Publications by Dr Azizah Abdullah

International Counselling Seminar KPM-UUM, 2019
Keperluan kaunseling kerjaya yang terkini semakin ketara disekolah terutama dalam menghadapi
cab... more Keperluan kaunseling kerjaya yang terkini semakin ketara disekolah terutama dalam menghadapi
cabaran generasi era millennium di abad ke-21. Pada abad ke 21 sekolah memerlukan seorang
kaunselor kerjaya yang tinggi idea inovasi, berdaya kreatif dan mampu mengintegrasikan
teknologi ICT terkini dalam program berkaitan kaunseling kerjaya disekolah untuk membantu
dalam pencarian kerja dikalangan pelajar. Artikel ini membincangkan berkaitan satu program
pendidikan kerjaya disekolah menggunakan aplikasi `art therapy`dalam kaunseling kerjaya
kepada serratus orang pelajar tingkatan empat. Empat teknik `art therapy` telah dilaksanakan oleh
sepuluh orang kaunselor pelatih iaitu: ` Exploring My Secret Garden`, `A Bridge to Success`, `My
Hidden Self.dan ` A Tree of Hope`. Program yang dijalankan memperlihatkan aplikasi `art
therapy` amat membantu pelajar disekolah memahami nilai diri, bakat, minat, personaliti dan
kecenderungan kerjaya dengan lebih mudah dan spontan. Selain daripada itu pelajar juga dapat
membuat perancangan kerjaya yang lebih baik sesuai dengan keperluan kerjaya IR 4.0.

International Counselling Seminar KPM-UUM, 2019
Play therapy is saintifically supported approach widely used to address social, emotional and
be... more Play therapy is saintifically supported approach widely used to address social, emotional and
behavioural difficulties for children at school. Play provide means for communication, while toys
and creative materials are the languages for children. Schools consider as situational setting for
play therapy in helping children or young peoples express their feeling, thought and behaviour.
This article presents a brief overview of situational play therapy as therapeutic intervention for
counseling children and young people at school. The authors present how situational play therapy
can foster symbolization process for children and young people. In addition, child-centered play
therapy themes ,patterns and activities also be highlight as effectively tools to work with children
and young people experiencing emotional and academic issues at school.

E-Prosiding Webinar Konvensyen Kaunseling Kebangsaan Kali Ke-22, 2021
Beberapa siri kajian berkaitan faktor-faktor yang membantu apabila menggunakan terapi kreatif
da... more Beberapa siri kajian berkaitan faktor-faktor yang membantu apabila menggunakan terapi kreatif
dalam kaunseling telah dilaksanakan untuk menerokai kelebihan pendekatan ini sebagai medium
teraputik dan alat berkomunikasi antara kaunselor dan klien. Selain daripada itu kajian-kajian
tersebut adalah untuk mengenalpasti faktor risiko atau “potential harm” dalam proses kaunseling,
kepada kaunselor dan klien. Kajian melibatkan tiga geran penyelidikan iaitu geran KTP Projek
Pemindahan Ilmu , geran Inovasi Sosial UUM dan geran Kolaborasi 1 + 3 universiti dan agensi.
Sebagai tambahan, data juga dikumpul melalui penilaian latihan professional, bengkel jangka
pendek dan praktis di makmal kaunseling untuk kaunselor pelatih. Peserta yang terlibat
dibahagikan kepada tiga kategori: 1) Kaunselor atau guru bimbingan yang bekerja di berbagai
seting dan sekolah, 2) Kaunselor pelatih di peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda, dan 3) Peserta atau
klien yang terlibat dalam projek-projek penyelidikan. Lapan teknik asas terapi kreatif yang
digunakan merangkumi menconteng, melukis, mewarna, membuat kolaj, menyusun objek,
membuat topeng, terapi bermain ‘play doh’ dan terapi pergerakan. Aplikasi terapi kreatif ini
menggunakan pendekatan teori Humanistik Pemusatan Insan Carl Rogers dan Natalie Rogers.
