Papers by Abdur-Rahman Mohamed Amin

International journal of social science and humanity, 2014
The element of certainty or al-yaqin in the context of Islamic critical thinking deals with the I... more The element of certainty or al-yaqin in the context of Islamic critical thinking deals with the Islamic epistemology, which normally relates to the certainty of knowledge. This element is deemed as the highest criterion of an Islamic epistemological state of knowledge that is engaged in the critical thinking process as well as its aimed result. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the perception of Muslim engineering students in Malaysian higher education institutions towards the concept of al-yaqin as an essential element of Islamic critical thinking. The study employed a survey-based descriptive research and the data were analyzed using a descriptive analysis. A total of 557 Muslim engineering undergraduates from six Malaysian universities participated in this study. The findings revealed that Muslim engineering undergraduates in the Malaysian higher learning institutions have rather good comprehension and consciousness of the element of certainty or al-yaqin. It also revealed that the students' perception on the theoretical context is better than their perception in the methodological context of al-yaqin.

International journal of social science and humanity, 2014
The word "keling" in Malaysia has become a socially undesirable term and it has a derogatory conn... more The word "keling" in Malaysia has become a socially undesirable term and it has a derogatory connotation for Malaysians of Indian origin. Though the word existed in the Malay vocabulary since 15th century, there was an attempt to remove it from the Malay dictionary due to its negative connotations. Therefore, this study was conducted to analyze the images of "keling" amongst the Malays circa 14th to 15th centuries. The analysis on the discourse is to discover the semantics of the word "keling" in the 17 th century Malay epic Sulalat al-Salatin. From this study, it was found that the historical relationship between Malacca and "keling" started early than 15 th century. "Keling" played a very important role to help the administration of the Malacca Malay Empire. Generally, the word "keling" has been used mostly with a positive connotation in Sulalat al-Salatin.
Artikel ini menganalisis kandungan 47 pucuk warkah yang dikirimkan oleh Sultan Selangor, iaitu Su... more Artikel ini menganalisis kandungan 47 pucuk warkah yang dikirimkan oleh Sultan Selangor, iaitu Sultan Ibrahim sekitar penghujung abad ke-18 yang tersimpan dalam koleksi "Surat-surat Francis Light" (the Light Letters) dengan nombor rujukan MS 40320. Kesemua warkah ini merupakan manuskrip bertulisan jawi yang tersimpan

In the fifteenth century, the Malacca Empire emerged as the centre of Islamic civilization in the... more In the fifteenth century, the Malacca Empire emerged as the centre of Islamic civilization in the Malay Archipelago. The history had been recorded in Sulalat Al-Salatin, an important literary source about the genealogy of all Kings in Malacca. The objective of
this study was to analyze the understanding of sayings from Prophet Muhammad among Malays in Malacca during the fifteenth century through all of the hadith quoted in Sulalat Al-Salatin. This study used content analysis methodology to validate the sayings where all of them were critically analyzed and compared with the classical hadith sources from prominent Muslim scholars. As a result, only two out of the four quotations were considered as authentic sayings of Prophet Muhammad. This study also showed the importance of the palace as the centre of the Islamic education system and the role played by Muslim preachers from outside of Malacca to propagate Islam in

Melayu: Jurnal Antarabangsa Dunia Melayu, 2015
Sulalat us-Salatin merupakan salah satu adikarya dunia Melayu yang menceritakan asal usul ketamad... more Sulalat us-Salatin merupakan salah satu adikarya dunia Melayu yang menceritakan asal usul ketamadunan Melayu Melaka serta salasilah Kesultanan Melayu Melaka. Kajian ini telah dijalankan untuk menganalisis hadis Nabi Muhammad SAW yang tercatat dalam karya ini kesan daripada kemasukan Islam ke rantau Asia Tenggara. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kajian kualitatif yang menganalisis hadis daripada manuskrip Sulalat us-Salatin berdasarkan konteks penggunaannya pada zaman itu. Kekuatan hadis tersebut turut dinilai mengikut tahap kesahihannya. Hasilnya, hanya dua daripada empat hadis yang dicatatkan merupakan hadis sahih, satu daripadanya hadis yang lemah dan satu lagi bukan hadis yang bersumberkan daripada Nabi Muhammad SAW. Penggunaan hadis yang sahih dalam Sulalat us-Salatin membuktikan bahawa kewujudan pengaruh agama Islam yang kuat terhadap dunia kepengarangan alam Melayu meskipun dalam karya sastera sejarah.

