Papers by Frans Van Vught
McGill-Queen's University Press eBooks, Apr 9, 2018

Onderwijs in de prestatieafspraken 2.1 Beleidsdoelen onderwijs 2.2 Opbrengsten onderwijs 2.3 Eval... more Onderwijs in de prestatieafspraken 2.1 Beleidsdoelen onderwijs 2.2 Opbrengsten onderwijs 2.3 Evaluatie van de gehanteerde indicatoren voor onderwijsdifferentiatie en zwaartepuntvorming 2.4 Evaluatie van de gehanteerde indicatoren voor onderwijskwaliteit en studiesucces 2.5 Werking van de prestatieafspraken aangaande onderwijs 2.6 Kwaliteitsbegrip in het hoger onderwijs en mogelijke nieuwe invalshoeken 2.7 Conclusies 3 Onderzoek en valorisatie in de prestatieafspraken 3.1 Beleidsdoelen onderzoek en valorisatie 3.2 Opbrengsten onderzoek en valorisatie 3.3 Evaluatie van de gehanteerde indicatoren voor onderzoek en valorisatie 3.4 Werking van de prestatieafspraken aangaande onderzoek en zwaartepuntvorming 3.5 Conclusies 4 Het instrument prestatieafspraken nader beschouwd 4.1 Was het beoordelingskader adequaat? 4.2 Hoe efficiënt was het proces? 4.3 Stakeholders 4.4 Hoe hebben de afspraken gewerkt binnen de instelling? 4.5 Indicatoren 4.6 Effecten financiële prikkels 4.7 Ervaringen met prestatiebekostiging in andere landen 4.8 Actuele discussie 4.9 Conclusies 5 Aanbevelingen Bijlage 1: Referenties Bijlage 2: Afkortingen Bijlage 3: Samenstelling Reviewcommissie Hoger Onderwijs en Onderzoek Secretariaat Reviewcommissie Bijlage 4: Noten Dit advies en zelfevaluatie is een uitgave van de Reviewcommissie Hoger Onderwijs en Onderzoek Postbus 76 2501 CB Den Haag
Higher Education Policy, Jun 1, 1991
This report was commissioned by the Directorate General for Education and Culture of the European... more This report was commissioned by the Directorate General for Education and Culture of the European Commission and its ownership resides with the European Community. This report reflects the views only of the authors. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein. The CHERPA Network In cooperation withU-Multirank Project team Project leaders Frans van Vught (CHEPS) * Frank Ziegele (CHE) *

The paper sets out to analyse the need for better “transparency tools” which inform university st... more The paper sets out to analyse the need for better “transparency tools” which inform university stakeholders about the quality of universities. The authors stated that the lack of relevant information about the quality of services provided by the universities leads to informational bias between universities and community thus weakening the social value of higher education. The better transparency tools thus could serve effectiveness of higher education increasing social benefits and outputs from higher education for the society. The paper gives an overview of what is understood by the concept of transparency tools and those that are currently available. The analysis of recent research presented in the paper shows that the results of the league tables and rankings are not enough for correct comparison of different universities operating at regional, national, international and global level. Authors critique current transparency tools’ methodologies, looking in detail at the question o...
Kluwer Academic eBooks, 2010
Preface. Part 1: The Study of Institutions. 1. Approaches to the Analysis of Institutions H. Kema... more Preface. Part 1: The Study of Institutions. 1. Approaches to the Analysis of Institutions H. Keman. 2. Institutions: The Economic Perspective B.S. Frey. 3. Sociological Perspectives on Institutions and Neo-Institutionalism W. Trommel, R. van der Veen. 4. Normative and Real Institutions D.W.P. Ruiter. Part II: Institutions and Decision Making in Europe. 5. Is Federalism Superior? J.-E. Lane, S. Ersson. 6. The Effects of Alternative Governance Structures F. van Vught. 7. Independent Agencies and the Delegation Problem G. Majone. 8. European Challenges to the Nation State J.P. Olsen. 9. Subsidiarity, Responsive Government and Individual Liberty V. Vanberg. 10. Codecidion and Its Reform B. Steunenberg. Index.
@ Introduction In November 2004, a team of researchers conceived a research project that aimed to... more @ Introduction In November 2004, a team of researchers conceived a research project that aimed to explore the value of designing a typology of higher education institutions in Europe. The starting point of this research project was the assumption that the strength of the European higher ...
Onlangs is de nieuwe Times Higher Education – QS World Universities Ranking gepubliceerd. Nederla... more Onlangs is de nieuwe Times Higher Education – QS World Universities Ranking gepubliceerd. Nederlandse universiteiten doen het goed en dat is groot nieuws. Of we het nu leuk vinden of niet, of we de methodologie toejuichen of verafschuwen, eigenlijk weten we allemaal wel dat de internationale rankings van hogeronderwijsinstellingen niet meer zijn weg te denken uit de internationale hogeronderwijswereld. Rankings zijn er, zullen er blijven en gaan meer aan belang winnen. Daarom moeten we ervoor zorgen dat rankings – en classificaties – ons brengen wat ervan verwacht wordt: een faire vergelijking van hogeronderwijsinstellingen op grond van hun prestaties
Preface. Part 1: The Study of Institutions. 1. Approaches to the Analysis of Institutions H. Kema... more Preface. Part 1: The Study of Institutions. 1. Approaches to the Analysis of Institutions H. Keman. 2. Institutions: The Economic Perspective B.S. Frey. 3. Sociological Perspectives on Institutions and Neo-Institutionalism W. Trommel, R. van der Veen. 4. Normative and Real Institutions D.W.P. Ruiter. Part II: Institutions and Decision Making in Europe. 5. Is Federalism Superior? J.-E. Lane, S. Ersson. 6. The Effects of Alternative Governance Structures F. van Vught. 7. Independent Agencies and the Delegation Problem G. Majone. 8. European Challenges to the Nation State J.P. Olsen. 9. Subsidiarity, Responsive Government and Individual Liberty V. Vanberg. 10. Codecidion and Its Reform B. Steunenberg. Index.
The International Encyclopedia of Higher Education Systems and Institutions, 2020
Papers by Frans Van Vught