Pengumpulan data dijalankan melalui kaedah temubual kualitatif secara individu atau kumpulan
berfokus dan data statistic melalui kaedah tinjauan. Kertas kerja ini hanya melapurkan data
kualitatif melalui analisis Kualitatif-Tematik bertujuan untuk mendapatkan tema-tema berkaitan
dua objektif bagi kajian ini.
Hasil kajian menunjukkan terapi kreatif dalam kaunseling amat membantu pada peringkat prakaunseling lisan, sebagai alat komunikasi dalam proses penerokaan dan mengenalpasti isu klien,
serta sebagai medium untuk terapi penjagaan kendiri (self-care therapy). Enam tema utama yang
berkaitan dengan faktor-faktor yang membantu aplikasi terapi kreatif dalam kaunseling telah
dikenalpasti. Manakala faktor risiko atau “potential harm” dalam proses kaunseling
memperlihatkan lima tema utama. Penemuan kajian ini menunjukkan kepentingan dan keperluan
terapi kreatif dalam perkhidmatan kaunseling dimensi atau alaf baru, disamping perlu berhati-hati
untuk mengelakkan kesan negatif terutamanya kepada klien.

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 2021
A case report on enhancing self-regulation skills through QEEGguided neurofeedback was conducted... more A case report on enhancing self-regulation skills through QEEGguided neurofeedback was conducted for a subject who has been
diagnosed with Wilson Disease (WD). The trauma-informed
neurofeedback training protocols were developed to improve the
client’s self-regulation skills in order to address his psychological
symptoms and cognitive impairment. The protocols were developed
based on the findings of the prior empirical research as well as the
QEEG brain mapping assessment of the client. In this case report,
the utilisation of expressive art therapy application was highlighted
in facilitating the therapeutic process for the clients having difficulty
in verbal communication. The QEEG brain mapping assessment
result pre-and-post intervention were compared to determine the
progress of the client’s brainwave activity pattern. Meanwhile, the
self-report diary of the client’s parent was used to follow up his
conditions. The outcome indicated that the developed protocols of
trauma-informed neurofeedback training and expressive art
application were helpful in improving the self-regulation skills of the

Solid State Technology, 2020
Anxiety screening tools are common and widely available but putting a label (i.e. mild,
moderate... more Anxiety screening tools are common and widely available but putting a label (i.e. mild,
moderate, or severe anxiety) creates mental health stigma and makes people who suffer from anxiety
symptoms more reluctant towards various forms of psychological therapies. This pilot study aimed to
assess the feasibility of a full-scale research in producing an indicated primary preventive intervention
that involves evaluating the processes, outcomes, and mechanisms of the Creative Brain Health
Intervention (CBHI) in dealing with the adherence to mental health care. Video-conferencing
qualitative interview was considered for the major study given the lack of studies on its outcomes in
the Malaysian context. Piloting for interviews is an important step in qualitative research. Adopting a
qualitative research design, convenience sampling was employed in this pilot study to recruit
participants. The advantages of conducting a pilot study for the major study include (1) design an easily
understood interview questionnaire, (2) facilitate the procedural process in a user-friendly and
culturally sensitive way, and (3) engage participants in a person-centered approach during the interview
process. The overall procedure, which was expected to ensure the flow and minimize limitations due
to sample diversity, is refined to a full-scale research.

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 2021
This research is inspired by the importance of elementary school student
multiple intelligence c... more This research is inspired by the importance of elementary school student
multiple intelligence capability development. A literature review determined
that the research related to academic guidance (teaching and learning)
regarding the development of student multiple intelligences is still limited.
This study aimed to look at the relative effect on student academic guidance,
of using mind mapping as an improvement strategy. The methodology
employed was research and development utilizing pre-experimental design
and the instruments used were observation sheets and relevant documentation.
The study sample consisted of 25 first grade students at one elementary school
in Purwakarta Regency. The results showed that elementary school student
multiple intelligences could be improved through Mind Mapping as a teaching
and learning strategy; with an n-gain score of 0.30 (low). Further, based on
the research test results, a p-value (sig.1-tailed) of 0.000 was found meaning
that individual student relative multiple intelligence capabilities were initially,
significantly different. The further research finding is that development of
multiple intelligences through academic guidance using mind mapping as an
alternative teaching and learning strategy, develops the diverse potential of
students in each educational environment.

