Book Chapters by Tytti Suominen
Liikettä rajapinnoilla: keskusteluja etnologian osallistavuudesta, 2019
Papers by Tytti Suominen
Journal of Finnish Studies, Jul 1, 2016
J@rgonia, 2017
Avoimempaa etnologista tutkimusprosessia etsimässä Arvio teoksesta Jouhki, Jukka & Tytti Steel (t... more Avoimempaa etnologista tutkimusprosessia etsimässä Arvio teoksesta Jouhki, Jukka & Tytti Steel (toim.). Etnologinen tulkinta ja analyysi. Kohti avoimempaa tutkimusprosessia. Helsinki: Ethnos ry. 2016. 431 s. ISBN 978-952-68509-0-0. Miira Kuvaja Miten etnologi tekee keräämästään aineistosta analyysia ja tulkintoja? Kuinka nämä prosessit saataisiin näkyväksi? Jukka Jouhkin ja Tytti Steelin toimittamassa artikkelikokoelmassa Etnologinen tulkinta ja analyysi. Kohti avoimempaa tutkimusprosessia haetaan vastauksia näihin kysymyksiin. Heidän mukaan tutkimusprosessien tarkempi määrittely, avoimempi toteutus ja niiden metodologisten ratkaisujen selkeyttäminen hyödyntäisivät tieteenalaa. Mikäli näitä ei avata lukijoille, on vaarana, että aineiston, teorian ja tutkijan tulkintojen välisiä yhteyksiä täytyy arvioida vain analyysitekstin johdonmukaisuuden ja sujuvuuden perusteella.
Aineisto on Opiskelijakirjaston digitoimaa ja Opiskelijakirjasto vastaa aineiston käyttöluvist

International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship
PurposeThis study identifies how self-employed older women experience and represent self-integrit... more PurposeThis study identifies how self-employed older women experience and represent self-integrity – an element and source of meaningfulness – in their work, and how these experiences are intertwined with gendered ageing.Design/methodology/approachThe authors used thematic analysis, influenced by an intersectional lens, to scrutinise qualitative data generated during a development project, with ten over 55-year-old self-employed women in Finland.FindingsThe study reveals three dominant practices of self-integrity at work: “Respecting one's self-knowledge”, “Using one's professional abilities”, and “Developing as a professional”. Older age was mostly experienced and represented as a characteristic that deepened or strengthened the practices and experiences of self-integrity at work. However, being an older woman partly convoluted that. Self-integrity as a self-employed woman was repeatedly experienced and represented in contrast to the male norm of entrepreneurship.Originalit...
Hanken Svenska handelshögskolan, Sep 18, 2020
Ethnologia Fennica, Nov 10, 2021
Nordic Academy of Management (NFF) Conference, Nordic Energies, Vaasa, Finland, 22-24 August, 2019., 2019
Suomen Museo, Dec 1, 2020
Non peer reviewe

Ethnologia Fennica, 2021
, Finland's Prime Minister Sanna Marin appeared in the Finnish fashion magazine Trendi wearing a ... more , Finland's Prime Minister Sanna Marin appeared in the Finnish fashion magazine Trendi wearing a black blazer with a plunging neckline and no top underneath, which caused an uproar in the social media (see Odom 2020). Her outfit choice was branded 'inappropriate' for someone in a top political position. In the article accompanying the photograph, Marin explained that she usually tends to look the same; she wears the same kind of clothing and has the same hairstyle in order to avoid discussion about her appearance. She knows that women's appearance is a constant subject of discussion and criticism, and her choice of appearance is a political statement. (Peltola 2020.) Her typical outfit consists of a black tailored suit with trousers and a black or white shirt, which is a 'standard uniform' for a politician. As studies of parliamentary representation from the perspectives of gender studies and performance studies, for example, have demonstrated, institutional power also operates through performative acts such as modes of behaviour, norms of dress and other institution-specific cultures (see e.g. Rai & Johnson 2014). Institutional parliamentary cultures are usually based on a gendered hierarchy that favours men (Lovenduski 2014), of which the dress code of black or dark suit is a good example: it indicates traditional male attributes of power, authority and confidence. The reason why Marin's and women politicians' appearance is a constant topic of discussion is that they draw attention to the hidden expectations that a politician and a prime minister is a particular kind of man (cf. Lovenduski 2014, 19). The articles of this theme issue of Ethnologia Fennica (2/2021) discuss the politics of dress and appearance. They analyse the role of dress and fashion in expressing, formulating and contesting various political ideas and ideologies, social norms, cultural ideals and social statuses. In her article "Behind the scenes. The Mari teacher's wardrobe in Central Russia", Ildikó Lehtinen discusses teacher's attire as a political phenomenon in the context of the Mari people, a Finno-Ugric minority living in Central