Melayu: Jurnal Antarabangsa Dunia Melayu, Jul 4, 2019
Artikel ini menganalisis kandungan 47 pucuk warkah yang dikirimkan oleh Sultan Selangor, iaitu Su... more Artikel ini menganalisis kandungan 47 pucuk warkah yang dikirimkan oleh Sultan Selangor, iaitu Sultan Ibrahim sekitar penghujung abad ke-18 yang tersimpan dalam
koleksi “Surat-surat Francis Light” (the Light Letters) dengan nombor rujukan MS
40320. Kesemua warkah ini merupakan manuskrip bertulisan jawi yang tersimpan
di bahagian Arkib Perpustakaan School of Oriental and African Studies, University
of London. Warkah Sultan Ibrahim ini telah dikumpulkan daripada koleksi “Suratsurat
Francis Light” dan diatur semula susunannya mengikut tarikh yang tercatat
pada warkah. Warkah ini sebahagian besarnya memaparkan hubungan antara
Sultan Selangor, iaitu Sultan Ibrahim dengan Francis Light. Penganalisisan warkah
termasuklah cap mohor, isi kandungan dan penutup warkah. Kandungan warkah
menyentuh aspek politik, ekonomi, persenjataan dan urusan menunaikan fardu haji.
Warkah ini merupakan rujukan bertulis yang penting bagi sejarah negeri Selangor
kerana kandungannya yang memaparkan suasana politik, ekonomi dan sosial yang
berlaku di Selangor pada zaman pemerintahan Sultan Ibrahim berdasarkan sumber
daripada baginda sendiri.
At the time where electronic books, or e-Books, offer students a fun way of learning , teachers w... more At the time where electronic books, or e-Books, offer students a fun way of learning , teachers who are used to the paper text books may find it as a new challenge to use it as a part of learning process. Precisely, there are various types of e-Books available to suit students- knowledge, characteristics, abilities, and interests. The paper discusses teachers- perceptions on the use of ebooks as a paper text book in the classroom. A survey was conducted on 72 teachers who use e-books as textbooks. It was discovered that a majority of these teachers had good perceptions on the use of ebooks. However, they had little problems using the devices. It can be overcome with some strategies and a suggested framework.

In the fifteenth century, the Malacca Empire emerged as the centre of Islamic civilization in the... more In the fifteenth century, the Malacca Empire emerged as the centre of Islamic civilization in the Malay Archipelago. The history had been recorded in Sulalat Al-Salatin, an important literary source about the genealogy of all Kings in Malacca. The objective of this study was to analyze the understanding of sayings from Prophet Muhammad among Malays in Malacca during the fifteenth century through all of the hadith quoted in Sulalat Al-Salatin. This study used content analysis methodology to validate the sayings where all of them were critically analyzed and compared with the classical hadith sources from prominent Muslim scholars. As a result, only two out of the four quotations were considered as authentic sayings of Prophet Muhammad. This study also showed the importance of the palace as the centre of the Islamic education system and the role played by Muslim preachers from outside of Malacca to propagate Islam in Malacca.

Abstract-- The survival of almost all businesses is dependent upon the creation and utilization o... more Abstract-- The survival of almost all businesses is dependent upon the creation and utilization of new knowledge and it is therefore inevitable that knowledge needs to be shared. Knowledge sharing can be described as a series of processes that are adopted in order to help improve the overall performance of a community – whether corporate, small enterprise or localbased structures. The essence of knowledge sharing is to improve shared dialogue and communication between people within that community in order to encourage a more holistic approach which will consequently increase productivity. However, the sharing of information constitutes a major challenge in the field of knowledge management. One of the issues would be the existence of members of the community who do not share a common interest in sharing with others. This paper discussed some of the issues, problems and challenges pertaining to knowledge sharing

