Papers by Axel Manuel Navarro
Medicina, Salud y Sociedad
This paper involves two central themes: the mental health of vulnerable populations and social vi... more This paper involves two central themes: the mental health of vulnerable populations and social violence. The main purpose is to: analyze and discuss what is mental health? What makes a population to be conceptualized as vulnerable? And, which are the effects of social violence on the mental health of vulnerable populations?. Additionally, we present key recommendations of national and international agencies on possible strategies that should be implemented at the governmental level and through civic organizations regarding mental health in order to promote and establish better mental health in our nation.
Medicina, Salud y Sociedad
La formación de científicos debiera orientarse hacia la adopción paulatina, por el educando de un... more La formación de científicos debiera orientarse hacia la adopción paulatina, por el educando de un conjunto de actitudes y valoraciones sobre la que descansan las competencias y habilidades esenciales del quehacer de la ciencia" 1

Family is the social organism that attends to express the begining and final of civilitys, is the... more Family is the social organism that attends to express the begining and final of civilitys, is the social legitim organization to shelter, inside the visible and invisible walls, the private and closer spaces like secrets in each one. Also attends the normity that cover the group for future relationships. According to Norbert Elías there is a mechanism who get the civilizatory action, this mechanism is linked with the self-regulation of every human been in a civilizatory process. The self-regulation interferes as the way in how to response to specific situations as the social groups‟ expectations, in this way the family. This work tries to explore the imbrication between civility in the day-to-day spaces, specifically in the kitchen. To do that, we try to explore four variables: power, the kind of family, the food and the stablished and outsiders. The main author consulted was Norbert Elías with his civilizatory process theory.

Family is the social organism that attends to express the begining and final of civilitys, is the... more Family is the social organism that attends to express the begining and final of civilitys, is the social legitim organization to shelter, inside the visible and invisible walls, the private and closer spaces like secrets in each one. Also attends the normity that cover the group for future relationships. According to Norbert Elías there is a mechanism who get the civilizatory action, this mechanism is linked with the self-regulation of every human been in a civilizatory process. The self-regulation interferes as the way in how to response to specific situations as the social groups‟ expectations, in this way the family. This work tries to explore the imbrication between civility in the day-to-day spaces, specifically in the kitchen. To do that, we try to explore four variables: power, the kind of family, the food and the stablished and outsiders. The main author consulted was Norbert Elías with his civilizatory process theory.

Family is the social organism that attends to express the begining and final of civilitys, is the... more Family is the social organism that attends to express the begining and final of civilitys, is the social legitim organization to shelter, inside the visible and invisible walls, the private and closer spaces like secrets in each one. Also attends the normity that cover the group for future relationships. According to Norbert Elías there is a mechanism who get the civilizatory action, this mechanism is linked with the self-regulation of every human been in a civilizatory process. The self-regulation interferes as the way in how to response to specific situations as the social groups‟ expectations, in this way the family. This work tries to explore the imbrication between civility in the day-to-day spaces, specifically in the kitchen. To do that, we try to explore four variables: power, the kind of family, the food and the stablished and outsiders. The main author consulted was Norbert Elías with his civilizatory process theory.

The human being is the only species that besides differing among himself in choosing the food he ... more The human being is the only species that besides differing among himself in choosing the food he eat, the way to cooking it, the person who to eat him with and what utensils to use for that. All this constitutes the socio-cultural inheritance, which structures and distinguishes us as individuals; this culinary knowledge is built and re-built in a communicative and introyective process that is passed on from generation to generation. In this process are gestated specific connivances characterized by two elements; first, there is an attached link or bind to common values and customs, established mainly by one affective element: the feeling to belong to some group. Second, there is a phenomenon to creative innovation, which permits including, changing or even eliminating some culinary practice element or procedure. This text pretends to show how around these behaviors there are emotions that keep in a long time as a morphologic footprint. Thus, it will be showed the analysis from three different generation’s interview regarding their culinary pattern and the feelings associated.

