Papers by Tania Romo-González

Behavioral Pharmacology - From Basic to Clinical Research, 2019
This chapter is based in the compilation and analysis of different in vitro, preclinical, and cli... more This chapter is based in the compilation and analysis of different in vitro, preclinical, and clinical studies, which explored the potential beneficial bioactivity of supplementation with berries on some alterations in the central nervous system (CNS). The last section of the chapter describes the possible mechanisms of action of polyphenols, anthocyanins, and other compounds present in berries as well as their relationship with anxiety, depression, and Alzheimer's (AD) and Parkinson's diseases (PD) and their implication in the prevention of cognitive decline and senescence motor functions. Electronic databases as Springer, PubMed, Scopus, and Elsevier were used. Papers were selected by topic specially those related with berries, year of publication, and authors. The present chapter evidenced the potential health effect as neuroprotector of different berries and their bioactive compounds mainly flavonoids, polyphenols, and anthocyanins, on diseases such as anxiety, depression, and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. In conclusion, for human nutrition berry fruit supplementation might be an excellent source of antioxidant and alternative for prevention and reduction of symptoms in diseases such as anxiety, depression, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's.

Current Oncology
Breast cancer (BC) is the most frequent malignant neoplasia and leading cause of cancer mortality... more Breast cancer (BC) is the most frequent malignant neoplasia and leading cause of cancer mortality for women. A timely diagnosis of BC is crucial to ensure the best chances of survival. Among the various screening tools for BC, antibodies directed towards self-antigens or tumor-associated antigens (autoantibodies) have emerged as an alternative to image-based screening modalities. However, little attention has been paid to the global diversity of autoantibodies. This work aimed to analyze the diversity of autoantibodies reactive to antigens expressed by the BC cell line T47D in the sera of Mexican women with BC, benign breast pathology (BBP), or without breast pathology (WBP). We found that the diversity of antibodies in the sera was higher in the BC and BBP groups than in the WBP group. Likewise, the diversity changed with the progression of BC. Our results show and measure the complexity of the antibody response in breast health and disease.

Behavioural Brain Research, 2016
Anxiety and depression in diabetic patients contributes to a poor prognosis, but possible causal ... more Anxiety and depression in diabetic patients contributes to a poor prognosis, but possible causal relationships have been controversial. Anxiety, fear, and anhedonia are mediated by interactions between different deep structures of the temporal lobe (e.g., amygdala complex and hippocampus) and other forebrain-related structures (e.g., lateral septal nucleus). Connections between these structures and the hypothalamic orexinergic system are necessary for the maintenance of energy and wakefulness. However, few studies have explored the impact of long-term hyperglycemia in these structures on anxiety. We induced long-term hyperglycemia (glucose levels of ∼500mg/dl) in Wistar rats by injecting them with alloxan and simultaneously protecting them from hyperglycemia by injecting them daily with a low dose of insulin (i.e., just enough insulin to avoid death), thus maintaining hyperglycemia and ketonuria for as long as 6 weeks. Compared with controls, long-term hyperglycemic rats exhibited a significant reduction of Fos expression in the lateral septal nucleus and basolateral amygdala, but no differences were found in cerebellar regions. Orexin-A cells appeared to be inactive in the lateral hypothalamus. No differences were found in sucrose consumption or behavior in the elevated plus maze compared with the control group, but a decrease in general locomotion was observed. These data indicate a generalized blunting of the metabolic brain response, accompanied by a decrease in locomotion but no changes in hedonic- or anxiety-like behavior.

Revista Española de Nutrición Humana y Dietética
Introducción: Se ha reportado la presencia de conductas alimentarias de riesgo en adultos emergen... more Introducción: Se ha reportado la presencia de conductas alimentarias de riesgo en adultos emergentes (como estudiantes universitarios de recién ingreso). Asimismo, la insatisfacción y el estado nutricio se han documentado como factor de riesgo en el desarrollo de conductas alimentarias de riesgo. Por tanto, el objetivo de este estudio es mostrar las correlaciones entre la presencia de conductas alimentarias de riesgo, insatisfacción corporal y estado nutricio, para identificar posibles predictores de conductas alimentarias de riesgo. Metodología: Diseñamos un protocolo observacional transversal para analizar los datos obtenidos con el Cuestionario Breve sobre Conductas Alimentarias de Riesgo y la Escala de Satisfacción-Insatisfacción con la Imagen, que se aplicaron a 1.399 estudiantes universitarios de reciente ingreso (rango de edad: 18-29 años). Su estado nutricional se determinó mediante medidas de peso, tamaño, índice de masa corporal y porcentaje de grasa corporal. Los datos se...

Strategies for health promotion underscore the importance of physical activity for wellness and d... more Strategies for health promotion underscore the importance of physical activity for wellness and disease prevention. However, the information made available to people seldom has an impact on their habits. Consolidating healthy physical activity habits requires, in addition to knowledge, the provision of tools to observe, assess and initiate and maintain actions to achieve its goals. Young people are one of the most important risk groups in the development of obesity because they are still in at the stage of consolidating their habits. Therefore, the aim of this study was to design and validate an instrument to measure self-regulation in physical activity in Mexican university students. Initially 51 items were drafted, which were later evaluated by four experts. Two applications of the instrument were conducted with a total of 424 participants. Factorial analysis of non-weighted least squares with Promax rotation was performed. Factor loading under 0.40 or commonality below 0.30 were ...

