Papers by Leonor Perez-Ruiz

Cactus, 2020
The growing interest in rural tourism within Spain has been given an extra impetus due to the inc... more The growing interest in rural tourism within Spain has been given an extra impetus due to the increased demand in the region of Castile and Leon. There is now a noteworthy boost in the number of businesses which cater to tourists and in the number of rooms available. However, the traditional source markets - national clients - are slowing; therefore, the region of Castile and Leon needs to grow their national market to a wider international level. The purpose of this study is to analyze if the rural hospitality industry experiences cultural and language proficiency problems when hosting international travelers and, if so, to propose adequate solutions. A survey has been carried out among different workers of the sector in Castile and Leon. This needs analysis reveals that the hospitality industry lacks a mastery of English communication, which greatly limits the possibilities of the hospitality industry to effectively provide good service to international tourists. A possible soluti...

Our aim is to give an account of the process carried out in the compilation of a multilingual lex... more Our aim is to give an account of the process carried out in the compilation of a multilingual lexicon of rural tourism terms. This lexicon provides equivalents of Spanish local culturally-loaded terms in English, French and Portuguese, the languages spoken by the vast majority of visitors to Castile and Leon. This tool will contribute to improve the communication in the catering industry in this region and will prove to be a user-friendly and time-saving device. More specifically, we have created this terminographic tool as a contribution to: (i) the understanding and fruitful communication between foreign visitors and local workforce; (ii) the specific language needs of this workforce involved in facilitating a pleasant stay to foreign travelers; (iii) the learning of the uses, needs and preferences of tourists; (iv) the avoidance of pitfalls in written texts-web pages, menus, letters, brochures, etc. Our lexicon consists of over 4,600 terms in Spanish and their equivalents in English, French and Portuguese.
... Cambiar. | Ayuda. Estudios de metodología de la lengua inglesa (IV). Información general. Aut... more ... Cambiar. | Ayuda. Estudios de metodología de la lengua inglesa (IV). Información general. Autores: Leonor Pérez Ruiz ( coord. ), Isabel Pizarro Sánchez ( coord. ), Elena González-Cascos Jiménez ( coord. ); ...

Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research: JTHR, Oct 1, 2020
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar, registrar y analizar diferentes valores patrimonial... more Este trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar, registrar y analizar diferentes valores patrimoniales asociados a la presencia de Napoleón Bonaparte en el valle del Duero durante la Guerra de la Independencia, entre noviembre de 1808 y enero de 1809. Desarrollamos una ruta cultural como marco que aportará un significado pleno a estas huellas y vestigios, y fortalecerá la identidad del patrimonio cultural y turístico de la ruta. Además se ofrece un relato de distintos acontecimientos destacados que tuvieron lugar durante esos días y se hace referencia a monumentos históricos representativos algunos de ellos todavía en uso-relacionados con la visita de Napoleón. Este itinerario, de gran valor histórico, no ha sido suficientemente difundido, por lo que nuestro principal interés es potenciar sus hitos emblemáticos, que han sido testigos del paso de Napoleón durante su campaña.
La Guerra de la Independencia en el Valle del Duero: los asedios de Ciudad Rodrigo y Almeida, 2013, ISBN 978-84-92572-38-0, págs. 260-289, 2013
En el presente estudio la autora realiza un analisis linguistico y retorico de 80 resumenes escri... more En el presente estudio la autora realiza un analisis linguistico y retorico de 80 resumenes escritos en ingles y espanol por hablantes nativos. Los textos analizados pertenecen a publicaciones medicas y linguisticas. Como base teorica previa al analisis se revisan aspectos en torno a la retorica contrastiva, el multiculturalismo y el genero. Los resultados indican que el discurso escrito del genero de los resumenes no presenta profundas diferencias culturales o de areas de conocimiento, debido a los convencionalismos multinacionales y a la universalidad existentes en este tipo de textos. A pesar de esto, si se definen una serie de diferencias entre los diversos grupos estudiados en cuanto a las diversas variables linguisticas y retoricas analizadas.
Lenguas Aplicadas a Las Ciencias Y La Tecnologia Aproximaciones 7 Congreso Luso Hispano De Lenguas Aplicadas a Las Ciencias Y La Tecnologia 1997 Isbn 84 7723 290 3 Pags 193 196, 1997
Es Revista De Filologia Inglesa, 2006
Resumen: In this article we go into a thorough analysis of complex noun compounds in technical te... more Resumen: In this article we go into a thorough analysis of complex noun compounds in technical texts. We understand that a noun compound is a unit consisting of two or more nouns, plus such other parts of speech as are necessary, that together express a" single ...
Modos Y Formas De La Comunicacion Humana Vol 2 2010 Isbn 978 84 8427 759 0 Pags 527 532, 2010
Información del artículo Writing in English L2 for science at university level: scaffolding as a ... more Información del artículo Writing in English L2 for science at university level: scaffolding as a teaching strategy.
Bilinguismo Y Adquisicion De Lenguas Actas Del Ix Congreso Nacional De Aesla Editores Feli Etxeberria Jesus Arzamendi Elebitasuna Eta Hizkuntz Jabekuntza Aesla Ren Ix Kongresu Nazionalaren Aktak 1992 Isbn 84 7585 382 X Pags 477 486, 1992
Información del artículo La relación de la voz pasiva con las funciones retóricas en el texto téc... more Información del artículo La relación de la voz pasiva con las funciones retóricas en el texto técnico inglés.
Multiperspectives in analysis and corpus design
Las fichas descriptivas de las manzanas en las páginas web de empresas de fruta fresca incluyen i... more Las fichas descriptivas de las manzanas en las páginas web de empresas de fruta fresca incluyen información detallada respecto a sus características sensoriales. En este trabajo, a partir de un análisis contrastivo español-inglés de las referencias utilizadas para denominar los aspectos gustativos, así como sus colocaciones más frecuentes, basándonos en los datos de un corpus ad hoc comparable bilingüe, hemos detectado que la descripción del gusto hace referencia a cuatro aspectos fundamentales: al nivel de dulzor o acidez, a la evocación a distintos alimentos y bebidas, al perfume y al tacto. Además, dicha descripción va frecuentemente acompañada de amplificadores o mitigadores léxicos para expresar con precisión la mezcla de matices.