El término ‘civilidad’ ha recibido diferentes connotaciones a lo largo de su historia, todas ella... more El término ‘civilidad’ ha recibido diferentes connotaciones a lo largo de su historia, todas ellas han revelado un solo significado general. Este último connota las maneras de trato que deben seguir los miembros de una clase o grupo social, en sus encuentros con sus ‘iguales’ y en sus encuentros con sus ‘posibles iguales’. Las personas social y humanamente ‘distintas’ reciben otras maneras de trato, las maneras de trato asignadas al excluido. El concepto de Civilidad, de Civilité, es, para Norbert Elias, un antecedente conceptual del concepto de Civilización. El calificativo ‘civilizado’ agrupa a quienes reciben ese calificativo, y deja fuera de esa agrupación a los considerados como ‘carentes de civilidad’ o como “bárbaros”. Históricamente, los quehaceres de la cocina, del servir y del comer, en los hogares mexicanos, han involucrado a dos tipos de personajes: los de ‘dentro’ y los ‘acarreados’. En los hogares indígenas y mestizos esos personajes han sido, de un lado, los padres y los hijos, y del otro, las parejas de los hijos. Entre las clases mexicanas medias ‘acomodadas’ y altas, esos mismos tipos se amplían para incluir a la servidumbre, es decir, a los de ‘fuera’. El objetivo de este trabajo es explorar las civilidades que caracterizan a las relaciones entre los personajes involucrados en cada uno de esos quehaceres, y las formas de poder personal asociadas a cada tipo de personaje y a cada quehacer.

This paper shows the results found in the Resistant Personality (RP) construct and the levels of ... more This paper shows the results found in the Resistant Personality (RP) construct and the levels of stress
in a sample of 102 ageing adults who regularly go to a day-care home for old people. These results
show that most of the participants have a high level of RP and nobody showed a low level in this
construct. The variables significantly associated with a high level of RP are: sex, independence,
education, self-perception of health and repercussion of mood. With respect to the level of stress, only
2.0% resulted with a high level. The variables associated with a low level of stress are: satisfaction
regarding family and friendship support, education, number of illnesses, self-perception of health and
mood. Additionally, these results prove the hypothesis that having a high RP is highly associated with
a low level of stress. On the other hand, they distort the myth that says that in old age there are more
losses than gains, which probably are associated with, in this case, the characteristics that most people
present, such as having income, partner, their own house, doing pleasant activities which contribute
to maintaining good health, for example going to a day-care home for old people.

Family is the social organism that attends to express the begining and final of civilitys, is the... more Family is the social organism that attends to express the begining and final of civilitys, is the social legitim organization to shelter, inside the visible and invisible walls, the private and closer spaces like secrets in each one. Also attends the normity that cover the group for future relationships. According to Norbert Elías there is a mechanism who get the civilizatory action, this mechanism is linked with the self-regulation of every human been in a civilizatory process. The self-regulation interferes as the way in how to response to specific situations as the social groups’ expectations, in this way the family. This work tries to explore the imbrication between civility in the day-to-day spaces, specifically in the kitchen. To do that, we try to explore four variables: power, the kind of family, the food and the stablished and outsiders. The main author consulted was Norbert Elías with his civilizatory process theory.
Papers by Axel Manuel Navarro
in a sample of 102 ageing adults who regularly go to a day-care home for old people. These results
show that most of the participants have a high level of RP and nobody showed a low level in this
construct. The variables significantly associated with a high level of RP are: sex, independence,
education, self-perception of health and repercussion of mood. With respect to the level of stress, only
2.0% resulted with a high level. The variables associated with a low level of stress are: satisfaction
regarding family and friendship support, education, number of illnesses, self-perception of health and
mood. Additionally, these results prove the hypothesis that having a high RP is highly associated with
a low level of stress. On the other hand, they distort the myth that says that in old age there are more
losses than gains, which probably are associated with, in this case, the characteristics that most people
present, such as having income, partner, their own house, doing pleasant activities which contribute
to maintaining good health, for example going to a day-care home for old people.
in a sample of 102 ageing adults who regularly go to a day-care home for old people. These results
show that most of the participants have a high level of RP and nobody showed a low level in this
construct. The variables significantly associated with a high level of RP are: sex, independence,
education, self-perception of health and repercussion of mood. With respect to the level of stress, only
2.0% resulted with a high level. The variables associated with a low level of stress are: satisfaction
regarding family and friendship support, education, number of illnesses, self-perception of health and
mood. Additionally, these results prove the hypothesis that having a high RP is highly associated with
a low level of stress. On the other hand, they distort the myth that says that in old age there are more
losses than gains, which probably are associated with, in this case, the characteristics that most people
present, such as having income, partner, their own house, doing pleasant activities which contribute
to maintaining good health, for example going to a day-care home for old people.