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology , 2021
This qualitative studies investigates the helpful
aspects of using digital creative arts therapy... more This qualitative studies investigates the helpful
aspects of using digital creative arts therapy during the
Covid 19 Crisis. Thirty participants: 10 practitoners who
employed online creative arts therapy and 20 clients
involved for this study. Practitioners attended series of
online training to use digital creative arts therapy for
psychological supports project, followed by online
supervision via Zoom. After conducting four-to-six online
psychological therapy using creative arts therapeutic tools
with individual client, participants then joined online
group supervision through digital technology apps such as
Zoom or Webex. In-depth interviews were conducted
using qualitative investigation with both practitioners and
clients , Data were analized using thematic analysis
method. The results revealed seven themes as helpful
aspects : facilitates remote communication, easy storage of
digital art media, develop a variety of digital creative arts
tools, managing home-based therapy, improvement in
digital technology skills, foster distance psychological
supports, and increased global learning. The finding
indicates the need for innovative technology for online
creative arts therapy to provide long distance practices
and clinical supervision that will increse clients to access
psychological therapies when they’re unable to meet face
to face.

International Journal of Creative Research Thought, 2021
This study explored the need of play therapy knowledge, skill practices and training for primary ... more This study explored the need of play therapy knowledge, skill practices and training for primary
school counsellors working with children age four to twelve years old in northern region of Malaysia. The
main purpose is to identify basic knowledge, skills, knowledge related to theory, principles and ethics, play
therapy assessment, clinical practical skills, supervision and case analysis to conduct play therapy with
children. The methodology used were mix method with quasi-experimental design and qualitative interview.
A total of 250 participants which are school counsellors at northern region of Kedah involved in this study. A
survey questionnaire for training evaluation based on Kirkpatrick Model (1996) for training was given to
participants after two days play therapy training, followed by focus group interview. The findings indicated
that most participants found play therapy training enhances their knowledges, understanding and skills
practices in helping children at school. In addition, they addressed the need for systematic and professional
play therapy training as well as on-going supervision session to improve practices. Based on qualitative focus
group interview, the helpful factors of play therapy for children are age appropriate, matches developmental
needs, facilitate non-verbal communication, mastery skills and fostering symbolization process.
Papers by Dr Azizah Abdullah

International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, Jun 22, 2022
This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0 A tool named 'Creative Expressive-Bodily maps of emotions' ... more This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0 A tool named 'Creative Expressive-Bodily maps of emotions' (CE-BME) has been used widely among counselling practitioners or therapists in Malaysia's mental health settings. However, limited research was done to examine the helpful & unhelpful process and helpful & unhelpful effects in practice. This preliminary study aims to explore specifically the practical effects of using this tool from the therapist's perspective. This preliminary study used a qualitative approach, namely the grounded theory method, through face-to-face and video call interviews with four therapists from the mental health setting. These therapists conducted sessions for children and adolescents using the CE-BME in their sessions. The data through grounded theory analysis in this phenomenological study aims to answer the research question: What are the helpful effects of using the CE-BME in psychotherapy with children and adolescents? As a result, seven themes from two categories of helpful effects emerged. With regards to the effects on the client from the therapist's perspective, four themes emerged given by i) experiencing positive emotions, ii) improving in cognition process and insight, iii) positive behaviours in therapy, and iv) inducing problem-solving. In addition, three themes emerged regarding the effects on the therapist, including i) positive emotions toward the therapist, ii) increased skills in the therapy session, and iii) increased competency in handling a young client's case. The finding confirmed the positive effects on emotions, behaviour, and cognition in therapy for young clients who are incapable to express their feelings verbally (from the therapist's perspective) and impacts the

Creative education, 2024
Although traditional psychotherapy is effective, it has some limitations, such as long treatment ... more Although traditional psychotherapy is effective, it has some limitations, such as long treatment period and unstable efficacy. Creative interventions have more benefits than traditional interventions. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the research findings of expressive arts therapy (EXAT) and painting therapy, and to explore their development, theoretical basis, application fields, and mechanistic studies, in order to provide more effective intervention approaches and therapeutic methods for improving the public's mental health. Consequently, this paper reviewed and summarized a large body of literature that provides an overview of the development, theoretical foundations, and areas of application of EXAT and painting therapy. It is found that EXAT and painting therapy are widely used in the fields of psychotherapy, rehabilitation nursing, and education, and have achieved significant therapeutic effects. Nevertheless, the current research still has limitations and shortcomings. In the future, it is necessary to further study the mechanism and optimize the treatment plan, to provide more effective intervention approaches and treatment methods in the field of mental health.

