Papers by Gema Hidalgo Rodríguez

Regional studies in marine science, Jul 1, 2024
In the context of sandy coastlines under increasing coastal development and squeeze, coupled with... more In the context of sandy coastlines under increasing coastal development and squeeze, coupled with the ongoing loss of global diversity, it is crucial to understand the ecological patterns of benthic macrofauna, which plays a key role in the trophic and biogeochemical functional connectivity between land and sea. Here, we assessed differences in the spatiotemporal patterns of macrofauna diversity and production in exposed sandy beaches of the southwestern Gulf of Mexico across a use and modification gradient and its utility as indicators of impacts. We also estimated the sampling effort for a representative species inventory, considering three tidal zones, and longitudinal spatial scales in four beaches twice a year, and locally after an event of great tourist incidence. The traditional diversity indices could not conclusively detect the stress gradient of the macrofauna in these systems. The abundance pattern of macrofauna species in the upper intertidal zone and the greater secondary production at the lower zone of the unmodified beaches could be useful as indicators of ecological integrity in natural beaches with similar morphodynamic conditions. On the contrary, the most disturbed beach exhibited greater instability in terms of its macrofauna temporal variation in the lower zone. We verified that the ecological integrity approach comprising both natural and anthropogenic factors and multiple stressors is a useful tool showing precisely how beach-intensive use and modification induce instability and less resilience of its macrofauna, reflected in the species’ distribution by tidal zones, and the secondary production patterns. We also provide the first estimate of the optimal sampling effort required to get a representative inventory of the benthic intertidal macrofauna in sandy beaches of the Western Gulf of Mexico within a gradient.

Diversity, 2021
Autonomous reef monitoring structures (ARMS) have been proposed as a standardized, passive, nonde... more Autonomous reef monitoring structures (ARMS) have been proposed as a standardized, passive, nondestructive sampling tool. This study assessed the ability of ARMS to capture the cryptic species diversity of two coral reefs by recording species richness and taxonomic representativeness
using conventional taxonomy. The capacity of ARMS, as artificial substrates, to favor the establishment of nonindigenous species over native species was also evaluated. The use of ARMS allowed the detection of 370 species morphotypes from nine phyla, yielding 13 new records of geographic distribution expansion, one exotic species for the Gulf of México and the Caribbean Sea, and six newly described species. It was also possible to make spatial comparisons of species richness between both reefs. ARMS captured cryptic diversity exceptionally well, with the exception of echinoderms. Furthermore, these artificial structures did not hinder the colonization ability of native species; in fact, the colonization patterns on the structures themselves represented the spatial
differences in the structure of benthic assemblages. This study represents the first effort to make a conventional taxonomic description of the cryptic fauna of the Yucatan Peninsula using ARMS. It is recommended to assess coral reef species diversity, but more taxonomists specialized in marine
invertebrates are needed.

Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2024
In the context of sandy coastlines under increasing coastal development and squeeze, coupled with... more In the context of sandy coastlines under increasing coastal development and squeeze, coupled with the ongoing loss of global diversity, it is crucial to understand the ecological patterns of benthic macrofauna, which plays a key role in the trophic and biogeochemical functional connectivity between land and sea. Here, we assessed differences in the spatiotemporal patterns of macrofauna diversity and production in exposed sandy beaches of the southwestern Gulf of Mexico across a use and modification gradient and its utility as indicators of impacts.
We also estimated the sampling effort for a representative species inventory, considering three tidal zones, and longitudinal spatial scales in four beaches twice a year, and locally after an event of great tourist incidence. The traditional diversity indices could not conclusively detect the stress gradient of the macrofauna in these systems. The abundance pattern of macrofauna species in the upper intertidal zone and the greater secondary production at the lower zone of the unmodified beaches could be useful as indicators of ecological integrity in natural beaches with similar morphodynamic conditions. On the contrary, the most disturbed beach exhibited greater instability in terms of its macrofauna temporal variation in the lower zone. We verified that the ecological integrity approach comprising both natural and anthropogenic factors and multiple stressors is a useful tool showing precisely how beach-intensive use and modification induce instability and less resilience of its macrofauna,
reflected in the species’ distribution by tidal zones, and the secondary production patterns. We also provide the first estimate of the optimal sampling effort required to get a representative inventory of the benthic
intertidal macrofauna in sandy beaches of the Western Gulf of Mexico within a gradient.