Cactus Tourism Journal, 2020
The growing interest in rural tourism within Spain has been given an extra impetus due to the inc... more The growing interest in rural tourism within Spain has been given an extra impetus due to the increased demand in the region of Castile and Leon. There is now a noteworthy boost in the number of businesses which cater to tourists and in the number of rooms available. However, the traditional source markets-national clients-are slowing; therefore, the region of Castile and Leon needs to grow their national market to a wider international level. The purpose of this study is to analyze if the rural hospitality industry experiences cultural and language proficiency problems when hosting international travelers and, if so, to propose adequate solutions. A survey has been carried out among different workers of the sector in Castile and Leon. This needs analysis reveals that the hospitality industry lacks a mastery of English communication, which greatly limits the possibilities of the hospitality industry to effectively provide good service to international tourists. A possible solution to address this situation would be through education and training. Thus, with the information gathered through the survey, we have designed a program of English for Rural Tourism for the wooing of and catering to international tourists. We have taken into account the peculiarities of the region in terms of culture, heritage, environment and gastronomy, but also, different aspects of the acculturation of this industry are deemed.

Cactus Tourism Journal, 2020
The growing interest in rural tourism within Spain has been given an extra impetus due to the inc... more The growing interest in rural tourism within Spain has been given an extra impetus due to the increased demand in the region of Castile and Leon. There is now a noteworthy boost in the number of businesses which cater to tourists and in the number of rooms available. However, the traditional source markets - national clients - are slowing; therefore, the region of Castile and Leon needs to grow their national market to a wider international level. The purpose of this study is to analyze if the rural hospitality industry experiences cultural and language proficiency problems when hosting international travelers and, if so, to propose adequate solutions. A survey has been carried out among different workers of the sector in Castile and Leon. This needs analysis reveals that the hospitality industry lacks a mastery of English communication, which greatly limits the possibilities of the hospitality industry to effectively provide good service to international tourists. A possible solution to address this situation would be through education and training. Thus, with the information gathered through the survey, we have designed a program of English for Rural Tourism for the wooing of and catering to international tourists. We have taken into account the peculiarities of the region in terms of culture, heritage, environment and gastronomy, but also, different aspects of the acculturation of this industry are deemed.

Our aim is to give an account of the pro-cess carried out in the compilation of a multilingual le... more Our aim is to give an account of the pro-cess carried out in the compilation of a multilingual lexicon of rural tourism terms. This lexicon provides equivalents of Spanish local culturally-loaded terms in English, French and Portuguese, the languages spoken by the vast majority of visitors to Castile and Leon. This tool will contribute to improve the communi-cation in the catering industry in this re-gion and will prove to be a user-friendly and time-saving device. More specifi-cally, we have created this termi-nographic tool as a contribution to: (i) the understanding and fruitful communication between foreign visitors and local workforce; (ii) the specific language needs of this workforce involved in facilitating a pleasant stay to foreign travelers; (iii) the learning of the uses, needs and preferences of tourists; (iv) the avoidance of pitfalls in written texts - web pages, menus, letters, bro-chures, etc. Our lexicon consists of over 4,600 terms in Spanish and their equivalents in English, French and Por-tuguese.
in Pejović, Sekulić & Karanović (eds): Comida y bebida en la lengua española, cultura y literaturas hispánicas,, 2012
In this article we carry out an analysis of the information provided to guests in the restaurant ... more In this article we carry out an analysis of the information provided to guests in the restaurant menus of the Autonomous Region of Castilla y León (Spain). More specifically we study some typical local dishes prepared with suckling lamb and we are particularly interested in the linguistic and cultural elements. We also review the translation from the Spanish version into the English and the French ones.
RESUMEN: La importancia de la gastronomía en el marco del turismo hace que las instituciones se v... more RESUMEN: La importancia de la gastronomía en el marco del turismo hace que las instituciones se vuelquen en cuidar y promocionar el patrimonio culinario. Sin embargo, no velan con el mismo esmero por la calidad de lo que primero encuentra el turista en un restaurante: la carta de platos. Ésta adolece de lagunas de comunicación, a las que se suman errores lingüísticos y culturales en su traducción, exigida por la normativa de Castilla y León. El análisis de las cartas demuestra que su traducción al inglés y francés es deficiente a nivel sintáctico, léxico y cultural, y que no se realiza en función del destinatario.
En torno al vino [Recurso electrónico]: estudios …, 2010
Vino, discurso del vino, tema literario, metáfora, lenguaje del vino, traducción especializada, l... more Vino, discurso del vino, tema literario, metáfora, lenguaje del vino, traducción especializada, léxico de cata, Inglés aplicado al vino, Chino aplicado al vino, lingüística aplicada, Alemán aplicado a la publicidad, publicidad del vino, lenguaje publicitario, argumentación publicitaria, comunicación, promoción, bodegas, sector vitivinícola, enoturismo, Denominación de Origen, Ribera del Duero, gestión, cultura corporativa, calidad de servicio, integración de servicios, turismo rural, Castilla y León, clientes extranjeros, idioma como barrera, lenguas extranjeras aplicadas.
Modos y formas de la …, 2010
Papers by Leonor Perez-Ruiz