International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling
A tool named ‘Creative Expressive-Bodily maps of emotions’ (CE-BME) has been used widely among co... more A tool named ‘Creative Expressive-Bodily maps of emotions’ (CE-BME) has been used widely among counselling practitioners or therapists in Malaysia’s mental health settings. However, limited research was done to examine the helpful & unhelpful process and helpful & unhelpful effects in practice. This preliminary study aims to explore specifically the practical effects of using this tool from the therapist’s perspective. This preliminary study used a qualitative approach, namely the grounded theory method, through face-to-face and video call interviews with four therapists from the mental health setting. These therapists conducted sessions for children and adolescents using the CE-BME in their sessions. The data through grounded theory analysis in this phenomenological study aims to answer the research question: What are the helpful effects of using the CE-BME in psychotherapy with children and adolescents? As a result, seven themes from two categories of helpful effects emerged. With...

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 2021
A case report on enhancing self-regulation skills through QEEG-guided neurofeedback was conducted... more A case report on enhancing self-regulation skills through QEEG-guided neurofeedback was conducted for a subject who has been diagnosed with Wilson Disease (WD). The trauma-informed neurofeedback training protocols were developed to improve the client’s self-regulation skills in order to address his psychological symptoms and cognitive impairment. The protocols were developed based on the findings of the prior empirical research as well as the QEEG brain mapping assessment of the client. In this case report, the utilisation of expressive art therapy application was highlighted in facilitating the therapeutic process for the clients having difficulty in verbal communication. The QEEG brain mapping assessment result pre-and-post intervention were compared to determine the progress of the client’s brainwave activity pattern. Meanwhile, the self-report diary of the client’s parent was used to follow up his conditions. The outcome indicated that the developed protocols of trauma-informed ...
Publications by Dr Azizah Abdullah
cabaran generasi era millennium di abad ke-21. Pada abad ke 21 sekolah memerlukan seorang
kaunselor kerjaya yang tinggi idea inovasi, berdaya kreatif dan mampu mengintegrasikan
teknologi ICT terkini dalam program berkaitan kaunseling kerjaya disekolah untuk membantu
dalam pencarian kerja dikalangan pelajar. Artikel ini membincangkan berkaitan satu program
pendidikan kerjaya disekolah menggunakan aplikasi `art therapy`dalam kaunseling kerjaya
kepada serratus orang pelajar tingkatan empat. Empat teknik `art therapy` telah dilaksanakan oleh
sepuluh orang kaunselor pelatih iaitu: ` Exploring My Secret Garden`, `A Bridge to Success`, `My
Hidden Self.dan ` A Tree of Hope`. Program yang dijalankan memperlihatkan aplikasi `art
therapy` amat membantu pelajar disekolah memahami nilai diri, bakat, minat, personaliti dan
kecenderungan kerjaya dengan lebih mudah dan spontan. Selain daripada itu pelajar juga dapat
membuat perancangan kerjaya yang lebih baik sesuai dengan keperluan kerjaya IR 4.0.
behavioural difficulties for children at school. Play provide means for communication, while toys
and creative materials are the languages for children. Schools consider as situational setting for
play therapy in helping children or young peoples express their feeling, thought and behaviour.
