Murat Türkmen
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Papers by Murat Türkmen
Thirsty Giant (2017), which enable natural forces, such as wind, sun, and rain, to become co-
creators of the artworks. Both installations are situated in relatively remote places where
creative dialogues can emerge with natural forces and the given physical environment. The artist
intentionally created what can be called semi-stable constructions for both of the works to make
visible and sensible the agency of natural forces and to explore how the human and “more-than-
human” agencies are creatively entangled in reciprocal relations. Thus, each installation unfolds
in an open-ended and autopoietic (self-creative) way as they entangle with the environment in a
sympoietic (co-creative) manner. Instead of mutually opposing aspects, I understand the
autopoiesis and sympoiesis as two sides of the very same event. To highlight this understanding,
I employ the combined term “auto-sym-poiesis” to study Aho’s works in this article. I argue that
agencies in nature and art are not isolated from the environment or each other. Instead, they are
creatively entangled in an indeterminate, continuously unfolding process of relationality.
In this inquiry, I foreground the notion of process autonomy that highlights the complex involvement of multiple human and non-human forces and fragments in the production process of an artwork. This kind of complex setting is always somewhat unpredictable, and hence what the work of art cannot be completely controlled by the artist alone; instead, the work of art will gain its own momentum. I propose that, in C, the performing artist and the charcoal suit become a more-than-human drawing agency.
Jacques Rancière çağdaş siyaset felsefesinin en önemli figürlerinden biridir. Onun çalışmaları hem siyaset felsefesinin içinde hem de siyaset felsefesine karşı olarak konumlanmaktadır. Bu metinde, siyasal olanın görünürlüğe çıkma biçimi olan davalaşma kavramının ne olduğu ve davalaşmanın nasıl gerçekleştiği soru konusu edilmiştir. Davalaşmayı gerçekleştirecek olan özneler topluluğuna birlikte-varlık derken bununla neyi kastettiği ve birlikte-varlık ifadesini devraldığı felsefî yaklaşımdan ne şekilde yararlandığı ve ondan hangi bakımlardan ayrıldığı açıklanmıştır. Davalaşmanın eşitlik ve eşitsizlikle olan ilişkisi ve davalaşma yoluyla eşitlikteki eşitsizliğin görünür olma biçimi incelenmiştir. Buna göre eşitlik iddiasının politikanın başlangıcından itibaren var olduğu ve toplumun teşkilinden itibaren var olan bu eşitlik ağından kurtulmanın neden mümkün olmadığı ele alınmıştır. Bu minvalde, politik özneleşme sürecinde davalaşan birlikte-varlığın neden eşitlikçi bir toplum kurma iddiasında olmaması gerektiği açıklanmıştır.
Jacques Rancière is one of the most important figures of contemporary political philosophy. His works are positioned both within and against political philosophy. In this text, the question of what is the concept of litigation, which is the form of visibility of the political and how the litigation takes place, is questioned. It is explained what is meant by being-together to the group of subjects who will make the litigation. It is also clarified how it benefited from the philosophical approach from which it took over the expression being-together, and in what ways it was separated from it. The relationship between the litigation and equality/inequality was investigated. Also, the way in which inequality in the equality is visible through litigation is examined. Accordingly, it has been determined that the claim of equality exists since the beginning of politics and why it is not possible to get rid of this equality network that has existed since the formation of society. In this sense, it is clarified why the being-together, which litigates in the process of political subjectivity, should not claim to establish an equal society.
Thirsty Giant (2017), which enable natural forces, such as wind, sun, and rain, to become co-
creators of the artworks. Both installations are situated in relatively remote places where
creative dialogues can emerge with natural forces and the given physical environment. The artist
intentionally created what can be called semi-stable constructions for both of the works to make
visible and sensible the agency of natural forces and to explore how the human and “more-than-
human” agencies are creatively entangled in reciprocal relations. Thus, each installation unfolds
in an open-ended and autopoietic (self-creative) way as they entangle with the environment in a
sympoietic (co-creative) manner. Instead of mutually opposing aspects, I understand the
autopoiesis and sympoiesis as two sides of the very same event. To highlight this understanding,
I employ the combined term “auto-sym-poiesis” to study Aho’s works in this article. I argue that
agencies in nature and art are not isolated from the environment or each other. Instead, they are
creatively entangled in an indeterminate, continuously unfolding process of relationality.
In this inquiry, I foreground the notion of process autonomy that highlights the complex involvement of multiple human and non-human forces and fragments in the production process of an artwork. This kind of complex setting is always somewhat unpredictable, and hence what the work of art cannot be completely controlled by the artist alone; instead, the work of art will gain its own momentum. I propose that, in C, the performing artist and the charcoal suit become a more-than-human drawing agency.
Jacques Rancière çağdaş siyaset felsefesinin en önemli figürlerinden biridir. Onun çalışmaları hem siyaset felsefesinin içinde hem de siyaset felsefesine karşı olarak konumlanmaktadır. Bu metinde, siyasal olanın görünürlüğe çıkma biçimi olan davalaşma kavramının ne olduğu ve davalaşmanın nasıl gerçekleştiği soru konusu edilmiştir. Davalaşmayı gerçekleştirecek olan özneler topluluğuna birlikte-varlık derken bununla neyi kastettiği ve birlikte-varlık ifadesini devraldığı felsefî yaklaşımdan ne şekilde yararlandığı ve ondan hangi bakımlardan ayrıldığı açıklanmıştır. Davalaşmanın eşitlik ve eşitsizlikle olan ilişkisi ve davalaşma yoluyla eşitlikteki eşitsizliğin görünür olma biçimi incelenmiştir. Buna göre eşitlik iddiasının politikanın başlangıcından itibaren var olduğu ve toplumun teşkilinden itibaren var olan bu eşitlik ağından kurtulmanın neden mümkün olmadığı ele alınmıştır. Bu minvalde, politik özneleşme sürecinde davalaşan birlikte-varlığın neden eşitlikçi bir toplum kurma iddiasında olmaması gerektiği açıklanmıştır.
Jacques Rancière is one of the most important figures of contemporary political philosophy. His works are positioned both within and against political philosophy. In this text, the question of what is the concept of litigation, which is the form of visibility of the political and how the litigation takes place, is questioned. It is explained what is meant by being-together to the group of subjects who will make the litigation. It is also clarified how it benefited from the philosophical approach from which it took over the expression being-together, and in what ways it was separated from it. The relationship between the litigation and equality/inequality was investigated. Also, the way in which inequality in the equality is visible through litigation is examined. Accordingly, it has been determined that the claim of equality exists since the beginning of politics and why it is not possible to get rid of this equality network that has existed since the formation of society. In this sense, it is clarified why the being-together, which litigates in the process of political subjectivity, should not claim to establish an equal society.