Papers by Rafael Chaves-Avila
Revista de Estudios Cooperativos, Nov 29, 2022
Social Enterprise in Western Europe, 2021
Journal of Business Research
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2004
Managers play a key rôle in Social Economy corporate governance and can determine the path that t... more Managers play a key rôle in Social Economy corporate governance and can determine the path that these companies will take. This article analyses the theoretical aspects underlying the central rôle of managers in Social Economy enterprises, the nature of these strategic human resources, particularly the variables that influence their behaviour, and their ability to shape paths or strategies that strengthen or undermine the Social Economy identity of these enterprises. Finally, taking a prescriptive approach, it examines the advantages and limitations of different options for management selection and control.
This paper is part of a series of Working Papers produced under the International Comparative Soc... more This paper is part of a series of Working Papers produced under the International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) Project. Launched in July 2013, the ICSEM Project ( is the result of a partnership between an Interuniversity Attraction Pole on Social Enterprise (IAP-SOCENT) funded by the Belgian Science Policy and the EMES International Research Network. It gathers around 200 researchers-ICSEM Research Partners-from some 50 countries across the world to document and analyze the diversity of social enterprise models and their ecosystems. As interm ediary products, ICSEM Working Papers provide a vehicle for a first dissemination of the Project's results to stimulate scholarly discussion and inform policy debates. A list of these papers is provided at the end of this document.

The aim is to analyze the evolution of the budgetary expenditure for the support of social econom... more The aim is to analyze the evolution of the budgetary expenditure for the support of social economy during the period 2008-2014 and compare it to other lines of expenditure. First, we describe the promotion lines for cooperatives and labor companies within the framework of active employment policies. Then we analyze the evolution of resources for these lines from the state level and from the regional level, with reference to an autonomous region that is considered representative, Comunidad Valenciana. We distinguish three sources of funding for this policy; European, state and regional and we compare the evolution of expen90 Rafael Chaves Ávila, Teresa Savall Morera y José Luis Monzón Campos diture with other policies, such as active employment policies, subsidy line for the third sector through the IRPF percentage and other expenditure items. Within the context of policy of budgetary adjustment and growth of the unemployment problem, it is found that there has been a significant red...
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 2019
In the article, we analyse the impact of changing policy environments on the development of the t... more In the article, we analyse the impact of changing policy environments on the development of the third sector in Europe. Based on the results of systematic comparative research in eight European countries
Revue internationale de l'économie sociale: Recma, 2001
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.
Service Industries Journal, 2011
The design and the content of a website that is positively valued by the firm's stakehold... more The design and the content of a website that is positively valued by the firm's stakeholders can become a source of competitive advantage. In recent years, information on the extent to which the firm undertakes its social responsibility and environmental protection efforts is gaining increasing interest among the agents with whom it interacts. The aim of this paper is to
REVESCO. Revista de Estudios Cooperativos, 2013
El presente trabajo tiene tres mayores objetivos: en primer lugar, pretende analizar el grado de ... more El presente trabajo tiene tres mayores objetivos: en primer lugar, pretende analizar el grado de visibilidad social del concepto de economía social desde una perspectiva internacional, entendiendo por ello su grado de conocimiento y percepción por la sociedad. En segundo lugar, estudiar su grado de institucionalización en el ordenamiento jurídico ya sea con leyes, políticas de fomento o con órganos específicos de atención a la economía social. Finalmente, pretende cartografiar cuantitativamente la economía social, trazando las dimensiones macroeconómicas de este tercer sector de las economías. El ámbito geográfico abordado son los países

Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2008
In recent years a new context has emerged in Europe characterized by a larger growing Europe, the... more In recent years a new context has emerged in Europe characterized by a larger growing Europe, the creation of a new European platform for social economy named 'Social Economy Europe' and an improvement in research, networks and initiatives in this area from certain European Institutions such as the European Social and Economic Committee. This paper focuses on recurrent, but needing clarification, topics such as the question of definitions, the national recognition of the concept of Social Economy and the size of this European third sector. It begins with a proposition of a conceptual delimitation of the Social Economy and of the different classes of company and organization that belong to it. Second, it identifies the different agents which, irrespective of their legal form, are part of the Social Economy in each of the member states of the European Union and to compare the different national definitions that are related to the Social Economy concept. Finally, it provides quantitative data on the European Social Economy. * This work is largely based on a study which the European Economic and Social Committee commissioned in order to take stock of the Social Economy in the 25 member states of the European Union. The authors are very grateful to a number of persons and institutions, but especially to D. Demoustier, L. Frobel and R. Spear, members of the expert committee of the study. Thanks to Mrs Georgina Harding for her translation into English. * * Résumé en fin d'article; Zusammenfassung am Ende des Artikels; resumen al final del artículo.
Journal of Co-operative …, 2008
Corporate governance is traditionally one of the major challenges of co-operatives and Social Eco... more Corporate governance is traditionally one of the major challenges of co-operatives and Social Economy (SE) companies. As democratic member-based organisations, they have specific models of governance, but also specific problems. In recent decades, social pressure and market ...
... Ligados generalmente a estas asociaciones se encuentran los centros de documentación, informa... more ... Ligados generalmente a estas asociaciones se encuentran los centros de documentación, información e investigación como los de París, Lieja o Munster, y los mecanismos de difusión científica como las revistas, entre las que destaca Annals of Public and Cooperative ...
Service Business, 2011
This article analyzes the social economy (SE) as a third major sector between the public economy ... more This article analyzes the social economy (SE) as a third major sector between the public economy and the capitalist private economy. It examines the SE concept, compares it with the nonprofit sector and analyzes its microeconomic foundations, functions in the economic system and implications for economic policy. The field of economic analysis needs to be broadened, abandoning the mainstream monism that emphasizes the study of capitalist private enterprises and taking a plural view of the economy. In this approach, other forms of business organization, particularly SE enterprises, become a priority for analysis, opening up new scientific, social and economic vistas.
REVESCO. Revista de Estudios Cooperativos, 2014
La insuficiencia de las actuales políticas de fomento de cooperativas… (p.61-91) 61 REVESCO Nº 11... more La insuficiencia de las actuales políticas de fomento de cooperativas… (p.61-91) 61 REVESCO Nº 113-MONOGRÁFICO: Crisis económica actual y sus posibles repercusiones en la economía social
Papers by Rafael Chaves-Avila
Genossenschaftswissenschaft zwischen Theorie und Geschichte: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Johann Brazda .
Abstract: El grupo de cooperativas de Mondragón es probablemente uno de los más conocidos y exitosos a nivel internacional. El presente texto ofrece una visión en retrospectiva de su modelo de desarrollo.