University of Turku
Department of Media Studies
The blurred boundaries between producers and consumers and the increased centrality of user-generated content have been seen as characteristic of Web 2.0 and contemporary media culture at large. In the context of online pornography, this... more
Paasonen, Susanna, Slimy traces: Memory, technology and the archive. In Marita Mellais (ed.), Erkki Kurenniemi: A Man from the Future. Helsinki: Central Art Archives 2013, 32–56.
In discourses academic and popular, pornography stands for that which disturbs: it disturbs individual people, social norms, boundaries between the public and the private, various codes of appropriate behaviour and good taste. Feminist... more
Juhannuksena 2012 We Love Helsinki-kollektiivin avoimella Facebook-tapahtumasivulla käytiin kiivasta keskustelua heteronormatiivisuudesta, syrjinnästä, klubikulttuureista, suvaitsevaisuudesta ja suvaitsemattomuudesta. Viisi päivää... more