Ansiedad y Estrés, 2020
Objective Although in the 1940s there was an important decrease in global maternal/infant mortali... more Objective Although in the 1940s there was an important decrease in global maternal/infant mortality rates, by the 1990s these rates had become stagnant. Many strategies to decrease maternal/infant mortality had been used, which included the prevention of pregnancy complications. Several studies showed an association between these complications and the stress perceived during pregnancy. However, there are some discrepancies which challenge this association. We believe that these discrepancies are due to the lack of understanding about the pregnant stress response and consequently the ways it is measured. The aim of this study was to understand how pregnant women perceive motherhood, pregnancy stressors and the psychological factors that attenuate the stress response. Materials and methods A qualitative study was conducted that explores the perception of gestational stress in 32 pregnant women who were recruited in different Health Centers. Semi-structured interviews were carried out ...

Journal of Parasitology, 2004
A review of current literature on mammalian hosts&amp... more A review of current literature on mammalian hosts' sexual dimorphism (SD) in parasitic infections revealed that (1) it is a scarcely and superficially studied biological phenomenon of considerable significance for individual health, behavior, and lifestyles and for the evolution of species; (2) there are many notable exceptions to the rule of a favorable female bias in susceptibility to infection; (3) a complex network of molecular and cellular reactions connecting the host's immuno-neuroendocrine systems with those of the parasite is responsible for the host-parasite relationship rather than just an adaptive immune response and sex hormones; (4) a lack of gender-specific immune profiles in response to different infections; (5) the direct effects of the host hormones on parasite physiology may significantly contribute to SD in parasitism; and (6) the need to enrich the reductionist approach to complex biological issues, like SD, with more penetrating approaches to the study of cause-effect relationships, i.e., network theory. The review concludes by advising against generalization regarding SD and parasitism and by pointing to some of the most promising lines of research.

Background The emergency derived from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has taught us important... more Background The emergency derived from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has taught us important lessons in public and environmental health, particularly in the alarming numbers of existing noncommunicable diseases. However, one aspect to which little attention has been paid during the pandemic is mental health and its relationship with the gender perspective, in spite of gender being a determinant associated with health. In contrast, regarding health, few schemes and theories consider health from a positive and comprehensive perspective. Methods This study was designed to examine the symptoms of stress and positive coping from a gender perspective. For this, the Stress Symptomatology Inventory, the Positive Coping to Life Scale and a general data questionnaire were applied to 665 individuals underwent the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 test at the Center for Health Studies and Services of the Universidad Veracruzana from July 2020 to November 2021. Findings We fou...
Revista mexicana de medicina forense y ciencias de la salud, Jul 12, 2021
ha definido a la salud como un estado de completo bienestar físico, mental y social, y no solamen... more ha definido a la salud como un estado de completo bienestar físico, mental y social, y no solamente la ausencia de afecciones o

Mathematical and Computational Applications
Breast cancer has become a global health problem, ranking first in incidences and fifth in mortal... more Breast cancer has become a global health problem, ranking first in incidences and fifth in mortality in women around the world. In Mexico, the first cause of death in women is breast cancer. This work uses deep learning techniques to discriminate between healthy and breast cancer patients, based on the banding patterns obtained from the Western Blot strip images of the autoantibody response to antigens of the T47D tumor line. The reaction of antibodies to tumor antigens occurs early in the process of tumorigenesis, years before clinical symptoms. One of the main challenges in deep learning is the design of the architecture of the convolutional neural network. Neuroevolution has been used to support this and has produced highly competitive results. It is proposed that neuroevolve convolutional neural networks (CNN) find an optimal architecture to achieve competitive ranking, taking Western Blot images as input. The CNN obtained reached 90.67% accuracy, 90.71% recall, 95.34% specifici...
Psychology & Neuroscience

Archivos de Medicina (Manizales), 2020
Objetivo: la promoción de la salud en términos positivos y de bienestar, implica concebirla como ... more Objetivo: la promoción de la salud en términos positivos y de bienestar, implica concebirla como el proceso en el que la comunidad aumenta el control sobre su salud, y la mejora. Las universidades tienen grandes capacidades para ello; por ejemplo, en ferias de salud que rompen los esquemas tradicionales unidireccionales y pasivos de los programas de salud. El programa de salud integral de la Universidad Veracruzana (México) implementó en su primera etapa estrategias para la promoción, prevención y tratamiento de enfermedades. Más tarde incorporó una visión más integral acorde a las necesidades enmarcadas en los objetivos sostenibles y la promoción de la salud comenzó a realizarse a través de ferias. No obstante, la comunidad universitaria dudaba que su realización tuviera beneficios. Materiales y métodos: se evaluó el efecto de las ferias en la salud y bienestar percibido por los estudiantes y su entorno y se identificaron las virtudes y fortalezas de carácter, las cuales son esenci...

