Papers by Maria Josep Cuenca

Este trabajo se ocupa de los usos de la forma del catalán ans y de la del italiano anzi, que func... more Este trabajo se ocupa de los usos de la forma del catalán ans y de la del italiano anzi, que funcionan en la actualidad como marcadores del discurso contrastivos. En ambos casos, se observa una evolución que se inicia en el ámbito de lo temporal (el adverbio de anterioridad ANTE del latín) y acaba en el del contraste de carácter exclusivo. Apuntaremos cuál es el origen de los dos marcadores, describiremos sus usos actuales y, finalmente, los compararemos. El análisis muestra que, a partir de un origen común, ans y anzi han seguido una evolución paralela en lo que respecta a la pérdida de los valores adverbial y conjuntivo y en el uso adversativo refutativo, pero han desarrollado características específicas, en especial el uso contrastivo-correctivo de anzi. El análisis se basa en ejemplos procedentes de corpus de lengua escrita, fundamentalmente.This article deals with the uses of Catalan ans and Italian anzi, which are presently contrastive discourse markers. In both cases their ev...
Discourse Markers in Interaction
Estudios lingüísticos en homenaje a Emilio Ridruejo [2 vol.], 2019, ISBN 978-84-9133-239-8, págs. 309-320, 2019

El debat electoral és un gènere no cooperatiu en què els polítics busquen la polèmica i l’enfront... more El debat electoral és un gènere no cooperatiu en què els polítics busquen la polèmica i l’enfrontament d’opinions divergents (Cortés i Bañón 1997). La intenció última dels participants en aquest tipus d’esdeveniment mediàtic és aconseguir el vot dels ciutadans, de manera que mostrar control discursiu sobre els adversaris pot contribuir considerablement a convèncer els destinataris de la superioritat dels partits que cada polític representa. En aquest treball analitzem els inicis de torn del debat electoral realitzat amb motiu de les eleccions autonòmiques del 1995, emès per TV3 i TVE el 3 de novembre de 1995 (1 hora i 53 minuts). Així, hem transcrit el debat, hem identificat els torns i hi hem diferenciat intervencions quan consideràvem que, malgrat una interrupció, no hi havia canvi de torn. Seguidament, hem classificat tots els inicis marcats i els hem inclòs en una base de dades Access que ens ha permès creuar diferents trets funcionals i formals. Dels 374 torns, 213 tenen alguna...
Caplletra: Revista Internacional de Filologia, 2001
The aim of this paper is to present a contrastive analysis of reformulation and exemplification m... more The aim of this paper is to present a contrastive analysis of reformulation and exemplification markers in Catalan and Spanish, on the one hand, and in English, on the other. The study is based on a corpus of expository prose (mainly academic writing). The analysis shows coincidences regarding the sources of the connectives, but also differences relating to the variety of forms and the preference of fixed or variable connectives. The differences identified in the grammar of Catalan and Spanish vs. that of English will be associated with two distinct styles for building expository texts.

The present paper compares the uses of Cat. ans and Sp. antes as a single marker and as a compone... more The present paper compares the uses of Cat. ans and Sp. antes as a single marker and as a component of parenthetical connectives. They share the same Latin origin, the spatial-temporal adverb ANTE (‘before, prior to’), and have developed to a different extent temporal, comparative and contrastive uses. Although in earlier stages ans and antes had refutative values on their own, nowadays these meanings are found mainly in parenthetical connectives containing the adverb ans / antes, namely ans bé / ans al contrari in Catalan and antes bien / antes al contrario in Spanish. In spite of their apparent similarity and verbatim correspondence in both Romance languages analyzed, a synchronic corpus analysis reveals differences in the frequency and distribution of these markers, both intraand cross-linguistically. Regarding frequency, ans al contrari is more common in Catalan, whereas antes bien appears more often in Spanish. In terms of distribution, distinct positional preferences are found...
Estudi dels deictics "aco", "aci" i "aixi", relacionats amb la conn... more Estudi dels deictics "aco", "aci" i "aixi", relacionats amb la connexio, a partir de l'analisi d'uns exemples extrets del volum cinque dels 'Sermons' de Sant Vicent Ferrer. S'estudia el pas d'aquests deictics de l'oral, on tenen una "funcio deictica prototipica", a l'escrit, on afegeixen a aquesta funcio deictica una funcio anaforica. Tambe s'examinen els deictics que estableixen una referencia de catafora i de subordinacio. Tot seguit s'analitzen els demostratius en casos de connexio, en les formes "aco/co" i "aixi". Finalment s'explica l'evolucio dels deictics a connectors, a traves dels deictics textuals.
Caplletra: Revista Internacional de Filologia, 1990
This paper is a contribution to the analysis of a group of connective items which caracteristical... more This paper is a contribution to the analysis of a group of connective items which caracteristically go with main connectives such as and, but, or... These connective expressions that we call MATISADORS have been included in the category of adverbials as conjunctive adverbs. We study their functioning in the sentence level and also in the text level.
Normas, Nov 27, 2019
En este artículo, analizamos las secuencias de conectores que aparecen en conversaciones coloquia... more En este artículo, analizamos las secuencias de conectores que aparecen en conversaciones coloquiales en español del corpus Val.Es.Co. Siguiendo la propuesta presentada en Cuenca y Marín (2009) y revisada y aplicada al inglés en Cuenca y Crible (2019), diferenciamos tres tipos de relaciones entre dos o más conectores consecutivos: yuxtaposición, adición y composición. El análisis permite describir y ejemplificar cada tipo de secuencia, identificar las secuencias que incluye el corpus de análisis y estudiar con un poco más de detalle los casos de conectores o marcadores compuestos.
Homenatge a Jose Belloch Zimmermann 1988 Isbn 84 370 0479 9 Pags 67 74, 1988
Lea Linguistica Espanola Actual, 2001
Discurso Sociedad, 2013
_____________________________________________________________ Uso del vocativo en la entrevista p... more _____________________________________________________________ Uso del vocativo en la entrevista política: género discursivo y (des)cortesía The use of vocatives in political interviews: discursive gender and (im)politeness