This article presents a brief overview of situational play therapy as therapeutic intervention for
counseling children and young people at school. The authors present how situational play therapy
can foster symbolization process for children and young people. In addition, child-centered play
therapy themes ,patterns and activities also be highlight as effectively tools to work with children
and young people experiencing emotional and academic issues at school.
dalam kaunseling telah dilaksanakan untuk menerokai kelebihan pendekatan ini sebagai medium
teraputik dan alat berkomunikasi antara kaunselor dan klien. Selain daripada itu kajian-kajian
tersebut adalah untuk mengenalpasti faktor risiko atau “potential harm” dalam proses kaunseling,
kepada kaunselor dan klien. Kajian melibatkan tiga geran penyelidikan iaitu geran KTP Projek
Pemindahan Ilmu , geran Inovasi Sosial UUM dan geran Kolaborasi 1 + 3 universiti dan agensi.
Sebagai tambahan, data juga dikumpul melalui penilaian latihan professional, bengkel jangka
pendek dan praktis di makmal kaunseling untuk kaunselor pelatih. Peserta yang terlibat
dibahagikan kepada tiga kategori: 1) Kaunselor atau guru bimbingan yang bekerja di berbagai
seting dan sekolah, 2) Kaunselor pelatih di peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda, dan 3) Peserta atau
klien yang terlibat dalam projek-projek penyelidikan. Lapan teknik asas terapi kreatif yang
digunakan merangkumi menconteng, melukis, mewarna, membuat kolaj, menyusun objek,
membuat topeng, terapi bermain ‘play doh’ dan terapi pergerakan. Aplikasi terapi kreatif ini
menggunakan pendekatan teori Humanistik Pemusatan Insan Carl Rogers dan Natalie Rogers.
Pengumpulan data dijalankan melalui kaedah temubual kualitatif secara individu atau kumpulan
berfokus dan data statistic melalui kaedah tinjauan. Kertas kerja ini hanya melapurkan data
kualitatif melalui analisis Kualitatif-Tematik bertujuan untuk mendapatkan tema-tema berkaitan
dua objektif bagi kajian ini.
Hasil kajian menunjukkan terapi kreatif dalam kaunseling amat membantu pada peringkat prakaunseling lisan, sebagai alat komunikasi dalam proses penerokaan dan mengenalpasti isu klien,
serta sebagai medium untuk terapi penjagaan kendiri (self-care therapy). Enam tema utama yang
berkaitan dengan faktor-faktor yang membantu aplikasi terapi kreatif dalam kaunseling telah
dikenalpasti. Manakala faktor risiko atau “potential harm” dalam proses kaunseling
memperlihatkan lima tema utama. Penemuan kajian ini menunjukkan kepentingan dan keperluan
terapi kreatif dalam perkhidmatan kaunseling dimensi atau alaf baru, disamping perlu berhati-hati
untuk mengelakkan kesan negatif terutamanya kepada klien.
diagnosed with Wilson Disease (WD). The trauma-informed
neurofeedback training protocols were developed to improve the
client’s self-regulation skills in order to address his psychological
symptoms and cognitive impairment. The protocols were developed
based on the findings of the prior empirical research as well as the
QEEG brain mapping assessment of the client. In this case report,
the utilisation of expressive art therapy application was highlighted
in facilitating the therapeutic process for the clients having difficulty
in verbal communication. The QEEG brain mapping assessment
result pre-and-post intervention were compared to determine the
progress of the client’s brainwave activity pattern. Meanwhile, the
self-report diary of the client’s parent was used to follow up his
conditions. The outcome indicated that the developed protocols of
trauma-informed neurofeedback training and expressive art
application were helpful in improving the self-regulation skills of the
moderate, or severe anxiety) creates mental health stigma and makes people who suffer from anxiety
symptoms more reluctant towards various forms of psychological therapies. This pilot study aimed to
assess the feasibility of a full-scale research in producing an indicated primary preventive intervention
that involves evaluating the processes, outcomes, and mechanisms of the Creative Brain Health
Intervention (CBHI) in dealing with the adherence to mental health care. Video-conferencing
qualitative interview was considered for the major study given the lack of studies on its outcomes in
the Malaysian context. Piloting for interviews is an important step in qualitative research. Adopting a
qualitative research design, convenience sampling was employed in this pilot study to recruit
participants. The advantages of conducting a pilot study for the major study include (1) design an easily
understood interview questionnaire, (2) facilitate the procedural process in a user-friendly and
culturally sensitive way, and (3) engage participants in a person-centered approach during the interview
process. The overall procedure, which was expected to ensure the flow and minimize limitations due
to sample diversity, is refined to a full-scale research.