Ethnologia Fennica, 2020
This thematic issue of Ethnologia Fennica discusses the intersections of ethnology and posthumani... more This thematic issue of Ethnologia Fennica discusses the intersections of ethnology and posthumanist theories and approaches. The central idea of posthumanist theoretization is to displace the human being from the central position in the universe and highlight that more-than-human entities have strongly affected the formation of humanity (Smart & Smart 2017; Braidotti 2013). Posthumanist thought rejects the classic humanist divisions of self and other, mind and body, society and nature, human and animal, organic and technological, and it encourages to think relationally and direct research interests to the non-human realm (Wolfe 2010; Ferrando 2013, 30). Although the debate on posthumanism has been going on in the humanities and social sciences for a couple of decades, in ethnology and related fields such as anthropology and folklore studies, the discussion on posthumanist approaches has started less than ten years ago (Smart & Smart 2017, 10; Thompson 2019, 14). While human-animal and human-nature relationships have been objects of research in these fields for a long time, traditionally these aspects have been studied in order to find out something about human societies and modes of thought. Posthumanist enquiry, on the other hand, aims to highlight the significance and agency of more-than-human entities. In the articles of this issue, the authors mostly discuss domesticated animals such as reindeer, cows, ducks, and rabbits, but there is also a discussion on a polluted lake and the surrounding environment. Posthumanist theoretization has focused on two separate branches: first, our relationships to other organic entities such as non-human animals, plants, and nature; and second, inorganic objects such as machines and digital technologies. In the current issue, the realms of technology and human-animal relationships are brought together in two articles. First, Kajsa Kuoljok discusses the effects of monitoring reindeer through GPS technology in a Sámi reindeer herding community. Through a story about a reindeer that wandered off from its grazing area, she analyzes the emotional
This article examines some key interrelations between age, different life stages, care and employ... more This article examines some key interrelations between age, different life stages, care and employment, drawing on two sets of interview data from the mental health sector and older jobseekers. We a ...
käytettäessä sen merkitys on lähinnä karkeakäytöksinen, sivistymätön ja moukkamainen. Oman tulkin... more käytettäessä sen merkitys on lähinnä karkeakäytöksinen, sivistymätön ja moukkamainen. Oman tulkintani mukaan ronskille parempia vastineita olisivat brisk tai burly, (MOT Englanti 4.8, jonka tiedot on koottu useasta laadukkaasta sanakirjasta.) mutta tärkeintä olisi, että monimerkityksellisen käsitteen sisältöä määriteltäisiin tarkemmin tekstissä.

Ethnologia Fennica, 2019
This study explores the affects and emotions linked to unemployment. It is based on 30 interviews... more This study explores the affects and emotions linked to unemployment. It is based on 30 interviews of jobseekers aged 50+ in South-eastern Finland. The area in which the jobseekers live has had relatively high unemployment rates and the study participants have also experienced age discrimination, which makes their situation especially difficult. The article analyses the affective ex- periences of being unemployed and looking for a job. Firstly, we found that the affective pattern of losing one’s job consisted of a sense of shock and shame influenced by the societal image of the unem- ployed. Secondly, we found that applying for jobs and not being successful was a highly shameful and humiliating experience. This can be interpreted as an affective pattern arising from not living up to the social ideal of a successful person being someone with a job, and simultaneously constantly experiencing rejection by employers. Further, we found that the interviewees felt powerless when dealing wit...

Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 2019
This paper examines how older unemployed people cope with unemployment through temporal identity ... more This paper examines how older unemployed people cope with unemployment through temporal identity work. By temporal identity work, we refer to identity work that takes place at junctions between past, present, and future working lives and which relates to these tenses as a part of identity construction.The paper is based on 30 semi-structured interviews with jobseekers aged 50+ living in a region that has undergone deindustrialization and suffers from high unemployment rates. In the interview material, we identified three main types of identity work: Relying on the past, renewing oneself, and tweaking one’s working identity. This article identifies ‘respectably unemployed’ as the cultural construction in relation to which identity work is done in a society that values paid work highly. The paper contributes to the literature on age and unemployment by enhancing the understanding of older jobseekers’ identity work as a contextually embedded temporal process.
Book Chapters by Tytti Suominen
Papers by Tytti Suominen