Melayu: Jurnal Antarabangsa Dunia Melayu, 2020
This article discusses the contents of 17 letters from Sultan Mansur Shah I, the Sultan of Tereng... more This article discusses the contents of 17 letters from Sultan Mansur Shah I, the Sultan of Terengganu, are preserved in the library of the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London with the reference number SOAS MS 40320. Written in Malay using Arabic script, these were sent between 1785 and 1794. The contents discuss the political history of Terengganu involving foreign relations with the Siamese and the British. The Siamese were a continuous threat to Terengganu, especially after the Siamese conquest of Patani in 1785. Therefore, Terengganu sought to establish diplomatic relations with the British East India Company to protect it from the Siamese invasion. However, the attempt was unsuccessful due to the East India Company’s principle of non-involvement in Malay affairs. In terms of economy, Terengganu had trade links with Palembang, which supplied pepper and tin, as well as with ports in Java and Borneo. Terengganu also had trade relations with China and ...

Selain terkenal sebagai pusat perdagangan, Pulau Pinang juga turut menyumbang kepada kelahiran to... more Selain terkenal sebagai pusat perdagangan, Pulau Pinang juga turut menyumbang kepada kelahiran tokoh-tokoh ulama dari kalangan rakyat tempatan. Antaranya ialah Haji Abdul Halim al-Hadi, seorang tokoh ulama dalam bidang hadis yang telah meninggal dunia pada tahun 1981. Nama tokoh ulama ini tidaklah semasyhur berbanding dengan tokoh-tokoh ulama yang lain dari Pulau Pinang seperti Abdullah Fahim, namun sumbangannya adalah amat penting kepada perkembangan ilmu hadis di Pulau Pinang dan negeri-negeri sekitarnya seperti Kedah dan Perak. Justeru, tujuan kajian ini dijalankan ialah untuk mengkaji tentang latar belakang kehidupan dan pendidikan beliau di Pulau Pinang dan seterusnya membincangkan sejauh mana sumbangan yang telah dilakukannya dalam bidang hadis melalui karya-karya beliau. Kajian ini banyak bergantung kepada kaedah kajian perpustakaan untuk mengkaji sumbangannya dalam bidang hadis melalui karya beliau yang terkenal iaitu kitab Tajdhib Atraf al-Hadith dan Ilham al-Bari Syarah Sahih al-Bukhari. Latar belakang kehidupan beliau turut dikaji berdasarkan metode temu bual dengan ahli keluarga beliau terutamanya anak dan cucunya serta masyarakat setempat yang mengenalinya. Hasilnya, kajian ini telah menunjukkan bahawa beliau merupakan tokoh ulama yang disegani yang telah memberikan sumbangan yang penting terutamanya dalam bidang hadis melalui penghasilan karya-karya beliau dalam bidang tersebut. Oleh itu, sewajarnyalah hasil kajian tentang tokoh ini dikongsi dan diketengahkan di kalangan masyarakat sebagai bukti bahawa Pulau Pinang turut berperanan dalam menyumbang kepada kelahiran tokoh-tokoh ulama di negara kita.

Sulalat Al-Salatin is an important written source to study about the Malacca’s Malay Empire in 15... more Sulalat Al-Salatin is an important written source to study about the Malacca’s Malay Empire in 15th century. The Islamization process was reflected in Sulalat Al-Salatin where the quotation of Quranic verses can be found. The aim of this study is to analyze all Quranic verses depicted in it through evaluation of the understanding of these verses among Malays. The references of the verses will be critically analyzed and compared with the interpretation from prominent Muslim scholars in Quran exegesis and how it was used in the Sulalat Al-Salatin. Consequently, the reason of using the verses can be understood and the correctness of using it in its context can be evaluated. As a result, it was found that all of the verses have been used in an appropriate context except one verse which was mistakenly quoted. Therefore, this study is important to understand the influence of Quran on classical Malay literature.
… Journal of Basic and …, 2011
... In Perak, Muhammad Idris bin Abdul Rauf al-Marbawi produced the most famous book related with... more ... In Perak, Muhammad Idris bin Abdul Rauf al-Marbawi produced the most famous book related with hadith entitled Bahr al-Madhi Li ... learn religious education in al-Azhar University and Mecca and spread the knowledge when they come back (Mohammad Redzuan Othman, 2001 ...