multiple intelligence capability development. A literature review determined
that the research related to academic guidance (teaching and learning)
regarding the development of student multiple intelligences is still limited.
This study aimed to look at the relative effect on student academic guidance,
of using mind mapping as an improvement strategy. The methodology
employed was research and development utilizing pre-experimental design
and the instruments used were observation sheets and relevant documentation.
The study sample consisted of 25 first grade students at one elementary school
in Purwakarta Regency. The results showed that elementary school student
multiple intelligences could be improved through Mind Mapping as a teaching
and learning strategy; with an n-gain score of 0.30 (low). Further, based on
the research test results, a p-value (sig.1-tailed) of 0.000 was found meaning
that individual student relative multiple intelligence capabilities were initially,
significantly different. The further research finding is that development of
multiple intelligences through academic guidance using mind mapping as an
alternative teaching and learning strategy, develops the diverse potential of
students in each educational environment.
aspects of using digital creative arts therapy during the
Covid 19 Crisis. Thirty participants: 10 practitoners who
employed online creative arts therapy and 20 clients
involved for this study. Practitioners attended series of
online training to use digital creative arts therapy for
psychological supports project, followed by online
supervision via Zoom. After conducting four-to-six online
psychological therapy using creative arts therapeutic tools
with individual client, participants then joined online
group supervision through digital technology apps such as
Zoom or Webex. In-depth interviews were conducted
using qualitative investigation with both practitioners and
clients , Data were analized using thematic analysis
method. The results revealed seven themes as helpful
aspects : facilitates remote communication, easy storage of
digital art media, develop a variety of digital creative arts
tools, managing home-based therapy, improvement in
digital technology skills, foster distance psychological
supports, and increased global learning. The finding
indicates the need for innovative technology for online
creative arts therapy to provide long distance practices
and clinical supervision that will increse clients to access
psychological therapies when they’re unable to meet face
to face.
school counsellors working with children age four to twelve years old in northern region of Malaysia. The
main purpose is to identify basic knowledge, skills, knowledge related to theory, principles and ethics, play
therapy assessment, clinical practical skills, supervision and case analysis to conduct play therapy with
children. The methodology used were mix method with quasi-experimental design and qualitative interview.
A total of 250 participants which are school counsellors at northern region of Kedah involved in this study. A
survey questionnaire for training evaluation based on Kirkpatrick Model (1996) for training was given to
participants after two days play therapy training, followed by focus group interview. The findings indicated
that most participants found play therapy training enhances their knowledges, understanding and skills
practices in helping children at school. In addition, they addressed the need for systematic and professional
play therapy training as well as on-going supervision session to improve practices. Based on qualitative focus
group interview, the helpful factors of play therapy for children are age appropriate, matches developmental
needs, facilitate non-verbal communication, mastery skills and fostering symbolization process.
Papers by Dr Azizah Abdullah
cabaran generasi era millennium di abad ke-21. Pada abad ke 21 sekolah memerlukan seorang
kaunselor kerjaya yang tinggi idea inovasi, berdaya kreatif dan mampu mengintegrasikan
teknologi ICT terkini dalam program berkaitan kaunseling kerjaya disekolah untuk membantu
dalam pencarian kerja dikalangan pelajar. Artikel ini membincangkan berkaitan satu program
pendidikan kerjaya disekolah menggunakan aplikasi `art therapy`dalam kaunseling kerjaya
kepada serratus orang pelajar tingkatan empat. Empat teknik `art therapy` telah dilaksanakan oleh
sepuluh orang kaunselor pelatih iaitu: ` Exploring My Secret Garden`, `A Bridge to Success`, `My
Hidden Self.dan ` A Tree of Hope`. Program yang dijalankan memperlihatkan aplikasi `art
therapy` amat membantu pelajar disekolah memahami nilai diri, bakat, minat, personaliti dan
kecenderungan kerjaya dengan lebih mudah dan spontan. Selain daripada itu pelajar juga dapat
membuat perancangan kerjaya yang lebih baik sesuai dengan keperluan kerjaya IR 4.0.