Zeitschrift für Katalanistik: Revista d'Estudis Catalans, 2017
Text analysis shows that in addition to grammatical or grammaticalized connectives and discourse ... more Text analysis shows that in addition to grammatical or grammaticalized connectives and discourse markers (like conjunctions and parentheticals such as however, in brief or for instance), there are non-fixed structures such as to summarize what we have seen so far or to take an example that contribute to discourse organization. These are often replaceable by a grammatical connective or discourse marker, but, unlike them, are not completely fixed, have a compositional meaning (and are therefore transparent) and are prototypically metalinguistic. In this article, based on a corpus of parliamentary debate in Catalan, I have identified and classified lexical and grammatical connectives and also endophoric markers that act as cohesive mechanisms at textual level. This allows us to compare the discourse function of these linking mechanisms. The analysis shows that by using complex and transparent expressions semantically equivalent to grammatical connectives the speaker anchors her speech and explicitly expresses way the different argumentative movements in discourse.

Languages, 2022
Language norms are dynamic conventions that change over time. In the case of Catalan, the 20th ce... more Language norms are dynamic conventions that change over time. In the case of Catalan, the 20th century represents a critical codification period. In this paper, the author discusses the influence of internal and external factors on the evolution of four connectives mainly used in formal (written) communication (nogensmenys ‘nonetheless’, emperò ‘but’, no obstant (això) ‘nevertheless’ and tanmateix ‘however’), which have experienced remarkable change during the 20th century. Three sources of information are considered: dictionaries, grammars, and corpus examples (from Corpus Textual Informatitzat de la Llengua Catalana) in the period 1904–2013. The review of dictionaries and grammars shows that descriptions and norms change over time. The corpus reveals the impact of prescription on the use of the connectives in formal registers. The basic research question asks: to what extent do linguistic and socio-cultural factors have an influence on change in the field of connectives and how do...

espanolThis paper deals with the process of developing the Gramatica essencial de la llengua cata... more espanolThis paper deals with the process of developing the Gramatica essencial de la llengua catalana (IEC, 2018) and its distinctive features. This grammar is a reduced version of the Gramatica de la llengua catalana (IEC, 2016) adapted to an online format ( In addition to the general features of the work, special attention is paid to the tables and the online terminological glossary. The presentation of linguistic variation and norms is also described and exemplified. catalaEn aquest article, es descriuen el proces de realitzacio i les caracteristiques de la Gramatica essencial de la llengua catalana (IEC, 2018), versio reduida de la Gramatica de la llengua catalana (IEC, 2016) i adaptada per a la consulta en linia. A mes de les caracteristiques generals de l’obra, s’hi expliquen i exemplifiquen els quadres resum i el glossari terminologic, i es dedica una especial atencio a la presentacio de la variacio linguistica i de la normativa.
B 12 deficiency is associated with several neurological manifestations. It is well documented tha... more B 12 deficiency is associated with several neurological manifestations. It is well documented that neurologic symptoms due to B 12 deficiency may sometimes present in the absence of anemia. However, in most cases there are several indicating factors like megaloblastic changes in complete blood count, hypersegmentated neutrophils or macroovalocytes in peripheral blood smear and abnormal homocysteine levels. In this report, we describe a case of a 32-year-old man with neurological symptomatology as the only manifestation of B 12 deficiency with normal hematocrit, mean cell volume, peripheral blood smear and homocysteine levels. All the above emphasize the point that patients with neurologic symptoms must be screened for B 12 deficiency even in the absence of any laboratory evidence.
Caplletra: Revista Internacional de Filologia, 2000
After Serafini’s (1992) distinction between loose and cohesive style, this paper shows the influe... more After Serafini’s (1992) distinction between loose and cohesive style, this paper shows the influence of sentence syntax on text construction and interpretation. Several stylistic effects derived from the use of one style or the other will be discussed by analyzing and comparing some texts in Catalan, Spanish and English. This analysis will highlight common tendencies along with interesting differences among the three languages. In addition, the loose-cohesive style dichotomy will be applied to literary and journalistic discourse analysis, on the one hand, and to contrastive analysis and translation, on the other hand.
Papers by Maria Josep Cuenca