International Journal of Environmental Research, 2016
In a coastline with growing urbanization, we examined the condition of water and sediments in san... more In a coastline with growing urbanization, we examined the condition of water and sediments in sandy beaches within a gradient of uses and modification, in contrast with a reference unmodified beach, to assess different disturbance sources and environmental impact grades. The gradient was analyzed depending on beaches proximity to the urban nucleus, accessibility, tourism and recreation activities, and construction of breakwater structures. Using an integrated approach, some physical, chemical, microbiological and morphodynamic parameters were measured during two sampling campaigns. The results indicate a higher content of organic matter in sediments of the beaches near to the Veracruz Reef System with respect to the reference beach, and in the cold fronts season than in rainy season. This temporal variation can be explained by the regional pattern of surface circulation, favoring downwelling in cold fronts season and upwelling in rainy season. Water temperature, salinity and dissolv...
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2020
Guerra-Castro et al. Macrofauna and Pollution of Yucatán Beaches than those considered as lower-t... more Guerra-Castro et al. Macrofauna and Pollution of Yucatán Beaches than those considered as lower-threshold values for marine sediments. The biological and chemical patterns reported here indicated that it is an appropriate moment to start long-term monitoring. The sampling design we suggest is based on statistical precision and internationally recognized protocols for assessment of marine diversity on sandy beaches.

Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, 2009
En arrecifes coralinos del suroeste de Cuba, se evaluaron los impactos de la inusitada frecuencia... more En arrecifes coralinos del suroeste de Cuba, se evaluaron los impactos de la inusitada frecuencia e intensidad de huracanes entre el 2001 y el 2007, y de las enfermedades de corales, ambos factores asociados al cambio climático. En las crestas arrecifales, la reducción de la cobertura de coral duro vivo varió de nula a 21%, mientras que la reducción del diámetro máximo promedio de los corales varió de 16 a 40 cm. En los arrecifes frontales, la reducción de la cobertura de coral varió de nula a 14%, mientras que la reducción del diámetro máximo promedio varió de nula a 26 cm. Sin embargo, en todos los sitios se observaron grandes cambios en el predominio numérico de las especies. En las crestas, este se desplazó de Acropora palmata y otros corales duros hacia Millepora complanata, Porites astreoides o Acropora prolifera. En los arrecifes frontales, el cambio ocurrió de la dominancia de Montastraea annularis (complejo de especies), Diploria strigosa y Agaricia agaricites a la de P. a...
Condición del bentos de los arrecifes coralinos de Santa Lucía (nordeste de Cuba) antes y después... more Condición del bentos de los arrecifes coralinos de Santa Lucía (nordeste de Cuba) antes y después del paso del huracán Ike. Benthos condition in the coral reefs of Santa Lucia (northeast Cuba) before and after the pass of Hurricane Ike.
Pan-American Journal …, 2008
Benthos samples in the Gulf of Batabanó (Cuba) were evaluated to explore if reported reduced lobs... more Benthos samples in the Gulf of Batabanó (Cuba) were evaluated to explore if reported reduced lobster and finfish catches over the past two decades may be (at least partially) related to community changes and loss of benthic habitats of the gulf. Data was obtained from cruises carried out during the periods 1981-85 and 2003-04 covering the whole gulf area. Results suggest that adverse changes have occurred in the benthic assemblages in the areas of south of Pinar del Río and La Coloma with a great reduction in species diversity and seagrass coverage. Signs of disturbance of the benthic assemblage are also evident close to Peninsula Zapata and at the northeast of Isla de La Juventud. Further research in these four areas is strongly recommended to identify the sources of disturbances and to quantify impacts on the fishery.

Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 2017
Diversity of macrofaunal groups in soft bottoms of the northern and southwestern Cuban shelf was ... more Diversity of macrofaunal groups in soft bottoms of the northern and southwestern Cuban shelf was assessed using taxonomic indices that depend on community structure, are independent of habitat type and sampling effort, and have a monotonic response to environmental disturbances. Taxa heterogeneity was significantly higher in sandy-muddy with vegetation, sandy with vegetation, and sandy with vegetation on hard bottom substrates. Biotopes diversity showed a gradient from smaller to greater particle size and from absence to presence of vegetation. Average taxonomic distinctness expected in these zones of the Cuban marine shelf is 92.5 with 95% confidence limits between 76.7 and 100. Sites with average taxonomic distinctness lower than 92.5 and outside the estimated confident limits can be considered environmentally deteriorated or favoring diversity of some particular groups. Dominant groups in this benthos fraction are crustaceans and polychaetes, which is consistent with studies in o...

Frontiers in Marine Science, 2020
The biodiversity of the coastal ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico is threatened by anthropogenic a... more The biodiversity of the coastal ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico is threatened by anthropogenic activities of various kinds. The predominant portion of the land-sea margin in the State of Yucatán consists of exposed sandy beaches. This ecosystem is threatened by several activities that vary in spatial scales, at a local: cargo/fishing ports, touristic facilities, maritime traffic, and domestic pollution; and at a larger scale: the forthcoming development of the oil industry. In the absence of information about the biodiversity of the beaches of Yucatán, we implement the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) Pole to Pole sampling protocol to (1) Quantify the spatial patterns of diversity of macrofauna along the beaches; (2) quantify current levels of pollution by hydrocarbons (aromatic and aliphatic); (3) estimate sampling effort for future environmental impact assessments. During November 2018, six localities along the coastline of Yucatán State were sampled following a spatial hierarchical design that included three sites at each locality, and 9–18 core samples in the intertidal strata of each site. As a result, 31 species of invertebrates were registered. The patterns of distribution and abundance of species showed that there was a base community structure along the entire coast dominated by four species. In general, the density of species was relatively low (2–4 species/0.01 m3) and the density of individuals was high (20–200 ind./0.01 m3). The beta diversity was higher between localities with good environmental health, but the estimated alpha diversities did not show a pattern regarding the health of the coast. Lastly, the overall number of species reported suggest that gamma diversity of the macrofauna in the beaches of Yucatán is within the highest known worldwide. Levels of hydrocarbons detected in this study are exceptionally low compared to those reported for other coastal areas of the Gulf of Mexico and are several orders of magnitude lower than those considered as lower-threshold values for marine sediments. The biological and chemical patterns reported here indicated that it is an appropriate moment to start long-term monitoring. The sampling design we suggest is based on statistical precision and internationally recognized protocols for assessment of marine diversity on sandy beaches.

In a coastline with growing urbanization, we examined the condition of water and sediments in san... more In a coastline with growing urbanization, we examined the condition of water and sediments in sandy beaches within a gradient of uses and modification, in contrast with a reference unmodified beach, to assess different disturbance sources and environmental impact grades. The gradient was analyzed depending on beaches proximity to the urban nucleus, accessibility, tourism and recreation activities, and construction of breakwater structures. Using an integrated approach, some physical, chemical, microbiological and morphodynamic parameters were measured during two sampling campaigns. The results indicate a higher content of organic matter in sediments of the beaches near to the Veracruz Reef System with respect to the reference beach, and in the cold fronts season than in rainy season. This temporal variation can be explained by the regional pattern of surface circulation, favoring downwelling in cold fronts season and upwelling in rainy season. Water temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen concentrations also accounted for seasonal variations. The stress gradient was evident in the granulometric characteristics of sediments, fats and oils, total solids, and enterococci concentrations in pore water. Intertidal slopes and littoral currents indicated not only a marked seasonality of these parameters, but differences between unmodified and modified beaches by breakwaters. All parameters are discussed, particularly those that accounted for the perturbation gradient, increased by the presence of breakwaters. This study serves as baseline of the environmental spatial-temporal variation in intertidal of the sandy beaches of central Veracruz, and as a reference in assessments of other beaches worldwide with similar conditions.

