University of Toronto
English Literature
| This article explores the relationships between fashion , glamour, celebrity, and Canadian literature, focusing specifically on Toronto, Canada. I argue for the value of "reading glamour" into Toronto's literature by examining how... more
There is a moment in reading Alice Munro's "My Mother's Dream" when one comes to suspect that the story is being narrated by a dead baby. This inkling describes a mode of participating in the story, becoming part of its affective world by... more
Emma Donoghue's 2010 novel, Room, is read as an allegory of parenting and as a brilliant account of the profoundly relational and ethical structure of subjecthood. This chapter draws on the work of Jessica Benjamin, D.W. Winnicott and... more
What does it mean to read a poem about anti-Blackness as ecopoetics? How do we account for the ecological in such a work? How does this kind of reading unsettle the notion that ecological literatures are tethered to the environment? These... more
Amidst the Renaissance celebration of amicitia, English women writers grapple with two ways that discourse falls short: its masculinity excludes female friendship, and its idealism passes over the imperfect realities of human... more
Scholars are increasingly able to demonstrate that Old Norse literature drew upon a rich and ancient tradition of ritualistic madness, along with its attendant violence, from Indo-European and possibly Middle-Eastern sources. The writers... more
This article examines the relationship between the Bonifatii et Lulli Epistolae (BLE) and the Vita Bonifatii auctore Willibaldo, adopting a literary perspective in order to consider how the differing agendas of the BLE and the Vita... more
This article examines liturgical language and motifs potentially interwoven with the Old English prose account of ‘St Andrew amongst the Cannibals’, located in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 198. The article traces in detail the... more
This article examines potential textual sources for the animal fylgja in fornaldarsögur and íslendingasögur. It compares fylgja-scenes in such sagas with possible analogues in scripture, bestiaries and the so-called Pseudo-Daniel in order... more
This article examines the inversion of incarnational dynamics and the apotheosis of the Human in Dante’s Inferno. Human in Dante’s Inferno. Specifically, it analyses and critiques the ways in which that inversion has been facilitated and... more
This article traces the development of the opus geminatum (a twinned pair of texts, one in verse, one in prose, treating the same subject) as this grows out of late antique literary practices surrounding the conversio (paraphrase) and as... more
This article examines three aspects of Augustine of Canterbury’s Libellus responsionum. Through recent scholarship it provides a summary of the Libellus’s textual context. It also clarifies the very contentious issue of just how familiar... more
This article traces the development of the opus geminatum (a twinned pair of texts, one in verse, one in prose, treating the same subject) as this grows out of late antique literary practices surrounding the conversio (paraphrase) and as... more
This paper takes up the Zapatista “Mother Seeds in Resistance” seed-preservation project as a case study for exploring the interconnections between contemporary biotechnology, biocultural diversity, and cultural institutions such as the... more