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      AddictionDrugs And AddictionAddiction Behaviour
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Relatively little is known about how youth obtain marijuana and other drugs. The Drugs, Alcohol and Violence International (DAVI) study explored youthful drug markets among samples of school students, detained youth, and school dropouts... more
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The purpose of this study was to describe delinquent girls' weapons preferences and where and how often they carried weapons and to identify the most important factors that explained four different weapon-related violent outcomes. A... more
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      ViolenceJuvenile DelinquencyAdolescentUrban Health
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      Research DesignAustraliaInternational CooperationPublic Health
Vanuit vier invalshoeken is het reilen en zeilen van Amsterdamse coffeeshops -met uitzondering van de 26 in het 1012-gebied die moeten sluiten -in kaart gebracht. Eerst is gekeken naar de directe omgeving van de coffeeshops en hoe zij er... more
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Factor analysis of the MMM confirmed a 5-factor structure.
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The aim of this study was to examine the perceptions of homeless youth of the care they receive. Since we wanted to involve homeless youth as participants in this project, we adopted the approach of peer-research. This form of... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkPersonality AssessmentConsumer Behavior
To determine whether a classification of cannabis users into different types can help to clarify the relationship between cannabis potency and consumption behaviour, harmful physical effects and psychological dependency. A field sample of... more
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      SociologyCriminologyQualitative ResearchPrisoners of War
Increased delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentrations in cannabis may lead to higher THC exposure, cannabis dependence and treatment need, but users may also adapt the actual intake of THC through reduced inhalation of THC... more
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      AddictionProspective studiesYoung AdultNetherlands
Background: Frequent cannabis users are at high risk of dependence, still most (near) daily users are not dependent. It is unknown why some frequent users develop dependence, whereas others do not. This study aims to identify predictors... more
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      PersonalityAdolescentProspective studiesRegression Analysis
This paper presents an overview of the prospective cohort design of the Dutch Cannabis Dependence (CanDep) study, which investigates (i) the three-year natural course of frequent cannabis use (≥ three days per week in the past 12 months)... more
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      DesignSocial SupportAdolescentYoung Adult
The Severity of Dependence Scale (SDS) measures with five items the degree of psychological dependence on several illicit drugs, including cannabis. Its psychometric properties have not yet been examined in young adult frequent cannabis... more
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      PsychometricsPrincipal Component AnalysisAdolescentYoung Adult
Life course theory considers events in study and work as potential turning points in deviance, including illicit drug use. This qualitative study explores the role of occupational life in cannabis use and dependence in young adults. Two... more
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To examine the course and the predictors of the persistence of cannabis dependence. Through cannabis outlets and chain referral, a prospective enriched community cohort of 207 young adults (aged 18-30) with DSM-IV cannabis dependence at... more
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      PsychologyPublic health systems and services research
This article documents the design and the sampling procedures of a prospective longitudinal multidisciplinary study on the neurotoxicity of ecstasy (MDMA): the Netherlands XTC Toxicity Study (NeXT). Targeted and snowball sampling was used... more
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      PsychologyForecastingAdolescentProspective studies
Définir le travail de proximité est une tâche plus complexe qu"il ne semble au premier abord. Les activités de proximité dans le domaine des drogues ayant souvent été dirigées vers les populations d"usagers de drogues "difficiles à... more
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      Psychology and Cognitive SciencesMedical and Health Sciences
The aim of this paper is to assess the influence of coffee shop availability on the prevalence and intensity of cannabis use, as well as the effectiveness of the ‘separation of markets’ policy. A convenience sample of nightlife visitors... more
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      CriminologyLogistic RegressionDrug UseDrug Policy
To assess key characteristics of the retail crack market and the role of users as buyers and sellers, data from a survey inside and outside institutional setting among 1,039 crack users in the three largest Dutch cities were analyzed to... more
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      PsychologyPublic health systems and services researchDrug Issues