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The goal of the Collaboratory for the Multi-scale Chemical Sciences (CMCS) [1] is to develop an informatics-based approach to synthesizing multi-scale chemistry information to create knowledge in the chemical sciences. CMCS is using a... more
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      Knowledge ManagementScience CommunicationKnowledge ExchangeDublin Core
Active Thermochemical Tables (ATcT) are a good example of a significant breakthrough in chemical science that is directly enabled by the U.S. DOE SciDAC initiative. ATcT is a new paradigm of how to obtain accurate, reliable, and... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsStatistical AnalysisQuantum Mechanics
The concept behind active thermochemical tables (ATcT) is presented. As opposed to traditional sequential thermochemistry, ATcT provides reliable, accurate, and internally consistent thermochemistry by utilizing the thermochemical network... more
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The Collaboratory for Multi-scale Chemical Science (CMCS) is developing a powerful informatics-based approach to synthesizing multi-scale information to support a systems-based research approach and is applying it in support of combustion... more
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      Cluster ComputingOpen SourceInformation FlowInformation Dissemination
In this paper we report our work on the integration of existing scientific applications using Grid Services. We describe a general architecture that provides access to these applications via Web services-based application factories.... more
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      Grid ComputingMiddlewareWeb ServiceLarge Displays
This paper presents an estimation of the quantity of carbon fixed in trees in a one hectare (ha) plot at the Cerro Pelado-Gamboa Hydrology Tropical Observatory, which is located in the province of Colon, Panama. The estimation of carbon... more
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      PharmacologyBioinformaticsEvolutionary BiologyPathology
Precipitation (P) Curve-Number (CN) relationships for different base flow ranges, obtained within the upper Chagres River watershed were applied to a 6.5 Ha microbasin located within the Panamá Canal watershed. These relationships... more
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Precipitation (P) Curve-Number (CN) relationships for different base flow ranges, obtained within the upper Chagres River watershed were applied to a 6.5 Ha microbasin located within the Panamá Canal watershed. These relationships... more
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      Curve NumberPrecipitation
This study elucidated the characteristics of climatological seasonal changes in the diurnal variations of precipitation at four ground stations in the upper Río Chagres basin in the Panama Canal watershed. The seasonal changes differed... more
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      MultidisciplinaryPLoS one
The goal of the Collaboratory for the Multi-scale Chemical Sciences (CMCS) [1] is to develop an informatics-based approach to synthesizing multi-scale chemistry information to create knowledge in the chemical sciences. CMCS is using a... more
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      Computer ScienceKnowledge ManagementScience CommunicationKnowledge Exchange
The goal of the Collaboratory for the Multi-scale Chemical Sciences (CMCS) [1] is to develop an informatics-based approach to synthesizing multi-scale chemistry information to create knowledge in the chemical sciences. CMCS is using a... more
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      Computer ScienceChemistryKnowledge ManagementScience Communication
In this paper we report our work on the integration of existing scientific applications using Grid Services. We describe a general architecture that provides access to these applications via Web services-based application factories.... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingGrid ComputingThermochemistry
The goal of the Collaboratory for the Multi-scale Chemical Sciences (CMCS) [1] is to develop an informatics-based approach to synthesizing multi-scale chemistry information to create knowledge in the chemical sciences. CMCS is using a... more
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      Computer ScienceChemistryKnowledge ManagementScience Communication
This work is focused on the detection of seepages caused by the affluent located in a small area of the Panama Canal Basin during the dry season, and to define the subsurface stratigraphy (Eocene sediments) that characterize this area... more
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    • Geology
Climate change could have a critical impact on the Republic of Panama where a major segment of the economy is dependent on the operation of the Panama Canal. New capabilities to do targeted research around climate change impacts on Panama... more
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By means of a recently customary nonparametric method future climate analogues were predictable for West South American capital cities. The nonparametric scheme showed in this research for identifying climate analogues can be applied for... more
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Developing countries are aimed to protect and expand their forests as a mitigation action to Climate Change. Tropical soils contain a 32% of the total amount of carbon stored in soils. With the incrementation of anthropogenic CO 2 in the... more
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In this article, we evaluate the impact of temperature and precipitation at the end of the 21st century (2075–2099) on the yield of maize in the Azuero Region in Panama. Using projected data from an atmospheric climate model, MRI-ACGM... more
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      Environmental ScienceClimatologySea surface temperatureAtmosphere
Plasticity in metallic glasses depends on their stoichiometry. We explore this dependence by molecular dynamics simulations for the case of CuZr alloys using the compositions Cu$$_{64.5}$$ 64.5 Zr$$_{35.5}$$ 35.5 , Cu$$_{50}$$ 50... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsMaterials ScienceAlgorithm
Soil CO2 fluxes from tropical forests into the atmosphere are expected to increase due to global warming. Studies of environmental conditions that contribute to carbon flux are now an important focus for climate change research. However,... more
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      Environmental ScienceCarbon CyclePanamaSoil Respiration