Se evaluó la diversidad de la macrofauna en fondos blandos de la plataforma marina cubana norte y... more Se evaluó la diversidad de la macrofauna en fondos blandos de la plataforma marina cubana norte y suroccidental. Se utilizaron índices de variación taxonómica que aportan una nueva dimensión en la interpretación de la diversidad de las comunidades, que son independientes del tipo de hábitat y del esfuerzo de muestreo, y tienen respuesta monotónica ante las perturbaciones del ambiente. La heterogeneidad de taxones fue significativamente mayor en los biotopos areno-fangoso con vegetación, arenoso con vegetación y arenoso con vegetación sobre fondo duro. La diversidad por biotopos reflejó un gradiente de menor a mayor tamaño de partícula y de ausencia a presencia de vegetación. La distinción taxonómica promedio (Δ+) esperada en estas zonas de la plataforma cubana es de 92,5, con límites de confianza de 95% entre 76,7 y 100. Las estaciones con distinción taxonómica promedio <92,5 y fuera del límite de confianza inferior, se pueden considerar con condiciones ambientales de deterioro o que favorecen la diversidad de algún grupo en particular. Los grupos dominantes en esta fracción del bentos son crustáceos y poliquetos, como ocurre en otras regiones tropicales y templadas. Estos resultados sirven de base para la evaluación y monitoreo ambiental del macrozoobentos como componente clave del funcionamiento de ecosistemas marinos en fondos blandos de Cuba.
Los ctenóforos son organismos planctónicos (holoplancton), exclusivamente marinos. Unas pocas esp... more Los ctenóforos son organismos planctónicos (holoplancton), exclusivamente marinos. Unas pocas especies, conocidas como medusas rastreras, habitan sobre el fondo o en simbiosis sobre la superficie de algunas plantas y animales. Se les conoce como nueces marinas y también como linternas de mar, por la luminiscencia verde azul que producen y el efecto de colores en movimiento, determinado por la difracción de la luz a través de sus cilios. Son casi transparentes y de forma esférica, cilíndrica, aplanada
Halimeda incrassata, Caloglossa leprieurii (Montagne) J. Agardh 1869 y el género Polysiphonia sen... more Halimeda incrassata, Caloglossa leprieurii (Montagne) J. Agardh 1869 y el género Polysiphonia sensu lato. En esta zona predominaron los mismos órdenes que en los pastos marinos.

