Papers by Rose Fine-Meyer
Textbooks and War, 2018
In this chapter, Fine-Meyer analyses a century of representations of the First World War in Ontar... more In this chapter, Fine-Meyer analyses a century of representations of the First World War in Ontario history textbooks. She identifies important structural continuities in textbook narratives of the First World War, showing that textbooks continue to avoid criticism of military action and to present the war effort as evidence of Canadian heroism, while marginalizing minority and dissenting voices. By comparing textbooks with contemporary Canadian historiography, Fine-Meyer demonstrates the extent to which textbook narratives have diverged from increasingly critical historiographical approaches to the war. In so doing, she illustrates how textbooks since independence have constructed the memory of the war as a unifying force for nation building.
Antistasis, Feb 19, 2013
That students come to history class with established notions of the past is well documented. Joce... more That students come to history class with established notions of the past is well documented. Jocelyn Letourneau (2006), in his research on young Quebecois students, and Keith Barton (2001), in his work examining students living in Northern Ireland, both demonstrate the ways in which collective memory can shape students' understanding of their past. This article draws on my work as an educator to reflect on the ways in which students' prior knowledge is bolstered by traditional textbook narratives and traditional pedagogical methods. These narratives and pedagogical methods enhance rather than broaden what students learn about war.
Becoming a History Teacher, 2014

Canadian Journal of Political Science, 2018
This study aims to determine: the requirements of disclosure of consolidated financial statements... more This study aims to determine: the requirements of disclosure of consolidated financial statements in accordance with PSAK 4 (Revised 2009) at PT. Mandiri Bank. Tbk. The method in this research is descriptive analysis and comparative analysis. Secondary Data in the form of Consolidated Financial Statement of PT. Mandiri Bank. Tbk As of December 31, 2012 and 2013. The results show that: (1) consolidated statement of financial position; (2) consolidated statements of comprehensive income; (3) consolidated statement of changes in equity; and (4) consolidated statements of cash flows of PT. Mandiri Bank. Tbk And Subsidiaries are in accordance with PSAK 4 (Revised 2009). The Company's parent in consolidating the financial statements of sharia-compliant subsidiaries refers to the Islamic Standard Accounting Standards and Accounting Guidelines for Indonesian Sharia Banking (PAPSI). The hypothesis in this studyisaccepted. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: persyaratan pengungkapan laporan keuangan konsolidasian berdasarkan PSAK 4 (Revisi 2009) pada PT. Bank Mandiri. Tbk. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis komparatif. Data Sekunder berupa Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi PT. Bank Mandiri. Tbk Per 31 Desember 2012 dan 2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) laporan posisi keuangan konsolidasian; (2) laporan laba rugi komprehensif konsolidasian; (3) laporan perubahan ekuitas konsolidasian; dan (4) laporan arus kas konsolidasian PT. Bank Mandiri. Tbk Dan Entitas Anak telah sesuai PSAK 4 (Revisi 2009). Entitas Induk dalam mengkonsolidasi laporan keuangan entitas anak yang bebasis syariah mengacu pada PSAK syariah dan Pedoman Akuntansi Perbankan Syariah Indonesia (PAPSI). Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini diterima. PENDAHULUAN Akuntansi merupakan disiplin ilmu yang sangat penting dalam sistem perekonomian baik ditingkat nasional maupun internasional, sehingga keberadaan akuntansi terus berkembang seiring kebutuhan entitas bisnis maupun non bisnis karena memang akuntansi dirancang dan dikembangkan mengikuti kebutuhan lingkungannya. Akuntansi hampir digunakan oleh seluruh kegiatan bisnis diseluruh dunia untuk mengambil keputusan sehingga disebut sebagai bahasa bisnis. Dari laporan akuntansi kita bisa melihat posisi keuangan suatu organisasi beserta

Historical Studies in Education / Revue d'histoire de l'éducation, 2017
The centenary of the beginning of the First World War has seen renewed global attention to the wa... more The centenary of the beginning of the First World War has seen renewed global attention to the war. A proliferation of scholarly works, commemorative public events, documentaries, and museum exhibits dedicated to the war ensured that the participating nations reaffirmed messages of service and sacrifice. The global response provides some insight into how nations crafted the memory of the war and the links made between remembrance and national identity. The Canadian War Museum, along with various state commemorations, encased the events of the war within narratives of heroism and sacrifice, most recently with the celebratory focus on the Battle of Vimy Ridge. This renewed interest in the war inspired this study, which explores how the war was portrayed in Ontario and Quebec history textbooks in the immediate post-war decades. This project argues that an analysis of both the textual narratives and the visual culture portrayed in history textbooks helps us better understand messages of...

Historical Studies in Education / Revue d'histoire de l'éducation, 2018
The topic of women and education has historically held a strong focus in the history of education... more The topic of women and education has historically held a strong focus in the history of education field. Feminist scholars brought together the fields of women's studies and the history of education. Their research examined the hierarchies embedded in the social structures of education departments. Such work left an important mark in the historiography of the field, but the focus on women and gender has dropped off in recent years. This is despite the fact that there is still a great deal of work that must be done to effect change. This article explores the stalled progress and even regression towards incorporating women’s histories and stories in schools. We provide a case study analysis of the history of curriculum reform in Ontario from the 1960s to the present to demonstrate that over the last five decades women’s issues have been squeezed into the margins of Ontario’s educational learning objectives and related policy initiatives. We conclude that to support a new wave of f...