Sulalat us-Salatin merupakan salah satu adikarya dunia Melayu yang menceritakan asal usul ketamad... more Sulalat us-Salatin merupakan salah satu adikarya dunia Melayu yang menceritakan asal usul ketamadunan Melayu Melaka serta salasilah Kesultanan Melayu Melaka. Kajian ini telah dijalankan untuk menganalisis hadis Nabi Muhammad SAW yang tercatat dalam karya ini kesan daripada kemasukan Islam ke rantau Asia Tenggara. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kajian kualitatif yang menganalisis hadis daripada manuskrip Sulalat us-Salatin berdasarkan konteks penggunaannya pada zaman itu. Kekuatan hadis tersebut turut dinilai mengikut tahap kesahihannya. Hasilnya, hanya dua daripada empat hadis yang dicatatkan merupakan hadis sahih, satu daripadanya hadis yang lemah dan satu lagi bukan hadis yang bersumberkan daripada Nabi Muhammad SAW. Penggunaan hadis yang sahih dalam Sulalat usSalatin membuktikan bahawa kewujudan pengaruh agama Islam yang kuat terhadap dunia kepengarangan alam Melayu meskipun dalam karya sastera sejarah

KEMANUSIAAN The Asian Journal of Humanities
This article reviews the “acquisition” of Pulau Pinang by Francis Light and the East India Compan... more This article reviews the “acquisition” of Pulau Pinang by Francis Light and the East India Company (EIC) in the year 1786. The discussion centres on the contested history of Pulau Pinang and the collective memory of the Malays. It reveals discussions between Francis Light and the sultans of Kedah on the supposed “acquisition” and sometime leasing of the island to the EIC. It is based on doubts casted by R. Bonney in his 1971 book Kedah 1771–1821: The Search for Security and Independence. This is supported by legal history and the exchanges in the Light Letters between Light and two Kedah rulers. The letters are kept at the Archives of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. This article reveals that there is no agreement of 1786. However the landing of Light at Tanjong Penaga in 1786 has been legitimised in the historiography prompt and proper. Seen from the absence of any treaty, the “acquisition” of Pulau Pinang by the EIC in that year is treated as “ille...

KEMANUSIAAN The Asian Journal of Humanities, Nov 2021
This article reviews the "acquisition" of Pulau Pinang by Francis Light and the East India Compan... more This article reviews the "acquisition" of Pulau Pinang by Francis Light and the East India Company (EIC) in the year 1786. The discussion centres on the contested history of Pulau Pinang and the collective memory of the Malays. It reveals discussions between Francis Light and the sultans of Kedah on the supposed "acquisition" and sometime leasing of the island to the EIC. It is based on doubts casted by R. Bonney in his 1971 book Kedah 1771-1821: The Search for Security and Independence. This is supported by legal history and the exchanges in the Light Letters between Light and two Kedah rulers. The letters are kept at the Archives of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. This article reveals that there is no agreement of 1786. However the landing of Light at Tanjong Penaga in 1786 has been legitimised in the historiography prompt and proper. Seen from the absence of any treaty, the "acquisition" of Pulau Pinang by the EIC in that year is treated as "illegal".
The word "keling" in Malaysia has become a socially undesirable term and it has a derogatory conn... more The word "keling" in Malaysia has become a socially undesirable term and it has a derogatory connotation for Malaysians of Indian origin. Though the word existed in the Malay vocabulary since 15th century, there was an attempt to remove it from the Malay dictionary due to its negative connotations. Therefore, this study was conducted to analyze the images of "keling" amongst the Malays circa 14th to 15th centuries. The analysis on the discourse is to discover the semantics of the word "keling" in the 17 th century Malay epic Sulalat al-Salatin. From this study, it was found that the historical relationship between Malacca and "keling" started early than 15 th century. "Keling" played a very important role to help the administration of the Malacca Malay Empire. Generally, the word "keling" has been used mostly with a positive connotation in Sulalat al-Salatin.

