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“From the real to the imagery: Approaching the Iberian Iron Age Flora” is a multidisciplinary research project funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Hum2004-04939). Our field of interest is the study of the Iberian Iron... more
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      IconographyArchaeobotanyIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian Culture
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      Ancient numismatics (Archaeology)Ancient Greek NumismaticsAncient Iberian NumismaticsAncient Punic Numismatics
"De lo real a lo imaginario. Aproximación a la flora ibérica durante la Edad del Hierro" es el título del proyecto Hum2004-04939 financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. El objetivo es hacer un estudio multidisciplinar de la... more
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      IconographyArchaeobotanyIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Palaeobotany
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      IconographyArchaeobotanyIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Palaeobotany
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Recientemente hemos tenido oportunidad de examinar directamente una interesante pieza de plomo, que セ ・ @ relaciona con la Co lonia Victrix lulia Ce /sao Dicha pieza pertenece a un a colección privada!ll, y de la mi sma,... more
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Se presenta el estudio del tesorillo de Pedreguer (IGCH 2344 l, formado al menos por 27 pequeños divisores de Ebusus del siglo II a.C.
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Study of the iron age fauna: zoological, gender and iconography perspective
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      Gender StudiesIconographyIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Fauna
Este libro recoge lo sustancial del proyecto de investigación “De lo real a lo imaginario. II. Aproximación a la fauna ibérica durante la Edad del Hierro” desarrollado entre 2009 y 2012, cuyos datos completos y accesibles a todo el... more
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      Gender StudiesIconographyIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula
Tras la revisión de los materiales arqueológicos prehistóricos de la Cova del Barranc Fondo depositados en el Museu de Prehistòria de València, se propone una secuencia de ocupaciones que arranca en el Magdaleniense final y finaliza en la... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology
In la Font de la Figuera there is a small set of prints located in a house next to the Felipa. Although some residents of the town know them, these prints have not been subjected to any detailed publication. Considering that, the study of... more
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    • Engraving
Los grabados de la sierra de la Felipa (La Font de la Figuera)
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      EducaciónEducacion ComparadaEducación En JapónComparación Japón Y España
“From the real to the imagery” is the translation of the project’s title we present in this paper. Our main goal is the study of the Iberian Iron Age flora from several points of view in order to come close to the use and the simbolism of... more
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From the real to the imagery: Approaching the Iberian Iron Age Flora” is a multidisciplinary research´project funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Hum2004-04939). Our field of interest is the study of the Iberian Iron... more
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Since ancient times, domestic and wild animals have been an integral part of human life as food for survival, as transportation and as icons on the construction of the cultural imagery. Iberian culture during the Iron Age depicted such... more
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      Gender StudiesIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)
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