Social movement activism throughout the 1960s and 1970s provided space for feminist concerns in a... more Social movement activism throughout the 1960s and 1970s provided space for feminist concerns in a variety of arenas. Women's movement activism and women's scholarship in history challenged the ways in which women’s experiences had been marginalized or omitted in school history programs and curricula. Women's organizations developed and broadened networks, created and published resources, and lobbied governments and institutions. Their widespread activism spilled into a range of educational circles and influenced history teachers in altering curricula to include women in course materials. Advocating for women, on a curricular or professional development level, however, was complicated because of entrenched neo-liberal systems in place within education institutions. Although the Ontario Ministry of Education and the Toronto Board of Education demonstrated clear support for a wide range of gender equity-
Bascia, Nina, Shasta Carr-Harris, Rose Fine-Meyer, and Cara Zurzolo, "Teachers, Curriculum Innovation, and Policy Formation," Curriculum Inquiry, 44(March, 2014), 228-248
Revue d’education/Education Review, ( September 2018), 2018
Suffrage history See also:

Historical Studies in Education / Revue d'histoire de l'éducation , 2018
The topic of women and education has historically held a strong focus in the history of education... more The topic of women and education has historically held a strong focus in the history of education field. Feminist scholars brought together the fields of women's studies and the history of education. Their research examined the hierarchies embedded in the social structures of education departments. Such work left an important mark in the historiography of the field, but the focus on women and gender has dropped off in recent years. This is despite the fact that there is still a great deal of work that must be done to effect change. This article explores the stalled progress and even regression towards incorporating women’s histories and stories in schools. We provide a case study analysis of the history of curriculum reform in Ontario from the 1960s to the present to demonstrate that over the last five decades women’s issues have been squeezed into the margins of Ontario’s educational learning objectives and related policy initiatives. We conclude that to support a new wave of feminist consciousness among young people women’s issues must become a mandatory and integral part of education. All women’s issues, ways of knowing, historical experiences, and justice movements must be central to curricular reform.

Historical Studies in Education / Revue d'histoire de l'éducation , 2017
The centenary of the beginning of the First World War has seen renewed global attention to the wa... more The centenary of the beginning of the First World War has seen renewed global attention to the war. A proliferation of scholarly works, commemorative public events, documentaries, and museum exhibits dedicated to the war ensured that the participating nations reaffirmed
messages of service and sacrifice. The global response provides some insight into how nations crafted the memory of the war and the links made between remembrance and national identity. The Canadian War Museum, along with various state commemorations, encased the events of the war within narratives of heroism and sacrifice, most recently with the celebratory focus on the Battle of Vimy Ridge. This renewed interest in the war inspired this study, which explores how the war was portrayed in Ontario and Quebec history textbooks in the immediate postwar
decades. This project argues that an analysis of both the textual narratives and the visual culture portrayed in history textbooks helps us better understand messages of nationhood in Canada. Through an examination of history textbooks that were approved in Ontario and
Quebec between 1920 and 1948, we seek to uncover what the the Ontario Department of Education, the Catholic church, and publishers felt were important for students in schools to remember about Canada’s participation in the war.

Curriculum Inquiry, 2014
ABSTRACT It is commonly understood that policy makers make curriculum policy and teachers impleme... more ABSTRACT It is commonly understood that policy makers make curriculum policy and teachers implement it. Some teachers, however, have been in on the ground floor of curriculum policy development. Driven by events in their life histories and teaching contexts, these teachers develop and teach original course material in their own classrooms. Over time they begin to work collaboratively on further course development, secure organizational support to ensure adequate resources and legitimacy to disseminate these new curricular forms, lobby for course acceptance by educational jurisdictions, and help establish course infrastructure such as teacher professional learning opportunities and textbooks. In other words, in some cases, teachers may participate actively in every stage of policy development and practice. This article discusses the phenomenon of teacher-driven curriculum innovation as a process of individual, social, and political evolution. It describes three cases of secondary-level courses developed by teachers in Ontario, Canada, and formalized in district or provincial policy. In doing so, the article extends the notion of teacher agency from its established arenas of classrooms and schools and into the realm of policy making.
Book Chapters by Rose Fine-Meyer
McGill-Queen's Press, 2018
An accounting of feminism’s effect on Canadian education policy and practice since the Royal Comm... more An accounting of feminism’s effect on Canadian education policy and practice since the Royal Commission on the Status of Women.
Papers by Rose Fine-Meyer
messages of service and sacrifice. The global response provides some insight into how nations crafted the memory of the war and the links made between remembrance and national identity. The Canadian War Museum, along with various state commemorations, encased the events of the war within narratives of heroism and sacrifice, most recently with the celebratory focus on the Battle of Vimy Ridge. This renewed interest in the war inspired this study, which explores how the war was portrayed in Ontario and Quebec history textbooks in the immediate postwar
decades. This project argues that an analysis of both the textual narratives and the visual culture portrayed in history textbooks helps us better understand messages of nationhood in Canada. Through an examination of history textbooks that were approved in Ontario and
Quebec between 1920 and 1948, we seek to uncover what the the Ontario Department of Education, the Catholic church, and publishers felt were important for students in schools to remember about Canada’s participation in the war.
Book Chapters by Rose Fine-Meyer
messages of service and sacrifice. The global response provides some insight into how nations crafted the memory of the war and the links made between remembrance and national identity. The Canadian War Museum, along with various state commemorations, encased the events of the war within narratives of heroism and sacrifice, most recently with the celebratory focus on the Battle of Vimy Ridge. This renewed interest in the war inspired this study, which explores how the war was portrayed in Ontario and Quebec history textbooks in the immediate postwar
decades. This project argues that an analysis of both the textual narratives and the visual culture portrayed in history textbooks helps us better understand messages of nationhood in Canada. Through an examination of history textbooks that were approved in Ontario and
Quebec between 1920 and 1948, we seek to uncover what the the Ontario Department of Education, the Catholic church, and publishers felt were important for students in schools to remember about Canada’s participation in the war.