El Golfo de Batabanó es una plataforma somera situada en la costa meridional occidental de Cuba, ... more El Golfo de Batabanó es una plataforma somera situada en la costa meridional occidental de Cuba, con un área de aproximadamente 21 305 km 2 . (Lorenzo-Sánchez y otros, 2007) En el mismo se explotan importantes recursos pesqueros como peces, esponjas y se obtiene más del 60 % de la captura de la langosta espinosa (Panulirus argus) del archipiélago cubano. El macrozoobentos de sustratos particulados del Golfo de Batabanó fue objeto de estudio en la década de los ochenta como parte de estudios ecológicos integrales. (Gómez y otros, 1980; Alcolado y otros, 1990) Dos décadas más tarde, a causa de la reducción de las Estimación cualitativa y cuantitativa del macrozoobentos en la macrolaguna del Golfo de Batabanó, Cuba RESUMEN El Golfo de Batabanó es una importante zona de la plataforma marina cubana, cuya problemática ambiental es motivo de numerosos estudios ecológicos. Para contribuir a la caracterización de las comunidades del bentos de este ecosistema somero, se determinó la estructura del macrozoobentos en fondos particulados del mismo. La mayor diversidad y abundancia de organismos se encontró en sedimentos arenosos y areno-fangosos con vegetación, con predominio de poliquetos y crustáceos. La distribución de las biomasas no mostró una tendencia espacial particular. Los incrementos observados de las densidades y biomasas en el mes de noviembre parecen tener relación con una variación estacional regular.
su colaboración en la coordinación del Proyecto "Gestión Ambiental de la zona costera como contri... more su colaboración en la coordinación del Proyecto "Gestión Ambiental de la zona costera como contribución a la sostenibilidad del desarrollo turístico en Santa Lucía, Camagüey", financiado por el MINTUR. Agradecemos también al Técnico Raudel García y a los Buzos Johannes Acosta y Jorge Oliva por el aseguramiento técnico y la ayuda prestada durante la realización de los muestreos, así como a la Lic. Martha M. Rivero por su revisión del documento.
Papers by Gema Hidalgo Rodríguez
using conventional taxonomy. The capacity of ARMS, as artificial substrates, to favor the establishment of nonindigenous species over native species was also evaluated. The use of ARMS allowed the detection of 370 species morphotypes from nine phyla, yielding 13 new records of geographic distribution expansion, one exotic species for the Gulf of México and the Caribbean Sea, and six newly described species. It was also possible to make spatial comparisons of species richness between both reefs. ARMS captured cryptic diversity exceptionally well, with the exception of echinoderms. Furthermore, these artificial structures did not hinder the colonization ability of native species; in fact, the colonization patterns on the structures themselves represented the spatial
differences in the structure of benthic assemblages. This study represents the first effort to make a conventional taxonomic description of the cryptic fauna of the Yucatan Peninsula using ARMS. It is recommended to assess coral reef species diversity, but more taxonomists specialized in marine
invertebrates are needed.
We also estimated the sampling effort for a representative species inventory, considering three tidal zones, and longitudinal spatial scales in four beaches twice a year, and locally after an event of great tourist incidence. The traditional diversity indices could not conclusively detect the stress gradient of the macrofauna in these systems. The abundance pattern of macrofauna species in the upper intertidal zone and the greater secondary production at the lower zone of the unmodified beaches could be useful as indicators of ecological integrity in natural beaches with similar morphodynamic conditions. On the contrary, the most disturbed beach exhibited greater instability in terms of its macrofauna temporal variation in the lower zone. We verified that the ecological integrity approach comprising both natural and anthropogenic factors and multiple stressors is a useful tool showing precisely how beach-intensive use and modification induce instability and less resilience of its macrofauna,
reflected in the species’ distribution by tidal zones, and the secondary production patterns. We also provide the first estimate of the optimal sampling effort required to get a representative inventory of the benthic
intertidal macrofauna in sandy beaches of the Western Gulf of Mexico within a gradient.
using conventional taxonomy. The capacity of ARMS, as artificial substrates, to favor the establishment of nonindigenous species over native species was also evaluated. The use of ARMS allowed the detection of 370 species morphotypes from nine phyla, yielding 13 new records of geographic distribution expansion, one exotic species for the Gulf of México and the Caribbean Sea, and six newly described species. It was also possible to make spatial comparisons of species richness between both reefs. ARMS captured cryptic diversity exceptionally well, with the exception of echinoderms. Furthermore, these artificial structures did not hinder the colonization ability of native species; in fact, the colonization patterns on the structures themselves represented the spatial
differences in the structure of benthic assemblages. This study represents the first effort to make a conventional taxonomic description of the cryptic fauna of the Yucatan Peninsula using ARMS. It is recommended to assess coral reef species diversity, but more taxonomists specialized in marine
invertebrates are needed.
We also estimated the sampling effort for a representative species inventory, considering three tidal zones, and longitudinal spatial scales in four beaches twice a year, and locally after an event of great tourist incidence. The traditional diversity indices could not conclusively detect the stress gradient of the macrofauna in these systems. The abundance pattern of macrofauna species in the upper intertidal zone and the greater secondary production at the lower zone of the unmodified beaches could be useful as indicators of ecological integrity in natural beaches with similar morphodynamic conditions. On the contrary, the most disturbed beach exhibited greater instability in terms of its macrofauna temporal variation in the lower zone. We verified that the ecological integrity approach comprising both natural and anthropogenic factors and multiple stressors is a useful tool showing precisely how beach-intensive use and modification induce instability and less resilience of its macrofauna,
reflected in the species’ distribution by tidal zones, and the secondary production patterns. We also provide the first estimate of the optimal sampling effort required to get a representative inventory of the benthic
intertidal macrofauna in sandy beaches of the Western Gulf of Mexico within a gradient.
(SDGs) and their indicators to understand how they apply to protecting
the ecological integrity of sandy beaches. We identify the SDGs that
mention coastlines, conditions or elements present on beaches, and
actions that directly influence these systems' ecologic structure and
functioning. We also provide concrete examples of how the PROPLAYAS
Ibero-American Network on beach management and certification
carries out actions to achieve these objectives. We defined 3 SDGs, 11
goals, and 12 indicators applicable to this context, encompassing
actions about 10 main themes. We describe the contribution of the
Proplayas Network to the fulfillment of these objectives and goals,
highlighting some challenges and research perspectives to measure
progress in the implementation of the SDGs in beach ecosystems. We
recommend further study of these issues to implement the SDGs in the
sandy beach management process.