Archivos de Medicina (Manizales), 2021
Objective: most healthy and unhealthy behaviors are acquired or consolidated during youth, thus a... more Objective: most healthy and unhealthy behaviors are acquired or consolidated during youth, thus a good investment in the future of any nation, should be to promote the development of young people, incorporating them into projects and programs that aspire to increase their subjective wellbeing and personal health. The Psycho-Educational Intervention (PEI) presented here has been shown to have effects on the health and wellbeing of students as well as on their academic performance. However, its effects on strength of character, emotional balance and emotional intelligence are unknown. Materials and methods: in this paper it was shows the effects of this PEI on positive education in a group of 18 students through three questionnaires: VIA-240, PANAS-20 and PIEMO. To estimate the effects of the PEI, a comparison was made between the scores obtained on the three questionnaires before and after the PEI sessions. Results: the results show that not only did character strengths, positive aff...
Introducción. Elementos citológicos del sistema inmunológico y sus productos secretorios promueve... more Introducción. Elementos citológicos del sistema inmunológico y sus productos secretorios promueven y/o facilitan la reorganización neural. En roedores cegados al nacimiento el cerebro es sometido a una gran reorganización, no obstante, nada se sabe aún sobre la participación del sistema inmunológico en estos procesos. OBJETIVOS, MATERIAL y MÉTODOS. En el presente trabajo evaluamos el estado de activación de las células microgliales en el cerebro de ratones adultos control cegados al nacer, mediante técnicas de inmunoperoxidasa. Resultados: i) La microglia cortical e hipocampal mostró, cualitativamente, una reducción en las ramificaciones positivas para el antígeno F4/80 en los ratones adultos cegados al nacimiento. ii) La microglia y los macrófagos perivasculares ubicados en diversas regiones del sistema nervioso de los ratones cegados fueron positivos para la inmunotinción del MHCII. Conclusiones. Los datos descritos apoyan la idea de que la microglia en los ratones cegados mantiene un estado de pseudo-activación a largo plazo en algunas regiones del sistema nervioso, condición que pudiese facilitar y/o promover constantes eventos de reorganización neural en ellas.

Suma Psicológica, 2020
Resumen El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la relación entre el estrés percibido y l... more Resumen El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la relación entre el estrés percibido y la felicidad en adultos mexicanos, así como comparar ambas variables según el estado de salud-enfermedad. La muestra estuvo conformada por 762 adultos mexicanos con una media de edad de 44.96 años, de los cuales el 70.3 % reportó no padecer ninguna enfermedad. Se utilizó la Escala de Estrés Percibido y el Inventario de Felicidad Auténtica. Adicionalmente, los participantes reportaron si padecían alguna enfermedad y seleccionaron, posteriormente, en una lista de opciones. Mediante el SPSS v.24 se realizaron análisis de frecuencias, descriptivos, análisis de correlación y análisis de varianza de un factor. En los resultados se observó una correlación negativa y estadísticamente significativa entre el estrés percibido y la felicidad. Por su parte, solo se observaron diferencias significativas en la subescala de estrés percibido "sobre-pasado por la situación"; fue mayor en el grupo de personas con una enfermedad aguda en comparación con el grupo de personas sanas. Se discuten los principales hallazgos, así como las implicaciones para la práctica psicológica.

Acta de Investigación Psicológica, 2021
Se contrastan las diferencias en sintomatología depresiva entre mexicanos de dos polos urbanos im... more Se contrastan las diferencias en sintomatología depresiva entre mexicanos de dos polos urbanos importantes, analizando la predicción de la depresión a partir de los perfiles afectivos y variables sociodemográficas. Método. Participaron 1036 estudiantes, 431 del centro de México y 605 del noreste. Se evaluó la sintomatología depresiva mediante el CES-D-20 y perfil afectivo con el PANAS-20. Resultados. Hay una alta prevalencia de sintomatología depresiva en los participantes, con diferencia significativa entre los grupos. En el grupo del centro la depresión es predicha por el perfil de afecto autodestructivo, afecto alto, así como hábitos no saludables, mientras que en el noreste coincide en los primeros dos predictores diferenciándose porque se incorpora en el modelo el menor sentido de autorrealización. Conclusión. Nuestro estudio sugiere diferencias en la manifestación de la depresión por zona geográfica, con un perfil afectivo autodestructivo y de afecto alto. Es de interés resa...

Frontiers in Oral Health
BackgroundEven though various studies recognize the importance of the oral cavity to have general... more BackgroundEven though various studies recognize the importance of the oral cavity to have general health, in multidisciplinary professional practice it is almost always excluded and on an individual basis, very commonly neglected. Oral diseases are preventable, still, they are highly prevalent. Although some studies consider oral health within integral health, currently, there is no model in which the mouth is integrated within other levels for the achievement of well-being. The objective of this article was to review the importance of oral health and its connection with well-being and, based on these findings, propose a complex and comprehensive perspective for approach and care.MethodsThe databases MEDLINE, PubMed, and Google Scholar were revised for randomized controlled trials and reviews that included search terms related to oral health and its relationship with the general health in its different levels (physical, psychological, social and environmental).ResultsThe review show...
Papers by Tania Romo-González