Publications by Christopher P . Gillett
The Oxford History of British and Irish Catholicism

in James E. Kelly and Hannah Thomas, eds., Jesuit Intellectual and Physical Exchange Between England and Mainland Europe, c. 1580 – c. 1773: The World is Our House? (Leiden: Brill)
This chapter explores Catholic political thought and activity concerning the interrelated issues ... more This chapter explores Catholic political thought and activity concerning the interrelated issues of religious pluralism and papal authority from 1644 to 1650—from the opening of peace negotiations in Westphalia ending the Thirty Years’ War, to the issuing of the papal brief, Zelo Domus Dei, condemning the ensuing agreement. During this period, Catholics residing in polities with Protestant rulers, including members of the Society of Jesus, undertook ambitious projects to secure political arrangements allowing them to enjoy liberty of conscience, while navigating their way around the papacy’s long-standing opposition to such permanent arrangements. Complicating this project was the priority that many of these Catholics still put on upholding the pope’s authority. The development of innovative applications for probabilism—a form of moral theology teaching that in moments of practical moral doubt an individual could justify a position with reference to a recognized authority, even if the weight of authoritative opinion was to the contrary—thus became particularly significant as a means of justifying religio-political positions that took into account the conditions in which Catholics, particularly in the Stuart Dominions and the Holy Roman Empire, had to live as they confronted the reality of a permanently confessionally divided world.
Perspectives on Europe, 2014
Book Reviews by Christopher P . Gillett
Journal of Jesuit Studies
Journal of Jesuit Studies
The English Historical Review, 2018
Invited Presentations by Christopher P . Gillett
Conference Presentations by Christopher P . Gillett
Publications by Christopher P . Gillett
Book Reviews by Christopher P . Gillett
Invited Presentations by Christopher P . Gillett
Conference Presentations by Christopher P . Gillett