Artikel ini membincangkan tentang kandungan 17 pucuk warkah kiriman Sultan Terengganu, iaitu Sult... more Artikel ini membincangkan tentang kandungan 17 pucuk warkah kiriman Sultan Terengganu, iaitu Sultan Mansur Shah I kepada Francis Light yang tersimpan di perpustakaan School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London dengan nombor rujukan SOAS MS 40320. Warkah bertulisan jawi ini telah dikirim sekitar tahun 1785 hingga tahun 1794. Kandungannya merangkumi politik Terengganu yang melibatkan hubungan luar dengan Siam dan Inggeris. Siam sentiasa mengugut untuk menyerang Terengganu terutamanya selepas Siam menawan Patani pada tahun 1785. Terengganu berusaha menjalinkan hubungan diplomatik dengan Kompeni Inggeris untuk melindunginya daripada serangan Siam. Namun begitu, usaha tersebut tidak berjaya disebabkan dasar tidak campur tangan Kompeni Inggeris. Dalam aspek ekonomi, Terengganu menjalin hubungan dagang dengan Palembang yang
membekalkan lada dan timah dan pelabuhan di Jawa dan Borneo. Terengganu turut mempunyai hubungan dagang antarabangsa dengan China dan India. Perdagangan Sultan Terengganu diuruskan oleh Saudagar Raja, iaitu Saudagar Nasruddin. Kapal-kapal Inggeris turut digunakan untuk menumpangkan bakal haji ke Mekah melalui pelabuhan di Pulau Pinang dan India. Warkah ini turut menceritakan jalur keturunan
Sultan Mansur Shah I yang berkait rapat dengan kesultanan Johor dan Patani. Keseluruhan kandungan warkah ini telah membantu memberikan maklumat yang lebih terperinci terhadap politik dan ekonomi kesultanan Terengganu pada hujung abad ke-18.

