Universidad de Valladolid
A neural architecture for texture classification running on the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) under a stream processing model is presented in this paper. Textural features extraction is done in three different scales, it is based on the... more
The aim of this paper is to outline a multiple scale neural model to recognise colour images of textured scenes. This model combines colour and textural information in order to recognise colour texture images through the operation of two... more
In this paper, we present a real time ellipse detector in gray scale images with a new multiple stage architecture based on a 3 accumulator version of the Fast Hough Transform with a previous Canny edge extraction. The system can be... more
This article introduces a new Serious Game with Augmented Reality for children and handicapped people. A platform based on a zoo has been virtually created. With this application, the users can increase their knowledge about a specific... more
This paper describes the adaptation process to the European Credit Transfer System requirements of several subjects aiming at the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) learning. Specifically, these subjects are sited at the... more
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have evolved into powerful programmable processors, becoming increasingly used in many research fields such as computer vision. For non-intrusive human body parts detection and tracking, skin filtering is... more
This paper introduces an Intelligent Transport System we called SigFlot, which is specially designed for fleet management, using dynamic information. Its main objective is to optimally manage the resources of a transport enterprise in... more
Information theory allows us to investigate information processing in neural systems in terms of information transfer, storage and modification. Especially the measure of information transfer, transfer entropy, has seen a dramatic surge... more
In this paper we introduce, to the best of our knowledge, the first adaptation of the Fuzzy ARTMAP neural network for its execution on a GPU, together with a self-designed neural network based on ART models called SOON. The full VisTex... more
When tracking a human body, action recognition tasks can be performed to determine what kind of movement the person is performing. Although a lot of implementations have emerged, state-of-the-art technology such as depth cameras and... more
Cocina virtual para ayudar en la rehabilitación de personas con lesiones cerebrales mediante entrenamiento en una actividad cotidiana