behavioural difficulties for children at school. Play provide means for communication, while toys
and creative materials are the languages for children. Schools consider as situational setting for
play therapy in helping children or young peoples express their feeling, thought and behaviour.
This article presents a brief overview of situational play therapy as therapeutic intervention for
counseling children and young people at school. The authors present how situational play therapy
can foster symbolization process for children and young people. In addition, child-centered play
therapy themes ,patterns and activities also be highlight as effectively tools to work with children
and young people experiencing emotional and academic issues at school.
dalam kaunseling telah dilaksanakan untuk menerokai kelebihan pendekatan ini sebagai medium
teraputik dan alat berkomunikasi antara kaunselor dan klien. Selain daripada itu kajian-kajian
tersebut adalah untuk mengenalpasti faktor risiko atau “potential harm” dalam proses kaunseling,
kepada kaunselor dan klien. Kajian melibatkan tiga geran penyelidikan iaitu geran KTP Projek
Pemindahan Ilmu , geran Inovasi Sosial UUM dan geran Kolaborasi 1 + 3 universiti dan agensi.
Sebagai tambahan, data juga dikumpul melalui penilaian latihan professional, bengkel jangka
pendek dan praktis di makmal kaunseling untuk kaunselor pelatih. Peserta yang terlibat
dibahagikan kepada tiga kategori: 1) Kaunselor atau guru bimbingan yang bekerja di berbagai
seting dan sekolah, 2) Kaunselor pelatih di peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda, dan 3) Peserta atau
klien yang terlibat dalam projek-projek penyelidikan. Lapan teknik asas terapi kreatif yang
digunakan merangkumi menconteng, melukis, mewarna, membuat kolaj, menyusun objek,
membuat topeng, terapi bermain ‘play doh’ dan terapi pergerakan. Aplikasi terapi kreatif ini
menggunakan pendekatan teori Humanistik Pemusatan Insan Carl Rogers dan Natalie Rogers.
Pengumpulan data dijalankan melalui kaedah temubual kualitatif secara individu atau kumpulan
berfokus dan data statistic melalui kaedah tinjauan. Kertas kerja ini hanya melapurkan data
kualitatif melalui analisis Kualitatif-Tematik bertujuan untuk mendapatkan tema-tema berkaitan
dua objektif bagi kajian ini.
Hasil kajian menunjukkan terapi kreatif dalam kaunseling amat membantu pada peringkat prakaunseling lisan, sebagai alat komunikasi dalam proses penerokaan dan mengenalpasti isu klien,
serta sebagai medium untuk terapi penjagaan kendiri (self-care therapy). Enam tema utama yang
berkaitan dengan faktor-faktor yang membantu aplikasi terapi kreatif dalam kaunseling telah
dikenalpasti. Manakala faktor risiko atau “potential harm” dalam proses kaunseling
memperlihatkan lima tema utama. Penemuan kajian ini menunjukkan kepentingan dan keperluan
terapi kreatif dalam perkhidmatan kaunseling dimensi atau alaf baru, disamping perlu berhati-hati
untuk mengelakkan kesan negatif terutamanya kepada klien.
