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Currently, business modelling is an art, instead of a science, as no scientific method for business modelling exists. This, and the lack of using business models altogether, causes many projects to end after the pilot stage, unable to... more
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      Business ModelsBusiness modelling
We address the field of internal logistics, embodied in Automated Material Handling Systems (AMHSs), which are complex installations employed in sectors such as Baggage Handling, Physical Distribution, and Parcel & Postal. We work on... more
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      Computer ScienceChemistryTraffic controlReal Time Scheduling
Distribution centres (DCs) are the hubs connecting transport streams in the supply chain. The synchronisation of coming and going cargo at a DC requires reliable arrival times. To achieve this, a reliable method to predict arrival times... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementData MiningBusiness IntelligencePredictive Analytics
Predicting the amount of money that can be claimed is critical to the effective running of an Hospital. In this paper we describe a case study of a Dutch Hospital where we use process mining to predict the cash flow of the Hospital. In... more
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Augmented reality has been a research area for decades. However, there has not been a real breakthrough for commercial applications. Augmented reality still seems like the technology of the near feature. A research carried out to... more
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The research described in this paper is aimed at solving planning problems associated with a new hospital declaration methodology called DOT. With this methodology, that will become mandatory starting January 1 st 2012, hospitals will no... more
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Predicting the amount of money that can be claimed is critical to the effective running of an Hospital. In this paper we describe a case study of a Dutch Hospital where we use process mining to predict the cash flow of the Hospital. In... more
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The future of electrification of Africa lies within off-grid generation via renewable energy (RE). Although many RE projects have started across the Sub-Sahara, especially public projects are seldom successful. This study engages directly... more
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      Project ManagementRenewable EnergySustainable DevelopmentAfrica
Renewable energy (RE) generation is expected to become the main source of energy in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) over the next century. However, more often than not, the sustainability aspect of these projects is a characteristic that is not... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRenewable EnergySustainable DevelopmentTechnology Management
In this paper we consider a real-time, dynamic pickup and delivery problem with timewindows where orders should be assigned to one of a set of competing transportation companies. Our approach decomposes the problem into a multi-agent... more
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      Operations ResearchAgent BasedVehicle routingTransportation Planning
In this paper we study the real-time scheduling of time-sensitive full truckload pickup-and-delivery jobs. The problem involves the allocation of jobs to a fixed set of vehicles which might belong to different collaborating transportation... more
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      Applied MathematicsIntelligent AgentMulti Agent SystemBusiness and Management
This paper addresses the problem of generic planning and control of automated material handling systems (AMHSs). We build upon previous work to provide a proof of concept for generic control of AMHSs in different domains. We present a... more
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      Distributed ComputingComputer SoftwareManufacturing Engineering
In this paper we consider a multi-agent system (MAS) for the logistics control of Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) that are used in the dough making process at an industrial bakery. Here, logistics control refers to constructing robust... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceDecision MakingLogisticsAgent Based
Multi-Agent systems have been studied extensively, but only a few of these systems are deployed in practice. Essential to get a system implemented is acceptance. In a distributed setting this is challenging, especially when one deals with... more
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      Decision Support SystemsMulti Agent SystemMathematical SciencesReal Time
In a recent article (Heppes and Melissen, Period. Math. Hungar. 34 (1997) 63-79), Heppes and Melissen have determined the thinnest coverings of a rectangle with up to ÿve equal circles and also for seven circles if the aspect ratio of the... more
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatorial DesignDiscrete Applied MathematicsAspect Ratio
This paper deals with a new strategy for the assignment of Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) to storage locations in a warehouse, called Order Oriented Slotting (OOS). Given an empty warehouse, a set of orders to be picked and a routing policy,... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsComputational ComplexityHeuristic Search
We consider a key issue in hinterland container navigation in ports, such as Rotterdam and Antwerp, namely the barge handling problem: how to optimize the alignment of barge and terminal operations in a port. We make a major step in... more
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      EngineeringMathematical Sciences
The batching of jobs in a manufacturing system is a very common policy in many industries. The main reasons for batching are the avoidance of setups and/or facilitation of material handling. Good examples of batch-wise production systems... more
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      EngineeringComplex SystemMathematical SciencesIT Value
The consumer electronics (CE) industry has high turnovers and a growing demand, such as on the home entertainment segment. At the same time, it generates e-waste of the order of a dozen million tons, about one quarter of the world's... more
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      EngineeringMathematical SciencesAdvanced manufacturing technology
In many industries production facilities are used which process products in a batch-wise manner. Guided by research in the aircraft industry, where the process of hardening synthetic aircraft parts was studied, we propose a new control... more
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      Operations ResearchProductionMultidisciplinary