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We report a Raman band at 1602 cm −1 in the spectra of human cells, which previously had only been observed in mitochondria of yeast cells. This band, which has not yet been assigned to a particular molecular species, was found to occur... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsRaman SpectroscopyMitochondriaCell Culture
A hybrid fluorescence-Raman confocal microscopy platform is presented, which integrates low-wavenumber-resolution Raman imaging, Rayleigh scatter imaging and two-photon fluorescence (TPE) spectral imaging, fast 'amplitude-only'... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsLight ScatteringFluorescence MicroscopyRaman Spectroscopy
Activation of hepatic stellate cells has been recognized as one of the first steps in liver injury and repair. During activation, hepatic stellate cells transform into myofibroblasts with concomitant loss of their lipid droplets (LDs) and... more
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      MultidisciplinaryExtracellular MatrixOrganellesRETINOIDS
New technology is developed to observe, in situ and in vivo development of tissues from cultured cells . Cells after seeding grow on bioactive degradable scaffolds that provide the physical and chemical cues to guide differentiation and... more
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      New TechnologyDesign and DevelopmentPolydimethylsiloxaneThree Dimensional
We present the development of microbioreactors with a sensitive and accurate optical coupling to a confocal Raman microspectrometer. We show that such devices enable in situ and in vitro investigation of cell cultures for tissue... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryMicroscopyImaging
We report a Raman band at 1602 cm −1 in the spectra of human cells, which previously had only been observed in mitochondria of yeast cells. This band, which has not yet been assigned to a particular molecular species, was found to occur... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsRaman SpectroscopyMitochondriaCell Culture
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      Self AssemblyBiocatalysisDNALuminescence
The ability of DNA to self-assemble into one-, two-and three-dimensional nanostructures 1-14 , combined with the precision that is now possible when positioning nanoparticles or proteins 20-24 on DNA scaffolds, provide a promising... more
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      ThermodynamicsElectronicsNonlinear dynamicsPhotonics
The use of semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) as optical labels for biorecognition events and biocatalytic processes attracts growing interest. While numerous studies reported on the use of the QDs as fluorescent labels, applications of... more
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      BiosensorsNanobiotechnologyNanoparticlesConfocal Microscopy
There is a growing interest in using semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) as optical labels for biosensing events. [1] The sizecontrolled fluorescence properties of QDs, [2] the high fluorescence quantum yields of QDs, [3] and their stability... more
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The unique size-controlled photonic properties of semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) find increasing interest for sensing and biosensing. 1 Numerous studies have employed QDs as fluorescent labels for biorecognition events, such as the... more
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      CatalysisFluorescenceQuantum DotsSulfides
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The electrochemical and photoelectrochemical detection of tyrosinase (TR) activity (an indicative marker for melanoma cancer cells) is reported, using Pt nanoparticles (NPs) or CdS NPs as electrocatalytic labels or photoelectrochemical... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryElectrochemistryPhotochemistry
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      EngineeringTechnologyCHEMICAL SCIENCES
Silver nanoparticle aggregates have been shown to support very large enhancements of fluorescence intensity from organic dye molecules coupled with an extreme reduction in observed fluorescence lifetimes. Here we show that for the same... more
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      Quantum TheoryMetal NanoparticlesDNASilver
Surface-modifi ed quantum dots (QDs) are extensively used as fl uorescent labels for sensing and biosensing events. [ 1 , 2 ] Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) or electron-transfer quenching of the QDs are two fundamental... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceNanobiotechnologyNanoparticles
We introduce a sensing platform for specific detection of DNA based on the formation of gold nanoparticles dimers on a surface. The specific coupling of a second gold nanoparticle to a surface bound nanoparticle by DNA hybridization... more
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      Materials ScienceAnalytical ChemistryBiomedical EngineeringColorimetry
We introduce a sensing platform for specific detection of DNA based on the formation of gold nanoparticles dimers on a surface. The specific coupling of a second gold nanoparticle to a surface bound nanoparticle by DNA hybridization... more
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      Materials ScienceAnalytical ChemistryBiomedical EngineeringColorimetry