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In de gezondheidszorg en ethiek rondom zwangerschap en geboorte is de aandacht vaak gefocust op het kind: het kind dat gewenst wordt, het kind dat in de baarmoeder groeit en zo gezond mogelijk ter wereld dient te komen, het kind dat... more
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      ObstetricsMedical EthicsMidwiferyIdeologies of Motherhood
One of the major strands of feminism concerned with reproduction, represented in this essay by Shulamith Firestone, is tied to a belief in technology as the means to achieve reproductive justice. As such, this strain of feminism has... more
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      GeneticsLawGender StudiesPhilosophy
Obstetric violence is an urgent global problem. Recently, several studies have appeared on obstetric violence in the Netherlands, indicating that it is a more widespread phenomenon in Dutch maternity care than commonly thought. At the... more
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      Thematic AnalysisInjusticePLoS one
Refereren van de voordracht van 14 november 1920.
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