Abstrak Artikel ini menganalisis kandungan 47 pucuk warkah yang dikirimkan oleh Sultan Selangor, ... more Abstrak Artikel ini menganalisis kandungan 47 pucuk warkah yang dikirimkan oleh Sultan Selangor, iaitu Sultan Ibrahim sekitar penghujung abad ke-18 yang tersimpan dalam koleksi "Surat-surat Francis Light" (the Light Letters) dengan nombor rujukan MS 40320. Kesemua warkah ini merupakan manuskrip bertulisan jawi yang tersimpan di bahagian Arkib Perpustakaan School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Warkah Sultan Ibrahim ini telah dikumpulkan daripada koleksi "Surat-surat Francis Light" dan diatur semula susunannya mengikut tarikh yang tercatat pada warkah. Warkah ini sebahagian besarnya memaparkan hubungan antara Sultan Selangor, iaitu Sultan Ibrahim dengan Francis Light. Penganalisisan warkah termasuklah cap mohor, isi kandungan dan penutup warkah. Kandungan warkah menyentuh aspek politik, ekonomi, persenjataan dan urusan menunaikan fardu haji. Warkah ini merupakan rujukan bertulis yang penting bagi sejarah negeri Selangor kerana kandungannya yang memaparkan suasana politik, ekonomi dan sosial yang berlaku di Selangor pada zaman pemerintahan Sultan Ibrahim berdasarkan sumber daripada baginda sendiri.
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 2014
Papers by Abdur-Rahman Mohamed Amin
this study was to analyze the understanding of sayings from Prophet Muhammad among Malays in Malacca during the fifteenth century through all of the hadith quoted in Sulalat Al-Salatin. This study used content analysis methodology to validate the sayings where all of them were critically analyzed and compared with the classical hadith sources from prominent Muslim scholars. As a result, only two out of the four quotations were considered as authentic sayings of Prophet Muhammad. This study also showed the importance of the palace as the centre of the Islamic education system and the role played by Muslim preachers from outside of Malacca to propagate Islam in
koleksi “Surat-surat Francis Light” (the Light Letters) dengan nombor rujukan MS
40320. Kesemua warkah ini merupakan manuskrip bertulisan jawi yang tersimpan
di bahagian Arkib Perpustakaan School of Oriental and African Studies, University
of London. Warkah Sultan Ibrahim ini telah dikumpulkan daripada koleksi “Suratsurat
Francis Light” dan diatur semula susunannya mengikut tarikh yang tercatat
pada warkah. Warkah ini sebahagian besarnya memaparkan hubungan antara
Sultan Selangor, iaitu Sultan Ibrahim dengan Francis Light. Penganalisisan warkah
termasuklah cap mohor, isi kandungan dan penutup warkah. Kandungan warkah
menyentuh aspek politik, ekonomi, persenjataan dan urusan menunaikan fardu haji.
Warkah ini merupakan rujukan bertulis yang penting bagi sejarah negeri Selangor
kerana kandungannya yang memaparkan suasana politik, ekonomi dan sosial yang
berlaku di Selangor pada zaman pemerintahan Sultan Ibrahim berdasarkan sumber
daripada baginda sendiri.
membekalkan lada dan timah dan pelabuhan di Jawa dan Borneo. Terengganu turut mempunyai hubungan dagang antarabangsa dengan China dan India. Perdagangan Sultan Terengganu diuruskan oleh Saudagar Raja, iaitu Saudagar Nasruddin. Kapal-kapal Inggeris turut digunakan untuk menumpangkan bakal haji ke Mekah melalui pelabuhan di Pulau Pinang dan India. Warkah ini turut menceritakan jalur keturunan
Sultan Mansur Shah I yang berkait rapat dengan kesultanan Johor dan Patani. Keseluruhan kandungan warkah ini telah membantu memberikan maklumat yang lebih terperinci terhadap politik dan ekonomi kesultanan Terengganu pada hujung abad ke-18.
this study was to analyze the understanding of sayings from Prophet Muhammad among Malays in Malacca during the fifteenth century through all of the hadith quoted in Sulalat Al-Salatin. This study used content analysis methodology to validate the sayings where all of them were critically analyzed and compared with the classical hadith sources from prominent Muslim scholars. As a result, only two out of the four quotations were considered as authentic sayings of Prophet Muhammad. This study also showed the importance of the palace as the centre of the Islamic education system and the role played by Muslim preachers from outside of Malacca to propagate Islam in
koleksi “Surat-surat Francis Light” (the Light Letters) dengan nombor rujukan MS
40320. Kesemua warkah ini merupakan manuskrip bertulisan jawi yang tersimpan
di bahagian Arkib Perpustakaan School of Oriental and African Studies, University
of London. Warkah Sultan Ibrahim ini telah dikumpulkan daripada koleksi “Suratsurat
Francis Light” dan diatur semula susunannya mengikut tarikh yang tercatat
pada warkah. Warkah ini sebahagian besarnya memaparkan hubungan antara
Sultan Selangor, iaitu Sultan Ibrahim dengan Francis Light. Penganalisisan warkah
termasuklah cap mohor, isi kandungan dan penutup warkah. Kandungan warkah
menyentuh aspek politik, ekonomi, persenjataan dan urusan menunaikan fardu haji.
Warkah ini merupakan rujukan bertulis yang penting bagi sejarah negeri Selangor
kerana kandungannya yang memaparkan suasana politik, ekonomi dan sosial yang
berlaku di Selangor pada zaman pemerintahan Sultan Ibrahim berdasarkan sumber
daripada baginda sendiri.
membekalkan lada dan timah dan pelabuhan di Jawa dan Borneo. Terengganu turut mempunyai hubungan dagang antarabangsa dengan China dan India. Perdagangan Sultan Terengganu diuruskan oleh Saudagar Raja, iaitu Saudagar Nasruddin. Kapal-kapal Inggeris turut digunakan untuk menumpangkan bakal haji ke Mekah melalui pelabuhan di Pulau Pinang dan India. Warkah ini turut menceritakan jalur keturunan
Sultan Mansur Shah I yang berkait rapat dengan kesultanan Johor dan Patani. Keseluruhan kandungan warkah ini telah membantu memberikan maklumat yang lebih terperinci terhadap politik dan ekonomi kesultanan Terengganu pada hujung abad ke-18.