Papers by Patricia Bou-Franch

Lorenzo-Dus, Nuria & Bou-Franch, Patricia (2013) A cross-cultural investigation of email communication in Peninsular Spanish and British English – The role of (in)formality and (in)directness. Pragmatics and Society 4: 1, 1-25. doi 10.1075/ps.4.1.01lor., 2013
This paper examines the email discursive practices of particular speakers of two different langua... more This paper examines the email discursive practices of particular speakers of two different languages, namely Peninsular Spanish and British English. More specifically, our study focuses on (in)formality and (in)directness therein, for these lie at the heart of considerable scholarly debate regarding, respectively (i) the general stylistic drift towards orality and informality in technology-mediated communication, and (ii) the degree of communicative (in)directness – within broader politeness orientations – of speakers of different languages, specifically an orientation towards directness in Peninsular Spanish vis-à-vis indirectness in British English. The aim of this paper is thus to investigate the role of (in)formality and (in)directness in email messages sent by members of two groups of undergraduate students to their university lecturers. To this end, a corpus of 100 impromptu emails was compiled and analysed. Results revealed complex, fluctuating patterns regarding levels of (i...

Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict
This paper approaches the study of conflict through an examination of Spanish metapragmatic label... more This paper approaches the study of conflict through an examination of Spanish metapragmatic labels and comments of impoliteness on Twitter. The aim is twofold. It first aims to confirm the attributed importance of the label maleducado /ill-mannered in the specific context of Twitter and of digital discourse more generally, on quantitative and comparative grounds; then, it investigates this label, and the metapragmatic comments where it occurred, in a contextualized corpus of tweets compiled during the political campaign of Spain’s General Elections of April 28, 2019. The study draws from five ad hoc corpora specifically compiled from Twitter, and a general corpus of Spanish digital discourse provided by Sketch Engine. The analysis adopts a corpus-based metapragmatic approach, which combines quantitative and qualitative methods. Findings revealed that maleducado was the most frequent metapragmatic label under scrutiny in the Twitter corpora and motivated the subsequent study of lay c...
Revista Espanola De Linguistica Aplicada, 1992
Ways into Discourse 2006 Isbn 84 9836 098 6 Pags 61 80, 2006

Journal of Pragmatics, 2014
The aim of this paper is to examine how conflict begins, unfolds and ends in a massive, new media... more The aim of this paper is to examine how conflict begins, unfolds and ends in a massive, new media polylogue, specifically, a YouTube polylogue. Extant research has looked into how conflict begins, unfolds and/or ends. However, to our knowledge, the models and taxonomies developed so far have not been applied to the analysis of the mediated conflict of massive polylogues. Drawing on the difference between methods of analysis that are natively digital versus those that have been digitized, i.e., they were developed for off-line research and then migrated on-line, one of the goals of this paper is to test whether non-natively digital, extant models and taxonomies, if digitized, would be well equipped to handle massive mediated polylogues. A multilayered methodology was devised and applied to the analysis of a sizeable corpus of comments triggered by a public service announcement on teen homosexuality posted by a Spanish LGBT association. Findings reveal that extant, models and taxonomies of conflict --developed to account mostly for local, synchronic, dyadic conflict --, if solely digitized, would not be well equipped to explain societal, diachronic, massively polylogal conflict such as the one under analysis and that hybrid models that can tackle the affordances of digital technologies need to be developed.
... Ways into discourse. Información General. Autores: Patricia Bou Franch ( coord. ... Emma Sope... more ... Ways into discourse. Información General. Autores: Patricia Bou Franch ( coord. ... Emma Sopeña Balordi. págs. 49-60. Solidarity and deference in computer-mediated communication: a discourse-pragmatic analysis of students' emails to lecturers. Patricia Bou-Franch. págs. 61-80. ...
In: Quaderns de Filología: Estudis Lingüístics IV: 123-134. (Monographic ... El presente artículo... more In: Quaderns de Filología: Estudis Lingüístics IV: 123-134. (Monographic ... El presente artículo se centra en el estudio de la actividad pragmática que ... Tannen (1984) identifica ocho niveles de diferencias comunicativas entre los ... * Este trabajo es fruto del proyecto de ...
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Internet Pragmatics
The paper argues that the notion of Relational Work (Locher and Watts 2005) needs to be expanded ... more The paper argues that the notion of Relational Work (Locher and Watts 2005) needs to be expanded to be able to account for sociability in the networked interactions afforded by social platforms such as Facebook. Thus, the aim of this paper is to explore how the nature of networked interactions impacts the emergence of relational practices therein. Importantly, Relational Work is a language based framework whereas networked interactions are highly multimodal. By applying Norris’ (2004) multimodal framework to the analysis of a Facebook wall event, we show how key sociability functions are carried out by semiotic modes other than language. Furthermore, the analysis shows how relational behaviors (such as politeness, impoliteness, etc.) are highly intertwined and should not be compartmentalized, as has traditionally been the case.
Benjamins Current Topics, 2016
Quaderns De Filologia Estudis Linguistics, 1998
Bilinguismo Y Adquisicion De Lenguas Actas Del Ix Congreso Nacional De Aesla Editores Feli Etxeberria Jesus Arzamendi Elebitasuna Eta Hizkuntz Jabekuntza Aesla Ren Ix Kongresu Nazionalaren Aktak 1992 Isbn 84 7585 382 X Pags 247 258, 1992
Real Talk: Reality Television and Discourse Analysis in Action, 2013
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Service Encounters, 2015
Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 2014
Papers by Patricia Bou-Franch