-ASC to evaluate the durability of porous building materials... more
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      Civil EngineeringComposite Materials and Structures
We investigate the decoherence of 40 K impurities interacting with a three-dimensional Fermi sea of 6 Li across an interspecies Feshbach resonance. The decoherence is measured as a function of the interaction strength and temperature... more
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    • Physical sciences