diagnosed with Wilson Disease (WD). The trauma-informed
neurofeedback training protocols were developed to improve the
client’s self-regulation skills in order to address his psychological
symptoms and cognitive impairment. The protocols were developed
based on the findings of the prior empirical research as well as the
QEEG brain mapping assessment of the client. In this case report,
the utilisation of expressive art therapy application was highlighted
in facilitating the therapeutic process for the clients having difficulty
in verbal communication. The QEEG brain mapping assessment
result pre-and-post intervention were compared to determine the
progress of the client’s brainwave activity pattern. Meanwhile, the
self-report diary of the client’s parent was used to follow up his
conditions. The outcome indicated that the developed protocols of
trauma-informed neurofeedback training and expressive art
application were helpful in improving the self-regulation skills of the
moderate, or severe anxiety) creates mental health stigma and makes people who suffer from anxiety
symptoms more reluctant towards various forms of psychological therapies. This pilot study aimed to
assess the feasibility of a full-scale research in producing an indicated primary preventive intervention
that involves evaluating the processes, outcomes, and mechanisms of the Creative Brain Health
Intervention (CBHI) in dealing with the adherence to mental health care. Video-conferencing
qualitative interview was considered for the major study given the lack of studies on its outcomes in
the Malaysian context. Piloting for interviews is an important step in qualitative research. Adopting a
qualitative research design, convenience sampling was employed in this pilot study to recruit
participants. The advantages of conducting a pilot study for the major study include (1) design an easily
understood interview questionnaire, (2) facilitate the procedural process in a user-friendly and
culturally sensitive way, and (3) engage participants in a person-centered approach during the interview
process. The overall procedure, which was expected to ensure the flow and minimize limitations due
to sample diversity, is refined to a full-scale research.
multiple intelligence capability development. A literature review determined
that the research related to academic guidance (teaching and learning)
regarding the development of student multiple intelligences is still limited.
This study aimed to look at the relative effect on student academic guidance,
of using mind mapping as an improvement strategy. The methodology
employed was research and development utilizing pre-experimental design
and the instruments used were observation sheets and relevant documentation.
The study sample consisted of 25 first grade students at one elementary school
in Purwakarta Regency. The results showed that elementary school student
multiple intelligences could be improved through Mind Mapping as a teaching
and learning strategy; with an n-gain score of 0.30 (low). Further, based on
the research test results, a p-value (sig.1-tailed) of 0.000 was found meaning
that individual student relative multiple intelligence capabilities were initially,
significantly different. The further research finding is that development of
multiple intelligences through academic guidance using mind mapping as an
alternative teaching and learning strategy, develops the diverse potential of
students in each educational environment.
aspects of using digital creative arts therapy during the
Covid 19 Crisis. Thirty participants: 10 practitoners who
employed online creative arts therapy and 20 clients
involved for this study. Practitioners attended series of
online training to use digital creative arts therapy for
psychological supports project, followed by online
supervision via Zoom. After conducting four-to-six online
psychological therapy using creative arts therapeutic tools
with individual client, participants then joined online
group supervision through digital technology apps such as
Zoom or Webex. In-depth interviews were conducted
using qualitative investigation with both practitioners and
clients , Data were analized using thematic analysis
method. The results revealed seven themes as helpful
aspects : facilitates remote communication, easy storage of
digital art media, develop a variety of digital creative arts
tools, managing home-based therapy, improvement in
digital technology skills, foster distance psychological
supports, and increased global learning. The finding
indicates the need for innovative technology for online
creative arts therapy to provide long distance practices
and clinical supervision that will increse clients to access
psychological therapies when they’re unable to meet face
to face.
school counsellors working with children age four to twelve years old in northern region of Malaysia. The
main purpose is to identify basic knowledge, skills, knowledge related to theory, principles and ethics, play
therapy assessment, clinical practical skills, supervision and case analysis to conduct play therapy with
children. The methodology used were mix method with quasi-experimental design and qualitative interview.
A total of 250 participants which are school counsellors at northern region of Kedah involved in this study. A
survey questionnaire for training evaluation based on Kirkpatrick Model (1996) for training was given to
participants after two days play therapy training, followed by focus group interview. The findings indicated
that most participants found play therapy training enhances their knowledges, understanding and skills
practices in helping children at school. In addition, they addressed the need for systematic and professional
play therapy training as well as on-going supervision session to improve practices. Based on qualitative focus
group interview, the helpful factors of play therapy for children are age appropriate, matches developmental
needs, facilitate non-verbal communication, mastery skills and fostering symbolization process.